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The May Fourth New Culture Movement was a “convergent historical movement,” as well as a movement with a central purport and an intrinsic wholeness. The image of a homogeneous May Fourth formed unintentionally, and was also constructed by contemporaries and later generations. By examining the connections between the 1911 Revolution and the New Culture Movement from a more macroscopic perspective, exploring whether the latter was in fact a response to external impact or a self-awakening, observing how the debate over new versus old in the early Republican era developed to the point of a “culture” war, how the two-sided efforts for radical reforms reconciled destruction and construction, the interaction between the student movement and the New Culture Movement, and other aspects, thus examining the legacy of the New Culture Movement via perceptions in the post–May Fourth era, we can see that May Fourth has become a symbol of the New Culture Movement.  相似文献   

新文化运动与反省现代性思潮   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新文化运动根本的思想取向在追求现代性,故其主持者对西方反省现代性思潮并不认同;但是,新文化运动毕竟发生在欧人反省自身文化和欧洲现代思潮发生了深刻变动的大背景之下,所以,无论自觉与否,事实上,它在一定程度上受其影响,从而使自身也打上了反省现代性的印记.其中,就涉及进化论、宗教与情感、中西文化观等荤荦大者而言,已足令吾人看到新文化运动除了传统描述的严厉、激进和不妥协的一面外,还有宽容、人性化与更为多样化、生动的另一面.不仅如此,反省现代性思潮还为李大钊、陈独秀最终转向马克思主义,提供了重要的思想铺垫.  相似文献   

徐国利 《安徽史学》2005,(4):108-114
伦理革命是陈独秀领导的新文化运动的首要目标和中心内容;陈独秀伦理思想的来源主要是西方近代的民主主义、功利主义和进化伦理观;陈独秀的伦理思想在继承近代资产阶级维新派和革命派伦理思想的基础上,又对此作了发展.他的伦理革命观具有时代意义和贡献,然而,其思想体系又存在着许多逻辑上的悖论和混乱.  相似文献   

“自觉”是五四新化运动的一个重要方面。在这之前,由于政治上的原因,“自觉”问题已被普遍关注,其中最有代表性的就是“爱国心”与“自觉心”的讨论。五四新化运动的自觉思潮,直承爱国心与自觉心的讨论而来。但其内容已有深化,它所关注的重心是“青年之自觉”。所谓“青年之自觉”包括三个层次的意思,即青年对于国家之自觉,青年对于社会之自觉,青年对于个人之自觉。五四新化运动所主张的“青年之自觉”,一方面从西方浪漫主义思潮中吸取了灵感,另一方面也受到了儒家“心学”传统,特别是王阳明思想的影响。  相似文献   

Today, Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science are always invoked in the discussion of the May Fourth New Culture Movement. However, Miss Moral, who was also introduced in the later stages of the movement, is much less known. It would clearly be of interest to study the way in which “moral” became a catchword but then faded away and was forgotten. The emphasis on solidarity and patriotism, stimulated by foreign encroachment that had existed since the late Qing Dynasty, began to shift to an ethical revolution centering on individual liberation. However, after the rise of the May Fourth Movement, public attention was attracted by collectivism and nationalism again, while the appeal for individuality and ethical revolution was decayed gradually. The introduction of Miss Moral had a direct relationship with the trend of ethical revolution in the later stages of the New Culture Movement. Translated from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2006, (1): 79–95  相似文献   


Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of many countries around the world where the relationship between customary land tenure and economic development has been hotly debated for a long time. A commonplace of the debate in PNG is that 97% of the nation's land is held under customary tenure, while only 3% has been alienated, and these proportions have not changed since the country became independent in 1975. This paper shows that the boundary between customary and alienated forms of land or immovable property was already showing signs of instability in the late colonial period, and this instability has been greatly magnified in the post-colonial period. The areas of land subject to some form of partial alienation have increased along with the ways and means by which immovable property has been ‘mobilised’, while a variety of customary claims to previously alienated areas have grown stronger over the same period. Although Karl Polanyi's idea of a ‘double movement’ can throw some light on this phenomenon, the PNG case also reveals a new side to the application of this concept.  相似文献   

