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Over the past 15 years since China‘s Tibet (Chinese edition)was launched, we have received many letters from our enthusiastic readers.They have made comments and given us their constructive views. While we have received bouquets, we have also received “brickbats”, which, of course, we deem valuable for the improvement of our  相似文献   

As our understanding of the Qing empire and its various borderlands has evolved, so too have we come to appreciate China's early modem commercial sophistication. In recent North American studies of the Qing, the links between commerce and conquest have come under investigation, and we are increasingly urged to pay attention to merchants and merchant capital. But how should we understand the relationship between merchants and the Qing empire in the borderlands? This article surveys selected work on the borderlands and commercialization, primarily in the Northwest and Southwest. The goal is to initiate a more comprehensive discussion of how to understand the intersection of commerce and empire while also making some suggestions for ways that borderlands history might shape future work on China.  相似文献   

We have been covering Xigaze over the past 15 years since the commencement ofChina's Tibet. Through these reports we take our readers to that part of the world, introduc-ing them to the people there, the landscape and scenery. However,our reades wrote toexpress their hope to learn more about Xigaze.  相似文献   

During our talk with Danke, he suggested enthusiastically that we interview another person: "You've got to talk to him. He's been working tirelessly in Yushu for quite a few years, planning the new Yushu and new projects for it. Danke was talking about Deng Dong, Director of the Urban Planning and Design Institute of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD). The locals have given him the nickname "Mr. Nice of Yushu'.  相似文献   

Crossing the Sangsang Grasslands, Zongba Desert and high mountains, we reached the motherly lake of Mampang Yumco and went deep into the valley of Gangrenboqe. Six days after our stay in Xigaze, we finally got to Siquanhe Town, where the government of the Ngari Administrative Prefecture is located.It was dark when we arrived and we found our-  相似文献   

ver the past 15 years sinceChina's Tibet (Chinese edition)was launched, we have receivedmany letters from our enthusiastic readers.They have made comments and given ustheir constructive views. While we havereceived bouquets, we have also received"brickbat…  相似文献   

From February 5-25 this year, Chinese Tibetologists visited Canada, the United States andMexico. I was one of them.MEETING TIBETAN COMPATRIOTS IN CALGARYWe left Beijing for Calgary on the afternoon of February 5, but arrived in the Canadian city at noon of thesame day. We told ourselves we have flown from todayto yesterday.Soon after reaching our hotel, we were invited tomeet Tibetan compatriots. Some of them were thosewho left Tibet around 1959, and some others wereborn ab…  相似文献   

On August 22, 2004, we took the cross-country vehicle of Dorje and traveled around the roads of the Shannan region, cradle of Tibetan culture. Our car ran like the wind of the bituminous macadam surface.The broadleaf poplar and elm forests beside the roads were restful to our eyes.These new forests might have been planted when I first entered Tibet about 10 years ago. At that time, the Agricultural Ministry and UN Food and Agriculture Organization jointly invested in Tibet for Project 3357. In 1992, phase one of this project was completed and each investor came on an examination and acceptance visit. We also took the opportunity to carry out interviews.  相似文献   

People kept on study of faking the antique through thousands of years. As early as Song dynasty, people began the forgery of antique. This essay gives us a brief introduction of forgery technology in the restoration and copying of bronze wares, through which you may have a general idea of fake  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tens of thousands of people flocked to the Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected by the Palace Museum, an exhibition held in Beijing last May. Given the fact that many do not have a good understanding of Tibetan Bud-dhism, we hereby publish an introduction to these cultural relics written by Wang Jia-peng. a research fellow with the Palace Museum Research Institute.When thewholenation wascelebratingthe 50thanniversary of the peacefulliberation of Tibet Qn May…  相似文献   

