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<正>大石铲是岭南地区新石器时代晚期极具地方特色的文化遗产,起源于有肩石斧,是骆越先民为适应原始农业发展的需要而发明制作的一种生产工具,因其造型奇特,制作精美,有别于其他地区新石器时代出土的石器,又因其集中分布于广西南部地区,故学界惯称之"桂南大石铲"。本文以馆藏大石铲为例,介绍广西独特的大石铲文化。一、大石铲的分布与年代大石铲遗存是20世纪50年代初以来,随着考古调查  相似文献   

中国原始生产工具述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类从产生的时刻起,就以制造和使用工具将自己和动物界彻底区分开来.在中国,人类社会的历史如果自西侯度遗址算起,至今大约有180万年的时间.其中属于原始社会即从旧石器时代之初到新石器时代之末,大约有179.6万年.在这漫长的原始社会,人类用最原始简陋的生产工具开创了人类历史的新纪元,创造了中华文明的基础.在这一阶段,人类完成厂两个传大的转变:第一,人类自身在体质上逐步摆脱了原始状况,进化到现代人的水平.第二,人类制造和使用的生产工具在种类和形式上不断完善,改变了人类在自然界的位置,获得了更充分的自由.  相似文献   

试析锯齿石镰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南地区新石器时代早期遗址的发现是七十年代中国考古学的重大收获之一。经过近几年来的初步调查已发现三十九处。它们比较集中地分布于京广线以西的伏牛山脉东部边缘的丘陵地带。经正式发掘的目前只有四处①。这类遗址出土生产工具的种类较少,仅有石镰、石斧、石铲、石磨盘和石磨棒以及陶纺轮、石弹丸等。其中锯齿镰磨制较精,形制特殊,是这类文化的典型器物之一。本文仅依据现有的资料,对这种镰进行一些初步分析。  相似文献   

贾湖遗址是我国新石器时代前期的重要遗址,发掘者将其分为三期,距今7500~9000年.本文从分析一期至三期石、骨、陶质生产工具组合、数量及变化入手,结合动植物遗存,对其经济形态的组成结构及其变化趋势进行了讨论,认为一期、二期是以狩猎、捕捞业为主,农业为辅的经济类型;到了三期,农业有了相当的发展,所占比例超过狩猎、捕捞业.生产工具的总量、动物遗骸、植物遗存综合分析结果显示,贾湖遗址的经济形态是以渔猎采集为主,农业种植、家畜饲养为辅的广谱性经济,但农业经济所占比重呈逐渐增加的趋势.  相似文献   

于吉林省境内发现的石质生产工具中,有一面扁平一面琢磨凸起有棱的石器,形制很是独特,考察其形制与使用特点当是适于翻土或发掘的石铲,又因其胴体所饰凸棱呈竹节状最具特征,所以本文称之为“吉林有节石铲”。  相似文献   

石铲是裴李岗、磁山文化中数量较多的生产工具之一,我们统计的五个遗址中,就达254件(见表一),可见它是当时人们经常使用的一种劳动工具。从目前报导的材料看,裴李岗、磁山文化遗址出土的石铲,大致分为三种:1.长条形舌状单面或双面刃,长在20厘米以上,最  相似文献   

大石铲是广西新石器时代晚期原始化中的一种特殊遗物。这种石铲,一般都较宽大、扁薄、有短柄、双肩、圆弧刃,器身正面光平,背面粗糙。制怍规整,棱角对称,打磨光洁,具有很高的工艺水平。因其形体硕大,与石器时代的各类石器间均有明显的不同,故名之为大石铲;又因主要分布于广西南部地区,学术界你之为“桂南大石铲”。制怍大石铲的材料主要是页岩、板岩。其次是砂岩、石灰岩,个别是燧石或玉。  相似文献   

