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内蒙古农牧交错带考古学文化经济形态转变及其原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、内蒙古东南部考古学 文化经济形态转变及其原因 1.3000aB.P.从以农业为主转为农牧并重 全新世以来内蒙古东南部地区发展起来的新石器时代考古学文化有千斤营子类型、兴隆洼文化、赵宝沟文化、红山文化、富河文化、小河沿文化,青铜时代考古学文化有夏家店下层文化、夏家店上层文化等,无论是新石器时代的考古学文化,还是青铜时代早期的  相似文献   

在新石器时代和青铜时代早期,长城沿线的内蒙古中南部、陕北、内蒙古东南部、辽西等地分布有若干石城带,这些石城带基本上都位于当时农业、半农业文化区的北缘,受到气候环境变迁的影响而南北略有移动,其重要功能之一是为了防御北方民族的南侵。由于这些特点与长城有可比之处,故可称其为长城的"原型"。  相似文献   

狩猎、渔猎和采集是石器时代的主要经济形式。然而,东亚地区的古代化有其一些适应性变化的独特风貌。在普列摩耶(俄国)地区的一些新石器时代的遗址提示我们,那儿存在着加工处理各种石质材料的特别场地。新石器时代晚期和青铜时代,普列  相似文献   

淮河中游地区新石器时代考古学文化序列已渐趋完善,重建该地区新石器时代气候与环境的演变历史,是深入理解人类文化发展过程和人地关系的重要前提。借助多年来实地考察、环境考古研究的成果,结合现有的地质学、考古学以及历史文献等方面相关资料,研究表明淮河中游地区新石器时代的气候环境经历了温凉偏湿、温暖湿润、更加温暖湿润以及逐渐趋于温和偏干、直至洪涝频发的演变过程,且与顺山集文化、双墩文化、大汶口文化以及龙山时代文化的兴衰密切相关。本研究为理解淮河中游地区史前社会变迁与人地关系提供重要科学信息。  相似文献   

气候变迁和中国历史   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文联系东亚、欧州和北美气候变迁及其影响 ,论述中国各历史时期气候变迁和历史的关系。指出以农为本的中国 ,尤其是北方 ,在气候变化面前显得格外脆弱。气候变化影响农业 ,从而影响社会各方面。从新石器时代至清朝 ,中国气候温暖期与寒冷期周期性变化的过程 ,是游牧文明与农耕文明两种生态环境较量与整合的过程。在温暖期 ,中国经济繁荣 ,民族统一 ,国家昌盛 ;寒冷期 ,气候剧变引起经济衰退 ,游牧民族南侵 ,农民起义 ,国家分裂 ,经济文化中心南移等。最后 ,作者指出 ,在历史时期 ,气候是中国北方政治命运的决定性因素之一 ,并强调将世界气候作为一个整体研究历史事件的重要性  相似文献   

塔里木盆地近4 ka来的气候变迁与古人类文明兴衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舒强  钟巍  熊黑钢 《人文地理》2003,18(3):87-91
通过对尼雅剖面多环境替代指标的研究,结合塔里木盆地相关剖面的研究成果,重建了塔里木盆地近4.0 kaB.P.以未的气候环境演变过程与特征,研究揭示,近4.0 kaB.P以来塔里木盆地的气候环境经历了多次的干湿变迁;同时通过有关塔里木盆地的历史文献记载和考古发掘资料,恢复了历史时期以来塔里木盆地的古人类文明的兴衰变迁,并将气候环境的演变过程与古人类文明的兴衰阶段进行了对照研究,研究发现历史时期以来塔里木盆地的气候环境与人文历史之间具有很好的耦合关系:在气候的相对湿润期,环境条件适宜,有利于人类活动,使农牧业生产繁盛,人类活动范围扩大;在暖干的环境条件下,由于水份的减少,则会抑制人类的活动,导致农业歉收,人类的生存环境和条件恶化,古城废弃。  相似文献   

本文综合动物考古资料和研究成果,对新石器时代早期至中期(约公元前9000年至公元前5300年)黄淮下游地区与动物资源开发利用有关的生业进行了初步的综合研究和探讨。黄淮下游地区新石器时代早期还未发现家畜饲养的证据,为纯粹的狩猎经济或以狩猎经济为主。到了新石器时代中期,黄河下游地区的后李文化和淮河中下游地区的顺山集文化时期已经开始驯化、饲养家畜(狗和猪),但获取动物资源方式仍以狩猎和渔捞经济为主,以家畜饲养业为辅,这一阶段的生业属于"低水平的食物生产阶段",获取肉食资源的模式处于"初级开发型"阶段。总体来讲,新石器时代早中期黄淮下游地区的渔猎采集经济采取了强化利用自然资源的广谱渔猎经济策略,并出现了适应定居生活,强化利用水生动物资源的现象。黄淮下游地区新石器时代早、中期阶段动物资源的开发利用有较大的区域特色,也受自然环境与气候演变较大的影响,但该地区古人在适应气候环境条件下的定居生活、生存策略与文化行为模式等人类能动性的一面才是最终起决定作用的因素。  相似文献   

