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孤独星球 《风景名胜》2012,(8):36-45,14
这梦幻般的西沙、梦幻般的南海、梦幻般的假期、梦幻般的旅行,一切都仍然在眼前晃动;一切都是美得如此的不真实,犹如凡间仙境,我们回来了,却已经将心,丢在那里了。  相似文献   

别处的风景。别样的生活。总会引起我们的向往和好奇。这也许就是大多数人喜欢旅游的原因吧。这次。借公司电视摄制组拍摄节目之机。我有幸参加了一次从北京到青海的自驾车旅行。[第一段]  相似文献   

丁文江1911年游历贵州,在游记《我的第一次内行旅行》中记录了他的贵州之旅。贵州独特的气候、地貌、交通、经济、民族风俗给他留下了极深刻的印象,并影响了他以后的研究工作。他对百年之前贵州的记述和研究给我们留下了一笔宝贵的财富。  相似文献   

武欣欣 《旅游》2002,(7):31-33
当经过过无数的历程后,在某一天你背着行囊穿过巴黎的喧器,走进马摩坦美术馆,最后站在那幅开创印象派美术先河的作品《日出的印象》前面的时候,那片片洋洒的色彩展示了一个平常的日出的景象,一定会让你感动不已,近似粗野的笔触和不经意的色彩激活了每一个不同的人主观世界的日出,每个人的感受可能是完全不同的,  相似文献   

我们正处在一个向成熟的后现代社会转变的过渡时期,消费者开始不再听信营销者的花言巧语,“顾客至上”的做法已经走火入魔,靠讨好顾客来取得营销成功的日子应该要走到尽头。21世纪,营销者要敏锐地察觉到消费者购买行为和认知模式的变化,运用新的营销方式——复古营销去适应这种变化。  相似文献   

印章从一开始就表现出极强的“复古”情绪,“复古”成为印学贯穿始终的审美理念、创作的理论依据和印论的思想指导.因此,有关印学复古思想的研究逐渐引起学者们的关注.然而,目前的研究多从“印宗秦汉”、汉印审美观和印史观等方面阐述,并没有对中国古代印论复古倾向的观照和系统研究,尤其是从印论出发进行复古思想的研究,尚无人涉及.而复古思想与印论的发展成熟几乎是同步的,忽略同步发展的印论而一味从外在形式关注“印宗秦汉”的研究方法是值得商榷的.本文从古代印论出发,通过宋代印论复古思想之萌动、元赵孟頫和吾衍的复古思想、明清印论中的复古思想及其影响等三个发展阶段,探求篆刻复古思想的发展脉络.  相似文献   

精烁的线条透出经典的魅力,纯粹的色彩散发安静的张力,天然的皮质纹理是浑然天成的品质!只有经历时间历练的设计才是你应该拥有的,新古典主义皮夹'2012年再次来袭!  相似文献   

1996年的冬天,我刚上大学,偶尔还能看到雷锋帽。那时见得最多的是一个赶毛驴车拉食堂泔水的男人,大概50多岁,头上戴一顶黄绿色的雷锋帽,两只帽耳朵既不上翻,也不下扣。就这么软哒哒地垂下来,不松不紧地护住了耳朵。那时我还不懂得思乡,可是看到这样的雷锋帽仍然感觉无比亲切,因为在我的家乡,冬天随处可见戴雷锋帽的男人。  相似文献   

李向军 《沧桑》2011,(2):135-136
戴复古在南宋时期名闻朝野,受到许多文人学士的赞赏,其具有现实主义精神的诗歌创作真实的反映了南宋的社会面貌,具有很高的史诗价值,因此戴复古被推为南宋江湖诗人的翘楚。  相似文献   

邓珩 《南方人物周刊》2014,(30):104-104
参加特定年代的复古集会是一种风尚.比如在文艺复兴聚会时穿戴紧身胸衣和拉夫领。大多数参与者回到家中,会还原成现代装束,然而。来自英国斯坦福德邵的琼斯(Jones)夫妇从5年前开始,便将日常生活定格在20世纪50年代,目的是拯救婚姻。  相似文献   

An analysis of the shapes of cities in the Moscow region finds that the linear, elongated form tends to predominate over the compact. City layout often derives from the arrangement of the axes of development. In many Moscow Oblast cities, these axes are the transport corridors radiating out of Moscow, and the corridors, often made up of parallel railroad, highway and river, account for the pronounced elongation of city shapes. From a historical perspective, linearity developed mainly in the last 50 to 60 years as new industrial plants and housing developments sprang up along the transport corridors. The author cautions against unhindered development of linearity since it may ultimately produce continuously urbanized belts along the major transport corridors radiating out of Moscow. Such a development is viewed as undesirable from the standpoint of regional planning because it would obliterate recreational facilities, which are now situated mainly along these transport routes.  相似文献   

