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Zhang Jingwu and Tibetan Liberation The Research Office of Party History of the Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region edited this book. In the 1950s, Zhang Jingwu received orders to Tibet. He was designated as the representative of the Central Government  相似文献   

The Tibet Autonomous Regionwas founded in 1965, and cele-bration of the event took placein history many times.1965: Founding of the TARAugust 23: The State Council held its158th session, which discussed the reportof the Preparatory Committee for theFounding of the TAR on TAR's founding.It was agreed during the session that theFirst People's Congress of the TAR beheld on September 1, 1965, marking thefounding of the TAR. The motion was tobe submitted to the Standing Committeeof the …  相似文献   

The Tibet AutonomousRegion has now been inexistence for 40 years. Iwould just like to recall someprofound memories to com-memorate this 40th anniversary of itsfoundation.Delegation Head Chen YiEntering Tibet in a JeemoVehicleIn April 1956 a very great motorcadeconsisting of more than 200 vehicles spedalong the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Therewas a great variety of vehicles, includingJeemo, Warsaw, and others. This was thefirst Central Government Delegationgroup to enter Tibet after the li…  相似文献   

Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

The Tibet Autonomous Region covers an area of 1.2 million square kilometers. It stretches zooo kilometers from east to west, and iooo kilometers from north to south. With such a vast area, Tibet has unique topographies and landforms, as well as a complex ecological environment. The northwest of the Tibetan Plateau has a cold climate because of its high altitude, and it is mainly pastoral. With a lower altitude,  相似文献   

王景荃 《收藏家》2011,(10):13-19
佛教源于印度,7世纪传入西藏以后,历经1300余年的发展,一方面吸收了印度、尼泊尔和中原佛教的精华;另一方面又融入了本土宗教——苯教的诸多元素,使得佛教在西藏脱胎换骨,形成了独树一帜的藏传佛教。  相似文献   

卡若遗址是发现于西藏昌都县的一处新石器时代遗址,于1978年经西藏自治区文管会和四川大学历史系考古专业发掘,两个单位联合撰写的发掘报告中主要介绍了建筑遗存和生产生活用具。发掘报告中统计完整、记录详细的房址柱洞资料引起了笔者关注,因此尝试用定量分析方法对以房址柱洞为主的建筑遗存进行探讨。通过统计分析,柱洞资料反映出了卡若文化在约1000年的发展过程中发展壮大,然后又由盛转衰的历史进程。从技术分析的角度印证了卡若聚落居民在史前生活中经历的生产生活方式的转变。  相似文献   

Although Lhozhag County is a border county in Tibet Autonomous Region,it is enriched with deep traditional culture.Many traditional folk arts are in full vigor,such as traditional dances,like the laymen Chamo from the town of Lhakhang,Lugu Lhamo from Dzari,Goshe,andalso Godrang.  相似文献   

Chab-mdo District is situated in the east of the Tibet Autonomous Region, a part of Khams according to traditional territorial divisions. Owing to the complex landforms and varying climates of the Valleys of Three Rivers (vbri chu ,zla chu and rgyamo rngul chu in Tibetan;orJinsha, Lancang and Nu Rivers in  相似文献   

1 Introduction On 18 May 1989,the Mt.Qomolangma (Everest)Natural Reserve(abbr.MQNR)in Tibet Autonomous Region formally came into existence and it was listed as World Network of Biosphere Reserves(WNBR)in May 2005.The MQNR is a comprehensive reserve,which mainly protects alpine ecosystems,plateau natural landscapes,geological remains and Tibetan historical and cultural heritages.  相似文献   

On February 9,1955,the State Council adopted the resolution on the Founding of the Preparatory Committee for the Founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region.A founding ceremony was held in Lhasa on April 22 the following year attended by a delegation sent by the Central Government.It was led by Vice Premier Chen Yi,with Zhang Jingwu and Wang Feng as its deputy heads.  相似文献   

