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Roderick Hindery: Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidaas
Nils G. Holm (ed.): Religious Ecstasy: Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Religious Ecstasy held at Abo, Finland, on the 26th-28th of August 1981 (Scripta Instituti Donneriani AboensisXI)
Darreix L. Whiteman: Melanesians and Missionaries: An Ethnohistorical Study of Social and Religious Change in the Southwest Pacific.
Stewart A. Stehlin: Weimar and the Vatican 1919-1933: German-Vatican Diplomatic Relations in Interwar Years. Princeton University Press  相似文献   

Petites marines (facsimile reprint of Receuil de petites marines , Paris 1817)
Les caboteurs et ficheurs de la c6te de Tunisie: fiche des bponges (facsimile of publication of 1888, Paris) P.-A. HENNIQUE
Law and the Cultural Heritage: Vol. 1, Discovery & Excavation P. J . O'KEEFE and L. V. PROTT
Law and the Cultural Heritage: Vol. 3, Movement P. J. O'KEEFE and L. V. PROTT
Octavians's Campsite Memorial for the Actian War. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 79, part 4 WILLIAM M. MURRAY and PHOTIOS M PETSAS
The loss of the retourship Baravia, Western Australia 1629-an excavation report and artefact catalogue (BAR International Series 489) JEREMY N. GREEN
The Irish Sea-Aspects of Maritime History MICHAEL McCAUGHAN and JOHN APPLEBY (Eds)
The Visible Past-Greek and Roman History from Archaeology 1960–1990 MICHAEL GRANT
Ocean traders from the Portuguese discoveries to the present day MICHAEL MARSHALL
Schooner La Jacinrhe 1825 JEAN BOUDRIOT (trans. D. ROBERTS)  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1991,29(1):174-193
Book reviewed in this article: R.G., Golledge, H. Couclelis, P. Gould (editors) A Ground for Common Search, Santa Barbara E.W. Soja Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory Bill McGibben The End of Nature G.J.R. Linge, and G.A. van der Knaap, (editors) Labour, Environment and Industrial Change Sophie Watson Accommodating Inequality D.I. Smith and J.W. Handmer (editors) Flood Insurance and Relief in Australia G.J. Symen, B.J. Shaw, D.M. Fenton and W.S. Mueller (editors) The Planning and Evaluation of Hallmark Events M. Hordern Mariners are Warned! John Lort Stokes and H.M.S. O.H.K. Spate The Pacific since Magellan Allen J. and White J.P., 1988: “The Lapita homeland: some new data and an interpretation” Campbell I.C., 1990; A History of the Pacific Islands Pacific Islands, Journal of the Polynesian Society Spate, O.H.K., 1978: The Pacific as an Artefact, In N. Gunson, (ed.), The Changing Pacific: Essays in Honour of HE Maude Spate, O.H.K., 1983: The Pacific since Magellan: Il. Monopolists and Freebooters J.A. Kesby and K.J. Frawley The Forest Record in Australian Local and Regional History: An Annotated Bibliography Panbiogeography Special Issue New Zealand Journal of Zoology Jim Falk and Andrew Brownlow The Greenhouse Challenge: What's to be done?  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons (CBA Research Report No. 71). SÉN McGRAIL(Ed.)
In Pursuit of Pepper and Tea: The Story of the Dutch East India Company. ELS JACOBS
Herzogin Cecile, the Life and Times of a Fourmasted Barque. BASIL GREENHILL AND JOHN HACKMANN
The Art of Gunfounding. CARELDE BEER (Ed.)
Building the Wooden Walls: The Design and Construction of the 74-Gun ship Valiant . BRIAN LAVERY
Guide des Voiliers, Reconnaître les Greéments Anciens. Le Chase-Marée (Ed.)  相似文献   

The Kukukuku of the Upper Watut. By Beatrice Blackwood. Edited from her published articles and unpublished field-notes, and with an Introduction By C. R. Hallpike. 218 pages, 38 plates, 16 figures, 3 maps. Pitt Rivers Museum, Monograph Series No. 2, University of Oxford, 1978.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Great ships — the battlefleet of Charles II. FRANK FOX
Inshore craft of Norway. ARNE EMIL CHRISTENSEN, Ed.
The lambo or prahu bot: a western ship in an eastern setting. G. ADRIAN HORRIDGE
Sprits'l - A portrait of sailing barges and sailormen. RICHARD HUGH PERKS
Thera and the Aegean World, I. Papers presented at the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978. C. DOUMAS(Ed.)  相似文献   

“22 STAYED,” by Virginia Pasley. London, W. H. Allen, 1955. Pp. 224. 15/‐.

“MONOPOLY AND COMPETITION AND THEIR REGULATION, (ed.) E. H. Chamberlin. International Economic Association. Macmillan, London, 1954. Pp. xvi + 549. 36/‐ sterling.

