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Concentrating on the years 1912–1940, this paper explores why the Panama Canal Zone developed as a hyper-American suburb completely separated from surrounding countryside, cities, and people. It argues that American representations of Panama and Panamanians generated a recognizable Panama Canal Zone residential landscape. Canal Zone towns were designed to remove white American residents from an array of «Others», specifically an «Other» natural landscape (the Panamanian «jungle»), an «Other» cultural landscape (Panamanian Cities), and an «Other» people (the West Indian Panama Canal labour force and Spanish-speaking Panamanians). The negative nature of these representations undergirded American perceptions of the Canal Zone. Importantly, the manner in which Americans understood Panama bolstered the imperial practice of rationalizing discrimination against tropical people, the need for segregated housing, and the creation of an Americanized landscape. In doing so, American representations of Panama as «Other» engendered an American sense of superiority. The paper views the Canal Zone communities as not only reflecting social, moral, and economic outlooks of the American administrators, but also as embodying American perceptions of Panama and Panamanians as the «Other».  相似文献   

This paper explores knowledge production within the framework of a «national anthropology». Mexico developed one of the earliest, largest and most successful «national» anthropologies of the postcolonial world, yet it has been haunted by constant absorption of its leading practitioners into the state apparatus and by a sense of intellectual discontinuity and isolation. The author explores four aspects of Mexican anthropology in the historical contexts in which they emerged: the role of the discipline in shaping a national image (1850–1900); its strategies of intervention in the modernization and «incorporation» of the indigenous and «backward» population (1880–1930); its role in the regulation of a development orthodoxy (1940–1968); and its role in the reformulation of a national image in the face of massive urbanization (1968–1980s).  相似文献   

This article examines the significance accorded to the discovery of America in the period between 1492 and the publication of Alexander von Humboldt’s Kosmos in 1855. It argues that, the « discovery » of America was perceived as the « uncovering » of not merely a place, but of an epistemological challenge which both transformed, Europe’s intellectual dependence on Antiquity, and shaped its evolving perception of both space and time. It argues that, after the discovery, human history came to be seen, in terms of as series of inventions all of them related to human movement, which were projected, as more and more of the globe was « discovered » into an unpredictable future.  相似文献   

This paper tries to understand how «lineage» became a key-notion by medievalists when dealing with the field of kinship about the medieval aristocracy, although it is quite an unsuitable notion. Beside the role given to medieval kinship by the social and scientific imagination which prevailed when the historical sciences were formed in the XIXth century, an important part is played by the creation of a discourse on «lineage» in late medieval aristocracy, linked to a redefinition of the modes of reproduction of seigniorial power, a vector of which must be found by means of representation portraying a durable kin-group, especially through the formation and transmission of «family archives». Historians submitted to the reality-effect of documentary bodies, which were transmitted and were but a historical social construction, did not pay enough attention to the genuine meaning of the archivistic structure. They believed they had found the «reality» of a social organization while they had merely perceived its ideational aspect- and thus, they contributed to the social construction of «lineage».  相似文献   

由于异常激烈的生存竞争和有利于革新的思想文化背景,当世界其它地区军事上还在缓慢发展时,欧洲在14—17世纪发生了一系列军事革命,其军队在陆地和海上的作战能力得到了稳步提高。这使欧洲人在与世界其它地区的对抗中逐渐取得了越来越明显的军事优势。尽管欧洲的崛起是由政治、经济、军事、文化及社会等各个领域的许多复杂因素相互作用共同促成的,但在多数情况下军事优势是其征服过程中必不可少的条件。  相似文献   

«The history of scepticism, the history of fideism?». It is a matter of pondering over the relevance of scepticism’s classification as fideism which Richard H. Popkin establishes in his work:The History of scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza. The calling into question of the link between doubt and belief, and more generally between scepticism and religion, leads to contest the role of religious faith in what is presented by Popkin as the sceptical search for truth. The aim of this criticism is to propose a more conceptual approach to modern scepticism which, unlike Popkin’s historical approach (founded on the consideration of the origin of modern scepticism, the religious crisis of the Renaissance), includes the ethical aspects of this philosophy which are usually and unfortunately neglected.  相似文献   

With the word «exchange», the confusion is often made between the savage of social contract and the savage of the market. This paper would a contrario set the one against the other, in showing how the two characters agree in fact to two absolutely different kinds of argumentation, which the Enlightenment led to coexist according to very distinct issues. Then the modern term of «civil society» has never solved this ambiguity and we find here the matter of several teachings, because it is possible to think at once about what is a «concept», a «historicity» and a «citizen». Methodology, anthropology and politics come therefore into sight as three horizons of an analysis which does not want to reduce the equivocation, but rather to measure its wealth.  相似文献   

