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于红  穆林 《旅游》2007,(2):21-21
去迪拜旅游的游客一定会去撒哈拉沙漠,而去沙漠自然少不了在沙丘飞车。午后.去沙漠之前我将自己全副武装.全身擦了厚厚的防晒油.穿上长袖衣裤.带上可以遮挡半张脸的墨镜.在迪拜小伙的带领下开始了沙漠狂野之旅。从迪拜的市中心出发.我们的越野车急驶过街道两旁郁郁葱葱的树木.二十分钟后.两边视野所及的翠绿色逐渐被蔓延着纯净的金黄色所替代。车子停下.司机开始为车子的四轮放气.目的是增加轮子在沙漠里滚动时的受力面积.免得过度下陷。  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(3):131-150

Following a highly publicised expedition in the 1950s, the Tassili-n-Ajjer mountains of the Central Sahara (Algeria) were presented to the world as ‘the greatest museum of prehistoric art in the whole world’. Many of the claims of the expedition's leader, Henri Lhote, were misleading. A number of the paintings were faked, and the copying process was fraught with errors. The ‘discovery’ can only be understood within the political and cultural context of the time, namely the Algerian Revolution, France's attempt to partition Algeria, and the prevailing views of the Abbé Breuil, the archadvocate of foreign influence in African rock art. The expedition's methods caused extensive damage to the rock art while the accompanying looting of cultural objects effectively sterilized the archaeological landscape. Any restitution process must necessarily include a full recognition of what was done and the inappropriateness of those values.  相似文献   

拿到毛里塔尼亚签证的第二天,我乘飞机来到努瓦克肖特。从飞机上看,撒哈拉沙漠连绵浩瀚,整个毛里塔尼亚都像被掩埋在茫茫沙漠中。此行的目的地欣盖提是离首都努瓦克肖特还有600多公里的一座13世纪的古城。我们找好旅馆,租了辆越野吉普,第二天早晨便直奔古城欣盖提而去。欣盖提位于毛里塔尼亚的东部偏北的地方,从地图上看离马里的通布图古城很近了。欣盖提是撒哈拉沙漠古老的骆驼商队驿站城市之一,是沙漠商队的必经之地。17~19世纪间,欣盖提达到鼎盛时期,与瓦丹、  相似文献   

Systematic surveys and excavations were carried out during the 1990–1996 field seasons in the Tadrart Acacus and surrounding areas, shedding new light on the climatic changes and cultural dynamics which occurred during the Holocene. In this paper, the geological, geomorphological, and archaeological evidence is assembled in order to provide a preliminary synthesis on the prehistory of the area. Pendant les saisons de terrain du 1990 au 1996, des récognitions et fouilles systématiques ont été conduites dans le Tadrart Acacus et dans les zones circonvoisines; ces études ont donne des nouvelles information en ce qui concerne les changements climatiques et les dynamiques culturelles de cette région pendant l'Holocène. Dans ce papier, les évidences géologiques, géomorphologiques, et archéologiques ont été intégrées afin d'obtenir une synthèse préliminaire sur la préhistoire de la région.  相似文献   

Circular concentrations of stone fragments or pebbles occur widely in the Sahara, mostly on the great alluvial plains or along the foot of the escarpments. They are interpreted as fireplaces, but associated archaeological remains are usually scarce. More than 50 radiocarbon dates indicated that these features are of neolithic age, ranging fromca 9000 toca 3500 bp, with a maximum occurrence at 5800–5000 bp. In some regions they are extremely rare, elsewhere their density may exceed 30 per square kilometre. There are several reasons for attributing these fireplaces to neolithic cattle herders.
Résumé Il y a de nombreuses concentrations circulaires de fragments de pierre ou de galets au Sahara; ils se trouvent surtout dans les grandes plaines alluviales, ou le long du pied des escarpements. On les interprète comme des foyers, mais d'habitude on n'y trouve que très peu de restes archéologiques qui y sont associés. Plus de 50 datations au radiocarbone ont indiqué que ces sites datent du Néolithique, s'échelonnant deca 9000 àca 3500 bp, avec une forte concentration entre 5800 et 5000 bp. Dans certaines régions ces sites sont très rares, tandis qu'ailleurs leur densité peut être supérieure à 30 par kilomètre carré. Pour plusieurs raisons on attribue ces foyers à des pasteurs des boeufs du Néolithique.