“THE MAKING OF POST‐WAR EUROPE,” by Dt. E. Bramsted.  相似文献   

“A HISTORY OF SOUTH‐EAST ASIA.” by D. G. E. Hall. (Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London. 1955), pp. xvi plus 807. (Australian price, 62/‐.)

“ONE MAN IN HIS TIME.” by N. M. Borodin. D.Sc. London. Constable. 19SS. Pp. 8 and 344.  相似文献   

M. Philips Price: “A HISTORY OF TURKEY: FROM EMPIRE TO REPUBLIC” (Allen and Unwin. 1956. 20/‐.)

“THE ECONOMICS OF EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT.” By Paul H. Casselman. (Public Affairs Press, Washington, D.C., 1955, pp. vi plus 183. Price $3.25.)

“THE HISTORY OF A SOVIET COLLECTIVE FARM.” Fedor Belov. Routledge. London. International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction. 1956. xiii plus 234, including appendices and index. 21/‐.

“RED, BLACK, BLOND AND OLIVE.” by Edmund Wilson. (W. H. Allen, London. 25/‐.)

“THE PATTERN OF WORLD CONFLICT.” by G. L. Arnold. London. (The Dial Press, New York. 1955, pp. 250.)

“FLIGHT AND RESETTLEMENT.” by H. B. Murphy and Others. (Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 1955, pp.231.  相似文献   

EGYPT AT MID‐CENTURY by Charles Issawi. (O.U.P. for R.I.I.A.) 1954. Revised edition of Egypt, An Economic and Social Analysis. Pp. XIV and 289.

SOUTH‐EAST ASIA—A Short History—by Brian Harrison, Professor of History in the University of Hong Kong; Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London.

THE EVOLUTION OF DIPLOMATIC METHOD by Harold Nicolson. London, Constable and Co. Ltd. 1954. Pp. 93. 10/6 sterling.  相似文献   

COSTA RICA. A Study in Economic Development. By Stacy May (Director), Just Faaland, Albert P. Koch, Howard L. Parsons, and Clarence Senior. The Twentieth Century Fund, New York. Published in Great Britain by George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1952. Two end‐maps, nine appendices and 52 tables. Pp. xiv and 374. Price $3.

FRIENDS and NEIGHBOURS—Australia and the World. By the Rt. Hon. R. G. Casey, C.H., D.S.O., M.C., M.P. Melbourne: F. W. Cheshire, 1954 Pp. 166.

IRAQ 1900 TO 1950—A Political, Social and Economic Study, by Stephen Hemsley Longrigg, issued under the auspices of the R.I.I.A., Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1953. Pp. 436. Price 57/.

THE STORY OF AUSTRALIA. By A. G. L. Shaw. Faber and Faber, London, 1955. Pp. 308. Map, illustrations. 15/‐stg.

ECONOMIC PLANNING UNDER FREE ENTERPRISE, by Henry Grayson. Public Affairs Press, Washington, D.C., 1954. Pp. x plus 134.  相似文献   

R aoul M ortley : Connaissance Religieuse et Herméneutique chez Clément ďAlexandrie
C hristopher H aigh : Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire. London and New York
M. W. A nderson : Peter Martyr: a Reformer in Exile: a Chronology of the Biblical Writings in England and Europe
E lliot R ose : Cases of Conscience: Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. London and New York
G. R. R. T reasure : Cardinal Richelieu and the Development of Absolutism
D ietrich B laufuss : Spener-Arbeiten; Quellenstudien und Untersuchungen zu Philipp Jacob Spener und zur frühen Wirkung des lutherischen Pietismus. Bern and Frankfurt/M.
B. J. M ijuskovic : The Achilles of Rationalist Arguments. The Hague, Nijhoff
F rank E. M anuel : The Religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford, Clarendon Press
B arry C hant : Heart of Fire: The Story of Australian Pentecostalism. Adelaide
J oseph A mato : Mounter and Maritain: A French Catholic Understanding of the Modern World. University, Alabama, University of Alabama Press  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Études d'Archéologie Provençale. A. J. PARKER
Medieval Pottery from Excavations. Studies presented to Gerald Clough Dunning. VERA I. EVISON, H. HODGES and J. G. HURST
The great wrecks of the Great Lake. FREDERICK STONEHOUSE
The Longshoremen. ROY CLARK
The sea chart. An historical survey based on the collections in the National Maritime Museum. DEREK HOWSE and MICHAEL SANDERSON
Marine salvage. JOSEPH N. GORES
Port Royal, Jamaica: excavations 1969–70. PHILIP MAYES
Port Royal rediscovered. ROBERT F. MARX  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1975,13(1):116-119
Book reviewed in this article: Society and Environment in New Zealand edited by R. J. Johnston Australian Urban and Regional Development by Frank J. B. Stilwell, Sydney at the Census: 1971; A Social Atlas by R. J. Davis and Peter Spearritt, Lae: Village and City by Ian Willis The Agricultural Systems of the World: An Evolutionary Approach by D. B. Grigg  相似文献   

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