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Structural Determinism in the Interlocking World City Network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taylor's interlocking specification of the world city network has offered researchers a theoretically informed way to measure the world city network using readily available firm location data. However, the number and size of firms that are viewed as linking cities to one another impose a form of structural determinism on the world city network. Specifically, when a relatively small number of firms is used to define a network among a relatively large set of cities, or when only larger firms are used, this approach is unable to reveal a wide range of structures features that may actually be present in the world city network it is intended to measure. Through a series of examples, I demonstrate how specific features of firm location data predetermine the structure, number and size of cliques, and density of world city networks derived using the interlocking approach. Concluding comments discuss the implications of this structural determinism by focusing on the case of the commonly used Globalization and World Cities data set 11, offer some suggestions concerning how the interlocking approach can be employed while avoiding structural determinism, and identify some alternative approaches to mapping the world city network. El modelo interconexión cerrada (interlocking) de la red mundial de ciudades (world city network) desarrollado por Taylor (2001) ha proporcionado a los investigadores un marco teórico para medir dicha red con datos fácilmente disponibles acerca de la localización de empresas. Sin embargo, el número y tamaño de las empresas que son consideradas como ‘vinculadoras’ (de ciudades) imponen una forma de determinismo estructural sobre la red. En concreto, cuando un número relativamente pequeño de firmas es utilizado para definir la red entre un conjunto relativamente grande de ciudades, o, cuando sólo se utilizan las empresas más grandes, este enfoque (interlocking) no es capaz de identificar o medir una amplia gama de características estructurales presentes potencialmente en la red de ciudades mundiales. A través de una serie de ejemplos, el autor demuestra cómo varias características específicas de los datos de localización de las empresas predeterminan la estructura, número y tamaño de los cliques y la densidad de las redes de ciudades mundiales resultantes de la aplicación de modelos de interlocking. Luego el autor presenta las implicancias del determinismo estructural mencionado, centrándose en el caso la base de datos de uso común GaWC # 11. Finalmente el articulo ofrece algunas sugerencias sobre cómo el enfoque de interlocking puede ser empleado sin caer en un determinismo estructural, y se identifican algunos enfoques alternativos para el mapeo de la red mundial de ciudades. 泰勒(2001)采用相对容易获得的公司地理位置数据提出的世界城市网络连锁度量方法,为研究者提供了一种理论途径。然而,将公司的数量和规模视为城市之间的联接是一种强加的世界城市网络结构决定论形式。特别是当用数量相对较少的公司或仅用大公司的数量来定义相对较大的城市网络集时,该方法不能揭示目前实际情况中大范围世界城市网络需要度量的结构特征。通过一系列的案例分析,本文显示了公司区位数据的特有特征预先决定了集团的结构、数量和规模,以及由泰勒的连锁方法推导出世界城市网络的密度。最后,通过曾被广泛采用的GaWC(全球化和世界城市)数据集的11个城市公司数据讨论了结构决定方法的应用,并就应用该方法如何避免结构决定论提出一些建议,进而识别一些可选用的方法来绘制世界城市网络图。  相似文献   

Public management and policy scholars have empirically demonstrated that in complex policy arenas, governments depend on the collaboration of policy actors outside their direct control to produce needed goods and services. Government‐sponsored shared‐cost programs are one of the premier mechanisms to foster such cooperation, yet little is known about the inner patterns of participation in such programs and whether they are conditional on specific resource needs that partners may have. In this article, I study the participation of organizations in projects seeking funds from the Cooperative Funding Initiative, a program sponsored by the Southwest Florida Water Management District that finances projects dealing with the management of water resources. Through the estimation of a series of Exponential Random Graph Models in the networks that form when organizations participate in projects (two‐mode networks), I show that centralization around popular organizations results in greater bridging network capital, which facilitates the flow of nonoverlapping information from project to project. I analyze the implications of these findings and discuss how the formation of these bridging structures may enhance the capacity of the program to find innovative solutions to the problems the projects are designed to deal with.  相似文献   

Baseline models have been used in the analysis of social networks as a way to understand how empirical networks differ from “random” ones. For the purposes of social network analysis, a “random” network is one chosen—at random—from a population of possible graphs derived from a given generating function. Although these principled hypothesis tests have a long history, many of their properties and extensions to multiple data structures—here, specifically two‐mode data—have been overlooked. This article focused on applications of different baseline models to two data sets: donations and voting of the 111th U.S. Congress, and organizations involved in forums on watershed policy in San Francisco, USA. Tests using each data set, but with different baseline reference distributions, will illustrate the range of possible questions baseline models can address and the differences between them. The ability to apply different models and generate a constellation of results provides a deeper understanding of the structure of the system.  相似文献   