淮河中游地区位于我国东部地理、气候等自然条件多重过渡地带,又是长江流域与黄河流域、东部沿海与西部腹地之间古文化相互交流、碰撞和融合的重要区域,也是中华文明孕育和发展的重要地区之一。淮河中游地区新石器时代考古学文化的演化过程与全新世气候环境的变迁密切相关。暖干型气候条件有利于史前人类文化的发展,而冷湿型气候环境则不利于人类的生存繁衍。该地区文化的演化过程充分反映了史前人类对全新世气候环境变化的适应性和主观能动性。  相似文献   

小拉哈遗址是小拉哈文化的命名遗址。小拉哈遗址的发现,在松嫩平原第一次呈现出新石器时代——青铜时代——早期铁器时代的三叠文化层,小拉哈遗址的文化内涵,对松嫩平原上的昂昂溪文化、小拉哈文化、白金宝文化系统的串连化整合研究提供了宝贵的资料,对研究这一地区古代民族关系、经济与文化发展等,具有很高的科学价值。  相似文献   

李文  李宇 《南方文物》2003,(2):87-95
这里说的东南地区,是指现在的江苏、浙江、安徽、江西和福建的一些地方。当提及“吴越化”时,首先想到的是江、浙。我们认为,自新石器时代起,赣鄱地区是几支原始化交流、融合的桥梁地带,即已与江淮及东南地区连成一片^①。在青铜时代亦不例外。  相似文献   

This essay seeks to clarify the relationship between history and religion in the modern age. It proceeds in three steps. First, it draws attention to the radical asymmetry between first‐person and third‐person statements that Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations rescued from the metaphysical exile to which it had been condemned by Descartes's definition of the self as a thing. Second, it argues that religion is designed to alleviate the peculiarly human kind of suffering arising from this asymmetry. Third, it maintains that history relies on the same means as religion in order to achieve the same results. The turn to historical evidence performed by historians and their readers is more than just a path to knowledge. It is a religious ritual designed to make participants at home in their natural and social environments. Quite like the ritual representation of the death and resurrection of Christ in the Mass, the historical representation of the past underwrites the faith in human liberty and the hope in redemption from suffering. It helps human beings to find their bearings in the modern age without having to go to pre‐industrial churches and pray in old agrarian ways. History does not conflict with the historical religions merely because it reveals them to have been founded on beliefs that cannot be supported by the evidence. History conflicts with the historical religions because it is a rival religion.  相似文献   

目次一绪言二旧石器时代晚期的随机性食物搜寻经济三中石器时代的季节性食物搜寻经济四结语一绪言史前的概念在不同的民族和地区有着不同的时间界定〔1〕。就本文所涉及的青藏高原而言,传统上将其界定在从距今三万年左右旧石器时代晚期出现的人类遗迹开始,直到公元7世纪中叶,即松赞干布建立的吐蕃王朝这段时期〔2〕。从时间上看,这是一个  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between urban growth and establishment‐level dynamics through geographic variations in the establishment age distribution. Using administrative microdata, I find that faster growing cities have higher rates of entry and exit, and younger establishments, on average. The resulting differences in the age distribution account for 38 percent of the variation in MSA employment growth, leaving the majority due to differences among establishments of the same age. In particular, entry and the growth and survival of young establishments (aged five years or less) account for the majority of the variation in MSA growth.  相似文献   

Summary.   The monumental Early Bronze Age settlement at Liman Tepe (Levels VI–IV) (predecessor of the classical site of Klazomenai), on the southern shore of the Gulf of Izmir, is a good indication of the emergence of settlements with centralised organisation on the west coast of Anatolia. Similar developments can also be followed in Troy at the northernmost limit of the western coastline, on the islands of the north and east Aegean, and at the inland site of Küllüoba in north-west Anatolia. Over a much wider geographical area, extending from south-eastern Anatolia via central and western Anatolia, the islands of the east Aegean, the Cyclades, and mainland Greece, a distinctive set of cultural features emerged at the end of Early Bronze Age II. An explanation of the cultural changes taking place along the west Anatolian coastline at this time should thus be sought in the perspective of this wider sphere. These features can be summarised as follows:
  • • 

    organised settlement structures indicating the presence of a central authority;


Summary. The Early Bronze Age (EBA) of Cyprus is a key phase of transformation in the prehistory of the island. Major developments are observed in the economic, social and artistic arenas, but owing to the lack of excavated settlements no firm chronology has ever existed for this period. Excavations in southern Cyprus at Sotira Kaminoudhia, a site with an assemblage belonging in broad terms to the Early Cypriot (EBA) Red Polished ceramic tradition, have helped to fill the lacuna. This paper presents the analyses of a series of radiocarbon determinations from well stratified organic samples in the settlement. These both confirm the EBA status of the site and provide the first firm absolute chronology for the Cypriot EBA. In addition, the new data from Sotira Kaminoudhia provide an opportunity to examine the beginning of this period on Cyprus — specifically the much debated issue of the so-called Philia Phase — both in chronological and socio-economic terms.  相似文献   

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