马勇 《安徽史学》2011,(1):44-56
新文化运动被视为中国的文艺复兴,是整个民族精神的重新整理。在这个运动中,即或有不同意见,但在重新振兴民族精神、重建文化体系方面,实际上并没有真正意义上的反对派。换言之,在新文化运动中虽有左中右的区别,但大体上说他们都是新文化运动中一个分子,只是在某些问题上偏于激进或偏于保守,偏于守成或坚守中立。新文化运动中新旧冲突是存在的,但其性质可能并不像过去所估计的那样严重,新旧人物在某些观点上的对立、冲突和交锋,很可能只是朋友间的交锋与交集,其程度也不像后人所感觉所想象的那样严重。他们的交锋与交集,其实就是你中有我,我中有你,新中有旧,旧中有新,没有绝对新,也没有绝对旧。本文重新解读的林纾,就是这样一个人物。传统评价将他推到新文化运动的对立面,显然是一种政治考量,并不是历史本真。真实的林纾,不仅在新文化运动的谱系中占有一席之地,甚或可以说是新文化运动的前驱者之一,他并没有刻意站在新文化的对立面。  相似文献   

K. C. Chang, ed. Food in Chinese Culture: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977. 429 pp. Illustrations, glossary, index, and bibliography. $20.00.  相似文献   

Michael Cole and Sylvia Scribner. Culture and Thought: A Psychological Introduction. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974. vii + 227 pp. Figures, references, and indexes. $8.95 (paper).

J. W. Berry and P. R. Dasen, eds. Culture and Cognition: Readings in Cross‐Cultural Psychology London: Methuen (New York: Barnes & Noble), 1974. xiv + 487 pp. Figures, tables, references, and indexes. $17.00 (cloth), $8.50 (paper).  相似文献   


This paper examines the intrinsic relationships between Japanese historiography and the three great historiographical trends of New Historiography, Debates on Ancient History, and Marxist historiography, from the macroscopic perspective of the transformation, development, and early modern growth of modern and early modern Chinese historiography, exploring how Chinese historical researchers selected, deviated from, and assimilated Japanese historiography, while also particularly focusing on how the recipients utilized Japanese historiographical methods and concepts as well as the achievements of Japanese scholars in researching Chinese history to construct their own interpretation of Chinese historiography, in a study of the academic trend of indigenization.  相似文献   

岳石文化在山东以北地区的发展态势,学术界向有歧见。本文通过对考古资料的深入分析和对比研究,认为岳石文化在渤海西岸持续北上至唐山一带,在东侧则是从胶东半岛渡渤海海峡北进辽东半岛南端。其北扩态势既有历史渊源,也因中原地区强大的二里头文化的挤压和豫北冀南先商文化的崛起。岳石文化这种北向扩展的态势收缩于二里头文化晚期,当与夏末夏桀东征东夷有关,而与中商时期的仲丁东征东夷无涉。  相似文献   

Marvin Harris. Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture. New York: Random House, 1974. 276 pp. References. $7.95 (cloth).  相似文献   


This article challenges the standard historiography of the New Culture Movement by tracing the important role played by Pu Dianjun, a key member of the Constitution Research Group, in the broader cultural reform movement in early Republican China. It examines Pu’s years as the president and chief editor of Chenbao (1918–1922), which he transformed from a little-read partisan paper to a widely circulated and intellectually influential newspaper in Beijing. It demonstrates that Pu’s cultural endeavors, which consisted of efforts at societal change through individual awakening, were geared toward his political ideal – the transformation of Chinese commoners into capable voters in a constitutional system. Despite his absence from the standard historiography, Pu left important legacies affecting life in China today.  相似文献   

