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Two rockets bearing quadrupole mass spectrometers capable of measuring both positive and negative ion composition were launched from Red Lake, Canada, during the solar eclipse. Both instruments had liquid helium cryopumps and shock-attaching conical samplers. The payloads also contained two Gerdien condensers to measure total positive and negative ion concentrations and ion mobilities. Attitude control systems aligned the payloads with the velocity vector throughout ascent and descent. The first rocket was launched so that the D-region was in darkness 35 ± 8 s on the upleg and about 150 ± 15 s on the downleg for the study of ionospheric decay processes. The second rocket was fired after totality into 75% solar illumination for the study of ionospheric recovery. The positive ion composition above 105 km exhibited a strongly increasing NO+/O2+ ratio with time after second contact due to O2+ charge transfer with NO and a sharply diminished ionization rate. However, in both nights, the ionization below 105 km was created mainly by energetic particle deposition as exemplified by the increased ion concentrations and the composition signatures of a particle event: asignificant enhancement of O2+ below 105 km and large amounts of H5O2+ ions in the D-region which result from the O2+ clustering scheme. H5O2 was the major ion in the upper D-region while H7O+3, H9O4+ and H5O2+ were dominant ions at lower altitudes. Numerous minor species were also detected. The negative ion distributions in both flights exhibited a distinct shelf at 83 ± 2 km, decreasing by more than an order of magnitude by 90 km and with minima near 75 km. In the 75–90 km range, a significant percentage of the negative ions had masses exceeding 160 a.m.u. Comparisons are made with prior negative ion measurements during similar daytime auroral zone absorption (AZA) events. Two striking characteristics of the precipitating particles were apparent from these and past observations in daytime AZA events: there is a near absence of low energy electrons capable of ionizing above about 105 km and there is'a significant spatial and/or temporal variability in the electron flux. This paper is devoted principally to a presentation of the ion composition measurements and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

The LF phase retardation induced by the total solar eclipse of Monday, 26 February 1979 and observed by monitoring the 12.5 km path length 60 kHz WWVB transmission from Fort Collins, U.S.A., to Calgary, Canada, as the path of totality at the 80 km height of the D-layer swept over Billings, Montana, U.S.A., near the midpoint of this transmission path is reported.  相似文献   

Temperature and wind behavior observed during the February 1979 solar eclipse shows significant change immediately following and up to one hour after totality. Statospheric and mesospheric data obtained from Fort Churchill, Manitoba, indicate quite clearly a cooling trend between 50–60 kilometers with the maximum temperature decrease of approximately 10°C evident above 52 kilometers. This temperature perturbation was accompanied by an amplification of the meridional wind speed of 20–30 mps near 60 kilometers. These results are essentially in agreement with those obtained at Wallops Island during the March 1970 solar eclipse. Although the stratosphere was under the large-scale influence of a stratospheric warming, the short-term perturbations caused by radiative changes as a result of the solar eclipse did not appear to be masked.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) concentrations have been determined from the analysis of positive ion composition data obtained by AFGL for eclipse and post-eclipse conditions near Red Lake, Canada. Values of about 3 × 108 cm−3 for 105–110 km and about 3 × 107 cm−3 for 90 km have been established. A residual ion-pair production rate of about 50 cm−3 s−1 is estimated for eclipse totality at 110 km. A factor of two uncertainty is thought to be appropriate for all deduced values. The calculated NO concentrations appear to be within the range of typical variations for this season (late winter) and latitude (51°N).  相似文献   

The effects of the solar eclipse of 26 February 1979 on the ionosphere were measured using differential Doppler techniques. Nayy navigation satellite passes were monitored at 12 sites located across the North American continent. These data yield a measurement of the vertical columnar electron content along a north-south line. Different sites monitoring the same pass provide simultaneous observations of ionospheric variations along different longitude lines. Two satellite passes occurred during or just after the eclipse. These data show a shoulderjust northward of the umbra region and a trough just behind the umbra containing large horizontal gradients. This sharp trough recovered quickly with a half-life of about 10 min.  相似文献   

