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孙克勤  孙博 《世界遗产》2015,(4):116-121
位于欧、亚交界处的土耳其,是同时拥有东西方文化和历史的国度,几乎各个时代伟大的文明都曾在此碰撞出历史的火花。土耳其拥有风格各异的文化和自然遗产,众多的名胜古迹和自然景观形成了一片片如梦似幻的美景。其中,考古遗址最具特色,特洛伊考古遗址、艾菲斯古城遗址等享誉世界。  相似文献   

In 2003, a tall skeleton belonging to a young adult individual was recovered from a post‐medieval cemetery situated north‐east of the modern city of Erzurum, Turkey. The sex of the individual was not possible to determine. The predicted stature values range from 182 to 200 cm with the average 188.94 cm. The growth was proportional on almost all bones, except for the cranial and facial bones. The selected metric data were compared with the mean values of the male individuals from the same cemetery for differential diagnosis. The individual exhibits characteristics of both pituitary gigantism and acromegaly due to the tumour formation developed in the intrasellar area. Pathological features such as severe osteoarthritis, enthesis and new bone formation around and on the joint surface of the post‐cranial bones, kyphoscoliosis and ankylosis are in agreement with these diagnoses as well. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) in Turkey preserves widespread deposits of Quaternary tephra, presently associated with a small but growing number of Paleolithic archaeological sites. We use multivariate analyses of the abundances of a suite of nine major and minor element oxides determined by electron probe microanalysis. From these data, we construct a classificatory model for correlating distal tephra to one of five volcanic edifices or eruptive phases within the CAVP. Application of this model to distal deposits of primary tephra-fall and reworked tuffaceous sediments from the archaeological sites of Körkuyu and Kaletepe Deresi 3 indicates Late to possibly Early Pleistocene ages for the artifact assemblages there, and provides a fundamental tephrostratigraphic framework to examine spatial and temporal variation in hominin behavior comparable to that of other regions, such as eastern Africa.  相似文献   

This study is mainly based on the expeditions and underwater study of stone anchors from the Cilician coast, Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology and the Kaš Uluburun wreck. The stone anchors found on the Cilician coast are very similar to eastern Mediterranean stone anchors with respect to shape and characteristics. The stone anchors from BMUA and KUW were examined by thin section and XRD analysis. They are made of volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The study indicates that the anchors are similar to others found in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

This is a review of Akbar Ahmed's documentary Journey into America. Produced and narrated by Akbar Ahmed; directed by Craig Consadine, 2009, 99 minutes.  相似文献   

MyheartoftenbeatswarmlywheneverTibetismentioned.Itsnaturalbeautv-snow-cov-eredmountainsandbluesky-thenumerouslegendsofthesnowlandanditsmysteriousreligion,alwayscreatedanenchantingspellforusPekingUniversitystudents.Iyearnedtovisit,andthechancefinallycamelastsummer.TogetherwithsomeGermanstudentsfromtheuniversity,weleftBeijingforXiningbytrain.OnceintheQinghaicapita1,wetookawell-furnishedcoachandbegantheone-monthjourney.TIBETAN.WestoppedoverinGolmud,and,aswewereabouttoleave,someTibetanscame…  相似文献   

IhadtheexperienceoftakingacargotruckfromChengdutoLhasa,crossingadistanceof3,300kminoneweek.IwasdeeplyimpressedbythevastsweepofdesertSpreadingintothefardistanceunderthebluesky.Witheasyaccesstomoderntransporttools,journeyingintoTibetisnolongersomethingimpossible.Thosewhowishtogotherefastmaytakeaplane.Forinstance,aplanetripfromBeijingtoLhasatakesonlysomefourhours.Overlookingtheundulatingsnowymountainsdownbelow,onefeelslikebeinginafairyworld.Nomatterwhattransportmeansyouresortto,airinLhasaisin…  相似文献   

ManypeopleintheworldknowBoshulha,Tanyiantawen,andDamaIa-Mangkangarethreefamousmountainsystems,butfewhaveclimbedthem.ManypeopleintheworldknowNujiang,LancangjiangandJinshajiangarethethreemajorriversinFbet,butveryfewhavedrittedonthem.InQamdo,therearemanytouristsitesadmiredbytheworId.Theyarelocat-edamidsnow-cappedmountains,fast-runningriversandthunderinQwater-falls,anddenseforests.Thenthereareancientmonasteries,buiIdings,steles,viIlagesandworkshops-somanyspotsdatingbacktoancienttimes.Qamdois…  相似文献   

Xiangke Town, seat of Xiangtang County, sleeps in thebosom of emerald mountains skirted by the picturesque Duke River and the GarmaStream. The environment forms a beautiful picture that impresses visitors withsnow-capped mountains, sparklingrivers, and forests under a blue sky.Inside the town, with a population ofsome 9,000, there are two cementstreets in the shape of a "T" Flankingthe streets are buildings and stores. Atdusk, the town is lit up, and the localsbegin to enjoy their nightlif…  相似文献   

Crossing the Sangsang Grasslands, Zongba Desert and high mountains, we reached the motherly lake of Mampang Yumco and went deep into the valley of Gangrenboqe. Six days after our stay in Xigaze, we finally got to Siquanhe Town, where the government of the Ngari Administrative Prefecture is located.It was dark when we arrived and we found our-  相似文献   

孟宪起 《旅游纵览》2007,(12):52-52
<正>今年1月初,我到乌克兰的奥德萨出差。在经由基辅和莫斯科回国的途中,亲身体验到乌克兰人在旅途中的文明举止。叠被我搭乘的111次列车是由奥德萨开往基辅的普通旅客列车,下榻的1号车厢共计1人,除我之外就是几位年轻的乌克兰乘客:一个商人、一个工人、一个教师。  相似文献   

何频 《中国土族》2006,(1):68-68
金秋十月,有幸与单位同事去海南等地旅游,所见所闻,颇有感触……海上漂流海南是一块十分诱人的地方,这里风景秀丽、气候宜人,令多少人充满了好奇和向往。碧波荡漾的万泉河边,代代传颂着红色娘子军的动人故事。而去了海南谁不玩一把水上漂流那是一大遗憾。我们乘上游艇,想亲身体  相似文献   

美食篇南岭中的奇味佳肴南岭(广东韶关)属于中亚热带地区的山地,常年平均温度比较低,约在18℃~21℃,温暖湿润,降雨丰富,因此非常适合各类植物的生长。很多野菜材料,比如常见的野香菇、竹笋、水芹菜等,已经成为当地人餐桌上的时令小蔬。除此之外,还有一些本地人种植的有特色的蔬菜瓜果,比如著名荸荠、芋头等。乐昌北乡素有"中国马蹄之乡"的美称,这里种植的马蹄具有色美、肉嫩、爽甜、渣少的特点,既可以入菜肴,也可以削皮后生吃。  相似文献   

<正>风景篇既然不能吟诗任性远方,那就偏安南岭吧!南岭,位于中国湖南省、江西省、广东省、广西壮族自治区4省区交界处。东西连绵山脉近1400公里,北望湘赣闽大地,南望珠江流域,阻挡南北气流  相似文献   

正风景篇既然不能吟诗任性远方,那就偏安南岭吧!南岭,位于中国湖南省、江西省、广东省、广西壮族自治区4省区交界处。东西连绵山脉近1400公里,北望湘赣闽大地,南望珠江流域,阻挡南北气流  相似文献   

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