李旻泰 《安徽史学》2005,(1):111-117
本文旨在帮助中国学者了解韩国学界对五四新文化运动的研究状况.韩国学者一般分三个时期来理解五四新文化运动思想:第一,新文化运动的黎明期;第二,新文化运动初期;第三,新文化运动展开期.他们根据每个时期不同的思想给予不同的评价.韩国学者为了更好地理解和评价每个时期的思想,使用了更详细的几个认识范畴:第一时期使用了反帝反封建运动、民族产业的发展与民众意识的成长以及对中国社会状况的认识;第二时期使用了进化论思想、民主主义与科学;第三时期使用了批判儒家思想、反对孔教运动和文学革命.一般而言,他们大多用儒教批判、孔教批判、偶像破坏论、进化论、民主主义思想和科学思想对五四新文化运动进行评价,这些评价可以给中国学者的研究提供新的视角.  相似文献   


The outbreak of the Korean March First Movement in 1919 was followed by intensive reporting and commentary in Chinese media, presenting striking images of the brutality of the Japanese colonizers, the resolve for independence among the Korean people, and the concept of national self-determination. The March First Movement provided the Chinese people with a vivid example of the transformation of the abstract concept of “universal principles” into the practice of “national self-determination,” and strengthened consciousness of “national independence” among the Chinese people. Over the ensuing two or three decades, the “March First Movement” gradually seeped into the Chinese nationalist movement and discourses on national liberation, playing the role of “the neighbor as mirror,” and continuing to provide both positive inspiration and negative reference points for the Chinese people following the path of national independence. This linkage and interaction between “weak nations” aids in understanding the modern Chinese nationalist movement, as well as the mechanisms for development of the national independence movements among colonized peoples which swept across the globe in the early 20th century.  相似文献   

Elvin J. Hatch. Theories of Man and Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 1973. viii + 384 pp. References and index. $12.00.

Paul J. Bohannan and Mark Glazer, eds. High Points in Anthropology. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. xix + 449 pp. References. $6.95.  相似文献   

Susan Gal. Language Shift: Social Determinants of Linguistic Change in Bilingual Austria. Language, Thought and Culture: Advances in the Study of Cognition. New York: Academic Press, 1979, vii + 174 pp. Figures, tables, illustrations, appendices.  相似文献   


Intellectual development from the late Qing to the 1911 Revolution and then to the May Fourth New Culture Movement was generally a continuous process despite various ambivalent and hesitant zigzags. Within this overall continuity, new elements became salient. The new policies promulgated by the republican government soon after the success of the 1911 Revolution created an institutional legacy that gave previously marginal ideas enough legitimacy to enter the mainstream. Changes in “background culture” also resulted in many new themes associated with May Fourth, though these themes were ostensibly similar to those in the late Qing period. The enlightenment of May Fourth endowed the “future” with positive values so that a future-oriented perspective became a fashionable trend in this period.  相似文献   

仰韶村和仰韶文化--纪念仰韶文化发现80周年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安志敏 《中原文物》2001,2(5):15-18
河南渑池仰韶村是仰韶文化所从取名的地方,发现以来已有80年的历史.安特生和袁复礼的考古发掘,标志着中国近代考古学的萌芽,后来的一系列田野工作,更加深了对仰韶文化的认识.从仰韶文化到龙山文化、二里头文化的连续发展,终于形成以商周文明为核心的主体.  相似文献   


After a lull in scholarship on the history of the Chinese book during the mid-twentieth century, there has been a reemerging surge of scholarly interest since the 1980s. This article accesses the expanding field of Chinese book history by focusing on two recently published volumes, which represent the newest approaches to the study of Chinese printing in the first significant phase of its development from the tenth to the fourteenth century and its long-term role in Chinese social and intellectual history after 1800, respectively. Placing them in the broader historical context, it further seeks to flesh out recent research trends and future prospects in the field, in particular the changing social and intellectual engagement with printed texts, the increasing impact of printing and publishing on cultural production, and the dynamic interaction between print and other media.  相似文献   

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