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市、县级方志网站的建设和运行,无论是建站基本情况,还是内容建设和功能开发,均呈现出巨大差异性,总体上不能适应和满足二轮修志的现实需要。通过对苏州市及所属市(县)区方志网站全面调查和分析研究,并基于调查结果,提出市、县级方志网站尽早做到建网全覆盖,统筹思考建站形式,增强、完善网站内容和功能等对策。  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟藏经洞壁画现状是:东、西、南三壁皆无画,北壁画有两棵树,两树内侧枝上分别挂着水壶、布囊,两树外侧下方分别站立着比丘尼和近事女。但第一个进入藏经洞的西方学者斯坦因,在其1907年5月28日日记中,第一次记录的藏经洞壁画情况如下:"除了北侧的墙壁外,其他墙面都是空白无画的灰泥。北壁的上半部分残存有彩绘窗花格,显然是绿色、红色相间的。没有任何人像或彩绘背后圆光的痕迹。"斯坦因在其正式考察报告书《塞林底亚》中,第二次记录的情况基本相同。斯坦因对藏经洞壁画的考古学观察记录迥异于藏经洞现状,因而产生了"藏经洞壁画问题"。根据伯希和1908年在藏经洞内拍摄的工作照,斯坦因所说"窗花格"应即双树的树枝和树叶,但仍无人物画等存在的证据。张大千于1941年10月第一次记录了近事女像的存在,此后藏经洞壁画逐渐呈现出现状。本文对1907-1941年间有关藏经洞壁画的各种相关记载进行了初步的梳理,推测现存近事女像和比丘尼像等或为张大千的仿古新绘。  相似文献   


Cave 17 or the cave library is located on the northern wall in the hallway of Cave 16 in Mogao Caves, Dunhuang. The murals on the cover layer of Cave 16 are closely connected with the reason why the cave library was sealed. The transformation tableaux of the thousand Buddhas on the cover layer of Cave 16 seems to reflect the thought of the Final Dharma, which could be dated in the late Guiyijun period when Dunhuang was ruled by the Cao family. In 1052, the trend of the Final-Dharma thought flourished in the Liao Dynasty. With the frequent communications between the Guiyijun regime and the Liao, this trend came to Dunhuang and merged with the original thought of the Final Dharma in this region, which tremendously impacted the Buddhist community in Dunhuang. So the local Buddhist community made the transformation tableaux on the mural of Cave 16 and also transformed Cave 17 for storing Buddhist texts as a response to the coming Final Dharma. These activities seem to have led to the eventual sealing of Cave 17.  相似文献   

关于莫高窟窟前殿堂与窟檐建筑的时代问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are more than twenty halls in front of cave in Mogao Grottoes, such as caves No.130,108,100,98,96,95,85,76,74,72,61,55,467,53,46,45,44,39,38,35,30-27,33-21,Most of caves have its own eaves building. The two kinds of architecture are both timber construction.After carefully research, we find that these special architecture were build during early Tang dynasty at the first time, developed in Middle Tang,and very popular during the period of Gui-Yi-Jun, and still continued in the West Xia and Yuan Dynasty. In this paper, the author specially discusses the two halls in front of caves No.130 and No.96.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 敦煌石窟经变画中现存金刚经变18幅,其中盛唐一幅,绘于第31窟南壁,吐蕃占领时期(786-848)十三铺,分别绘于第112、144、145、147、150、198、359、369窟南壁,第236、240窟北壁,第135、154窟东壁.  相似文献   

为说明敦煌莫高窟第85窟颜料目前所处的状态,用色度计和CIE1976年表色系统进行选点监测,并进行X—衍射分析。分析、监测结果表明,第85窟颜料有7种颜色,其中绿色颜料是最稳定的一种。颜色的色度值不仅反映了颜料当前所处的状态,而且对了解古代画师调色、技法、配比等提供一定的线索。这些信息对保护修复有指导性意义,  相似文献   

阚绪良 《文献》2003,(3):48-53
《唐五代书仪研究》内《敦煌写本书仪中所见的唐代婚丧礼俗》征引斯1725号写本书仪有云:"妇人亲迎入室,即是与夫党相识.若有吉凶觐问,日即作书也.近代之人多不亲迎入室,即是遂就妇家成礼,累积寒暑,不向夫家.或逢诞育男女,非止一二.道途或远,不可日别[?]通参舅姑,其有吉凶,理须书疏.妇人虽已成礼,即于夫党元不相识,是名疏也."(290页)  相似文献   

本文从敦煌诗歌残卷中,特别是敦煌诗人的诗歌中抽绎出关于敦煌风貌的线索,力求更加客观地分析敦煌的地理环境、风云变幻、异域风光、民族风情等,从而对敦煌的地域文化风貌获得一定的认识。  相似文献   

李茹 《丝绸之路》2010,(10):23-27
敦煌藏经洞文物除了4~14世纪初的5万余件文献之外,还有一部分珍贵的艺术品,如丝织品、纸画、木版画、剪纸、粉本等。其中精美的刺绣丝织品是藏经洞出土的一种佛教装饰艺术品。刺绣丝织品因为材料的相似性、特异性以及不可分割性,使其具备了作为纺织、印染、刺绣工艺独立的研究价值。从这个意义上来说,敦煌刺绣丝织品艺术与敦煌石窟壁画一样是敦煌佛教艺术的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

On July 4 2005, an auspicious day, three people from theadministrative office of the Potala Palace went to the worksiteto supervise the gilding work. Before starting to gild themetallic pieces for the golden top, Purbo Cering and Wangdui,chiefs of the metal processing workshop of Lhasa AntiqueConstruction Art Co. put the gold paper beaten as thin as thewings of a fly on a scale to weigh before supervisors. Theresult was that they weighed a total of 2,360 grams, equal tothe weight of gold i…  相似文献   

莫高窟第3窟壁画是研究莫高窟晚期壁画艺术面貌的重要遗存。这一时期出现了新的造型样式,即同一种形象有不同的造型特征,如"世俗化"的人物形象、从"神格"到"人格"的毗那夜迦神像、异样的飞天造型等艺术风格都是"佛教中国化"的重要体现,这种"中国化"突出了时代性、民族性和地域性的特点,更加说明了元代工匠不束缚于传统壁画的造型模式,艺术上进行圆融创新,同时还构建了各民族交往交流交融的繁华景象。  相似文献   

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