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Features of the power spectra of weak amplitude and phase scintillations on a VHF signal, transmitted from a geostationary satellite and recorded at an equatorial station, are found to be in good agreement with theory. Irregularity drift speeds transverse to the signal path were extracted from the first few pronounced Fresnel minima in the power spectra. For some data intervals, a low frequency peak, associated with an irregularity wavelength greater than the Fresnel dimension, could be identified in the phase spectrum. The dominant wavelength of the large scale waves is found to be ≳ 1.5km.  相似文献   

Since the last equatorial aeronomy meeting in 1980, our understanding of the morphology of equatorial scintillations has advanced greatly due to more intensive observations at the equatorial anomaly locations in the different longitude zones. The unmistakable effect of the sunspot cycle in controlling irregularity belt width and electron concentration responsible for strong scintillation in the GHz range has been demonstrated. The fact that night-time F-region dynamics is an important factor in controlling the magnitude of scintillations has been recognized by interpreting scintillation observations in the light of realistic models of total electron content at various longitudes. A hypothesis based on the alignment of the solar terminator with the geomagnetic flux tubes as an indicator of enhanced scintillation occurrence and another based on the influence of a transequatorial thermospheric neutral wind have been postulated to describe the observed longitudinal variation.A distinct class of equatorial irregularities known as the bottomside sinusoidal (BSS) type has been identified. Unlike equatorial bubbles, these irregularities occur in very large patches, sometimes in excess of several thousand kilometers in the E-W direction and are associated with frequency spread on ionograms. Scintillations caused by such irregularities exist only in the VHF band, exhibit Fresnel oscillations in intensity spectra and are found to give rise to extremely long durations (~ several hours) of uninterrupted scintillations. These irregularities maximize during solstices, so that in the VHF range, scintillation morphology at an equatorial station is determined by considering occurrence characteristics of both bubble type and BSS type irregularities.The temporal structure of scintillations in relation to the in situ measurements of irregularity spatial structure within equatorial bubbles has been critically examined. A two-component irregularity spectrum with a shallow slope (p1 ~ 1.5) at long scalelengths (> 1km) and steep slope (p2 ~−3) at shorter scalelengths has been found in both vertical and horizontal spectra. Phase and intensity scintillation modelling was found to be consistent with this two-component irregularity spectrum.Finally, the information provided by the major experimental undertaking represented by Project Condor in the fields of night-time scintillations and zonal irregularity drifts with be briefly outlined.  相似文献   

The simultaneous recordings of the amplitude scintillations of VHF radio signals from nearby geostationary satellites FLEETSAT (at 73°E long.) and SIRIO (at 65°E) received at Bombay (geog. lat. 19°N, geog. long. 73°E, mag. lat. 15°N) have revealed systematic time shifts in the starting and the ending of the individual scintillation events. The ionosphere crossover points of the two transmission paths were separated by only 80 km in the east-west direction, which was smaller than the average size of the irregularity patches. Scintillations normally started after 1930 h, reached a maximum at 2200 h and slowly decreased till 1000 h, after which no scintillations were observed. The speed of the irregularity patches computed from the time shifts of these events was about 150 m s−1 in the early hours of the night, decreasing to about 100 m s−1 by midnight and showing much lower velocities in the post-midnight hours.  相似文献   

A modification to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-79) electron density profile between altitudes of about 80 km and the peak of the E-region is proposed for compatibility with equatorial HF absorption measurements for Thumba, India. This is tested against independent absorption data for Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Ibadan, Nigeria.  相似文献   

High frequency waves incident on an overdense ionosphere (i.e. HF < penetration frequency) are known to produce large-scale irregularities with scale sizes of several hundred meters in the F-region of the ionosphere. Three observations of radio star intensity fluctuations at UHF are reported for HF ionospheric modification experiments performed at the Arecibo Observatory. Two observations at 430 MHz and one observation at 1400 MHz indicate that the thin phase screen theory is a good approximation to the observed power spectra. However, the theory has to be extended to include antenna filtering. Such filtering is important for UHF radio star scintillations since the antenna usually has a narrow beam width. HF power densities of less than 37 μW m−2 incident on the ionosphere produce electron density irregularities larger than 13% of the ambient density (at 260 km) having scale sizes of ~510 m perpendicular to the geomagnetic field. The irregularities form within 20–25 s after the HF power is turned on. From the observed power spectra driftvelocities of the irregularities can be estimated.  相似文献   

Samples of amplitude scintillations of the radio signal from a geostationary satellite obtained at a midlatitude station near Irkutsk were processed. For calculating the fractal dimensionalities the Grassberger and Procaccia [(1983) Physica D9, 189] algorithm was used. Results of the data processing tend to divide into two groups. One group includes those realizations for which it was possible to obtain reliable estimates of dimensionality. Three of the seven realizations considered were in this group, and the fractal dimensionalities were found to be low (3.12 4.5). The other data fall within the second group; a reliable estimate of dimensionality for them is unobtainable in terms of the method used. We suppose that this is attributable to the high dimensionality of the process. Power spectra of the signals of this group are close to those with an exponent of −2. The spectra of the signals of the first group are markedly steeper. On the basis of the data analyzed it is supposed that there exist two modes of ionospheric turbulence in midlatitudes, namely the mode with low dimensionality typical of localized turbulent processes, and the mode with high dimensionality typical of homogeneous turbulence that covers an extensive region of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

