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In undergraduate geography programs in the United States there is increasing demand for students to be prepared for real-world project management and to possess strong GIS technical skills and cartographic communication skills upon graduation. There is, however, limited time and opportunity within the framework of traditional undergraduate programs to offer this type of hands-on training while simultaneously increasing conceptual and theoretical knowledge and improving technical abilities. This article outlines a framework for integrating community partnerships into real-world GIS learning opportunities for undergraduate students. Our primary objective is to provide an active learning opportunity that mimics a real-world project scenario within the Geography Department's undergraduate GIS curriculum.  相似文献   


This paper introduces a special issue of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education on the practices and challenges associated with taking undergraduate geography students abroad on field courses. I argue that geography is positioned to benefit from both the internationalization of higher education and the demand by students for global experiences. The papers in this special issue focus on three aspects of international field courses: curriculum design and international partnerships, student engagement during short-duration field courses, and how encounters with place can be aided through reflection and play. I conclude with suggestions for future research on international field courses.  相似文献   

The chairman of the Department of General Physical Geography and Paleogeography reviews the history of the curriculum of the Geography Faculty and proposes reforms. These are designed to train geographers for both academic and applied research, to provide a sound specialization against a background of general geographic courses, to make appropriate use of the exact sciences, to reduce the number of lecture hours and encourage more independent work by students, and to encourage geophysical, geochemical and other cross-disciplines to insure an integrated approach to geography.  相似文献   


Prior to the amalgamation of Aberdeen’s two medieval universities in 1860, Geography had been taught to undergraduate students at both King’s and Marischal Colleges since at least the late 16th Century. First mooted in the early 1900s, it was not until 1919 that a lectureship in Geography at Aberdeen was created and a ‘Department of Geography’ came into being. In this contribution we chronicle how, over a century, the Geography department has evolved, highlighting developments in the curriculum and research-related activities. The early decades of the Department were shaped by John McFarlane, the first and only full-time appointee in Geography until his retirement in 1945. The post-World War II period, led by Andrew O’Dell, saw Geography develop into a large and influential Department. During the 1960s and 1970s, the Department (and University) experienced unprecedented levels of growth. Student numbers, research output and income accelerated apace. In the recent past national assessments of research and teaching quality and institutional restructuring have prompted further change. As the Department enters a second century it remains committed to delivering a high quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students and to the pursuit of excellent geographical research.  相似文献   

刘云刚 《人文地理》2012,27(2):156-160
学科发展的根本在于人才培养,而人才培养的基石是课程体系。目前中国约有150多所高校开设了人文地理学专业,由于学科背景不同,形成了多种人文地理学教学课程体系,由此培养的学生知识结构也千差万别。在此背景下,本文基于中山大学实施人文地理学本科教学改革和教学计划调整的研究实践,在对比探讨国内外各代表院校人文地理学专业学科课程设置特点的基础上,结合本专业就业形势、历史传统、师资情况,提出了以"宽基础、强专业、重实践"为基本导向,以"突出精品、减量增效、资源共享、彰显个性、完善体系"为基本原则的课程改革计划,对人文地理学的教学改革、课程设置提出了基于实践的规范建议。希望此经验有助于国内各院校人文地理学教学改革的进一步深化,也为其他相关专业的教学改革和课程设置提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prevalence of fieldwork in undergraduate Geography programs in Canada. It examines the presence of fieldwork, provided through both field courses and courses that include fieldwork components, by reviewing program requirements and course offerings in undergraduate geography programs. The research explores the extent to which fieldwork is a required component of an undergraduate degree and scrutinizes the integration of fieldwork within geography programs. The results indicate that few programs include fieldwork requirements and that overall there is limited integration of fieldwork in programs of study.  相似文献   

The arrival of the term Geographical Information System (GIS) in the 1960s soon created a demand for training and education in the use of this specialist hardware and software. Initially the main focus was on training people to use GIS, formal named degree programmes leading to postgraduate and undergraduate qualifications arrived later. This paper explores the changing landscape of U.K. degree level GIS education drawing on contemporary information from Higher Education Institution websites and a case study of the first single honours degree in GIS in Europe. The paper identifies a rise and fall in the number of named undergraduate “GIS” degrees since the late 1980s sandwiched between the continuation and development of postgraduate qualifications. In parallel with this trend the teaching and learning of GIS skills has emerged as a core component of undergraduate degree programmes with “Geography” in their title and in national school and degree level benchmarking statements for the discipline.  相似文献   

This paper explores the student experience of multidisciplinarity within the undergraduate Geography curriculum. It considers the drivers that have underpinned this development before considering the findings of research into student experiences in two universities in the south of England. The results suggest that most students view this development positively and recognize a number of advantages that it brings, citing expanded opportunities for learning, working with people from other disciplines, expansion of perspectives and perceived benefits to employability. However, for a minority this development is more problematic. The research points here to issues with specialist knowledge and disciplinary pedagogies, social issues within the classroom and class organization and some reservations regarding groupwork. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations.  相似文献   


