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Pricing, Capacity Choice, and Financing in Transportation Networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract.  This paper explores interrelations between pricing, capacity choice, and financing in transportation networks. We build on the Mohring‐Harwitz result on self‐financing of optimally designed and priced roads and investigate it in a network environment under various types of second‐best regulation. A small network model with endogenous car ownership demonstrates that optimal congestion pricing and capacity choice over an entire network may cause user prices to increase more in initially mildly congested areas compared to heavily congested areas. Furthermore, a flat kilometer charge under optimal capacity choice may result in first‐best efficiency gains.  相似文献   


Early twentieth-century Manila saw the motorisation of its urban transport system. This was a significant transformation not only because of the technological changes it brought about but more importantly because of its role in shaping the highly gendered discourse of colonial modernity. Motorised vehicles, like the streetcar and the automobile, were trumpeted as masculine and modern machines by America’s civilising mission. This colonial discourse was continuously shaped and subverted by a collision of masculinities coming from different directions. This essay will focus on four different male groups in an effort to understand how transport motorisation influenced their sense of masculinity. White American colonisers imagined themselves as modern men destined to bring civilisation to the colony through technology. The native elites used the coloniser as their model by appropriating the symbols of masculine modernity. While the male workers of the modern transport sector gained knowledge of and access to the domains of those in power, those in the traditional sector became targets of vilification by the native and colonial elites. Instead of a duel between two sets of masculinity (coloniser vs. colonised) what emerged was a complex set of relationships influenced by the socioeconomic differences that separated these four groups.  相似文献   

题桂萼撰《大明舆地图》是重要的明代地图,其"明白切要,具见体国经济至意"。然而对该图的成书、图、图纪等内容,学界目前仍不甚了解,该本对其进行了考论。  相似文献   

殿试制度是科举制度研究中一个非常重要的问题,而关于殿试制度的起始时间学界一直说法不一。本文以三级考试为参照系,以此前一直被忽略的覆试制度为切入点,通过对与殿试起源相关诸问题的详细辨析,彻底澄清了殿试与覆试的联系与区别,否定了武则天载初元年、南唐乾德二年及宋开宝六年为殿试之始诸说,从而最终确定殿试制度正式开始的时间是宋太祖开宝八年。  相似文献   

1919年五四运动以后,北京的同人刊物纷纷出现。它们多半依托一个青年社团而兴办,流派纷杂、宗旨不一,而共同的一个目标则是探索中国社会改革的方向和道路。曙光社即为其中之一。  相似文献   

清代班房考释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
班房,又称班馆,是明末以后迄有清一代在国家正式的监狱之外由地方官吏非法设立的管押轻微未决人犯及干连人证的场所。所谓差馆、押馆、卡房、歇家、便民房、自新所、候质所、知过亭、支搁亭、中公所等等,均名异实同。笔者在通过对班馆概念的语言学分析和班馆现象的文本信息分析后,引入资源、实践与时空概念对班馆的结构化过程进行力所能及的探讨,与其说是将班馆作为实体加以把握,毋宁说是将班馆置于行为过程的关系网络之中加以审视,目的则在于采取新历史法学的路径勾勒“纸面法”与“活法”(或者说“显规则”与“潜规则”、“法律表述”与“法律实践”)之间的“转换规则”,将帝国的法律和法律的帝国视为多元的同一,认为班馆实质上是一种资源/博弈/空间关系。  相似文献   

In considering the vital role played by imperial rites in claiming political legitimacy and maintaining social stability, Chinese emperors endeavored to present themselves as the perfect model for their subjects in terms of ritual performance. Focusing on a Northern Song (960–1127) ritual debate over the placement of imperial ancestors’ spirit tablets and ancestral chambers, especially that of the Primal Ancestor, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of discussions on ancestral rituals and how they were intensified during the implementation of Wang Anshi’s New Policies. More importantly, this study reveals the differences between Song scholar-officials’ political positions and intellectual interests, thus providing a new interpretation of Song factionalism from the perspective of ritual politics.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize an integrated, operational model of losses due to earthquake impacts on transportation and industrial capacity, and how these losses affect the metropolitan economy. The procedure advances the information provided by transportation and activity system analysis techniques in ways that help capture the most important ecomonic implications of earthquakes. Network costs and origin-destination requirements are modeled endogenously and consistently. Indirect and induced losses associated with direct impacts on transportation and industrial capacity are distributed across zones and ecomonic sectors. Preliminary results are summarized for a magnitude 7.1 earthquake on the Elysian Park blind thrust fault in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

“雍亲王谕”①原藏于紫禁城景阳宫,1930年由故宫博物院文献馆于《文献丛编》第一辑公布,公布时拟题名为“雍亲王致年羹尧书”。这份珍贵档案自面世即受到了历史、档案学者的特别重视。在以往的清史研究中,很多学者对其内容多有引征,有以印证旗属主仆称谓,有以印证雍年交恶源头等等。但引征学者用取所需,局限于具体研究目的而缺少对该件档案的细致品读和系统分析,加之《文献丛编》第一辑公布时,编者又忽略了该谕封套文字,故未能全面揭示其内容信息并对其价值作出准确评价。为此,特借工作之便,反复研读原文并辅以其他相关史料撰文以述心得,希…  相似文献   

