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通过对铜陵师姑墩遗址出土的29件原始瓷进行的检测分析表明,师姑墩原始瓷胎为高硅低铝型,部分器物胎体的Fe_2O_3和TiO_2含量较高;釉属高温钙釉,釉中Mn和P含量相对较高,其可能由草木灰引入,部分器物釉中含较高的Fe_2O_3,致使釉色较深。这一结果为皖南地区先秦时期原始瓷手工业发展研究提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   

由于长期埋藏于潮湿的地下环境,三星堆遗址祭祀区出土的象牙含水率高,且存在本体断裂、表面开裂和剥落等问题,保存状况差。出土后的象牙极易快速失水,而发生开裂和粉化等不可逆的损害。为明确三星堆出土象牙的保存现状,采用光谱、能谱、电镜、纳米压痕等测试手段,深入解析了2021年三星堆遗址3、4、7和8号坑(K3、K4、K7、K8)发掘出土象牙的组成、结构及失水过程。结果表明:三星堆遗址四个坑出土象牙的主要物相为碳羟基磷灰石[Ca10(PO4)3(CO3)3(OH)2],有机纤维蛋白成分基本消失殆尽,形成了以介孔为主(孔径分布在3~50 nm)的孔隙结构,且孔隙被大量水分占位,其中,K3出土象牙(K3XY-54)和K4出土象牙(K4YW-289)热重所测含水率分别为43.8%和43.4%;四个坑出土象牙均存在片状和针状晶体结构,其中K3XY-54以针状晶体结构为主,并呈现出明显的取向生长,K4YW-289呈现晶体聚集,其晶体尺寸厚度明显增加;出土象牙表面和内部吸附水的挥发使象牙微观结构产生内应力,从而造成出土象牙干裂、粉化等不可逆损坏;采用纳米压痕技术,初步探索了出土象牙在糟朽状态下表面微观硬度的变化,其中K4YW-289经失水前后的表面微观硬度变化差异最大(饱水状态0.090±0.049 GPa,失水后1.553±0.312 GPa),这可能与其组分结构内吸附水含量较少和高泥化现象有关,结合K3XY-54、K7XY-43和K8XY-11-13研究可发现出土象牙在失水前后微观硬度和弹性模量受组分结构-失水速率关系的影响较大。对三星堆出土象牙多层级结构和失水过程的初步研究结果为其后期实施有效保存和本体加固提供有力的科学依据和参考数据。  相似文献   

为进行山东日照海曲出土夹纻胎漆器的脱水保护工作,选择了19块残片,运用体视显微镜观察(OM)、X光探伤机拍摄、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等方法,对残片的制作工艺、材质进行分析研究。分析结果表明,该批漆器是实用器;其苎麻之间无漆灰层粘结,有别于现代制作工艺;其易存水,是使其易遭受腐蚀的重要因素。本分析结果可为研究我国古代夹纻胎工艺提供素材  相似文献   

魏家庄遗址出土铁质文物的脱盐处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东济南魏家庄遗址出土铁质文物中含有大量有害氯离子,严重威胁着文物的安全。因此,脱盐就成为该批铁器保护的重点,是阻止铁器继续腐蚀的重要保证。在经一系列实验工作后,该批铁器的脱盐溶液采用0.005mol/L NaOH溶液,对于仅为铁质的容器类铁器采用直接浸泡法,同时结合冷热交替和超声波法;对于带有鞘的兵器类铁器采用2%Primal AC33加固后再进行脱盐;对于带有漆皮痕迹的铁器也试用了纸浆脱盐法。铁器经脱盐后氯离子含量大大降低,脱盐取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the technology of a small but representative sample of thirty nephrite jades from the burial assemblages of the Jin Marquisate excavated at Tianma-Qucun, Beizhao, Shanxi province, north-central China. The jades date mainly from two Bronze Age cultures, the Western Zhou dynasty (c. 1050–771 BC) and the previous Shang dynasty (c. 1600–c. 1050 BC). They include unfinished and finished carvings. The carvings were examined at Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Houma: following an optical survey of the tool marks, detailed silicone moulds were made from twelve jades bearing evidence of working techniques. The moulds were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at the British Museum, London. Consideration of several characteristics of the moulded features for comparison with moulded experimental standards provided evidence for the tools employed for several stages of working. Extensive use was made of non-rotary rigid saws and thicker files for shaping many parts of the jades, and pointed tools for incising pieces. Use was also made of rotary solid drills for working narrow perforations for openwork and the suspension of jades, and broader tubular drills. Although no evidence of non-rotary string saws, rotary circular saws or smaller incising wheels was seen on the jades, there was evidence for the use of rotary lathes, on which jades were mounted for shaping.  相似文献   

This report describes in some detail both the chemical technique of ultra-micro amino-acid analysis and some of its applications to archaeology. The technique itself consists of heating a sample of protein weighing less than 1 μg in hydrochloric acid, separating the amino-acids by ion-exchange chromatography, colorimetrically determining the amount of each which is present, and quantifying the results. As an example of the application of this technique to archaeological problems, a seemingly inorganic calcitic concretion found in the bottom of a glass vial excavated at Axum was analysed. The vial was found with associated artifacts which suggested that it had been manufactured around or after about AD 600. Approximately 4% of amino-acids were detected in the concretion. The resulting data suggested the presence of skin and hair. These analytical results were coupled with observations concerning the present day distribution of civet cats in Africa, and lead to the conclusion that the vial originally contained civet cat gland exudate, which has a musky odor. In other words, the vial was probably used originally as a perfume bottle.  相似文献   

成都商业街船棺葬是迄今为止发现规模最大的船棺、独木棺合葬墓,为了有效地保护墓葬中出土的船棺、独木棺等大型木质文物,需要对棺木的保存状况进行科学分析。本研究利用元素分析仪、傅立叶变换红外光谱仪和X射线粉末衍射仪,从化学成分与结构角度对出土棺木进行了分析检测。结果表明,出土棺木中碳、氮的百分含量有所上升,而氧、氢的百分含量则有所降低;棺木中半纤维素几乎完全流失、纤维素含量降低、木质素的含量相对上升,纤维素大分子链发生降解,纤维素晶态结构遭到了破坏。因此,需要对船棺、独木棺等进行必要的加固处理,才能避免棺木在脱水过程中发生皱缩、开裂等形变。此结果为后续保护技术选择与工艺实施提供理论指导和科学依据。  相似文献   

一、合家山地理位置及出土器物概况合家山地处云南西部弥渡县红岩乡东部,1995年,该地共出土铜器45件(报道了44件,实地考察45件),石、陶范23件以及陶质的残坩埚和风管,因这批材料未经科学发掘,无地层和出土物关系,故报道中根据器形、纹饰的情况将时代定为春秋晚期至战国中期,并推测这是一处青铜时代的冶铸遗址[1]。  相似文献   

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