The chapel tumulus is a type of north Saharan funerary monument that incorporates an internal sanctuary separate from the burial itself. The distribution and development of the various forms of chapel tumuli are described. Their furnishings indicate that they were built by the Getules, horsemen and nomadic pastoralists, over the period of a millennium from the fifth century BC to the fifth century AD. The deceased could be approached through the chapel in order to obtain premonitory dreams, a form of divination that is still a Berber and especially a Tuareg custom.
Résumé Un type particulier de monuments funéraires du Nord du Sahara a été nommé tumulus à chapelle en raison d'un aménagement architectural qui permet de pénétrer à l'intérieur sans cependant atteindre la sépulture. La répartition et les variations typologiques de ces monuments sont brièvement exposées. Ils ont été construits dans un territoire occupé par les Getules au cours d'un millénaire qui va du 5e siècle BC au 5e siècle AD. En se rapprochant du défunt par la chapelle, il était possible de s'endormir auprès de lui et d'obtenir des songes prémonitoires. Ces pratiques d'incubation ont encore cours chez les Berbères, surtout chez les Touaregs.

Recent research at the remote depression of Bir Tarfawi, in the hyperarid Eastern Sahara, has revealed a sequence of four, or possibly five, Pleistocene lake-episodes. The first lake was probably associated with a Late Acheulean and the remaining four with a Middle Palaeolithic, specifically with a Denticulate Aterian, industry. Lithostratigraphic, macrofaunal and microfaunal analyses have permitted a quite detailed reconstruction of the local environment during the periods of the last two lakes; during the period of the fourth lake, local rainfall may have beenca 600 mm per annum but was rather less during the time of the fifth lake. Investigation of some of the many associated archaeological sites is revealing a complex pattern of specialized site-types, including living-sites, primary and secondary workshops and primary and secondary butchery-sites. Specific types of sites are closely related to the local landscape. Preliminary analyses from several experimental methods of chronometric dating suggest that almost all of the sequence falls within the Middle Pleistocene.
Résumé Des recherches récentes dans la dépression isolée de Bir Tarfawi dans le Sahara oriental hyperaride, ont révélé une séquence de quatre, ou peut être cinq, épisodes lacustres au Pléistocène. Le premier lac est probablement associé à un Acheuléen final, et les quatre autres au Paléolithique moyen, et spécifiquement à une industrie atérienne denticulée. Des analyses de lithostratigraphie, de macrofaune et de microfaune ont permis de reconstruire d'une façon assez détaillée l'environnement local pendant les périodes des deux derniers lacs. Pendant la période du quatrième lac, la pluviosité locale était peut être deca 600 mm par an, mais elle était un peu moindre à lépoque du cinquième lac. Les recherches dans certains des nombreux gisements archéologiques associés nous révèlent un schéma complexe de sites spécialisés, y compris des sites d'habitat, des ateliers primaires et secondaires, et des lieux de dépeçage primaires et secondaires. Certains types de gisement sont étroitement liés au paysage local. Des analyses préliminaires par plusieurs méthodes expérimentales de datation chronométrique suggèrent que presque toute la séquence appartient au Pléistocène moyen.

