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1949年上半年.中国局势发生急剧变化。1月,淮海战役胜利结束,3月。中共中央进驻北平,4月,中国人民解放军横渡长江,占领南京,继续解放全中国。与此同时,在外交方面,中苏、中美之间也发生了一系列事关中国前途命运的大事。  相似文献   

金冲及 《百年潮》2011,(10):4-9
辛亥革命是20世纪中国发生的第一次历史性巨大变化。它在很多重要方面改变了中国,成为一个新的起点,为中国以后的进步打开了闸门。辛亥革命过后只有7年多,中国便发生了五四运动,又过两年多便产生了中国共产党,这当然不是偶然的。  相似文献   

教案是指基督教在中国传播的过程中,教会人士与中国朝野之间的种种纠纷。影响教案发生的原因很多。各地的情况不同教案发生的原因也不相同,在广西,影响教案发生的原因也很多,但主要的原因是战争,战争影响了教案的发生,战争与教案密不可分。  相似文献   

2001年世界发生了两件大事:12月11日,中国成为世界贸易组织(WTO)第143个成员国。3个月前,美国纽约发生“9·11事件”:这两件大事,对中国外交——尤其是21世纪前10年的中国外交——均有重大影响。  相似文献   

叶文宪 《史学月刊》2001,4(3):34-40
春秋战国时期中国社会发生的变化一直被看作是“从奴隶社会转变为封建社会”,其实是中国社会发生了转型。这一社会转型是中国从封建分权的王国时代进入了专制集权的帝国时代。  相似文献   

一百年前,是中国最后一个封建王朝——清政府的最后一位皇帝宣统时期,中国正处于风云变幻、社会即将发生大变革、清王朝摇摇欲坠之时。在这样一个时期,中国的政治、经济、文化也发生着深刻的变化,此时新疆的金融是个怎么样的情况呢?笔者试作浅显的分析。  相似文献   

亚洲会爆发战争吗?今年夏天以来,亚洲接连发生一系列海洋争端.牵涉的国家和地区包括中国、日本、韩国、越南、台湾和菲律宾。本周,因为荒无人烟的钓鱼岛争端,中国发生了大规模反日游行。  相似文献   

王德毅  李瑞  张琳 《神州》2013,(34):153-153
随着中国经济的不断发展,中国文化的不断传播,整个中国社会的文化背景和文化氛围都在发生着翻天覆地的变化,一些网络的新兴词语也在应运而生。成语作为词汇的代表,也在逐渐发生着变化。本文借助一些语言学概论课堂上的所学来简单地谈谈我对这些网络新兴“成语”的一些看法。  相似文献   

新中国妇女运动的历史与现状李正华一、新中国妇女运动的曲折历程根据新中国妇女运动所呈现出来的不同特点,大略可以分为三个阶段:1.中华人民共和国的建立,推翻了封建专制制度,中国妇女的地位发生了前所未有的根本性的变化。在这一革命性变化发生后的最初十余年里,...  相似文献   

发生在1840年的鸦片战争是中国近代历史的开端,从鸦片战争和其后《南京条约》的签订开始,中国社会性质发生重大转变,从封建社会陷入半殖民地半封建社会的深渊。贵州同样也经历了这个过程。  相似文献   

Political satire has had a prominent part to play in the social and political sphere of journalism in Iran since the appearance of an independent press in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century. This paper examines the problems of political satire in the Iranian press during the 2000s with respect to their historical context during the past century. The paper argues that, addressing the essential relationship between satire and criticism, and the primary role that criticism has in the freedom of press, what happened to political satire and satirists in Iran can be seen as an index of the freedom of the press and journalistic expression for an era.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of archaeological evidence for the assessment of historical earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean region and Middle East, long before the advent of modern seismology. We ask the questions when and where have large earthquakes happened in the past? How can this evidence contribute to our scientific understanding of earthquake activity? Is it possible on literary and archaeological grounds to distinguish between earthquake damage and damage from other causes? It is found that archaeological evidence for an earthquake is not always clear or unambiguous and that there is a need for collaboration between archaeologists, historians, geologists, engineering seismologists and workers in other disciplines, to evaluate the traces of earthquakes in excavations, both for understanding their effects at the site and for the information they can provide about the nature of the earthquake implicated.  相似文献   

