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Three cross-sectional data sets for the U.S. House of Representatives are analyzed for 1973 to 1978. The conclusions are: (1) Political support for environmental legislation has remained stable and has not diminished in the face of economic problems and energy shortages. (2) The East is the region most supportive of environmental issues while the South is by far the least supportive. (3) Clear partisan differences exist with the Democrats consistently more pro-environmental than Republicans. (4) The most important factor associated with environmental support is ideology. Although interrelated with party, it is more salient than either party or constituency factors. (5) Support for pro-environmental voting is strongest in urban and suburban constituencies and weakest in rural and mixed districts.  相似文献   

城市化进程中行政区划调整的类型、问题与发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在回顾和总结近30年来我国城市化进程中行政区划调整的过程、类型与特点的基础上,对国内学者关于城市化中的行政区划调整研究进行总结、梳理。行政区划调整在适应和促进近三十年来中国的城市化发展的同时,也存在相应的问题;在当前我国城市化进程中需要关注的主要问题包括市制改革、行政区划调整与城市规划耦合机制、行政区划调整与农村城市化、行政区划调整与城市群发展等四个方面;未来我国城市化中的行政区划调整研究的重点是理顺撤县(市)设区后的城市管理体制,市辖区范围调整,城市群的行政区划调整与管理体制,市制改革等方面。  相似文献   

Although the elderly population is increasing rapidly in all parts of Canada, the pattern of change is far from uniform. A number of properties of the aging process are strongly differentiated at the county and township levels, variations which have considerable significance for the design and implementation of social service and health care systems. Using data from the 1976, 1981, and 1986 Censuses for Ontario, components of change in the elderly population are obtained by cohort survival methods. The significance of rapid metropolitan growth of the elderly compared with the slow growth of the rural elderly is highlighted, while intra-county distributional shifts in the elderly population raise important questions for the next decade.
Quoique l'âge de la population augmente rapidement à travers le Canada, ce changement nes'opèrepas de façon uniforme. Certaines caractéristiques du processus de vieillissement sont vraiment differentes à l'échelle des comtés et des municipalités. Ces différences sont d'une grande importance lors de la création etde l'implantation des services-santé et des services sociaux. À l'aide des statistiques de recensement pour les années 1976, 1981, et 1986 pour l'Ontario, les facteurs de changement des populations de personnes âgées sont obtenus au moyen des paramètres de 'survie des groupes.' La signification du taux d'accroissement rapide des personnes â gés en milieu urbain comparé au taux d'accroissement plus lent de ces mêmes personnes en milieu rural est mise en évidence. Les variations de la distribution de cette population d'un comtéà I'autre soulèvent d'importantes interrogations pour la prochaine décade .  相似文献   

In this study, systematic movements in the composition of the Federal budget are studied, using a simple statistical structure which distinguishes trend, cyclical, and price-indexing phenomena. Using NIA data on budget expenditures and receipts, it is found that share movements on both sides of the budget are dominated by trends. Among expenditure categories, the shares of transfer programs show strong upward trends while the defense purchases share has beentrending strongly downward. On the revenue side, the shares represented by social insurance contributions and personal income taxes have been trending upward at the expense of corporateincome taxes and indirect taxes. Significant cyclical and price-indexing responsiveness is shown by several expenditure and revenue categories. A noteworthy finding is that the estimates show little evidence of structural change over 1947-1978, suggesting that the trend and otherforces found to be significant are not of recent origin but have been at work over the whole period.  相似文献   

In JAC 16 I have discussed the development of the House of the lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called "reforms of Urukagina" in Lagash and Girsu. That was the first part of my studies on the administrative texts from Girsu. In JAC 19 I have investigated, according to the donkey fodder rations which are recorded in the first part of the List of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (ξe-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), the sorts, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the last years of Urukagina and found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2nd month), the daily fodders and the number of various donkeys were greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Dina Vaiou 《对极》1992,24(4):247-262
The paper discusses the absence of gender from the analysis and understanding of urban development as a result of dichotomies, implicit or explicit, in much of urban research: private space vs public space, home life vs politics, domestic labor vs paid employment, reproduction vs production. It is argued that urban analysis and theorizing have focused almost exclusively on the latter part of such dichotomies, the one associated with men and masculinity. This is an emphasis on and valuation of the adult male's activities and experiences of urban development and a corresponding devaluation of the activities and experiences of women — thereby reproducing gender hierarchies and ways of thinking about them. To consider these questions, a historically and geographically specific context of urban development is presented: the municipality of Helioupolis in the Greater Athens area (Greece). This study helps explain how the boundaries of divisions and dichotomies are transcended in women's everyday lives; how women (and men) are not exclusively identified with either part of dichotomies; but also how dichotomies are often intensified — sometimes by perceptions and practices of women themselves.  相似文献   

蒋晓春 《考古学报》2008,(2):195-252
目次一墓葬形制分析二随葬品分析三三峡地区秦汉墓的分期三峡地区秦汉墓的发现最早可溯至1871年。此后经过长时间的沉寂,直到抗战期间各地高校和科研院所大量迁渝,在重庆掀起了一个发掘和研究秦汉墓的小高潮。其中比较重要的发现有:曾家岩求精中学(今重庆六中)、国立中央大学、江北培善桥、江北相国寺、  相似文献   

Time series for industrial production covering the period 1964 to 1984 for 16 countries of the oecd are analyzed in order to measure the trends in production and to study the diffusion patterns of cyclical fluctuations within the system. The dramatic growth at the beginning of the period is unequally distributed, favouring industrializing countries, such as Greece and Spain, as well as Japan, which joins the ranks of oecd leading nations during this period. Along with Germany, Japan becomes a key indicator of the system as a whole, its short term performance being highly correlated with most countries of the oecd, whereas that of the U.S.A. becomes quasi-isolated .
On a analysé les séries chronologiques de la production industrielle pour la péride 1964 à 1984 pour seize pays de l'ocde afin d'évaluer les tendances, et étudier la structure des variations cycliques au sein du système. La croissance vertigineuse au début de période s'avère inégalement distribuée, favorisant les pays en voie d'in-dustrialisation tels que la Grèce et l'Espagne ainsi que le Japon qui rejoint alors le rang des pays les plus impor-tants. C'est d'ailleurs le Japon qui constitue avec l'Alle-magne l'indicateur clé pour tous les pays de l'ocde, sa performance à court terme reflétant sensiblement la situation de l'ocde dans son ensemble, alors que celle des Etats-Unis apparat isolée .  相似文献   

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