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It seems to be widely accepted that China's interior development during the Maoist period was based on ‘equality’ considerations, which narrowed Chinese regional disparities. By contrast, the recent coastal development during Deng's reform era has been coined as ‘uneven’ and ‘undesirable’, because it has created tremendous inequalities across the country. However, the findings of this study suggest that the question may not be that simple. This article examines the spatial disparities of economic development in China between 1953 and 1992, focusing on a time-series comparison between the development policies of Mao and Deng, their outcomes and the resulting changes. By using provincial and regional economic and investment data, the article elaborates why Mao's interior development did not lead to a more equitable outcome than Deng's uneven strategy of’ east coastal development’. The findings provide an insight into some of the unexpected outcomes of more than forty years of socialist development, in the realm of economic growth and disparity.  相似文献   

In 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service began a study of untreated syphilis among black men in Macon County, Alabama. This project, later known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, became one of the most notorious ventures of twentieth-century medicine. Much has been written on it. Historians have suggested that scientific racism strongly influenced the study. But specific links between earlier racial science and the scientific conduct of the study have remained unexplored. The examination in this paper of the concept of a racially determined resistance to syphilis in the nervous system establishes such a link. Discussion of nervous resistance to syphilis appeared in the medical literature in the early twentieth century as a conjecture about the natural inferiority of blacks. White physicians used the concept to interpret racial differences in neurosyphilis as evidence of the rudimentary development of the brain. A small community of African American physicians joined other national experts in syphilis who chose to explain apparent racial differences through alternate mechanisms. But the scientific advisors to the Tuskegee Syphilis Study favored the concept of a racial resistance to neurosyphilis and steered the early design of the study to help to elucidate it. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was an examination of untreated syphilis, but it also became a demonstration of a putative racial characteristic of syphilis long considered evidence of the natural inferiority of blacks. An examination of the concept of racial nervous resistance and its influence on the research in Macon County helps to define the influence of scientific racism on this notorious medical study.  相似文献   

The One Nation Group enjoys a mythic place in the history ofthe postwar Conservative Party. It has often been portrayedas being of extraordinary importance both for its early writings,One Nation (1950) and Change is Our Ally (1954), and for a behind-the-scenesparliamentary influence seen to exceed greatly that which wouldnormally be expected from a private dining group of ConservativeMPs. The group, with its firm association with ‘One Nation’Conservatism, has been seen to be at the fore of modernizingforces in the party in the early postwar years, and to haveplayed a pivotal role in the reshaping of Conservatism in thisperiod. This study examines the group via its publications,minutes of its weekly discussions, memoranda, and correspondence.These provide insight into the nature of backbench Conservatismand shed light upon the dynamics, activities, and beliefs ofa body that swiftly established itself as by far and away themost prestigious and respected of the unofficial Conservativeparliamentary groups. 1I would like to acknowledge my debt to the following for givingfreely of their time in interview or correspondence for thisstudy: the late the Rt. Hon. the Lord Alport, TD, DL; the Rt.Hon. the Lord Carr of Hadley, FIC; the Rt. Hon. the Lord Gilmourof Craigmillar; the late Sir Gilbert Longden, MBE; and the lateJ. Enoch Powell, MBE; and two other sources who wished to remainanonymous. Stuart Ball, Nicholas Crowson, Dona Diani, and JohnRamsden have all read this article at various stages and offeredhelpful advice and criticism, and I would also like to thankJohn Barnes for advice when this project was in an earlier incarnation.  相似文献   

本研究基于GIS技术构建网格体系,处理三份近代实测海图汇编资料,重建了长江口南支河段(徐六泾口-吴淞口)1861-1953年期间的冲淤强度及其分布,基本理清了19世纪中期——20世纪中期现代观测制度确立前研究区内河槽冲淤状况及变化过程,19世纪中期——20世纪初期南支处于强烈冲刷阶段,至20世纪中期冲淤大体平衡而略有淤积;其中≤3m和≥10m水域的冲淤变化状况最为明显。今南支航道体系的形成是在19世纪中期——20世纪中期自然冲淤基础上进行人工整治的产物。在重建冲淤状况的基础上,对崇明县城南侧扁担沙——南丰沙的变迁过程进行重建,以此为例探讨了典型河槽断面的演化过程。  相似文献   

1902年上海商业会议公所建立,同年首个旅沪同乡会诞生。同乡会是旧式会馆的延续,是在新式与旧式商人、士绅与新知识阶层、男性与女性、资方与劳工等更广泛参与下建立起来的地缘性自治组织,与商会功能互补。徽州旅沪同乡会从20世纪20年代初建立到1953年消亡,经历了延续到断裂、再延续、最终断裂的过程。太平洋战争爆发后,徽州旅沪同乡会纷纷停止会务。抗战胜利后,同乡会的社团自治功能及上海的市民公共空间得以延续。第二次国内战争后期,经济凋疲,社会动荡,同乡会又陷入困境,乃至1953年最终消亡。解读同乡会延续与断裂的历史,为观察这个时代的变迁提供了特有视角。  相似文献   

C. Magniac 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):410-417
The Great Tower of Norham Castle has been considered to be a typical example of a two-cell rectangular donjon, divided unequally by a spine wall. Examination of the fabric shows that its history was much more complex, and that it was originally constructed in the early twelfth century as a single unit, two-storeyed building, perhaps as a ceremonial chamber above a vault. During the later twelfth century a second unit, containing private chambers and an upper room in a tower, was added against the original structure, and the present rectangular shape was achieved only as the result of further rebuilding during the fifteenth century. Parallels are suggested in the bishops' palaces of the twelfth century, and the significance of Norham for our appreciation of the complexity of design of great towers is emphasized.  相似文献   

Over the decades that followed the overthrow of Mosaddeq in August 1953 a narrative attributing the fall exclusively to foreign conspiracy has taken hold and become institutionalized. In this narrative the internal factors are reduced to the simplest level of abstraction. They do not exist outside foreign conspiracy! This narrative is premised on an Anglo-American coup plot code-named TP-AJAX that was attempted in the late hours of 15 August but failed. The ensuing flight of the Shah generated dynamics which led to the fall of Mosaddeq four days later. The CIA chief operative in Tehran Kermit Roosevelt was quick to take credit claiming that these dynamics were inseminated by his ingenious and spontaneous planning. For abiding internal reasons both the CIA and the MI6 headquarters preferred to claim victory rather than admit failure. Evidence that emerged following the declassification of the State Department papers in 1989 and the leak of a secret CIA internal history in 2000 produced glaring evidence that the fall of Mosaddeq on 19 August 1953 had taken Washington, even its embassy in Tehran, by complete surprise and that post facto claims by Roosevelt were inconsistent both with Washington's explicit policy directives and Roosevelt's own situation reports filed with the CIA Washington during the interval between the two events. Roosevelt later published a phantasmagorical account of the event which, together with reminiscences of a few unnamed former operatives, was given credence by Professor Gasiorowski and associates, who curiously chose to ignore archival evidence.  相似文献   

Phrygian Gordion was the political center of an influential Iron Age polity that extended across west central Anatolia during the first half of the 1st millennium BC. Though the borders of this polity remain vague a characteristic of the Phrygian “footprint” is the distribution of highly distinctive ceramics. The extent to which Gordion potters were the originators of these wares remains uncertain. In this paper we use Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) to establish the local signature of predominantly Iron Age ceramics for this site by combining samples from several decades of excavation with an extensive regional sediment sequence. We also compare previous NAA work at Gordion to suggest that the formative stages of the Phrygian state appears to have involved a more extensive network of non-local specialist producers than previously thought.  相似文献   

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