The solar eclipse of 26 February 1979 was observed from Red Lake, Canada, (52 °N, 91 °W) where totality occurred at about 1053 local time. Several research groups and government agencies participated in an extensive ground- and rocket-based observational program directed at the middle atmosphere. At the time of the eclipse, an extensive geomagnetic storm was in progress and the middle atmosphere was undergoing temperature and circulation changes associated with a stratospheric warming. Concurrent observations of atmospheric constituents, solar radiation, electron flux and other middle atmosphere parameters were obtained as inputs for a D-region predictive chemical computer code, DAIRCHEM, tailored to eclipse conditions. Ion pair production rates were computed by an E-region infrared radiance model and were used as necessary source function input values for DAIRCHEM computations. The computations yielded predictions of electron and total positive ion densities about totality. The positive ion measurements of a supersonic Gerdien condenser and a subsonic blunt probe during the eclipse were in agreement with the model computations and provided normalizing summations of total positive ions for the interpretation of mass spectrometer measurements. The chemical computer code identified principal routes for increase and removal of key species such as O2+, NO+, hydrated clusters and negative ions. The dominant precursor ion for pair production hydrates was O2+ and the chemistry was characteristic of the disturbed D-region.  相似文献   

VLF radio signals (12.9 kHz) transmitted from Ω-Argentina (43°12′S, 65°24′W) were received in Atibaia, Brazil (23°11 'S, 46°33'W) during the total solar eclipse of 30 June 1992. The surface path of the totality crossed the VLF propagation path in the sunrise transition period causing a phase delay of 6.4 μs and an amplitude change of 1.3 dB. The ionospheric response to the Sun's obscuration was compared with the phase delays reported for several solar eclipses that occurred from 1966 to 1979. The results are mainly discussed in terms of the length of VLF propagation path affected. Some similarities between a sudden phase anomaly and a reversed eclipse effect are also raised.  相似文献   

Observations on the Faraday rotation of a transionospheric VHF signal obtained from a network of four stations near the path of totality during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980 are reported. A small decrease of 3–4% in the total ionization has been obtained around the time of totality. Absence of any periodic structure following the eclipse indicates that the TIDs are not of significant amplitude in the present case to be detected by the Faraday rotation technique.  相似文献   

Observations by the HF Doppier technique of the ionospheric effects of the 16 February 1980 solar eclipse in Africa are presented. Some oscillations which are detected at two stations can be attributed to a travelling coherent structure. Its characteristics are consistent with a gravity wave generated by the eclipse.  相似文献   

We recorded shadow bands just before and just after the total phase of the solar eclipse of 3 November 1994. The recordings were made using two broad-band silicon photodiodes separated by 100 mm. They were mounted on a plate that faced the eclipsed Sun, which was at an altitude of 32.4° as seen from our observing site 4500 m above sea level between Putre and Lake Chungara in northern Chile. The irradiance fluctuations associated with the shadow bands were around 0.008 W m−2 rms on a background of about 2–8 W m−2. The cross-correlation function indicates that the shadow bands were moving at a speed of about 1.8 m s−1 perpendicular to their extent. The power spectral density functions are in accord with the shadow band theory of Codona (1986). We carried out a similar experiment in Baja California during the eclipse of 11 July 1991. In spite of teh considerable differences between the two circumstances, our results on the two occasions are broadly similar.  相似文献   

We recorded shadow bands just before and just after the total phase of the solar eclipse of 11 July 1991. The recordings were made using two broad band silicon photodiodes separated horizontally by 100 mm. They faced the zenith, near to where the eclipsed Sun lay as seen from our observing site close to San José del Cabo in Baja California. The irradiance fluctuations associated with the shadow bands were around 0.04 W m−2 peak to peak on a background of 1–3 W m−2. The cross-correlation function indicates that the shadow bands were moving at about 1.8 m s−1 perpendicular to their extent. The power spectral density functions are in accord with the shadow band theory of Codona [(1986), Astron. Astrophys. 164, 415–427].  相似文献   