The effect of transverse wind velocity on the amplitude scintillations of millimetre radio waves is studied. Scintillation data obtained on two line-of-sight microwave links at 36 GHz and 110 GHz on a common 4.1 km path are used to estimate the wind velocity perpendicular to the propagation path. The estimated wind velocity is within 20% of the value obtained from direct measurements using a conventional anemometer.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the scintillation and Faraday rotation of 136 MHz radio waves radiated by the Japanese geostationary satellite ETS-2 have been studied at Kokubunji Japan during April to May, 1977.These preliminary results show that there is a close association between scintillations and the peculiar fluctuations of the Faraday rotation due to ionospheric spread F, and an empirical formula relating them is presented.Furthermore, the successive daily values of the two parameters show a close correspondence with a cross correlation coefficient of about 0.8. An unexpected result is that cross-correlation between the incidence of Es and the Faraday fluctuations on a daily bases is found to be about 0.65.  相似文献   

There are various theoretical models of ion-neutral collision and the resultant collision frequencies (vin) differ significantly in their values. Also there is a range of uncertainty associated with each of the theoretical values of vin. The effects of the differing theoretical values and the uncertainty in the vin on the estimates of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current strength are examined numerically. It is found that the differences in various vin-models affect the amplitude of the EEJ, but leave the peak altitude of the EEJ nearly unchanged. However, modification to vin by the order of its uncertainty does change the peak altitude of the EEJ by at least 2km.  相似文献   

This paper presents simultaneous observations made near the magnetic equator during counter electrojet events using a coherent VHF backscattcr radar, magnetometer and digital ionosonde to understand the physical processes that generate the counter electrojet conditions. The VHF backscatter radar gives the height structure of the drift velocity or the ionization irregularities, the equatorial electrojet current variations are obtained from the magnetometer and the digital ionosonde provides the presence of blanketing E-layers at the F-region heights which give rise to the backscatter signals. These observations have provided direct experimental evidence for the theoretically predicted distortions in the height structure of the polarization electric field in the equatorial electrojet due to the local effects of shearing zonal neutral winds.  相似文献   

Using models of a line current and a band current with a parabolic intensity distribution across the width, techniques to deduce the speed, the direction of motion and the zenith crossing time of the electrojet from observations of surface magnetic perturbations are studied.From the current motions deduced by these techniques and the observed traces of the Auroral Infrasonic Waves (AIW), the following four facts are established.
  • 1.(1) The time between the zenith crossing of the current and the arrival of AIW at the ground is reasonable.
  • 2.(2) The direction of travel of AIW is considered to be parallel to the current drift or parallel to the current flow.
  • 3.(3) The trace velocity of AIW is equal to the calculated drift velocity of the current.
  • 4.(4) AIW can be produced only by a line (or a narrow band) current.
Several minutes before the AIW arrive at the ground, the existence of certain motions of westward current which satisfy the AIW emission conditions proposed by Wilson (1972) have been confirmed. However there are several cases in which a succession of two equatorward supersonic zenith crossings of westward current have induced only one AIW.  相似文献   

A set of 17 rocket measured altitude profiles of the equatorial electrojet current density have been used to determine the parameters of a two-dimensional model of the equatorial electrojet with which the contours of equal current density of the electrojet have been constructed. The contours are in full agreement with contours by other workers constructed from wind models of the electrojet. They show the existence of return (westward) currents of the equatorial electrojet, on both flanks of the dip equator, extending from about 250 km to about 1000 km or more, with a peak at about 500 km–600 km from the dip equator, whose peak intensity is about 30% of the peak intensity of the eastward current at the dip equator. Other evidences of the westward current, the location and intensity of its peak have been mentioned.  相似文献   

An analysis of the POGO satellites observations of the magnetic field of the equatorial electroject for the September equinoctial months of the years 1967, 1968 and 1969, provided about 500 values each of the electrojet half-width w, its peak current intensity J0, its total eastward current I+ at 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 h LT. The all-sector daytime average values of the parameters for the three years are 232 ± 47 A km−1 for J0, 234 ± 6 km for w and (55± 8)×103 A for I+.This first coverage of all sectors of the globe gives the first study of the diurnal variation of the total current and shows that all the three parameters vary substantially with local time; that w has minimal values around local noon; that J0 has a pronounced peak around local noon as may be expected from the diurnal variation of H; and that I+ has a broad maximum around 11 h and 12 h LT.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to reproduce the counter electrojet (CE) in the equatorial dynamo by considering neutral winds with solar (1,–2), (2, 4), (2, 2) and lunar (2, 2) tidal modes as well as a constant electrostatic field (Ey). The daily variation of conductivity (σ) is assumed to consist of steady (average), diurnal and semi-diurnal components. An equation governing the relationship between jy (jetcurrent), Ey, σ and wind is given, and this equation is then used to describe diurnal, semi- and ter-diurnal variations of jy separately. It is found that: (1) the lunar tide is relatively powerful in affecting semi- and ter-diurnal components of jy; (2) such a possibility is a maximum for the afternoon CE near new and full moon and (3) the morning CE is likely to occur at lunar age between the new and full moons. From this theory, the seasonal characteristics and the solar activity dependence of CE are demonstrated to be predictable.  相似文献   