This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr K. U. Leistikow on the occasion of his 60th birthday.The investigation of 320 charcoal samples from prehistoric sites in the Eastern Sahara furnishes evidence for a fundamental change of vegetation during the early and middle Holocene. Two ecological regions can be distinguished. In Egypt desert formations prevailed, consisting of the same vegetation elements as today though with a wider distribution, while in the Sudan tropical savannas occurred. Around 7000 bp the Sahelian vegetation zones were 500–600 km north of their present range, and 300–400 km around 5700 bp. The Sudanian flora of Fachi-Dogonboulo in Niger, datedca 7000 bp, points to a simultaneous shift of the vegetation zones in the Eastern and in the Central Sahara. With increasing desiccation from 5200 bp onwards, the savanna formations retreated to the south until their present position was reached by 3300 bp.
Résumé L'étude de 320 échantillons de charbons de bois provenants de sites préhistoriques du Sahara Oriental, met en évidence un changement important dans la végétation au cours de l'Holocène ancien et moyen. Deux régions écologiques peuvent être distinguées: en Egypte les formations désertiques étaient prédominantes, comprenant les mêmes éléments qu'aujourd'hui mais avec une plus large extension. A la même époche le Soudan connaissait une végétation de savanes tropicales. Autour de 7000 ans bp, la zone de végétation sahélienne se situait à 500–600 km plus au nord de sa limite actuelle, et vers 5700 ans bp elle était encore à 300–400 km. La flore soudanienne de Fachi-Dogonboulo, Niger, datée de 7000 ans bp, indique un déplacement simultané des zones de végétation au Sahara Oriental et Central. Sous l'effet d'un assèchement croissant à partir de 5200 ans bp, les formations de savane se sont retirées vers le sud, jusqu'à atteindre leur situation actuelle vers 3300 ans bp.

In this article, Jeremy Keenan analyses the recent spate of 'westerners' taken hostage in the Sahara, reportedly by Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The article, drawing on Keenan's earlier analyses of some three dozen hostage-takings in the region since the launch of the US 'War on terror' in the region in 2003, raises questions about the extent to which AQIM is associated with the Algerian and other regional intelligence services; the extent to which western intelligence services have been compromised by their wider geo-political and commercial interests and their attempts to manipulate AQIM; and the ethical dilemmas facing anthropologists working in such regions as to how they should position themselves in the interface between anthropology and intelligence.  相似文献   

Kenza Yousfi 《对极》2023,55(6):1943-1965
Since 2018, domestic Saharawi houses in occupied Western Sahara have become tactical sites for organising dissent. The move to interior spaces came as a collective retreat from the city's public plazas. This retreat from extravagant plazas illustrates that the turn toward interior spaces was a tactic in front of destructive occupation power rather than a withdrawal. This article explores Saharawi spatial production of dissent under two different political moments. I ask, what spaces of dissent do people under occupation animate when the city is mobilised against them? This paper is based on ethnographic engagement with encounters between Saharawis and Moroccan security forces that led Saharawis to construct the house as its own public. I demonstrate interiorising the exterior by analysing homes’ terraces as the new space of urban dissent in the Western Sahara. As such, the terrace appears as a new space and a new tool of and in urban insurgency.  相似文献   

The rock art of the central Sahara was created out of the beliefs, traditions and experiences of the engravers and painters. The animal engravings of the Wadi al-Ajal in south-western Libya are used to isolate some of the environmental and cultural/symbolic components that make up the pictorial record. A comparison between the depicted animals and the faunal remains recovered in the area identifies a number of characteristics. The engraving repertoire is dominated by a small number of frequently depicted animals that were of symbolic or economic importance to the engravers. Rare and singular depicted species extend this record to a diverse species spectrum. Although a preferential depiction of herbivores is evident in the data, there is a close match between faunal record and engravings which shows that all larger animals (over ca. 10 kg) that were present in the area were also depicted. The selection of animals in the rock art appears to reflect their visibility in the landscape while also providing a record of changing climatic conditions from savanna to desert habitats. The rock art therefore provides an indirect record of the local environment while also capturing the engravers' perception of animals and landscape.  相似文献   