This study explores how a scientist's location in science‐based policy networks can affect her policy‐oriented behaviors. In particular, we hypothesize that those scientists who fill structural holes in their networks will be more likely than others to engage in policy‐oriented behaviors. The network data are defined by scientists' coauthorship on policy documents regarding climate change in the Great Lakes. We employ a two‐mode network analysis to identify clusters of scientists who coauthored similar documents, and relative to those clusters, we identify those who fill structural holes by bridging between clusters. We find that those scientists who bridged between clusters were more likely to engage in policy‐oriented behaviors of policy advocacy and advising than were others in the network. This is an example of a link between network location and policy‐oriented behavior indicative of the broader phenomenon of how individuals exert agency, given structural constraints.  相似文献   

The ability to use the amenities or other characteristics of a location may be a function of the length of time a household has resided in the location. We explore the implications of the hypothesis that the enjoyment of regional amenities depends on the accumulation of amenity‐specific human capital. We establish that the interaction of this human capital with regional wage rates determines life‐cycle locational trajectories. The model explains the timing of moves in the working and retirement periods of life as well as observed heterogeneity in household behavior. Small differences between households may result in dramatically different life‐cycle behavior.  相似文献   

I do not treat cities as agents. I do not claim to be an alchemist. I do not consider my original illustrative data set to be an adequate basis for discussing actual intercity relations. Theoretical elaboration was not part of the remit of my original paper.  相似文献   

Martín Arboleda 《对极》2016,48(2):233-251
This paper proposes extending Urban Political Ecology's (UPE) ideas about the urbanisation of nature in order to include the geographical imprints of expanding, global metabolic flows of matter, energy and capital. It does so through the analysis of Huasco, a small agricultural village in northern Chile that has been overburdened with massive energy undertakings aimed at powering the operations of mines that supply raw materials to international markets. Like the sewage and technological networks that feed the life of cities, the paper argues that Huasco—as a metabolic vehicle of planetary urbanisation—has also been hidden from view, and thus the fetishisation of urban infrastructural networks initially theorised by UPE, has been ratcheted‐up to the global level by the mediating powers of neoliberalising capitalism. Just as the socio‐material arrangements that facilitate the smooth functioning of the modern city and household are riddled with glitches and exclusions, the paper suggests that globally up‐scaled infrastructures reveal even larger contradictions that put into jeopardy the very premises upon which the ongoing commodification of nature is grounded.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence for the use of prehistoric loom‐woven, tabby fabric (made by plain warp and weft technique) in the construction of pottery. Ancient potters from the steppe regions of central Asia through to Anatolia and in some parts of Europe sometimes built their wares aided by old fragments of cloth and basketry, which left impressions on and in the walls of their vessels. In the highlands of eastern Turkey at the site of Sos Höyük and at Chobareti, in Georgia, the impressions on Early Bronze Age pottery include an array of textiles and, notably, what appears to be the earliest known evidence for two‐needle knitting and for the continued use of the single‐element, cross‐knit looping (also known as Coptic ‘nalbinding’) made using an eyed‐needle, a craft which has been found in Pre‐Pottery Neolithic contexts of the Levant. Various basketry techniques are also represented.  相似文献   

By utilizing today's web‐based technologies, people can act as sensors and share their perceptions, emotions and observations in a variety of data forms, such as images, videos, texts, Global Positioning System (GPS) trajectories and maps. These forms are collectively called user‐generated content (UGC). These data are in different domains and have a multi‐modality nature. Although recent efforts have probed the acquisition of local knowledge by using single‐domain UGC data in specific applications, such efforts have not thus far presented a model considering multi‐domain UGC specifically to enrich road network data. This article aims at presenting such a model wherein, with the help of each data domain of UGC, one aspect of people knowledge about the road segment is obtained. These different aspects of knowledge are integrated using a Skyline operator to support multi‐criteria route finding. We name this model ERSBU (enriching road segments based on UGC). In ERSBU, road segments are basic spatial units, and their subjective properties have been extracted by using available UGC. The scenic score for each road segment was computed by using geo‐tagged Panoramio photos. The accessibility level of each road segment to different facilities was calculated based on data captured from Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap. Moreover, for measuring the movement popularity of each road segment, Wikiloc and Everytrail GPS trajectories were utilized. For the implementation of the ERSBU model, Tehran region 6 was considered the case study area. The Evaluation of the results proved that road segments that achieved a high score based on knowledge extracted from UGC also mostly gained top scores by analyzing traditional maps. ERSBU allows users to accomplish more‐qualitative path finding by considering the multi‐view characteristics of road segments.  相似文献   

选择华商与韩商大会作为个案,运用比较研究的方法,对华商网络与韩商网络的运营机制及其特征进行了阐述和分析。韩商大会与华商大会是两个最具规模的离线网络协力系统,在强化网络成员之间的联系与沟通乃至在构筑民族共同体方面具有十分重要的意义。两个大会在会议周期、运营体系和世界性影响力方面又具有很大差异。  相似文献   