长江下游是我国远古部族聚居的重要地区,分布着丰富的新石器I时代遗址。在该地区的许多新石器时代遗址中发现了栽培稻的遗存,这里应是我国稻作的一个重要起源中心。稻作是长江下游新石器时代原始农业的主要形式,原始农业发展的实质是原始稻作的发展。随着长江下游地区新石器时代考古发掘和研究工作的进展,为我们研究原始稻作发展序列创造了条件。 一、长江下游原始稻作农具的演变 新石器时代原始农业中使用的生产工具,一般是利用石、木、骨(蚌、角、牙)等材料制成的。石质农具有砍伐用的石斧、石锛、翻耕用的石锄、石铲、收割用的石刀、石镰、谷物加工用的石磨盘、石磨榨、石杵等。骨质农具有骨耜、蚌铲、蚌镰、角锄等。木质农具有木铲,木耒等。长江下游新石器时代的遗址中以上各种农具都有发现,但在骨、木、石三种农具的构成和发展上表现出明显的地域特点和规律性。  相似文献   

安阳市博物馆藏殷墟青铜生产工具选介及浅析孔德铭,张晓芹殷墟以其灿烂的青铜文化和甲骨文闻名世界,而殷代的青铜生产工具也以其独特的风貌,在中国生产工具发展史上占有重要的地位。安阳为殷墟所在地,我馆珍藏了一批鲜为人知的殷代肯铜生产工具,代表了殷代生产工具的...  相似文献   

通过分析及统计长吉地区西团山文化出土的生产工具,对西团山文化居住址与墓葬出土生产工具及男女之间随葬生产工具的差异进行了辨析。结合已有的西团山文化分期的研究成果,对西团山文化的经济形态进行探讨。  相似文献   

新石器时代多数石器需要安柄使用,但木柄之类的有机质遗存极难保存。由于南湖等地具备特殊的埋藏环境,良渚文化带柄石器的实物竟有成批出土。本文首次公布这些珍贵的装柄石器实物资料,并系统介绍了良渚文化带柄石器出土的历史和现状,对带柄石器的安装和使用进行了初步探讨,相信对良渚文化石器的研究能产生推动作用。  相似文献   

The manufacture of stone tools was one of the most important craft production activities in prehistoric human society. Previously, lack of sound evidence had made it too early to confirm whether or not stone tool production during the Longshan cultural period had already transformed from a primitive self-sufficient household mode of production to a specialized mode of production. Excavation of the site of the Longshan cultural site at Liangchengzhen in Rizhao, Shandong from 1998–2001 through meticulous field methods such as sieving and floatation yielded a large number of lithic reduction tools, ranging from grinding stones, stone hammers, and polishing stones to raw materials, semi-finished products, and lithic debitage of various sizes, resulting from the lithic reduction process. This excavation suggests that the Liangchenzhen site was a settlement site where the complete process of lithic reduction was practiced. Through comparison with contemporary large-scale excavated sites of the Longshan culture, it is suggested that the Area 1 at the Liangchengzhen site was a lithic reduction locality with a relatively high degree of specialization which was used for hundreds of years. It is possible that stone tool production had already advanced to a stage of relatively high specialization during the Longshan cultural period in the Haidai region.  相似文献   

The analysis of microscopic residues on stone tools provides one of the most direct ways to reconstruct the functions of such artifacts. However, new methods are needed to strengthen residue identifications based upon visible-light microscopy. In this work, we establish that reflectance Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM) can be used to document IR spectra of animal-tissue residues on experimental stone tools. First, we present a set of reflectance FTIRM standards for the most commonly identified animal-tissue residues on stone tools: skin, meat, fat, hair, blood, feather barbules, fish scales, and bone. We provide spectral peak assignments for each residue and demonstrate that high-quality reflectance FTIRM spectra can be generated under ideal circumstances. Second, we document the spectra for these residues when they are located on a stone substrate such as flint or obsidian. We discuss procedures for correcting spectra that are affected by specular reflection and explain the effects of spectral interference from the stone. Our results show that reflectance FTIRM is sensitive to small intra-sample differences in composition. This means that it will record the effects of decomposition in ancient residues. The methodological developments we present here will help lithic residue analysts incorporate in situ reflectance FTIRM into their analysis protocols to strengthen identifications.  相似文献   