Fieldwork is the most powerful learning invitation in the toolkit of Geographical Education. This review of papers in The Journal of Geography in Higher Education (JGHE) suggests seven modes in the development of fieldwork. These are arrayed as a kind of historical, perhaps evolutionary, sequence but most remain current in Geography fieldwork practice. At the far end (1960s) of the sequence are didactic modes that are teacher centred and use the field as an adjunct to the classroom, in the middle (1990s) are modes that involve active learning and focus on the development of students as investigators and at the near end (2010s) are those that centred on the field study area and its qualities, that involve concern about the ethics of student engagement and that employ blended learning technologies. The review charts the JGHE’s gradual shift away from its original, almost exclusively, UK-focus toward something rather more international and inclusive. Fieldwork is where Geographers learn “from doing” Geography to “do” Geography. Its special attributes include providing experiential, sometimes transformative, learning through the immersion of the learner in the field experience. In 40 years, JGHE has helped Geography Fieldwork move from the margins of the curriculum to its current place at its core.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, some UK Geography Departments have diversified their range of courses to offer Foundation degrees (Fds), providing students with alternative routes through higher education (HE). These courses are delivered either offsite at further education colleges (FECs), embedded within an undergraduate programme at higher education institutions (HEIs), or by work-based learning. These pathways present students, staff and institutions with new opportunities, issues and challenges. This study examines contrasting pathways of offsite and onsite Fds in Tourism Management and Development Geography offered by two HEIs and two FECs in southwest England. The needs and experiences of Fd students are varied, related to the individual's personal and academic background, the course pathway taken, institution-specific issues and the degree of support and preparedness for HE. The contrasting academic cultures, teaching methods and assessments encountered in FECs and HEIs, and the availability of resources, raise generic and specific issues, such as confidence building and learning to become independent and autonomous learners, which challenge Geography and Tourism students during their academic careers. This study concludes that closer collaboration between the HEI and the partner FEC is necessary for Geography and Tourism courses, and highlights the need for better alignment and reinforcement of HE systems in FECs, for instance through fieldwork, and the offering effective induction and support in study skills. Finally, it is important to facilitate the smooth transitions of students ‘topping-up’ to Year 3 of an Honours degree at the parent HEI. Managers of undergraduate courses in Geography and associated subjects can also learn from the vocational and contextualized learning promoted by Fd courses and direct entry students to undergraduate courses.  相似文献   

《北京大学学报(自然科学)》1962年第1期刊登了侯仁之先生撰写的《历史地理学刍议》一文,至今年恰为一甲子(60年)。论文的发表,适应了当时我国历史地理学界关于对象、性质、今后研究方向等专业问题认识的需要,尤其是强调历史地理学属于现代地理学一个组成部分的看法,极大地促进了我国历史地理学的学科转向和历史自然地理的推进发展。与此相关联的还有论文中的其他看法,也同样接受了60年来学位制度管理及其学科演进过程中的多种验证。  相似文献   


The emergence and institutionalization of feminist geography in Ghana was in tandem with the global feminist movement in the 1970s and its subsequent international women’s conferences. This paper discusses the pioneering work and research at the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana, and its effect on the institutionalization and diffusion of feminist geography in Ghana. Through research and external collaborations, the need for gender as an academic discipline was strongly argued for and instituted as an undergraduate course at the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. These external collaborations with other feminist geographers in international geography associations and universities served as a boost as they created opportunities for highlighting the spatial variations in the role and situation of particularly women’s lives in Ghana. Subsequently, there was a diffusion of feminist geography research and its institutionalization as an academic sub-discipline in Geography departments in other Ghanaian universities. These notwithstanding, the departments of Geography in Ghanaian universities are still dominated by male faculty members. Moreover, research work has been mainly in the field of human geography more than the physical aspects calling for the mainstreaming of gender issues in all the systematic branches of the discipline.  相似文献   

Disciplines such as Geography are well placed to respond to the changing needs of society and the effective application of geographical knowledge to real-world problems. This project surveyed first year Geography undergraduates’ understanding of “What is Geography?”, both before and after an exercise in which geographic topics were identified within recent newspapers. The survey instrument employed was an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire, and was undertaken with first-year undergraduate Geography students at a university in South Africa. Results show that the exercise enabled students (n = 158) to more readily see the application of geographical knowledge to both environmental and social problems that they identified in the newspaper stories. Students also identified that studying Geography may be able to help them increase their skills, employment prospects and earning potential. These findings can help locate the disciplinary concerns and applicability of Geography in post-apartheid South Africa within the wider context of the twenty-first Century world.  相似文献   

