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上中学时就知道了马烽,首先是因为看了《吕梁英雄传》,接着又看了《金宝娘》、《村仇》、《宝葫芦》、《红姑娘》、《解疙瘩》、《一架弹花机》、《结婚》、《韩梅梅》,以及电影《扑不灭的火焰》。那时,马烽在我心目中是继赵树理、  相似文献   

罗鸣 《巴蜀史志》2014,(5):34-36
中国新文化运动的先驱者之一、文艺界卓越领导人、著名戏剧家阳翰笙,一生主编了《流沙》《日出》等进步刊物;创作了“华汉三部曲”、《前夜》《塞上风云》《李秀成之死》《天国春秋》《草莽英雄》《两面人》《槿花之歌》等20多部小说、大型话剧和电影剧本:创作和领导拍摄了《八千里路云和月》《一江春水向东流》《万家灯火》《希望在人间》《三毛流浪记》《北国江南》等优秀影片,为中国文艺事业的发展立下了汗马功劳,彪炳史册。  相似文献   

《未知特许状》和《男爵法案》是《大宪章》的两份草案。《未知特许状》包含《亨利一世特许状》和补充条款两部分,绝大部分补充条款进入到《男爵法案》和《大宪章》中,构成了男爵们的核心利益。《男爵法案》极大扩充了文件内容,包含了更多样的群体利益;其担保条款深具原创性和革命性,深刻改变了《大宪章》的性质;其司法条款进入《大宪章》,对后世的法治和宪治造成了深刻影响。最终制定的《大宪章》确认了教会自由,奠定了王国政治秩序的基础。《大宪章》一方面遵从《未知特许状》采取特许状形式,继承了国王宣誓传统;另一方面基本采用了《男爵法案》的内容、次序和措辞,确立了国家治理的结构。经过这些制定过程,《大宪章》从男爵特权方案变为更具公共性的国家特许状。  相似文献   

正少年茅盾的趣事茅盾名沈德鸿,字雁冰,著名作家、政治活动家。茅盾一生创作了大量的文学作品,具有很高的艺术成就。主要作品有:长篇小说《蚀》《虹》《子夜》《第一阶段的故事》《腐蚀》《霜叶红似二月花》;中篇小说《路》《三人行》;短篇小说《春蚕》《秋收》《残冬》《林家铺子》等。其代表作《子夜》,是中国现代现实主义文学发展史的里程碑,显示了现代文学在长  相似文献   

皇侃《礼记义疏》征引了大量的《礼记》旧疏,孔颖达《礼记正义》在编纂成书时,也对这些旧疏进行了征引.本文通过比较孔氏《礼记正义》与皇氏《礼记义疏》,探析、总结了《礼记正义》征引《礼记义疏》所引《礼记》旧疏的方法与原则.并在探析孔氏《礼记正义》二次征引皇氏《礼记义疏》所引旧疏的过程中,对马国翰所辑《礼记》旧疏的疏误进行了匡补.  相似文献   

解放后的前三十年,关于回族史的工作,先后出版了《回回民族底新生》、《西北回族革命简史》、《回回民族的历史和现状》、《回民起义》、《清代回民起义》、《回族简史简志合编》、《回族简史》等专著和史料集,发表了数百篇论文。在回族的来源和形成、历代回族人民的革命斗争,回族的科学文化史等方面做了可贵的研究。改革开放以来,回族史的研究日趋活跃,成绩喜人。在八十年代的十年当中,出版了《回族人物志》元代、明代,《回族史论集》,《中国伊斯兰史存稿》,《回族商业史》,《回族文学史》(古代部分),《云南回族史》,《西北回民起义史料》,《云南回民起义史料》,《中国伊斯兰教派与门  相似文献   

《周颂·大武乐章》诸篇绎释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《周颂·大武乐章》是《周颂》中的重要组诗,它在《诗经》甚至整个中国文化史上都具有重要地位。本文在否定历来以“大武六成”为理由判断《大武乐章》有六篇之说的基础上,重新认定了《大武乐章》的篇目,即《时迈》、《我将》、《赉》、《酌》、《般》、《桓》、《武》,并对所属诸篇进行了绎释。  相似文献   

一《孙子兵法》为孙武所著,它是我国现存最早的一部军事著作。全书共十三篇,分为《计》、《作战》、《谋攻》、《形》、《势》、《虚实》、《军争》、《九变》、《行军》、《地形》、《九地》、《大攻》、《用间》等篇。全书总结了当时许多战争经验,在理论和实践上,提出了比较系统的带有规律性的论断。在孙武的论述中,反映了朴素的唯物主义思想和自发的辩证法思想,丰富了我国古代的哲学理论。以后,历代的军事家对于《孙子兵法》,都十分重视。史家曾赞道:“孙子之才,彰于伍员。法行二嫔,威振三军。御众如一,料敌若神。大胜于楚,…  相似文献   