We retrace here spectral presence in the work of Gaston Bachelard which we call «The School of the ETH». We have chosen three fundamental figures: hermann Weyl, Wolfgang Pauli and Gustave Juvet. For the first one, we consider his central and permanent place in the Bachelardian constitution of a philosophy which seeks to be at the height of the new «physical geometry» rigorously constructed in a Riemannian spirit. As for Pauli, we show an unsuspected affinity which is backed up by the remarkable analyses brought to it by philosophy: from the urgent construction of a «quantic metaphysics», founded on the implications of aPauli principle well understood, to the idea of a «metaphysical particle», going on to the decisive and so promising stakes of the «postulate of non-analysis». In the framework of this convergent polyconstruction of the «surrationalist», enterprise, we treat the third figure, less known but equally important, of the mathematician-philosopher Gustave Juvet.  相似文献   

The wars of Italy (beginning in 1494) and the following upheavals in Florence (where the Grand Council Republic was set up after the fall of the Medici) led Francesco Guicciardini (1483–1540) to think about the «natural» obviousness of the concept oflibertà fiorentina. His method was «not to let oneself deceive by words to such an extent that things are no longer considered». It made him abandon the question of good government for the one of the effects it produces, and induced him to give, «under the sweetness of the word liberty», prominence to the political stakes. From then on, there was no longer a natural obviousness for the aspiration forlibertà, but the necessary analysis of the political and historical circumstances, of the «condition of the times».  相似文献   

La Valeur inductive de la relativité is undoubtedly the least known «philosophical» work of Gaston Bachelard. Before an almost total silence, with the absence of readings, the replies are only «first type» interpretations supported by a certain discursive hearsay, but which have the authority of pseudo-standards. The Bachelardian positions are here confronted byLa Déduction relativiste of Émile Meyerson. The weight of the analysis will essentially rest upon a display of the Bachelardian device ofinduction and ofconstruction. The «inductive» preparation must be thought out on the electromagnetic model and the «constructivist» position is always linked to the effort of synthesis. In short, it is a veritablemeta-physics which seemingly must generate this «thought of the sciences».  相似文献   

Is it possible for an anthropologist to decide whether an individual or a collectivity can or cannot be characterized as « indigenous », and then proceed to establish the limits of the territory which should be assigned (or recognized) by the state? Does his role as a scientist furnish him with the conceptual and methodological instruments necessary for such a task? In epistemological and ethical terms, is this something which he should endeavour to do? The purpose of this paper is to discuss how these questions are being put to Brazilian anthropologists since the 1980s. Torn between an « indianist » and an « indigenist » discourse, between romanticism and political mediation, the anthropologist must define an appropriate posture for dealing with policy-making; one which will simultaneously safeguard the scientific quality of his work while addressing the specific demands of each situation.  相似文献   

Fractals, as a mathematical concept, made their way into many scientific fields, but have also inspired artistic creations, in particular the plastic arts. The art exhibition «Fractal Time» gives us the opportunity to analyze the link between «art under fractalism» and mathematics. Metamorphoses of the concept, as it goes further its original field, provide us information on the relation between its initial theoretical ground and its additional esthetical meaning. We propose to distinguish, according to a criterion of theorical but non esthetical distance, three ways of derivation for «fractalism»: technical derivation, esthetical actualization and ideological actualization. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01KB003 00010  相似文献   

This paper concerns the negotiation of cultural categories embedded in and informing the ongoing nation formation of Canada. It discusses the construction of cultural identities by health care professional students as they participated in a qualitative study concerned with health care practice in an increasingly culturally diverse society. The study methodology, embedded in layers of narrative about «difference», fostered a negotiation of «self» and «other» on the part of the students and provided an intense site for reflection on cultural identities and social categories in a period of rapid demographic change in Canada. As the students defined and interpreted cultural issues during their fieldwork placements they interrogated and contested various dimensions of difference, including their own sense of Canadian-ness as this played out in «lived» multiculturalism in a specific Canadian city. It is argued that the students» negotiations of boundaries of the cultural «self» were closely linked to a changing place narrative and identity of Canada, expressed in discourses and material practices around difference at local and national scales.  相似文献   