历史时期河西走廊多民族文化的交流与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河西走廊是我国古代西北多民族多文化分布的重要地区,民族文化交流与整合持续发生。本文通过对河西走廊多民族文化发展过程、动因及机制的分析,认为异质文化因子的不断介入,使河西文化在变化中寻求发展,在发展中取得一致。多民族文化的交流与整合是形成河西走廊以汉族儒家文化为主体兼容其他少数民族文化的地域复合体的主要推动力。  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Tehran, the capital of Iran. Two maps have been prepared to indicate the earthquake hazard of Tehran and its vicinity in the form of iso-acceleration contour lines. They display the probabilistic estimate of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) over bedrock for the return periods of 475 and 950 years. Tehran is a densely populated metropolitan in which more than 10 million people live. Many destructive earthquakes happened in Iran in the last centuries. It comes from historical references that at least 6 times, Tehran has been destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes. The oldest one happened in the 4th century BC. A collected catalogue, containing both historical and instrumental events and covering the period from the 4th century BC to 1999 is then used. Seismic sources are modelled and recurrence relationship is established. For this purpose the method proposed by Kijko [2000] was employed considering uncertainty in magnitude and incomplete earthquake catalogue. The calculations were performed using the logic tree method and three weighted attenuation relationships; Ramazi [1999], 0.4, Ambraseys and Bommer [1991], 0.35, and Sarma and Srbulov [1996], 0.25. Seismic hazard assessment is then carried out for 12×11 grid points using SEISRISK III. Finally, two seismic hazard maps of the studied area based on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) over bedrock for 10% probability of exceedance in two life cycles of 50 and 100 years are presented. The results showed that the PGA ranges from 0.27(g) to 0.46(g) for a return period of 475 years and from 0.33(g) to 0.55(g) for a return period of 950 years. Since population is very dense in Tehran and vulnerability of buildings is high, the risk of future earthquakes will be very significant.  相似文献   

The behavior of base-isolated building frame is investigated with the help of a numerical study for far-field and near-field earthquakes with directivity and fling-step effects. Both design-level and extreme-level earthquakes are considered. Selected response parameters are peak floor displacement, acceleration, base shear, and isolator displacement. Inelastic behavior of base-isolated structure during the earthquake is investigated performing nonlinear time history analysis of a ten-story building frame. This study shows that base isolation is not effective for near-field earthquakes. Even for design-level earthquake, the frame gets significantly into inelastic range for earthquakes with fling-step effect.  相似文献   

梁云 《华夏考古》2007,(3):103-113
本文通过对秦文化的考察认为,秦文化面貌在战国中期发生巨变,此前、此后器物风格迥异;秦文化的转型,证明在一定条件下,一个古代人群共同体也可以先后创造或使用两支考古学文化。这一实例,必将引发关于考古学文化与古代人群共同体关系的再思考。  相似文献   

陈名财 《攀登》2008,27(1):85-88
当前,我国正处于社会转型期,传统的家庭功能和结构发生了较大的变化,已不再是一个“家庭本位”的社会。但是,家庭在社会结构中的功能却仍然相当重要,家庭和谐仍然是社会和谐的基础,因而以家庭和谐促进社会和谐是我国建设社会主义和谐社会的有效途径之一。建设和谐家庭,要在批判地吸收我国传统文化家庭和谐思想的基础上,通过内心修养,把家庭责任感内化为人们的情感追求。同时,既要提倡家庭成员基本的伦理关系,又要尊重与理解家庭成员自主的价值追求,提倡家庭成员之间的平等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a free-standing structure that is unanchored to its foundation and has a cost-efficient interface consisting of common construction materials (steel, mortar, and iron) with graphite lubrication; this structure is expected to behave as an earthquake-resistant structure during small earthquakes and a base-isolated structure during large earthquakes. To realize the structure, this study examined the frictions of the interfaces in shaking table tests. In addition, the seismic responses of the free-standing structures based on the interfaces were examined via incremental dynamic analyses with 44 ground motions and a simple model of typical Japanese steel structures.  相似文献   

屯田是北宋西北地区守边宋军的一项重要后勤补给方式,因此,屯田的发展与宋夏战争的进程密切相关。康定、庆历时期,宋夏之间接连爆发了几次大规模战役,在这几次战役中,西北沿边屯田的分布与规模直接决定了夏军的进攻方向以及战役的爆发地;战斗结束后,战局结果又反作用于沿边屯田,大大促进了战役发生地区后勤经济的发展。后勤补给地理与战争进程的互动关系在这一时期的宋夏战争中表现的最为明显。  相似文献   

Although characterized by low seismicity, the Monferrato area of north‐western Italy was affected by earthquakes, of magnitude M5.1 and M4.8, in 2000 and 2001. At the same time, marked changes were recorded in water temperature and chemistry in several wells within the epicentral area. In May 2004, an automatic network for the continuous monitoring of groundwater was installed in selected wells to study the phenomenon. Here, we report on data collected during a 3‐year period of groundwater monitoring. During the first year, episodes of water heating (by up to 20°C) were observed in one monitored well. The temporal analysis of the seismic activity recorded in the area revealed as almost all seismic events occurred during the period of elevated water temperatures. The similar timing of earthquakes and groundwater‐temperature anomalies suggests that both may be triggered by the same processes acting in the crust.  相似文献   

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