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Decisions about the assessment of courses in higher education will influence the structure of the curriculum. Assessment is necessary not only to inform students and staff, but also for external and predictive purposes. The objectives of assessment are both instructional and expressive, while the kinds of skills tested are mainly those of written and oral communication. The incorporation of all these factors into assessment and curriculum design can be facilitated by using tables and diagrams based on educational theory. Unlike other components of the curriculum, assessment continues to play an active role in curriculum development after the initial design stage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a summary of what is known about teaching ethics in engineering, science, and related disciplines. Such a summary should provide a useful starting point for preparation of a detailed curriculum for teaching the ethics of geo-coded information systems broadly understood (“GIS ethics” for short). It attempts to answer the following questions: What is “ethics” for the purpose of GIS? What is teaching ethics? What objectives should teaching ethics have in a technical curriculum? What methods should be used? How should student work in ethics be assessed? How should the teaching of ethics be assessed?  相似文献   

This paper chronicles the experience of academic staff in developing a course to enhance the critical thinking skills of environmental management undergraduates. We outline our considerations and process for course development, discuss insights from course evaluations, and reflect on the challenges encountered. We believe these perspectives will be useful for others who are developing critical thinking skills curricula, especially first year courses. Aspects of the course design which were considered particularly effective were the use of scaffolded assessment, the application of threshold concepts, and well-structured collaborative learning activities paired with quality tutors. The key learning for the authors from the evaluation of the course was that while the tools and strategies developed were very useful, interweaving these tools into year 2 and 3 courses would help students see the ongoing value of critical thinking in their work.  相似文献   

Contemporary historiographical ideas have the potential to enrich the history written by practicing neurologists. Neurology is a science, and historians of neurology might profit from considering the experiences of historians of other sciences. An explicit consideration of the range of possible objectives, justifications, sources and methods of historical research may open new and exciting avenues of inquiry. Any plausible answer to the question, "What does a historian do when he or she sits down to write history" helps an historian to develop the structure of his or her project. The selection of sources for a historical study is improved, if also expanded, by understanding its aims.  相似文献   

孙凌宇 《攀登》2011,30(2):71-74
青海自然资源丰富,生态地位极其重要而又极其脆弱,选择绿色发展,既符合青海实际,也是建设中华民族伟大复兴生态屏障的需要,还是转变经济发展方式、加速青海发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study drawn from design-based research (DBR) on a mobile, place-based augmented reality history game. Using DBR methods, the game was developed by the author as a history learning intervention for fifth to seventh graders. The game is built upon historical narratives of disenfranchised populations that are seldom taught, those typically relegated to the ‘null curriculum’. These narratives include the stories of women immigrant labour leaders in the early twentieth century, more than a decade before suffrage. The project understands the purpose of history education as the preparation of informed citizens. In paying particular attention to historical themes that endure over time, the game aims to draw connections between historical and contemporary narratives of diverse and disenfranchised populations. The study discusses new design knowledge for addressing such narratives. Self-reflexivity, the technique of revealing the means of production of the game technology itself can be used to spotlight contemporary issues of disenfranchisement. Supra-reveals, historical thematic foreshadowing, can help establish key links between themes of disenfranchisement of diverse groups in the past and those in the present. These techniques used together, and the subsequent curriculum, brought focus to teaching issues of diversity and disenfranchisement typically written out of curriculum.  相似文献   


The internship is a necessary and important part of an applied geography curriculum. At Ryerson, this takes the form of a three‐month placement with a sponsoring agency whose area of operation relates directly to a student's field of specialisation. At the same time, non‐academics are encouraged to participate in the organisation, design and teaching of the formal undergraduate programme. This helps to develop a closer integration of course material and placement experience.  相似文献   

Geography curricula are being transformed by the increasing emphasis on skills, employability and professional competencies. In this paper, we contribute to these ongoing debates through reporting and reflecting on one curriculum transformation introduced in response to these pressures: the development of a Bachelor of Planning pedagogically framed within geography at Macquarie University. We explore the ways in which the vocational orientations of a planning degree can be woven through a geography curriculum, and its communication to a cross section of stakeholders. The paper highlights the complexity of implementing vocationally oriented curricula and provides signposts for those considering such a transformation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the student experience of multidisciplinarity within the undergraduate Geography curriculum. It considers the drivers that have underpinned this development before considering the findings of research into student experiences in two universities in the south of England. The results suggest that most students view this development positively and recognize a number of advantages that it brings, citing expanded opportunities for learning, working with people from other disciplines, expansion of perspectives and perceived benefits to employability. However, for a minority this development is more problematic. The research points here to issues with specialist knowledge and disciplinary pedagogies, social issues within the classroom and class organization and some reservations regarding groupwork. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations.  相似文献   

童文俊 《神州》2011,(3X):3-4
中外高等教育人才培养模式都带有浓厚的民族特征,虽然两者之间有很多相同的地方,但也有很强的对立性,我们也应看到它们之间存在着一定的互补性和借鉴性。本文比较中外高等学校课程设置的不同特点,对我们深化高等教育改革,提高教学质量,培养创新型人才不无裨益。  相似文献   

Faculty-led international programs are widely considered to be a highly engaging and effective means to enhance students’ learning in geography. While international programs hold great opportunity for students’ academic and personal growth, actualizing their potential calls for balancing the logistics with a purposefully constructed curriculum. This article presents a curricular framework which applies the straightforward, time-tested learning model originally delineated by Bloom and subsequently updated and adapted by others, into the naturally occurring phases of a faculty-led international program. The framework, while simple in design, provides a clear means to encourage impactful learning within a short-term course.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the concept of the hidden curriculum, its importance to pedagogic research in geography and research methods which might be used to investigate it. We review three case studies of research projects which have explored the hidden curriculum in geographical contexts, and use these to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of different methods. We conclude by suggesting that there is an increasing need for research exploring new elements of the hidden curriculum being created by current changes in the political and economic context affecting geography in higher education in the UK and other countries.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on problem areas in EU member states and Poland that are identified on the basis of criteria laid down in the assumptions of the EU regional policy. The analysis makes it possible to compare the spatial distributions of the problem areas and to assess the relevance of the statistical criteria employed to delineate them. Also presented is the new model of regional policy to be implemented in Poland in the period of its integration with the European Union.  相似文献   

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