本文对清代圆明园中特殊的景致——买卖街的布局、建筑形式以及经营特点进行了梳理考证,并对其历史渊源和文化内涵作出进一步的分析。  相似文献   

On June 8, 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved Merck & Co.'s vaccine Gardasil, which protects women from the human papillomavirus (HPV). Twenty‐four states began entertaining initiatives that would make the vaccine mandatory for all fifth‐ and sixth‐grade girls in public schools. However, as the vaccine gained traction in the media, the dominant issue frame put forth by Merck & Co. was undermined by several competing morality concerns raised by citizens in newspaper opinion pieces. Using an analysis of selected media coverage and a logit analysis modeling the influence of competing morality, economic, and public‐health determinants on states' decision making, we investigate the ascent of issue salience surrounding the HPV vaccine, and the policy consideration process. The results from the analysis indicate that citizen‐initiated opposition increased the salience of the topic and changed the issue framing in which the mandatory vaccine legislation was being considered. State policy consideration was influenced by a mix of morality and public‐health determinants. Moreover, Merck's attempts to influence state policy failed to increase the likelihood of policy consideration.  相似文献   

学术界对六朝时期太学与国学的关系有多种不同看法。有六朝国学始于东吴孙休时说,有东吴无国学说。有人认为南朝的太学与国学是两所并列的学校,有时两者同置,有时一存一废;有南朝只有国学而无太学说等。事实上东吴并无太学或国学存在;西晋开始在太学之中设置培养贵族子弟的国子学,校舍分离,号称“二学”;东晋先设太学,后又增设国学,并将“二学”校舍合并;南朝“太学”与“国学”为一校二名,由于国学以上层贵族子弟为培养对象,国学的地位和名声高于太学,因此“国学”常常取代“太学”,成为国家最高学府的习惯通称。  相似文献   

从冲突到和解:近代英美关系考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代是英美关系发展变迁的重要历史时期,在一个多世纪的时间里英美由战争、冲突逐步走向了接近与和解。在此过程中,国际体系及其变更、地缘政治、心理要素与文化制度的认同、新兴强国崛起和国家战略调整等诸多因素共同起到了重要的作用。作为英美历史性接近的结果,到19世纪末,英国启动了向美国“转让”世界霸权的进程。就深远影响来看,它还使美国开始更多地卷入欧洲事务和世界事务,并促成了20世纪国际关系中另一项重大事态的出现——美国世界霸权的逐步确立。  相似文献   

A great deal of research in the 1990s was devoted to exploring the consequences of the ceding of greater agenda control to the majority leadership in the House during the era of Democratic control. The intent of this article is to build on that earlier work to discuss the continuing consequences of strengthened parties for decision making from the 1990s onward. Specifically, we find that as the parties became increasingly homogenous over time, partisan conflict over special rules votes grew as well. After the 1970s reforms, with the Democratic majority more homogeneous and the leadership having more influence over committees, the content of legislation coming out of committees became steadily more satisfactory to the majority (and less so to the minority) over time. These expectations did not change with the advent of a Republican majority, and the subsequent results did not change either. The Gingrich and Hastert speakerships continued the trend of increasing levels of partisanship on rules votes and majority control of satisfactory committee outcomes. We also find that a switch back to Democratic control in 2006, did not lead to lower levels of partisanship. The data suggest that Democrats were just as successful, if not more so, in using rules to control the legislative agenda during the 110th Congress as the Republicans were in the 109th.  相似文献   

象在古代是象征太平的瑞兽,朝仪中多所使用。为满足朝仪需要,明洪武年间在广西十万山地区特设驯象卫以捕捉、驯化野象。自建立后,其治所几经迁移,至洪武后期,最后迁至横州。作为明朝控驭桂西南民族地区重要的军事堡垒,驯象卫除捕象外,还多次参与了朝廷征剿广西少数民族的行动,为明朝在广西民族地区统治的稳定,发挥了一定的作用。至明中叶后,随着明廷驯象供应体制的建立、完善,以及在广西民族反抗频频的情况下,其职能渐由捕象、驯象向镇戍地方转变。驯象卫也由一个特殊卫所沦落为普通卫所,所统领的旗军不断减少,最后走向衰亡。这一过程也是与桂南一带因自然环境变迁导致野象种群不断减少的现实相关的。  相似文献   

张雷 《近代史研究》2022,(1):154-159
庄文亚的《无逸窝日记》等史料中有关丁文江1902—1911年留学生活的记录,证实了丁文江于1902年3月到东京法学院留学,后在千叶医学专门学校学医。然而,日本文明的拿来主义,以及编辑刊物的困境和日俄战争的爆发,使丁文江决定前往德国学习陆军,但终未成功。1904年3月,丁文江离开日本前往英国留学,其间,曾机缘巧合拜会了康有为和孙中山,并由剑桥大学希普利爵士引向科学之路,同时,由于自身的嗅觉问题而放弃军事和医学报国之念。留学期间,丁文江转向自然科学,并深受进化论影响,拥护渐进改良,反对激进革命。留学时期形成的人际网络也成就了丁文江的事业和家庭。  相似文献   

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