自宋代以来,《汉书》所载元王诗多被人目为《鲁诗》,但其证据存在诸多疑点。因此,考察《元王诗》的归属是进一步地弄清汉代《诗经》传承版图的一个重要内容。本文从《元王诗》被看作《鲁诗》的过程出发,具体分析了《元王诗》非《鲁诗》的原因,并比对了刘向《诗》学观点与楚元王封地附近的汉代《诗》简,从而最终判定《元王诗》是汉代《诗经》传授中的独立一支,刘向所习主要是《元王诗》而非《鲁诗》。所以从刘向《诗》学中辑考的鲁诗也非《鲁诗》。  相似文献   

《孔子家语》长期以来一直被认为是伪书。1973年河北定县西汉中山王墓出土了《儒家者言》一篇,内容与《家语》相关,1977年安徽阜阳双古堆汉墓也出土了与《家语》有关的简牍。在某种程度上证明了《家语》不伪。本文校勘了《家语》与《礼记》中相同的篇章,检视了《家语》与《礼记》的三种可能性,《礼记》与《家语》在文本上存在极大差异,绝不是王肃伪作了《家语》,也绝不会是《礼记》抄袭了《家语》,二者都是流传有本的。儒家文献都来自于原始的弟子笔记,对这些原始材料的编撰,形成单篇的儒家文献,这些单篇的文献分合不定,不同的人据以编订不同的集子,从而形成《礼记》《大戴礼记》。《家语》编撰者所据以编订《家语》的材料同《礼记》相同,而不是抄袭《礼记》。二者出现相同的部分也正是缘于此。《家语》是众多伪书中久成铁案的一部,对它的正名应当警醒我们对伪书的理解,反思什么是“伪”,怎样定义“伪”。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a rethinking of the ethical sensibilities of geographical research in the context of an emerging interest amongst geographers in non-representational registers of thinking and moving. Rather than undermining geographical engagements with questions of the ethical, the paper argues that this emerging interest in questions of the non-representational actually extends the range and repertoire of empirical contexts and conceptual vehicles within and with which such an engagement can take place. The paper argues that attending to and through the relation between affect and ethics is particularly important to this effort. The importance of affect in this regard is illustrated through a series of examples drawn from an 18-month participatory encounter with a specific therapeutic practice, Dance Movement Therapy. Drawing upon such examples, the paper offers some lines of ethical potential that might provide orientation to further geographical research. In doing this, the paper concentrates in particular on the necessity of cultivating a fidelity to the affective event of geographical ethics as much as remaining faithful to the subject or object of an ethical code.  相似文献   

油渍是一种纸张上的常见病害,以往对于这种病害如何影响手工纸性能的研究较少。本工作以纸张耐久性变化的研究作为切入点,辅以扫描电镜对油渍与纸张的共存状态的观察,以此来探讨油渍对手工纸的影响。研究表明油渍使得纸张的抗张强度、撕裂度、耐折度等物理性能有一定的降低,色差值增大,pH值降低,油渍以一种物理吸附的作用包裹于纤维之上对纸张造成影响。随着老化时间的增加,油渍因为氧化酸败作用而逐渐变质,从实验结果中发现油渍对纸张的耐久性影响在老化前期影响较大,后期影响较小。  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to propose a model for measuring the sustainability level of historic urban quarters and to indicate an appropriate strategy for their revitalization. Based on this aim, this study first presents the theoretical review on the concept of “revitalization”, and its relationship with sustainability; next, it introduces the characteristics, role, selection process and scaling method of sustainability indicators, which are essential for measuring the level of sustainability. The paper then, as the main contribution of this paper, proposes the model for measuring the level of sustainability in historic urban quarters and determines some proposals to achieve revitalized and sustainable historic urban quarters. Depending on the proposed model, there is a direct relationship between type and the level of obsolescence (revitalization) and the level of sustainability in the physical, economic and social structures of a particular area. Therefore, when the level of sustainability is high in any one of these three structures, it means that the level of obsolescence is low in the same structures of an historic urban quarter. The result of this paper leads us to say that, the level of sustainability is a new (additional) input in the strategic planning process of revitalization and sustainable urban revitalization of historic urban quarters. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief summary on the general arguments of the paper.  相似文献   

