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朱洪 《江淮文史》2003,(3):127-132
“套鸟的圈套”1919年夏天,陈独秀被捕后,胡适比平时更忙。《每周评论》每一期几乎都有他的文章,在最近的《每周评论》上,发表了一篇论文学革命的文章,认为“中国文学语言,不再是一种创造性文学作品能胜任的工具。哪有一种死语言能适合于创造性文学的?”7月5日,辜鸿铭在北大写反对中国文学革命的文章,指名道姓向胡适叫战。这篇文章7月12日刊登在上海出版的英文刊物《密勒氏译论》上。辜鸿铭写道:“当胡适教授用他那音乐般的声音谈论‘活文学’和‘重估一切价值’,‘谈论’为观念和思想的彻底变革铺路,唯有此种变革,能够为全民族创造条件时,…  相似文献   

据说,民国闻人戴季陶(1891—1949),生前有过如此抱叹:民国二、三年(1913、1914年),他就想叫国民党提倡白话文,若国民党听了他的话,哪里有陈独秀、胡适之出风头的机会。此公此言,未免太过自夸,太过狂傲。但如果说,戴氏当初在中国的现代白话文运动中,确也曾经有过某些堪称前驱的表现,那倒是事实。  相似文献   

刘继兴 《江淮文史》2012,(4):158-162
五四新文化运动时期,围绕白话文与文言文的论争,形成了两大阵营。那一场场硝烟弥漫的论争,充满了激情、狡黠、机巧、趣味与智慧,点亮了新文化运动启蒙的天空。绝妙的“双簧"  相似文献   

众所周知,白话文运动是“五四”新文化运动的重头戏,也难怪有人干脆将“五四”新文化运动称为白话文运动(至1921年,白话文完全取代文言文取得了正宗的国语地位)。而作为“五四”新文化运动的一部分的世界语运动,就鲜为人知了。尽管如此,世界语运动在“五四”也引起了不少波澜,《新青年》杂志就曾于1916年到1919年,为此开展过一场历时三四年之久的大讨论。本文就“五四”世界语运动的发生、发展及其受挫原因进行一些较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

杨恋  卢锐 《神州》2013,(9):174-174
基尔特社会主义争论是"五四"之后中国政治思想界继"问题与主义"争论之后进行的又一次思想大碰撞,在当时产生了巨大影响。这场争论使得马克思的科学社会主义被广泛接受,同时共产主义者也得到了理论上的提高,对中国共产党的建立和今后中国革命的发展有着重大的影响和启示。本文主要探讨了基尔特社会主义争论对我国社会主义建设的影响及启示。  相似文献   

王蓉 《神州》2013,(13):164-165
"五四"前后是中国思想界争论最为激烈的时期,这一时期内出现了多种思潮并存、争论不休的局面。这与中国当时的社会环境有着密切的关系。本文中,笔者结合自身的工作实践,对"五四"前后的中国思想界的几个典型的思想争论进行分析研究,并探索了这些思想对中国社会造成的影响。  相似文献   

志书和年鉴都是地情工具书,有着相近的功能。两者基本上同在方志系统编纂出版,从而引发学者在功能、资料、体例、队伍等方面的争论。  相似文献   

"三方协商一致",是1946年初美国总统特使马歇尔提议、国共双方认可的调处国共冲突工作的一项核心原则。因此,任何对这一原则的重大修改必然会引起各方的激烈争论。自1946年3月底军调部美方委员提出准许给予执行小组美方成员以决定权,至同年6月底三人小组通过《解决执行小组交通小组北平军调部及长春军调分部中某些争执之条款》,国、共、美三方围绕赋予"美方决定权"的问题展开了两轮长达近3个月之久的争论。这场起初由军调部美方代表提出、继之由蒋介石挑起的重大原则争论,对于马歇尔赴华使命的成功与否、国共全面内战的缘起与结局以及中美关系的未来走向均产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代初,文学研究会在上海的一些人曾有力地呼应了胡适提倡最力的整理国故,但双方在具体观念上又颇有歧异,这些歧异多与“白话”相关。文学研究会的严既澄指责胡适有“用白话的标准去估量旧韵文”的倾向,双方就此展开了论争,其核心议题即“什么是中国文学史的主流”。当白话文出现走向欧化的趋势而致时人抱怨看不懂时,文学研究会的同人多认为应该是读者转换思想以适应欧化的文风,也有人主张白话文同时向“欧化”和文言开放,而胡适明确表示不同意,认为只须向大众方向努力。  相似文献   

王孟 《神州》2012,(12):65-65
从大部分高考文言文试题来看,内容包括客观选择题和主观翻译题两部分,分值在20分左右,占试题总分的13%。要真正让学生在文言文阅读考试中取胜,就必须把文言文教学很好地与高考文言文阅读试题衔接起来,切实提高学生的文言文素养。  相似文献   

Advocates of education privatization often take two general approaches to denigrating commonplace public school monopoly service provision assignments. One general argument is that public school administrators are self-interested rent-seekers, which is evidenced by the ever-enlarging bureaucracies they operate. This argument has been roundly criticized by Kevin Smith and Kenneth Meier (1994, 1995) in two methodologically rigorous analyses. The second general argument is grounded in the assumption that public school student performance will improve if public schools are forced to compete for enrollment with private school alternatives. The evidence regarding this claim of privatization advocates has been contested in a systematic study of North Carolina school districts, but requires further analysis to determine if these findings can be generalized to school districts writ large. Such a replication study is presented here, with findings reported that are in agreement with those of Newmark (1995).  相似文献   