2009年6月,陕西省考古研究院与西藏自治区文物保护研究所联合对西藏自治区昌都地区芒康县查果西沟摩崖造像进行了全面而详细的考古调查,现存的7尊造像可以分为三组:第一组包括大日如来与二菩萨、一供养人在内的4尊造像具有明显的吐蕃造像特征,时代为公元9世纪初期;第二组的1尊高浮雕造像与第三组的2尊线刻造像时代可能为公元12世纪甚至更晚,显示了查果西沟及周边地区佛教的发展及延续性。  相似文献   

Raba is one art type featuring bell and beat combined with dancing, intonation, drama, acrobatics and martial arts. Dinqen Raba is popular in the Dinqen area of Qamdo, and differs from other Raba forms in Tibetan-inhabited areas. Dinqen County is located in the northwest of Qamdo, which lies in the northeast of Tibet Autonomous Region. Dinqen stands on the upper stream of the Nujiang, one of the three famous rivers in China. Dinqen Raba originated from the grassroots' lifestyle. Before e…  相似文献   

Dashing across the lush grassland on the bank of Trari Namtso Lake,flocks of purple cashmere goats are scattered like pearls on the wide grassland.These are local purple cashmere goats.These goats produce special cashmere,which is well known as a soft,smooth,warm product that is calledsoft goldanddiamond fabric.The cashmere goats in Tsochen can produce high-quality cashmere,milk, tender meat,and other products.It has become a unique specialty product without any comparison in Tibet Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

<正>Editorial Comments:From 2006 to 2010 during the 11th five-year plan of the Chinese national economy,along with the improvement and upgrading of the Chinese c...  相似文献   

With the Tibet Autonomous Region's increasing efforts and initiatives to protect wildlife in recent years,the Tibetan antelope population in Tibet has increased from around 50,000 in the 1990s to over 200,000 today.The number of Tibetan wild donkeys has increased from around 50,000 to around 90,000.The number of black-necked cranes has increased from less than 3,000 to around 8,000.The number of wild yaks has increased to around 10,000.Populations of snow leopards,rock sheep and other wild animals have also seen a marked recovery.  相似文献   

胡永恒 《近代史研究》2012,(1):63-78,160,161
陕甘宁边区高等法院档案显示,边区各级法院于1942年至1943年上半年较为经常地在民事审判中援用六法全书,之后则停止了援用。所援用的法律主要是民事诉讼法和民法。援用的原因,主要是边区自身立法不足,民事审判缺乏法律依据,加上这一时期中共实行统一战线政策,营造了较为宽松的政治氛围。同时,一批具有专业法学知识和较高文化素质的干部走上司法岗位,为边区援用六法全书提供了技术支持。边区对六法全书的援用有一定的原则,但在不同时期有所变化。在实践中,对六法全书的援用存在与当地社会脱节的问题,并存在与中共的阶级立场相悖之处。整风运动过后,六法全书在边区实际上被废止。  相似文献   

《通典》是第一部为吐蕃设立专传的史书 ,包括三个方面的内容 :第一 ,吐蕃的族源风俗与典章制度 ;第二 ,吐蕃大事记及唐蕃关系大事纪年 ;第三 ,吐蕃大相论钦陵与唐朝使者郭元振的长篇对话及郭元振上疏文。本文认为《通典·吐蕃传》是唐代人所著唐代吐蕃史 ,可靠性更高 ,同时也保存了不少为两唐书“吐蕃传”所忽略的珍贵史料 ,值得研究者给予新的重视。  相似文献   

孙立萍  齐月 《收藏家》2008,(9):87-87
1956年在阿城金上京会宁府南城中的北段,南城村九组裴家屯一家农户,在自家挖菜窖的时候,挖出了一尊高19.6厘米、重约2.1公斤的铜坐龙。当时此农户并没将它交给文物部门,而是藏在了自己家的箱子里。过了一段时间后,这位农户将这尊铜坐龙拿出来玩赏,并将它摆在了自家的窗台上。龙头朝着屋内(北),不想刚放在窗台上,  相似文献   

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