This paper explores the reform of environmental policy‐making by the Hawke government through its creation of the Resource Assessment Commission (RAC). The paper pursues two themes. First, it argues that this reform must be seen within the broader context of the Hawke government's approach to public policy generally. The paper argues that the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has instituted a model for policy politics based on key strategic and normative approaches—a model this paper refers to as ‘Accordism’. Secondly, this paper looks at the RAC and in so doing argues that, on the basis of the norms that underpinned the reform of environmental policy‐making based on this body, the Commission may be placed squarely within the ‘Accordist’ paradigm.  相似文献   

This paper explores the student experience of multidisciplinarity within the undergraduate Geography curriculum. It considers the drivers that have underpinned this development before considering the findings of research into student experiences in two universities in the south of England. The results suggest that most students view this development positively and recognize a number of advantages that it brings, citing expanded opportunities for learning, working with people from other disciplines, expansion of perspectives and perceived benefits to employability. However, for a minority this development is more problematic. The research points here to issues with specialist knowledge and disciplinary pedagogies, social issues within the classroom and class organization and some reservations regarding groupwork. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to formulate location-allocation models of linear facilities, such as bridges, railroad crossings, and staircases. The location-allocation models in this paper differ from existing location-allocation models in that the service provided by the facilities is consumed by trips, with associated origins and destinations. The first part of the paper shows the formulation of these location-allocation problems in one-dimensional space. It is demonstrated that these problems can also be formulated by the use of a rectilinear Voronoi diagram in two-dimensional space. The second part of the paper demonstrates fundamental relationships between the number of facilities and the total length of indirect trips and between the number of facilities and the total number of indirect trips for uniformly and independently distributed origins and destinations.  相似文献   

I take as my starting point the fact that Western cities are often depicted as on the brink of catastrophe. Indeed some contemporary authors would argue that they have never been closer to that brink. The first part of this paper argues against this tendency by focusing on the preponderance of activities of repair and maintenance. Having looked at the state of this forgotten infrastructure, in the second part of the paper I turn to an examination of why this Cassandra interpretation is so prevalent. I argue that, in particular, it draws on wellsprings of misanthropy which are rarely voiced in writings on cities because sociality is too often confused with liking. Yet it seems vital to me to tackle misanthropy head on. Then, in the third part of the paper, I argue that currently there is a coming together in cities of all kinds of affective politics of concern which can act, through all manner of small achievements, as a counter to misanthropy but which do not mistake the practice of this politics for a search after perfection.  相似文献   

20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是在对美国实地调查和收集史料的基础上撰就而成的。将近一个世纪的情况表明 ,美国学者对中国史学史的研究是认真的、系统的、连贯和深入的。来自中国的学者和华人学者曾在美国对中国史学史研究的进程中起过关键的作用。经过将近一个世纪的努力 ,美国学者对中国史学史的研究 ,已经形成了一些特色。他们的研究表明 ,研究中国史学史要有世界眼光 ;研究中国史学史 ,要放到世界史学史发展的大背景中作比较的考察 ,要放到世界汉学家研究中国史学史的背景中作比较的考察。关注同行研究 ,加强对话交流 ,是中国学者促进当代中国史学建设的重要途径  相似文献   

This paper examines the existence of regional agglomerations of manufacturing, service and creative industries, the relationship between these industries and the wealth of regions and their industrial structure. Through an analysis of 250 European regions, three important conclusions can be inferred from the results obtained in this paper. The first is that creative industries play an important role in the wealth of a region. The second is that the most creative regions are characterized by having more high-tech manufacturing industries than the rest of the regions although the number of low-tech manufacturing firms is similar. Lastly, the industrial structure of each region has a greater influence on regional wealth than the existence of industrial agglomerations. The importance of this paper resides in the fact that up until now no analysis has demonstrated that creative industries are the most important industries in regional wealth.  相似文献   

The automatic production of space   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is concerned with the changing nature of space. More and more of the spaces of everyday life come loaded up with software, lines of code that are installing a new kind of automatically reproduced background and whose nature is only now starting to become clear. This paper is an attempt to map out this background. The paper begins by considering the nature of software. Subsequently, a simple audit is undertaken of where software is chiefly to be found in the spaces of everyday life. The next part of the paper notes the way in which more and more of this software is written to mimic corporeal intelligence, so as to produce a better and more unobtrusive fit with habitation. The paper then sets out three different geographies of software and the way in which they are implicated in the reproduction of everyday life before concluding with a consideration of the degree to which we might consider the rise of software as an epochal event or something much more modest.  相似文献   

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