What does it mean to « live by the pen »? The expression has often been invoked by historians advancing an account of progress in literary practices marked by the passage of writers from patronage to the marketplace; an account hoping to define authorial « modernity » with respect to an older model of the literary figure who is protected by nobility. Yet a careful examination shows that this progress towards economic autonomy based on the sale of works is hardly as self-evident as it has been assumed. This article thus studies the ambiguities of the historical account implicit in the idea of « living by the pen ». It then proposes a different approach, which considers this idea not as the reflection of a new professional reality, but as an element in a new rhetoric of self-presentation as intellectual. As a topos, the image designates and indeed, constitutes the social liberation of the author from nobility as well as his moral authority when his efforts to live off his writing inevitably fail yet he persists nonetheless to sacrifice his personal happiness for his art.  相似文献   

In the Histoire des deux Indes, the concept of civilization applies initially to the making of modern Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire, in which the commerce does much to promote the civil and political «enfranchisement» of the third-estate in sovereign states. For Raynal, this historical experience of Europeans serves as paradigm, based upon which he depreciates the civilization of the ancient empires of the two Indies, and also elaborates various political proposals for transformation, or even for abolition, of the European colonial empires. Thus, universalizing the political structure of modern Europe, and pursuing the realization of civil and political liberty in diverse modes, he announces the advent of historical and political space of the modern world, composed of nation-states against the background of the global commercial networks.  相似文献   

Wolff’s philosophy is often defined by commentators as « dogmatic leibnizism ». However, if we try to read the expression in a positive light, we discover what exactly distinguishes Wolff’s metaphysics from that of Leibniz, thereby establishing Wolff’s real contribution to the history of thought. First of all, the notion of « dogma » presented in Wolff’s philosophy is analyzed. This notion recalls the demonstrative model provided by mathematics and especially, Euclid’s Elements. According to axiomatic patterns, ontology is thought of as the « first philosophy ». This aspect cannot be separated from the function of a posteriori knowledge in Wolff’s thinking. This permits us to comprehend the function of ontology, Wolff’s cosmology, and his invention of the notion of « teleology ».  相似文献   

South African anthropology has been historically divided into two schools. One, associated with the Afrikaans-language universities, was favourable toapartheid. The other, associated with the English-language universities, was opposed to segregation and racial discrimination. Afrikaner anthropology focused on culture, tradition, and ethnicity, while the other school was committed to the study of South Africa as a single, rapidly changing society. This opposition has sometimes been exaggerated, and it was most significant during the period of highapartheid in the sixties and seventies but there has always been considerable debate over the very objects of anthropological research, and in particular about the nature of the «racial» and «tribal» groups in South Africa. These issues were politically of the greatest significance, forcing anthropologists to confront great questions about government policy. This paper traces the history of these debates on the classification of the peoples of Southern Africa.  相似文献   

From the proclamation of the « liberties » in 1789 to the law on bookselling of 1810, the dynamics of the world of print continue to be an interesting and original field of study when one is seeking to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual activity, both from an institutional and epistemological point of view. Because traditional modes of scientific and literary production were challenged from 1789 onwards, the study of printing and publishing can shed light on the social, institutional and theoretical changes which characterized this moment of « transition ». This article, although not exhaustive, aims to put the printing press at the heart of a better understanding of the changes in social relations, social identities and intellectual output during the Revolution.  相似文献   

The history of the foundations of mathematics in the XXth century leads to a revision of the meaning of traditional philosophical notions such as «evidence», «experience» or «rationality». This paper focuses on the influence of Ferdinand Gonseth's «open philosophy» on Paul Bernays' philosophical interpretations of the technical results in the foundations. Familiar with the ideas of Jacob Friedrich Fries and Léonard Nelson, the logician Bernays turns at the middle of the century more and more towards Gonseth's ideas. Quite before Thomas Kuhn, Bernays considers the revisions under consideration not simply as a problem of truth and falsehood, but as a task requiring the introduction of a new conceptual system. Indeed, in opposition to Kuhn, according to Bernays, the necessary change is less the consequence from a change of paradigm and methodological incommensurability as a epistemological necessity.  相似文献   

In the paper Ernest Coumet presented at the conference on Koyré (Paris, 1986), he suggested that the term «scientific revolution» does not denote for Koyré an historical event, but an idealtype, in Weber's sense. First, the author discusses this thesis and presents the arguments Coumet advances to support it. In the second part of his paper, he criticises the use of the notion of revolution in the history of science. In particular, he argues against the distinction between scientific theories and a «scientific thinking», which would be influencedby the «philosophical thinking» and whose changes would produce a revolution.  相似文献   

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