The effects of day-to-day or seasonal variation of altitude and latitude profiles of the Elayer plasma density in the equatorial ionosphere on equatorial electrojet (EEJ) structure are examined numerically using a self-consistent and high resolution dynamo model. It is found that variations in the E-layer peak altitude and amplitude and its gradient below significantly affect EEJ structure. For any realistic shape, the EEJ peak appears at or below the E-layer peak altitude. Distinct double peaks appear in the EEJ structure, such as revealed by rocket measurements, if the E-layer peak is above 105 km or the gradient is large, as when sporadic-E is present. The influence of the latitudinal variation of ionospheric field line integrated conductivities upon the amplitude and altitude of the EEJ peak is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The day-to-day variability of Sq(H) at equatorial stations has been studied, using the correlation between daily ranges for the IQSY at a large number of pairs of stations. It is found that the daily ranges at stations under the equatorial electrojet are significantly less well correlated with those at other equatorial stations than is the case for pairs of equatorial stations not involving an electrojet station, for comparable distances of separation of the pairs of stations.  相似文献   

The second moment of the complex amplitude or the mutual coherence function (MCF) for transionospheric VHF radio waves transmitted from the geostationary satellite ATS-6 is computed from daytime amplitude and phase scintillations recorded at an equatorial station, in order to study the structure of electrojet irregularities. The shape of the correlation function for fluctuations in the integrated electron content along the signal path is deduced by using a theoretical relationship between this correlation function and the MCF which is based on the assumption that the irregularities are “frozen”. Further, using a power-law spectrum to describe the electrojet irregularities, the outerscale lo associated with the spectrum as well as the r.m.s. density fluctuation are estimated from theoretical fits to the computed values. The irregularity drift speeds Vo transverse to the signal path, for the scintillation events studied here, are derived from power spectra of weak scintillations. On the basis of a relationship between lo and Vo suggested by a linear theory of the gradient-drift instability, the effective Hall conductivity is estimated to be about five times the effective Pedersen conductivity in the electrojet region.  相似文献   

The nocturnal and seasonal variations of equatorial ionospheric scintillations are presented. Scintillations are classified into two classes, namely, class I and class II depending on their fading rates and association with bottomside spread-F. Power spectra and frequency indices for class I and class II scintillations are presented and their theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of amplitude fluctuations at two separated stations and of the relative phase of the arriving signals are used to study quasi-periodic scintillations of the kind that are sometimes called ‘ringing irregularities’. Since one set of measurements is sufficient to locate the irregularity it is possible to assess the utility of the simple model proposed by Elkins and Slack by using it in a computer simulation to predict the temporal behaviour of the other observed quantities. The resulting agreement leaves no doubt that scintillations arise in the ionosphere by a mechanism having the gross features of the one suggested, although the additional redundant observations permits the derivation of information about the ionospheric irregularities not encompassed by the Elkins and Slack model. This simple geometric model which assumes specular reflection is extremely useful and the more complete scattering analysis is needed only where detailed information about the irregularity is required. Evidence is also presented for the occasional occurrence of large angle scattering from ionospheric irregularities.  相似文献   

Two Centaure rockets were launched from Thumba (0 47′S dip). India, with a new arrangement of double probe sensors for the simultaneous measurements of the irregularities in the electron density and the electric field along and perpendicular to the spin axis of the rocket. These experiments were carried out during the period when type I irregularities were observed with the VHF backscatter radar at Thumba. Irregularities with scale sizes ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers in the electron density and in the electric field components both in the east-west and the vertical direction could be studied with these experiments. Irregularities in the electric field in the medium scale size range (30–300 m) were observed with peak to peak amplitudes up to 20 mV m−1 and in the small scale (⩽ 15 m) with peak to peak amplitudes up to 5 mV m−1. Horizontally propagating waves with horizontal scale sizes up to 2.5 km were observed in the region below 105.5 km. Using linear theory for the electrojet irregularities, it was found that for 5 % perturbations in the electron density, the amplitude of the electric field can be as large as 20–30 mV m−1. The spectrum of the irregularities in the vertical electric field in the rocket frame of reference was calculated and it was found that for the range of scale sizes between 10 and 70 m, the mean spectral index was −2.7 and −2.6. while in the scale size range 2–10 m it was −4.0 and −5.1 for the flights C-77 and C-73, respectively.  相似文献   

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