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Geographic thought: a critical introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper considers how small area variations in a set of psychiatric referral outcomes in a London health authority of 750,000 people may inform health need assessment and health resourcing for mental illness based on true need. As well as adopting a multivariate perspective, the spatial interdependence of the outcomes is included in the modelling approach outlined. By contrast, existing studies on mental health need tend to focus on single outcomes, and may not include spatial dependence. The analysis relates to three hospital referral outcomes for psychiatric conditions, and to total community mental health referrals across sixty‐seven electoral wards in East London.  相似文献   

A noted economic geographer and Sovietologist conceptualizes Russia's current economy as an archipelago, consisting of widely scattered nodes of viable, integrated activity separated by an enormous expanse of "dead space." The dichotomy between metropolitan Russia and its hinterland is developed through an examination of contrasts in such major indicators of well-being as natural gas consumption, access to education, the middle class, retail trade and services, undeclared income, and port-hinterland multiplier effects. Also discussed are the major types of hinterland (classical, or resource frontier, versus backwater), the special case of the Russian Far East and Transbaykalia, and contrasts with developments on the North American continent. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O10, O18, O50. 38 references.  相似文献   


It was not until recently that the focus of archaeological and historical studies has taken attention off the disappearance of Native American culture and focused on evidence that demonstrates multiple strategies used by various Native American groups to sustain themselves in Euro-American society during and after initial European contact. These contemporary analyses demonstrate that while the recognition of power relations within contact relationships is critical to interpreting the views of Native Americans towards Euro-American goods, it is also necessary to note that in the effort to avoid assimilation and removal, these goods often took on significance beyond their utilitarian functions. This article draws from these new theories in an attempt to argue how evidence uncovered from archaeological investigations of three Potawatomi sites in the Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois region reveal significant evidence of how varying ways of viewing commodities led to differing forms of resistance among the Potawatomi during the Removal period.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) are having tremendous impacts on many scientific and application domains. The traditional subfield of spatial analysis is witnessing a major resurgence and enhancement due to GIS and geographical information science (GISci), an interdisciplinary field focusing on the theory and methodology underlying GIS software. The interdisciplinary field of geographic information systems for transportation (GIS-T) has emerged to focus on the role of GIS in transportaton analysis and planning. This paper suggests the benefits of closer linkages between spatial analysis, GISci, and transportation through a focused review of spatial analytical issues and their potential contributions to GIS-T. Specifically, this paper reviews the following issues: (i) modifiable areal units; (ii) boundary problems and spatial sampling; (iii) spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity; and (iv) alternative representations of geographic environments. The discussion highlights the general issues as well as identifies their specific relevance to GIS-T. In addition, this paper identifies some emerging tools from GISci that can address these spatial analytical issues in GIS-T.  相似文献   

The study of genocide requires a geographic approach that looks at how genocidal actions are purposefully planned to target specific groups and areas, methodically implemented through expulsions and murder, and politically intertwined with popular aspirations of territorial nationalism. A geographic focus is used here to discuss the concept of genocide, its recurrence in the twentieth century, its formulation under international law, and its eruption in Bosnia and Rwanda. In this comparative approach, geography-linked concepts such as Lebensraum , territorial nationalism, forced migration, and ethnic cleansing are used to explain the production of genocide and its consequences.  相似文献   

This paper examines organizational features and problems experienced by the agricultural enterprises created (reorganized) during the farm reform mandated by Ukrainian Presidential Decree 1529 of December 3, 1999, as well as trends in land and non-land asset leasing. The research is based on analysis of summary statistics for the reform collected in early May 2000, as well as an exploratory survey of 16 farm enterprises in Kyiv, Sumy, and Chemihiv oblasts. Some tentative conclusions are drawn regarding the extent to which farm reorganization has fostered fundamental vis-á-vis largely formal changes, as well as its impact on the power of farm directors. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: D20, Q15, R14.1 table, 3 figures, 7 references.  相似文献   

In this paper I introduce the concepts of spatial unit roots and spatial cointegration, and via Monte-Carlo simulation I illustrate their implications for spatial regression. It is shown that spatial unit roots lead to spurious (spatial) regression, as in the well-known case involving time-series. Spatial cointegration is similar to its time-series counterpart, although I demonstrate that OLS estimation of spatial error-correction models is not consistent.  相似文献   

How, where and why GIS is taught has been debated heavily in the geography literature. This article is a contribution to that debate, because it offers a new perspective from which to teach GIS: problem-based learning. In a problem-based learning classroom, theoretical foundations and the real world of problems are understood as constitutive of one another, rather than theory being prioritised over the real world of experience. In this paper, the author describes an introductory-level GIS class in which GIS was taught with a problem-based learning pedagogy. The problem around which the class focused was a proposal to add a new school district in the San Antonio, Texas metropolitan region. This article describes the class, including the nature of the problem and the way GIS skills were sequentially taught and integrated into the analysis of that problem.  相似文献   

A method for deriving a set of geographic components of temporal change in a system of interregional flows is proposed and applied in an analysis of U.S. interstate migration in the early 1980s. Dynamic change in net migration is conceptualized to consist of system-growth, system-mobility, geographic mix, and competitive components. Hypotheses concerning the structural dynamics of migration systems are suggested, as are some implications for migration-modeling techniques.  相似文献   

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