近年大量宝贵简帛材料的面世,为古史重构提供了前所未有的机遇和有利条件,以五帝时代为中心的古史建构与重构,是古代中国史学的核心问题之一,也是20世纪疑古思潮所疑所辨的重点所在。可以预见,新世纪学术的重大发展之一应当就是科学考古对于古史重构的推动。这方面的科学考古既包括田野考古,也包括对于地下出土的文字资料的整理与研究,甚至还包括精神考古。  相似文献   

俄罗斯随历史发展成为领土辽阔的庞大国家。随时间与空间的延续,生活在其中的人竟然无法就国族文化得到共识。十九世纪的知识阶层独立于政权之外展开社会自发的国族论述。从早期斯拉夫派与西方派的国族本质辩论,到革命前政治意识型态之争,国家历史是知识分子最重要论述依据。历史学家应能发挥专业长才,贡献于审视国族文化,却又往往被视为与知识阶层隔绝。本文以莫斯科学派的米留可夫为例,探究历史学家的国族观念。米留可夫无法认同长期受浪漫主义唯心哲学主导的俄国社会思想,主张经验历史的重要,如此才能建立正确的历史知识,找到真正的国族文化。他希望用客观的方法替代过去以人类精神为主体的理论架构,因此为俄国历史学和国族论述添上了新的一页。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been renewed interest in the area of school to university transitions within geography. This article focuses upon one aspect of these transitions, namely the induction programmes offered by universities to their new undergraduates. It argues in favour of extending the length of the induction period currently offered by many institutions and incorporating student voices into the induction process through peer mentoring. In making this argument, the article reports upon the new Extended Induction to Geography programme that Newcastle University piloted for the first time in 2011–2012.  相似文献   


The implied strategy and the history projected in the new book of Jens Bruun Kofoed, Text and History, fails to measure up to the critical principles of both theology and science established by Thomas Acquinas' centuries' old distinction between faith and reason. An apologetic intention in Kofoed's book attempts to demonstrate that the biblical history of his evangelical faith is not unreasonable. Thomas Thompson, on the other hand, thinks it is necessary to hold the line between faith and science, which St. Thomas drew some seven centuries ago. What Kofoed argues in an effort to project a history of Israel, which would be an alternative to that of the “Copenhagen school” is not science. Nor are his rules of evidence those that the world of secular history requires. Led by an apologetic rhetoric and understanding of historical argument, Kofoed's revised Århus dissertation is dominated by a critique of the “Copenhagen school,” which attempts to show that an alternative answer is not impossible. Although emphasizing the historical methods of Thompson and Niels Peter Lemche in his critique, Kofoed neglects to include in his discussion their discussions of method or, in Lemche's case, anything he has written before 1991. His understanding of their dependency on the Annales school is clearly mistaken as is his understanding of the debates about the relationship between historicity, genre and composition. Finally, his discussion of the comparative method is misleading and ill informed.  相似文献   

In the context of education in England, an argument is put forward that Geography, as it is conceptualised in the National Curriculum, does not connect to either primary school pupils or their teachers. Reasons for this are explored and a proposal is made for a new paradigm for primary geography: ethnogeography. This proposal parallels work on ethnomathematics, which provides a political agenda to the study of maths and itself draws from Paulo Freire's politicization and consciousness raising through adult literacy. This pattern is applied to learning in geographical education. Drawing on the findings of a recent research project, a case is argued for ethnogeography and the implications for primary Initial Teacher Education courses, learners and the curriculum in primary schools and are considered.  相似文献   

The dominance of rational choice-inspired models of policy development, implementation, and evaluation has grown dramatically over the years as a challenge to traditional, pluralist politics. In this article, we analyze the theoretical foundations of the rational choice perspective and its criticism of pluralist politics. We explore the values inherent in the rational choice perspective and suggest that they feed into growing public cynicism about government and lead to a conservative policy agenda of less government. We then develop an unusual argument that the very tools of rational choice analysis and its values actually produce far more government involvement than expected. by examining school voucher programs. We conclude by making a case for pluralist politics as a more appropriate means for addressing the concerns of classical liberals and others about excessive government intrusion.  相似文献   

关于甲午黄海海战北洋海军失利原因的解释,传统观点有所谓缺乏炮弹之说,在社会和学术界都有很大影响.此说主要出自当时几个来华西人,即泰莱、赫德、汉纳根等人的相关说法.但笔者认为,此说大可怀疑,难以成立,是对失利原因的一种错误解释.  相似文献   

The paper is divided into two main parts. In the first part, I counter criticisms that in Anarchy State and Utopia Nozick has no argument for his views on property rights, by presenting what I take to be his main argument that the absolutist nature of property rights makes redistributive taxation impermissible. In the second part, I outline an intuitionist response to this argument. This response presupposes the truth of all the premises of Nozick's argument except its basic absolutist premise : Never use persons (coercively) merely as a means without their consent.  相似文献   

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