Y. LIU  G. CHI  K. M. BETHUNE  B. DUBÉ 《Geofluids》2011,11(3):260-279
The Red Lake mine trend, a deformation zone in the Archean Red Lake greenstone belt that hosts the world‐class Campbell‐Red Lake gold deposit, is characterized by abundant foliation‐parallel iron‐carbonate ± quartz veins with banded colloform‐crustiform structures and cockade breccias overprinted by silicification and gold mineralization. There is an apparent incompatibility between the cavity‐fill structures of the veins and breccias (typically developed at shallow crustal depths) and the upper greenschist to lower amphibole facies metamorphic conditions recorded in the host rocks (indicating relatively deep environments). This, together with the development of veins along the foliation plane, represents an enigmatic problem that may be related to the interplay between fluid dynamics and stress field. We approach this problem through systematic study of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) in the vein minerals, including the orientations of the FIPs and the pressure–temperature conditions inferred from fluid inclusion microthermometry. We find that fluid inclusions in the main stage vein minerals (pregold mineralization ankerite and quartz and syn‐ore quartz) are predominantly carbonic without a visible aqueous phase, whereas many inclusions in the postore stage contain an aqueous phase. Most FIPs are subvertical, and many are subparallel to the foliation. High fluid pressure coupled with the high wetting angles of the water‐poor, carbonic fluids may have been responsible for the abundance of brittle deformation features. The development of subvertical FIPs is interpreted to indicate episodic switching of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) from subhorizontal (perpendicular to the foliation) to subvertical (parallel to the foliation) orientation. The subvertical σ1 is favorable for the formation of foliation‐parallel veins, as fractures are preferentially opened along the foliation in such a stress regime, the origin of which may be linked to the fluid source.  相似文献   

The most dramatic demonstrations of solar activity are solar proton flares. One such very strong flare, accompanied by a solar proton event (SPE) and a large ground level enhancement of cosmic rays on Earth, was observed in October 1989. During this SPE, ion density and nitric oxide concentration profiles were measured by rockets launched from the Soviet research vessel ‘Akademik Shirshov’ in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. The rocket experiment yielded the first in-situ measurement of NO concentration increased by SPE. The NO concentrations estimated from ion-pair production rates due to measured fluxes of high energy particles agree fairly well with the observed NO concentrations in the stratopause region. The results of rocket measurements are compared with measurements of the radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere performed at similar latitudes in central Europe. Model calculations of absorption show that while the night-time enhancement of absorption can be explained by increased electron density related to the measured increase of ion density as a consequence of enhanced penetration of high energy particles, the daytime increase of absorption needs to be explained mainly in terms of the observed increase of nitric oxide concentration.  相似文献   

Measurements of atmospheric electric potential gradient, conductivity of both polarities and space charge at the ground surface at Pune during the partial solar eclipse of 18 March 1988 have been made. In spite of no appreciable change in atmospheric temperature at the ground surface, all the atmospheric electric parameters showed remarkable changes during the period of eclipse. Results do not support any vertical transport of charge, either by conduction or by convection, near to the ground surface.  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of measurements of the potential gradient of the electric field of the atmosphere during the annular eclipse of the sun, on 29 April 1976, on the island of Santorini. The potential gradient during the annular eclipse showed a diminution. The results of measurements of the intensity of the total solar radiation and the temperatures of the air and the earth's surface are also given.  相似文献   

Observations of winds in the 80–100 km height region were made at three locations in South Australia during the total solar eclipse of 23 October 1976. One station (Tantanoola) was located in the eclipse path while the others (Adelaide and Woomera) were situated several hundred kilometers north of the path of totality. Wind variations caused either directly by cooling of the 90 km region or by the propagation of a bow wave generated in the lower atmosphere were searched for but no events were found that could be ascribed unambiguously to the eclipse.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic storm effects at heights of about 0–100 km are briefly (not comprehensively) reviewed, with emphasis being paid to middle latitudes, particularly to Europe. Effects of galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events, relativistic and highly relativistic electrons, and IMF sector boundary crossings are briefly mentioned as well. Geomagnetic storms disturb the lower ionosphere heavily at high latitudes and very significantly also at middle latitudes. The effect is almost simultaneous at high latitudes, while an after-effect dominates at middle latitudes. The lower thermosphere is disturbed significantly. In the mesosphere and stratosphere, the effects become weaker and eventually non-detectable. There is an effect in total ozone but only under special conditions. Surprisingly enough, correlations with geomagnetic storms seem to reappear in the troposphere, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Atmospheric electricity is affected by geomagnetic storms, as well. We essentially understand the effects of geomagnetic storms in the lower ionosphere, but there is a lack of mechanisms to explain correlations found deeper in the atmosphere, particularly in the troposphere. There seem to be two different groups of effects with possibly different mechanisms—those observed in the lower ionosphere, lower thermosphere and mesosphere, and those observed in the troposphere.  相似文献   

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