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潘世杰 《收藏家》2011,(10):67-72
六.宣统桑康果木: 公元1909年(清宣统元年)西藏地方政府在拉萨以北的扎西地区建立以水利为动力驱动机器制造银币的造币工厂。当时制造的是一种大型的银圆,币名为“桑康果木”(桑康果木——其意为一两银圆),币面铸有藏文“宣统元年”字样,下面铸有“一两”面值。  相似文献   

潘世杰 《收藏家》2011,(9):77-82
雅鲁藏布江南部的雅隆河谷,公元7世纪初兴起了雅隆王朝(即吐蕃王朝)。公元629年西藏吐蕃政治家、军事家松赞干布统一了西藏,定都(逻娑luosuo)拉萨,建立了统一的奴隶制吐蕃王朝。并同唐朝建立起密切的关系。公元641年松赞干布迎娶大唐公主文成入藏和亲,使藏汉民族的关系以及西藏经济文化的发展,都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the c. 250 'exotic' Celtic coins found in Britain, defined as coins originating beyond Armorican and Belgic Gaul. The coins are considered in relation to their typology, their contexts of discovery and their distribution. Several key themes emerge: the occasional import of early continental staters, perhaps in the third century BC; the arrival of fine copies of Massiliot bronze issues during the second century BC, leading to the development of British potin coinage; and, from the first half of the first century BC, the importation of an increased number of exotic coins, mostly from central Gaul, primarily to Chichester, north-east Kent and the territories north of the Thames.  相似文献   

论都铎英国的货币管制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币的铸造及发行权是封建时代王权的重要组成部分,因而历来备受各国政府的高度重视和管制.都铎时期的英国既出于强化王权的需要,又迫于国内非常状况的压力,曾以王室公告为主要法律手段,对货币实行了严格而长期的国家管制,并取得了一定的成效.但囿于若干因素的制约,其实际效果又有一定局限性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion and catalogue of the Iron Age coins found on the Isle of Wight which have been recorded, or are extant, on the island. These coins show a wide variety of links with the mainland and Continental Europe. Many of the coins are of unusual or unique types, suggesting a political division between the Isle of Wight and recognized major tribal groups for at least some of the Late Iron Age. Links are indicated with the intermediary Hampshire group introduced by Sellwood (1984). Strong links are shown with the Durotriges group to the west, and to a lesser degree with the Atrebates/Regni group to the east of the island. There are also preliminary indications of political and social centralization on the island for the first time, from numismatic finds.  相似文献   

楚金币的发现与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述了楚国金币的发现情况,对楚金币的种类、形制、印记、重量与刻文诸问题加以探讨,对楚金币出土情况进行剖析,认为,楚金币是流通中的秤量货币,它与铜贝是主币与辅币的关系;并对楚金币的币材产地、冶炼技术与铸造年代等进行研究。  相似文献   

清代自乾隆后期开始,银钱比价发生重要变化,始终处于银贵钱贱阶段。特别是鸦片战争前后,不少地区一两白银兑钱二千甚至更多,对民生、经济影响至巨,而对于其中的原因,建国以来多数学者把它归因于鸦片的大量输入导致的白银大量外流。我们认为,这种认识并不全面,导致鸦片战争前银贵钱贱的原因是多方面的,既有鸦片大量输入这个外部因素,也有清代货币体系本身的内部原因。  相似文献   

Eight previously published (1) pre-Islamic coins minted in Arabia were subjected to non-destructive ion beam analysis by Proton Induced X-Ray (PIXE) and Gamma-Ray Emission (PIGME) at Lucas Heights. The results (2) were interpreted using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The relative X-ray intensities of fifteen elements, supplemented with additional L alpha lines for two of the elements, were extracted for this analysis. PCA (results appended) was first carried out on the whole dataset where the distinctive high iron and nickel composition of two coins (331 and 335) resulted in their position as outliers. A second analysis of the subset of silver coins showed the compositional similarity between four coins (44, 222, 226, 359) and distinguished two separate outliers. One of these (369) has a high lead and tin content while the other (354) has a greater proportion of elements present as impurities (?) including iron and nickel. The two outliers and the relatively homogenous compositions of the group of four coins suggest that three compositional types of silver coinage are represented in the dataset: 1. a relatively silver-rich group of four coins; 2. silver coins debased with lead; and 3. silver coins debased with iron and nickel.  相似文献   


The several Byzantine oneirocritic texts have been edited and more recently translated and commented upon, but a study to match Dodds' on Greek antiquity has still to appear.  相似文献   

光复初期关于台湾币制的争论和台币的发行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1945年台湾光复后,台湾省行政长官公署长官陈仪,与国民政府财政部部长兼中央银行总裁俞鸿钧,就台湾货币的发行权问题展开了一场激烈争论。陈仪主张台湾光复后,台湾货币应由台湾银行或由中央银行监督台湾银行发行,俞鸿钧则认为应由中央银行发行台湾地方货币。最后以行政院开会决议由中央银行监督台湾银行发行新台币而告终。那么,当时为什么会发生这场争论?  相似文献   

《Medieval archaeology》2013,57(1):157-181

In about AD 1140, the island of Gotland initiated what was to become one of the most influential coinages of the medieval Baltic Sea area. This was part of a strategy to meet the impact and pressure from the world outside in a period characterised by large-scale political and ideological changes. In this situation, old and new networks were important to maintain autonomy from those aiming for dominance over the island. The coins, with an independent weight standard and an iconography inspired by NW German and Frisian coins, were one way of attracting partners to the island's main harbour, where its inhabitants could maintain control and trading peace. Coins incorporate in them the dimensions of object, text and picture. A historical archaeology of coins needs not only focus on large-scale perspectives and formal power, but must also give weight to the archaeological context, the life biography of the coins and the social negotiations behind their production and use. Thus intention and reality, symbolism and social practice may be studied to find openings to the stories behind the objects. The different dimensions of the coins together with historical sources give away plenty of information on several levels: about the networks, ideological framework, artisanship and changing loyalties of this time and area.  相似文献   

We present the results of geochemical analysis of silver coinage issued by Rome and dated between the fourth and second century BCE, which are complemented by data of coinage issued by Carthage, the Brettii, and the Greek colony of Emporion. Each of these minting authorities represents one of the major parties involved in the struggle for hegemony in the fourth to second centuries BCE Western Mediterranean region. This study retraces how the metal supply shifts in response to the transforming power relations and how this change is related to Rome's rise to the virtually uncontested ruler of the region.  相似文献   

An investigation of the chemical composition of the first Roman provincial coinage of Judaea, minted in ad 6–66, was conducted. A total of 103 copper‐alloy coins were analysed by ICP‐AES. It was determined that different copper alloys were used for the coinage, a leaded tin‐bronze and a pure tin‐bronze alloy. The investigation also showed that the copper alloy was made in four different formulae with regard to the alloying elements added to copper. Trace element profiles point to the existence of a shared pool of metal for Roman coins and metalwork.  相似文献   

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