Near-spherical worlds may be mapped using conventional techniques, but many solar system objects with diameters less than 500 km have very irregular shapes and pose special problems for cartographers. I describe the history and current status of exploration and mapping of these bodies with emphasis on cartographic problems, their solutions, and unusual cases requiring novel approaches to mapping. These include binary and multi-lobed objects, and faceted shapes for which near-global maps may be simultaneously equivalent and conformal.
On peut faire des cartes de corps célestes qui ont une forme presque sphérique en utilisant des techniques conventionnelles, mais la plupart des petits corps célestes (diamètre de moins de 500 km) sont loin d'être sphériques et présentent des problèmes particuliers pour les cartographes. Je discute de l'histoire et de l'état actuel de l'exploration et de la cartographie de ces corps célestes - et j'examine de près les problèmes cartographiques, leurs solutions, et des cas particuliers qui doivent être examinés d'un nouveau point de vue. Ceux-ci incluent les objets avec deux lobes ou plus ainsi que les formes à facettes, dont les cartes peuvent être équivalentes et conformes en même temps.  相似文献   

Social differentiation is characterized by differences in social status and wealth, which are established and maintained by controlling and constraining the labour and flow of resources. This would affect the development of various aspects of a settlement in establishing hierarchical relationships. This study focuses on identifying the variations in the distribution of certain resources, such as imported goods, that help interpret the social meaning, particularly with regard to social status and wealth, of house structures having different shapes in an ethnic settlement in Taiwan. A petrographic study and residue analysis of the pottery along with spatial examination of the material remains were conducted to achieve the goal.  相似文献   

The present boundaries of Moscow's suburban zone are tested by delineating a so-called zone of active influence of Moscow city based on demographic structure and the significance of commuting to work in the city. The most favorable age-sex structure, with a high percentage of population in the working age groups and a relatively high percentage of children, is found in a zone within 50 to 60 kilometers from the city limits. This zone generates a daily flow of more than 500,000 commuters to places of employment in Moscow, 90 percent of whom spend less than 110 to 120 minutes traveling each way. These commuters represent about 2 percent of the total working-age population in the suburban zone. On the basis of the demographic structure and commuting linkages, Moscow's zone of active influence is therefore defined as the zone within which 90 percent of the commuters reside, or within 52 kilometers of the city limits. This conforms roughly to the present definition of the suburban zone.  相似文献   

孙烨  张宏磊  刘培学  张捷 《人文地理》2017,32(3):152-160
网络搜索引擎是旅游者获取旅游信息的最重要入口,百度指数通过反映关键词被搜索的次数表征旅游者的网络关注度。文章以三清山为例,首先利用协整理论及格兰杰因果检验分析了PC端和移动端百度指数与实际游客量之间的关系,进一步建立日游客量ARMA模型和分别加入PC 端和移动端百度指数的VAR模型,对游客量预测结果及预测能力进行比较分析,以期通过不同客户端、不同搜索关键词来填补游客量预测过程中旅游网络数据提取的单一性,得到更好的预测效果。发现移动端比PC端百度指数模型具有更好的预测效果,移动端比PC端百度指数对实际游客量的变动具有更好的解释能力。  相似文献   

Differences in industrial development of the Soviet union republics are found to persist, and the basic factors are analyzed. The presence of a skilled labor force is an important factor in insuring a high level of industrial output per capita and a high rate of return on capital. However, the distribution of labor-intensive industries does not always conform to the availability of labor resources. Such industries have reached a high level in the Baltic republics, where the reproduction rate is low and additional labor must be brought in from the outside, and they have not been fostered in Central Asia, where the rate of natural increase is high. The emphasis on resource-based industries that is characteristic of some republics (oil and gas in Azerbaydzhan and Turkmenia, nonferrous metals in Kazakhstan, etc.) is usually associated with a high level of fixed assets (capital intensity) and a low rate of return as well as low levels of industrial output per capita.  相似文献   

<正>Bawo Tsukla Chengwa(1504-1566) is the author of Banquets of Wises (in Tibetan,it is Lho-brag-chos-vbyung for short).The book has five volumes of which the mo...  相似文献   

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