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"In terms of trade and capital flows, the Middle East is one of the least economically integrated regions of the world. The major exception is labor mobility, where intraregional migration flows are extensive. The explanation for this pattern lies in the extreme differences in factor endowments across the region and development policies adopted by both labor-importing and exporting countries. Because the obstacles to trade in goods have been greater than the obstacles to migration, labor mobility and its associated capital flows have been the most important mechanism through which the benefits of the oil windfall have been spread to the poorer states of the region. There is evidence that incomes across the Middle East have become more equal."  相似文献   

Intheearly1990s,peopleofNarTownship,Xigaze,weremobilizedtoraisemoney.Altogether,228outof250householdsproduced3,228yuan,withtherichestproducingupto15yuanandthepoorest4yuanperperson.Alongwithfundsraisedthroughotherchannels,thevillagersamassed15,318yuan.OnNovember20,1992,thesepeople,whowerestrugglingforeconomicsurvival,setupaworkshopproducingwoolenrugsandcarpets.Atthattime,theso-calledfactoryhad31workers.Allwerethepoorestinthevillage.Inninemonths,theyproducedthefirstbatchofwoolenrugsandcarpets…  相似文献   

nm) laser,varying the laser pulse energy density and using the different lasers.X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were employed to characterize the structure,morphology of samples.The results show that the laser pulse energy densi  相似文献   

the films by pu     
ulsed laser deposition(PLD);thin films;ZnS;lasma0武汉工业学院学报Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University108-110O484.41C028;A005;32;C4;A;B;C;A005_C4;C028_32;纠智先;104-106基于Mathematica的线性方程组的算法实现覃磊;周康;宋向勃;陈艳山;武柩?陨越时虞,谨遵先总理大汉口市之计划,斟酌本市财力,  相似文献   

Cloth painting:Cultivationby Soinam Cering(Fine art teacher ofXigaze No.3Middle School)  相似文献   


SpringthisyearcametoTibetslowlyasifithatedtosaygood-byetotheDrolonRedwinteLItwasalreadytheendofApril,butsnowflakesstillgreetedourcaraswepulledintoRemolhavillage.Thevillage,withanelevationof4,800meters,wasburiedinsnow.Butithasdistinguisheditselfbygettingri…  相似文献   

The Road Traversed by LhumaoTheRoadTraversedbyLhumao¥CHENGQIANGAtfirstsight,IfoundthatLhumaolookedexactlyasshehadbeendescribe...  相似文献   

AFactoryRunbyHerders¥NIANYONGWENThevaststretchofgrasslandsinnorthernTibethavenurturedgenerationsofBangoinpeoplewholivedonlive...  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out in 1983–1985 to investigate precipitation of radiation belt electrons by Omega Australia onto the great circle path from the 22.3 kHz NWC transmitter (North West Cape, Australia) to Dunedin, New Zealand. These were similar in concept to the experiment described by Inan [(1990), Geophys. Res. Lett. 17, 729] using the NAU transmitter to induce electron precipitation onto the great circle path from the 24.0 kHz NAA transmitter (Maine) to Palmer Station (PA), Antarctica. Unlike the perturbations received by Inan which indicated only heating effects by the NAU transmitter, our observations showed both a delayed modulation expected of electron precipitation effects and the prompt modulation expected of heating effects. However, we were able to duplicate (and explain) the prompt modulation effect using a local signal generated in our laboratory which thereby throws doubt on the validity of this effect in both experiments.  相似文献   

HANGZHENDEhongdianisthelargestcountyinYunnanProvince,butalsoanagriculturalypoorareaaflictedwithcoldmountainousconditions.Its...  相似文献   

CONTRIBUTIONTOHOMET0WNPenmoCedainhasfinallystruckrichthoughhehastraversedaruggedroad.In1988,hedonatedtensofthousandsofyuantobuildtheDaohanMiddleSchoolTeachingBuilding.Duringthisperiod,hesupportedmorethan20students.TherearemanyculturalrelicsinDaohanwhichneededmoneyfortheirprotection.WhenPenmoCedainheardthis,hedonatedtensofthousandsofyuan.In1991,followingthewillofthelateLivingBuddhaJamyang,hedonatedtosupportsportsmeetintheGulaiMonastery,heldevery15thdayofthe6thTibetanyear.In1996,…  相似文献   

On 26^th Feb.2009,China's Tibet magazine and other Chinese media were invited to sit in on the felicitation ceremony organized by Association for Sri Lanka China Social & Cultural Cooperation(ASLSCC) to celebrale 30^th Anniversary of Reform & Opening Policy in China. These media were awarded by ASLSCC for their service and introducing reform and opening policy of China to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Graeme Duncan, Marx and Mill, Two Views of Social Conflict and Social Harmony, Cambridge University Press, 1973.  相似文献   

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