This study focuses on integration processes in European Research and Development (R&D) by analyzing the spatiotemporal dimension of three different R&D collaboration networks across Europe. The studied networks cover different types of knowledge creation, namely project‐based R&D networks within the European Union (EU) Framework Programmes (FPs), co‐patent networks, and co‐publication networks. Integration in European R&D—one of the main pillars of the EU Science Technology and Innovation policy—refers to the harmonization of fragmented national research systems across Europe and to the free movement of knowledge and researchers. The objective is to describe and compare spatiotemporal patterns at a regional level and to estimate the evolution of separation effects over the time period 1999–2006 that influence the probability of cross‐region collaborations in the distinct networks under consideration. The study adopts a spatial interaction modeling perspective, econometrically specifying a panel generalized linear model relationship, taking into account spatial autocorrelation among flows using eigenfunction spatial filtering methods. The results show that geographical factors are a lower hurdle for R&D collaborations in the FP networks than in co‐patent networks and co‐publication networks. Furthermore, it is shown that the geographical integration is higher in the FP network.  相似文献   

The hub location problem has been widely used in analyzing hub‐and‐spoke systems. The basic assumption is that a large number of demands exist to travel from origins to destinations via a set of intermediate transshipment nodes. These intermediate nodes can be lost, due to reasons such as natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, labor strikes, and intentional attacks. This article presents a hub interdiction median (HIM) problem. It can be used to identify the set of critical facilities in a hub‐and‐spoke system that, if lost, leads to the maximal disruption of the system's service. The new model is formulated using integer linear programming. Special constraints are constructed to account for origin‐to‐destination demand following the least‐cost route via the remaining hubs. Based on the HIM problem, two hub protection problems are defined that aim to minimize the system cost associated with the worst‐case facility loss. Computational experiment results are presented along with a discussion of possible future work. El problema de la ubicación de la central (hub) ha sido ampliamente analizado para el caso de los sistemas de sistemas radiales (hub‐and‐spoke). La presunción inicial es que existe un gran número de demandas que viajan desde puntos de origen hasta sus puntos de destino a través de un set de nodos intermedios de trasbordo. Estos nodos intermedios pueden perderse por diferentes motivos, como desastres naturales, brotes de enfermedades, huelgas de trabajadores, o ataques intencionales. Este artículo presenta un problema de tipo mediana de interdicción de hub, conocido como hub interdiction median‐HIM. Puede usarse para identificar un set de instalaciones críticas de un sistema tipo hub‐and‐spoke que, si se pierde, conduce a la máxima interrupción del servicio del sistema. El nuevo modelo se ha formulado utilizando programación entera lineal, (integer linear programming‐ILP). El modelo construye restricciones especiales para dar cuenta de la demanda de “origen‐a‐destino” (O‐D), siguiendo la ruta de menor costo, a través de los hubs restantes. Basándonos en el problema de HIM, se definen dos problemas de protección de hub que buscan minimizar el costo asociado al peor caso posible de pérdida de instalaciones. Se presentan además, resultados de experimentos computacionales, así como a una discusión sobre posibles futuros trabajos en la materia. 枢纽区位研究已广泛应用于中枢辐射型系统分析,其基本假设条件为起始点到目的地之间存在大量旅行需求的中间转运节点。但自然灾害、突发疾病、劳务罢工和蓄意攻击等因素可能导致中间转运节点的丧失。本文提出了一种枢纽封闭中心模型(HIM),可用于识别中枢辐射型系统的重要节点,一旦这些节点丧失,将导致整个系统服务最大程度的瓦解。新模型通过整数线性规划公式建立。模型特殊约束条件的建立基于最小成本路径通过余下枢纽的花费来解释始发到目的地( origin‐to‐destination)需求量。基于HIM问题,双枢纽保护问题被定义为旨在最小化系统花费及其与之关联的最坏情况下节点丢失问题。最后,根据计算的经验结果讨论未来可能深入的研究。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):143-152

This essay takes up Dan Barber's challenge to think Christian theology non-analogically. It does so by re-affirming and re-conceiving transcendence according to a kind of apocalyptic exigence. Apocalyptic transcendence, it is argued, occurs according to a mode of action that is irreducible either to the univocal production of pure immanence, or to the analogical mediation of transcendence within immanence. Rather, apocalyptic transcendence is operative as a mode of action by which immanence is suspended and the territorial conceptions of this-worldly sovereignty are denied. Through engagement with the work of John Howard Yoder, it is argued that apocalyptic thus gives way to doxology as that mode of engaged and embodied action that alone exceeds the presumed need for effective ontological production.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):167-176

It is argued here that the Christian doctrines of Trinity and creation make imperative the notion of "mediation" as God's mode of existing in himself and toward us, as well as our mode of existence in God's grace. This is the case in Saint Thomas's account of grace, and it is also the basic configuration of Sergei Bulgakov's sophiology. Josh Davis's understanding of grace, by opting for immediacy as our mode of dependence on God, ultimately fails to give a full account of human cooperation, and in so doing establishes a competitive relation between human and divine agency.  相似文献   

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