It is easy to find an association between stone architecture and the afterlife in pre-modern China, given that most architecture of brick and stone was used only for mortuary monuments. People in pre-modern China may have believed that timber architecture was for the living while stone architecture was for the deceased. The fact that stone architecture often was designed to imitate timber architecture further buttresses the dominance of timber, both structurally and aesthetically, in the architectural history of pre-modern China. This article focuses on several stone buildings that were built during the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) for daily religious activities and were rare exceptions to the normative association of stone architecture with the afterlife. Through the study of the structure, decorative motifs and history of these stone buildings, I determine whether they were built to reflect the tradition of imitation timber architecture or were an exception to the dominance of timber architecture. I investigate how these stone buildings should be contextualized in the history of Yuan as well as the history of Chinese architecture.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Stone Tool Procurement, Production, and Maintenance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Researchers who analyze stone tools and their production debris have made significant progress in understanding the relationship between stone tools and human organizational strategies. Stone tools are understood to be morphologically dynamic throughout their use-lives; the ever-changing morphology of stone tools is intimately associated with the needs of tool users. It also has become apparent to researchers that interpretations of lithic analysis are more productive when the unique contexts and situations for which lithic artifacts were made, used, modified, and ultimately discarded are considered. This article reviews the recent literature on stone tool production with an emphasis on raw material procurement, manufacturing techniques, and tool maintenance processes as they relate to adaptive strategies of toolmakers and users.  相似文献   

The oldest extant musical instruments in the world are stone chimes. This music was created by the ‘eight tones’ that could be produced by these ‘stone’ voices. Although many of these stone chimes have been unearthed from sites predating the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, their discussion in archaeological reports is usually not very thorough. In this paper, the ancient and modern samples are analysed from the point of view of lithology. The aim is to explore how the ancients chose to make these stones, and to check that the type of stone from which these ancient Chinese stone chimes are made is actually those recorded in previous studies. The results show that most of the ancient stone chimes in China are made of limestone. These chimes required a material with a single, homogeneous and compact mineral composition. Lingbi chimes (a kind of ‘lithophone’ produced in Lingbi county, China, are pure in composition and have a fine microcrystalline structure, which is the best choice for making stone chimes. This paper makes a systematic study of the lithology of Chinese stone chimes. The results supplement a significant lacuna in the study of ‘lithophone’ and ancient stone instruments both in China and on a more global scale.  相似文献   

帕勒莫石碑是古代埃及已知最早的王室年鉴。它还有其他6个版本。它们来自于两块不同的石碑。帕勒莫石碑的书写年代是古王国时期,是埃及人为神庙而刻写的,是他们祖先崇拜的一项重要内容。石碑关于埃及前5个王朝的记述不能被用来重建埃及早期历史,它只是揭示了埃及早期王权思想,即国王的行政职能和宗教职能。  相似文献   

贾昌明 《南方文物》2013,(2):119-123
资源研究是新石器时代以降磨制石器工业研究的一个重要的环节。本文从可用性和可获得性两个方面来分析磨制石器资源的特点。在磨制石器的生产中,原料的大小和形状成为非常重要的原料选取的根据。资源研究的立足点应该是生产型遗址,从生产型遗址出发可以获得比较确信的资源产地信息。  相似文献   

Our blind tests are distinctive for they were conducted on replicated stone tools used for a variety of tasks that included the processing of animal remains and plants. The analyst was required to differentiate an array of residues from microscopic morphological characteristics, using light microscopy. The original aim of our first tests was to assess the analyst's ability to identify a variety of plant and animal residues, but issues and problems that arose during the testing process made it clear that greater value might be gained from the lessons that we learnt about methodology and the direction for future micro-residue research. We show that problems identified during our first tests stimulated research. Amongst other things, we learnt to distinguish plant and animal remains more confidently than previously. Our residue analyses are firmly embedded in wider archaeological research and our tests help to explain why there are sometimes contradictions between the evidence from archaeologically recovered remains and residues on stone tools. A further outcome of the tests is that we have adopted a multi-stranded approach that provides a cautious, but secure strategy for identifying and interpreting use-residues. Our studies of contaminants through replications have also been invaluable for distinguishing incidental residues from use-related residues.  相似文献   

通过对盘状器相关遗物命名的梳理,本文将论者对其功能分歧归为两大类:工具或毛坯。由于持"毛坯"功能论者找到了系列相关证据,因而更具有说服力,所以我们认为绝大部分"盘状器"应为环(玦)类毛坯。同时我们也探讨了考古研究中如何确定某件盘状器是否为环(玦)类毛坯,对一些可能存在的误解做了简单的说明。  相似文献   

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