The Aterian has a huge geographic extension covering all North Africa, although it was not supposed to exist in the mountain ranges of the central Sahara. Its chronological context is not yet definitively determined and it is still difficult to say whether the Aterian tools are technological, typological, functional, or chronological markers. Recent surveys and excavations at Uan Tabu and Uan Afuda, two rock-shelters located in the central Tadrart Acacus, provide the first chronological, environmental and archaeological indications on this Late Pleistocene human occupation in the area. The lack of organic matter led us to perform OSL and TL analyses on sand. L'Atérien a une énorme extension géographique qui couvre tout le Nord de l'Afrique, tandis qu'on ne pensait pas qu'il existait dans les montagnes du Sahara central. Son contexte culturel n'est pas définitivement déterminé et il est encore difficile de dire si les instruments atériens sont des indicateurs téchnologiques, typologiques, fonctionels ou culturels. Reconnaissances et fouilles récentes à Uan Tabu et Uan Afuda, deux abris situés dans l'Acacous central, fournissent les premières indications sur la chronologie, l'environnement et l'archéologie de l'Atérien dans la région. L'absence de la substance organique, nous a porté à faire des déterminations OSL et TL sur les sables.  相似文献   

An exploratory multivariate analysis is presented of 64 Early Stone Age tool-assemblages from sub-Saharan Africa. The results generally confirm, but contribute significantly to understanding, the conventional division of these assemblages between Oldowan, Karari, Early Acheulian and Acheulian industrial groupings. The distinction between Oldowan and Developed Oldowan is shown to be less clearly defined.
Resumé L'auteur présente une analyse tentative à plusieurs variables de 64 groupes d'outils de l'Age de la Pierre Ancien en Afrique méridionale. Les résultats confirment en général—mais aussi contribuent considérablement à comprendre—la division conventionnelle de ces ensembles entre les groupements industriels de l'Oldowayen, le Karari, l'Acheuléen ancien et l'Acheuléen. La différence entre l'Oldowayen et l'Oldowayen évolué se montre moins clairement définie.

Food production originated in various ways in different parts of the world. Plant domestication with the adoption of agriculture has been successful in some areas, but not in others, where animal domestication with nomadic pastoralism proved to be more effective. Likewise, the preceding phases of pre-adaptation and development of a broad spectrum of wild resource exploitation followed different pathways, according to the locally available resources, climatic and geographic conditions, and social organizations. Northern Africa greatly contributed to the understanding of the origin of food production under preconditions that differed from those in the Fertile Crescent. Apart from a narrow strip along the Nile valley, northern African lands are arid and scarcely productive for agriculture. Nevertheless, early studies interpreted northern African archaeological records of the Early and Middle Holocene according to the traditional north-western Mediterranean and Near Eastern frames of reference. Consequently, terms such as Epipalaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic were uncritically applied to northern African contexts. This paper compares and discusses the evidence for food production in the Near East and northern Africa, considering the question of introduction or local breeds of domesticated animals in the Maghreb and the Sahara. It then reviews the relevant data for long-held diffusionist models of pastoralism into Africa to provide a different perspective and the proper means of interpretation of the northern African archaeological records. Finally, it examines some recent findings from the Tadrart Acacus, in the Libyan Sahara, which contribute to clarification of distinctive African pathways and propose an alternative model for the beginnings of food production.  相似文献   

The Atlantic coast of the Sahara Desert was belatedly colonised by Spain. The paternalistic nature of this process and the collaboration of Sahrawi tribal leaders produced a specific type of colonial relations. The military hierarchy of colonial structures overlapped with the social stratification of Sahrawi tribes. Yet outside the upper echelons of Sahrawi authorities and Spanish military officers, daily life in the colony was defined by interactions among workers who performed the less lucrative jobs, Spanish immigrants from the Canary Islands as well as members of the indigenous population. Given their similar social status, four decades after the Spanish decolonisation (1975), we can still recognise the feelings that Sahrawi people inspire among Canarian returnees and the Sahrawis’ recollections of Canarian settlers, proving that colonial relations are never simple but ambivalent and open to new interpretations, especially when they intersect with other categories such as social class. Informed by postcolonial studies, our analysis of in-depth interviews conducted in the Canary Islands and the Sahara over the last ten years reveals the affective bond shared by colonisers and colonised at the bottom of the social hierarchy, allowing us to identify colonial memory as a cornerstone of social and cultural geography.  相似文献   

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