When I was a child, Mother changed old hada scarfpresented to the portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong with new one before the advent of the Tibetan New Year. The portrait stood above the Tibetan cabinet in the central part of our house. My sisters and brothers, and I were brought togeth-er, and we were not sup-posed to speak while Moth-er did this with great respect."Mom, why should we do this every year?" I onceasked Mother."Son, he is none other than our savior," Mother told me.When I gre…  相似文献   

Benpa Township of Lhodrak County in Lhoka City,the Tibet Autonomous Region,is famous for possessing thousands of ancient watchtowers.When we came across Saldron and Zhou Jinsheng,the two were wandering hand in hand between these lofty wonders.Their smiles lit up everything around them in spite of the dusk falling over the land.  相似文献   

<正>The sky stretched out clear and bright above our heads as we approached the remote village nestled among the willows and fields high in the mountains.There was the laughter of children and the smell of butter tea as we arrived at the school we had arranged to visit,which was easy to spot with"Braille Without Borders"written conspicuously on a wall in three languages.  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet.The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique.However, this is what is described in written language.What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?We sincerely invite our readers and friends to visit in order to see Tibet with their own eyes and talk to our editors.  相似文献   

In our contemporary world, ecology-oriented research is especially prevalent among scholars. Horticultural research attracts more and more attention. This shows that people become concerned about their life style and begin to focus on the relation between man and nature. China has achieved impressive results in describing its own art of gardening zand made a considerable contribution to world gardening and life style choices. However, up until now, we have found that summaries concerning the characteristics of Chinese-style gardening are incomplete in that Tibetanstyle gLing-kas, with unique style and primitive content, have been ignored. Previous accounts related to the characteristics of the art of Chinese-style gardens are merely concerned about the characteristics of"Han-style gardens." The harmonious life-style between man and nature established by Tibetans through gLing-kas has not yet been widely recognized. Two centuries ago, world research into China and China's Tibet had a limited focus. We cannot deny that their research was extremely extensive.  相似文献   

1. The present situation and structure of the income of peasants and herdsmen Before tackling the topic of Tibetan peasants and herdsmen's increasing income, one should have an overall understanding of their income level and have a clear view of its structure and sources. Only by grasping this basic data correctly and accurately, can we form an objective and just conclusion that can be accepted not only by the academic circles but also the decision-makers.  相似文献   

Comparing Beijing and the Tibet Autonomous Region; one is the capital of China, but the other is the snowcapped plateau. Though they are far apart in distance (thanks to the countless mountains and rivers) they are also very close - only one day to reach each other. Years ago, the song "At the gold mountain of Beijing" sung by Tseten Drama, the famous Tibetan singer, in praise of the political and cultural center. Today, tens of thousands of Tibetans have formed one inseparable part of the many groups in Beijing embracing multiple cultures.  相似文献   

It was late August, and the weather already turned chilly on the grasslands of Changtang.In our project site we were guiding local villagers on how to build up fences around their sheepfolds and homes. This measure was necessary following the increasing records of human-wildlife conflict threatening the survival of wild bears in the region.  相似文献   

In 2004 we, with our colleagues, went to the Helanshan Ranges in Ningxia to conduct a rock-painting survey for more than a month. We were members of the Rock-Painting Research Center, Ethnology and Sociology College of the Central University for Ethnic Minorities. In the central and northern sections of the Helanshan ranges, we accidentally came upon quite a lot of "pagoda-shaped" rock paintings of the Xixia period (1038-1227). These rock paintings consist of two different types.  相似文献   

<正>Since the 1980s,tourism has become a worldwide commodity for consumption and an indispensable part of modern life.Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)with its unique geography and cultural landscape attracts annually thousands of tourists.The recent acceleration in the construction of Tibet’s infrastructure in the fields of highways and developed aviation transport,and especially by the opening of the 2006 Qinghai-Tibet railway,have new opportunities for tourism opened in Tibet,whose number of domestic and foreign tourists reached 8.5 million people in 2011,with a total tourism income of 9.5  相似文献   

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