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What are the difficultiesinvolving in flying toTibet? The answer: airroutes that challengepilot skills, airportsthat are bard to land on and takeoff, and achangeable climate hard to forecast.Forbidden Air ZoneTibet, in southwestern China, coversan area of 1.2284 million square km, andis widely known as the "roof of theworld".With an average elevation of some4,000 meters, it has 11 peaks each tower-ing at least 8,000 meters above sea level,and some 50 others over 7,000 meters.CAAC Southwest…  相似文献   

正从美国阿拉斯加州最大城市安克雷奇前往第二大城市费尔班克斯的必经路上,有一座叫作塔尔基特纳的旅游小城,这里有着来阿拉斯加不容错过的游览项目,那就是乘坐小飞机飞临丹奈利国家公园上空,观看壮观的阿拉斯加山脉,而其中最让人血脉偾张的就数北美最高峰麦金利山。阿拉斯加的所有村镇都有自己的机场,小型飞机对于当地人来说恨不得就像皮卡一样普及,所以乘小飞机看山景是很多地方都有的行程。而对  相似文献   

CAAC Southwest Airline's wide-bodied Airbus A330- 200 made its maiden flight, CA4401, to arrive smoothly at Lhasa Gonggar Airport at 9:50 a.m. on June 11 bringing 258 passengers. Another two Airbus A330s join the Air China fleet before July 6. These new planes choose high-performance engines that have been through special technological modification to operate on the high Tibetan plateau and they will become main aircraft on the Lhasa mute. This has been the sixth aircraft type introduced after the first Ilyushin 11-18, and then Boeing 707, Boeing 757, Airbus 340 and Airbus 319 on Tibetan flights since CAAC began operating the Chengdu-Lhasa route 41 years ago.  相似文献   

During the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko, Congo (or Zaire, as Mobutu renamed the country) accumulated a public external debt of roughly $14 billion. At the same time, Mobutu and his associates extracted wealth from the country. By 1990, real capital flight from Zaire amounted to $12 billion. With imputed interest earnings, the accumulated stock of Zairian flight capital was nearly $18 billion. Congo's successor governments may be able to repudiate liability for the Mobutu regime's debts on the basis of the doctrine of odious debt. Creditors could then seek to recover their losses by identifying and impounding flight capital which was extracted from the country.  相似文献   

Mobility is the keystone of the ‘new’ regional geography. Attention is drawn to the outpouring of work on travellers throughout history. Surprisingly, little mention is made of geographers who have crossed borders, been immigrants and have engaged in writing about movement. As is evident from Peter Scott's pocket log diary of air travel and airports, there is scope for a study of the whole range of spatial practices of individual geographers through an examination of maps, diaries, stories, books and television programs. As all geographers are travellers, it is perhaps more appropriate to create the spirit of the time so that we can position ourselves in the bigger picture and enjoy our private reveries. This paper, therefore, seeks to recreate the air transport geography of the mid-1960s and to list key changes over the following thirty years, before examining air transport geography in the mid-1990s. Attention is paid to advertising signs and images of each period.  相似文献   

在清代服饰研究及实物辨识过程中,人们一般根据《大清会典》和《皇朝礼器图式》等记载清代服饰典制的文献,把八团彩云金龙纹样认定为清代后妃吉服上的专用纹样,并进而以之作为区分清代皇帝和后妃服饰的重要标识。本文通过对故宫博物院收藏的大量清代服饰实物、清代宫廷绘画中的服饰图像以及清代文献中相关的记载等直接或间接的资料的考察和分析,认为这一认识存在片面性和不准确性。事实上,八团彩云金龙纹并非清代后妃服饰所专有的纹饰。清早期,皇帝也曾穿用过饰八团彩云金龙纹的吉服,这种男用八团彩云金龙纹吉服与女用八团彩云金龙纹吉服存在着明显相异的形制特征,并有其特有的始创、演变和消失的历史发展过程。  相似文献   

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