In Australian universities the discipline of Geography has been the pace‐setter in forging cross‐disciplinary links to create multidisciplinary departments and schools, well ahead of other disciplines in humanities, social sciences and sciences, and also to a greater extent than in comparable overseas university systems. Details on all cross‐disciplinary links and on immediate outcomes have been obtained by surveys of all heads of departments/schools with undergraduate Geography programs. These programs have traced their own distinctive trajectories, with ramifying links to cognate fields of enquiry, achieved through mergers, transfers, internal initiatives and, more recently, faculty‐wide restructuring to create supradisciplinary schools. Geography’s ‘exceptionalism’ has proved short‐lived. Disciplinary flux is now extending more widely within Australian universities, driven by a variety of internal and external forces, including: intellectual questioning and new ways of constituting knowledge; technological change and the information revolution; the growth of instrumentalism and credentialism, and managerialism and entre‐preneurial imperatives; reinforced by a powerful budgetary squeeze. Geographers are proving highly adaptive in pursuit of cross‐disciplinary connections, offering analytical tools and selected disciplinary insights useful to non‐geographers. However, this may be at cost to undergraduate programs focussing on Geography’s intellectual core. Whereas formerly Geography had high reproductive capacity but low instrumental value it may now be in a phase of enhanced utility but perilously low reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

The use of alternative teaching methods to lectures is one of the keys to develop a more participatory and effective education. In the teaching of Geography, greater interaction of students with elements of the landscape through the active use of photography could be one of the ways to achieve this efficiency. This article describes an experiment conducted in 2016 with students of the subject Physical Geography of the Iberian Peninsula. Two different teaching methodologies were applied to two groups of students. The first one was based on dividing the time of each class between participatory comments of landscape photographs and imparting theoretical knowledge through lectures. The second methodology consisted only of lectures, following a more traditional approach. Additionally, some students from the first group actively participated by uploading and tagging their own field pictures to a photographic repository of the University of Seville. The effectiveness of the different activities in each group was assessed through four tests, performed monthly. The results indicate that the use of landscape photographs as a participative teaching resource allows a more efficient learning of theoretical concepts. Therefore, the proposed methodology should be considered by those interested in improving the quality and effectiveness of their teaching of Geography.  相似文献   

Military veterans are enrolling in higher education at the highest rates since the Second World War. This research seeks to examine how military experiences related to student experiences within the discipline of Geography. We use a survey instrument to measure student motivations, attitudes, and aspirations for declared Geography majors. Given a high presence of military connected students, we then examine the similarities and differences in motivations, attitudes, and aspirations between military connected and non-military students. Findings suggest that there are similarities between military and non-military students with regard to motivating factors for selecting Geography as a major, there are differences with regards to attitudes towards cultural geography, and differences in how students perceive their future interactions with the environment. Differences in demographics and travel experiences also are identified and likely contribute to shaping undergraduate geography experiences. The results offer useful insight on current Geography student needs, and assist faculty and departments in tailoring learning based on student experience.  相似文献   

This paper offers a long-term reflection on the introduction of a photographic research project into a third-year undergraduate Human Geography module. The findings indicate that, whilst the students valued the project, it did impact on their overall performance, their evaluation of the module and the ways in which they spoke about it. The paper complements other discussions of photographic research methods in Human Geography by confirming their popularity and value to students' learning but argues that their introduction requires planning and reflection to mitigate some of the unintended consequences noted here and to maximize their benefits.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1979,17(2):231-236
Book reviewed in this article: Australian Urban Policy. Objectives and Opinions , by Max Neutze Ideology, Science and Human Geography by D. Gregory Humanistic Geography: Prospects and Problems , edited by David Ley and Marwyn Samuels Last of Lands — Antarctica , by J. F. Lovering and J. R. V. Prescott Science for Physical Geographers, by D. A. Davidson, Edward Arnold Heat Budget Atlas of the Tropical Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans , by Stefan Hastenrath and Peter J. Lamb  相似文献   

In order to determine the degree of implementation of the teaching of landscape in the new curriculum for Geography Degrees in Spain, some aspects are analysed: educational plans are analysed and verified, the presence therein of subjects directly devoted to landscape, as well as the inclusion of indirect or cross landscape issues in the subjects related to teaching guides. We propose ideas for the necessary updating of landscape teaching at the university level in the context of Geography, with a view to adapting both professional practice and research.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1995,33(1):133-145
Book reviewed in this article: A Continent Transformed: Human Impact on the Nutural Vegetation of Australia Jamie Kirkpatrick The Emergence of Bioregionalism in the Murray-Darling Basin J.M. Powell From Forest to Sea: Australia's Changing Environment: Eric Rolls Australian Environmental History: Essays and Cases Stephen Dovers, (ed.) Spirited Cities Urban Planning, Traffic and Environmental Management in the Nineiies Essays for Hans Westerman Robert Freestone (ed.) The Margin Fades: Geographical Itineraries in a World of Islands Eric Waddell and Patrick D. Nunn (eds) Oceanic Islands Patrick D. Nunn Natural Disasters David Alexander REVIEWS IN BRIEF: Geography and National Identity David Hooson (ed.) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: The Challenge for Geography. A Changing World: A Changing Discipline R.J. Johnston (ed.) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: Building Bridges. Geography in Australia Report of the National Committee for Geography Australian Academy of Sciences R.L. Heathcote (ed) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography Andrew Goudie, B.W. Atkinson, K.J. Gregory, I.G. Simmons, D.R. Stoddart, David Sugden (eds.) The Dictionary of Human Geography R.J. Johnston, Derek Gregory and David Smith (eds.)  相似文献   

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