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中日知识分子的"崇文"与"尚武"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日知识分子可比较之点颇多,本文只从历史的角度,选择“崇文”与“尚武”作为比较内容,探讨中日知识分子“崇文”与“尚武”的原因及其影响。宋代皇帝们“重文轻武”的思想与政策,是造成中国知识分子真正成为“文弱书生”的渊薮。由于在知识分子中还有不绝如缕的乱世“右武”思想与主张及其勇武精神,才使近代中国免于列强瓜分。日本知识分子所受“尚武”风习的熏陶自中世开始,中经近世直至近代,几乎没有间断,其“尚武”程度远甚于中国知识分子。日本知识分子由于“尚武”精神的过度膨胀,从而导致支持政府发动对外战争,走向摆脱外敌入侵时所起作用的反面。  相似文献   

“旺代叛乱”是法国大革命中的一个重大事件。这一事件的发生,不能简单地归因于旺代农民的“愚昧”、“保守”。从最直接的现象看,它实起因于共和国政府的政策与农民的传统情感之间的冲突,共和国政府的过激政策无疑应负一定的责任。共和国政府对旺代农民的镇压,不仅是拯救共和国的胜利,而且也是恐怖政策的过火表现。在近现代世界历史中,“旺代叛乱”并非只是个别的现象。在革命或者现代化进程中,不难看到一部分农民或者一部分弱势群体因维护自身利益而陷入与掌握着“革命”话语权的政府相对抗的困境乃军绛埔汶种历史现象。萤新探讨“旺代叛乱”,有助于深入理解法国大革命以及世界历史中的“旺代现象”。  相似文献   

"丘"非"乡"而为"里"辨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴海燕 《史学月刊》2003,(6):123-124
~~ 名称 ?笔者认为 ,此处“丘亭”与“乡亭”的说法有类似之处。“乡亭”之名屡见于《汉书》 ,“乡”为地方行政组织的名称 ,则“丘亭”之“丘”是不是也可以作同类解释 ?故顾炎武《日知录》在此条下云 :“又必有人民 ,如今之镇集。”即顾氏以“镇集”释“丘”。再以息夫躬的情况而言 ,他为食邑千户之宜陵侯 ,虽被哀帝遣就国 ,怎能住到一个“空亭”、“野亭”之中 ?因此此“丘亭”之“丘”应为当时一级地方行政组织之名称。另外 ,还有一条史料也可以为此提供佐证 ,《史记·高祖本纪》云 :“汉王……引水灌废丘 ,废丘降 ,章邯自杀。更名…  相似文献   

1998年王克林在《华夏考古》第3期上发表了《骑马民族文化的概念与缘起》一文。文中把鄂尔多斯地区采集的一种小型铜饰(图一,2)称为“骑马武士铜饰”、“青铜骑马造像”,同时把宁夏西吉县玉桥村采集的一件同类铜饰(图一,4)也称为“铜人骑马饰”。他认为,鄂尔多斯的这种  相似文献   

“敖汉”的本义不是“老大”。“敖汉”最初以“鄂托克”名称出现于蒙古史籍里是在 1 5世纪中期 ,“敖汉”、“鄂托克”当时是察哈尔诸鄂托克之一。敖汉鄂托克人当初居住在今阿鲁科尔沁旗西北及巴林左旗北部 ,其地为大兴安岭西南段苏克苏鲁山 ,亦即乌桓山 ,敖汉鄂托克依乌桓山得名。对以上说法需要做一番考证。《赤峰地名志》将“敖汉”释作“老大” ,① 大多数敖汉人也以为“敖汉”应释作“老大”。他们的根据是《蒙古游牧记》的一则记录 :“贝玛土谢图 ,子二 ,长岱青杜棱号所部曰敖汉。”② 以长子岱青杜棱号所部曰敖汉 ,作为“老大”的根…  相似文献   

玄奘发愿"十俱胝像"考--关于"善业泥"造像的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
迄今为止 ,在西安出土了各种各样的唐代泥佛像。这些泥佛像是研究唐代长安造像非常重要的作品。其中有一种依背面的题记而被称为“善业泥”的泥佛像 1。这种“善业泥”多半在西安南郊大慈恩寺的大雁塔周围出土 ,被认为是创建大雁塔的永徽年间 ( 65 0— 65 5 )的作品 2 ,与三藏法师玄奘有密切的关系3。日本古代寺院遗址出土的泥佛像中 ,也有与此很相似的作品。“善业泥”由于被认为是这种作品的原型而受到重视 4。然而 ,以前对这种泥佛像本身几乎没有进行研究 ,所以很有必要对它展开研究5。笔者在本文中围绕这种“善业泥”,通过对作品的整理…  相似文献   

刘占成 《文博》2002,(2):29-30,69
秦陵“七号坑”以出土青铜仙鹤引起了不小的轰动,被称为近年来秦陵地区的又一重大考古新发现。2001年11月23日《中国文物报》对“七号坑”有关情况已作详细报道。  相似文献   

“辽人”是明代东北地区的汉族区域群体,因长期的边塞生活而具有边疆特点的社会性格。后金进入辽东后,“辽人”有抗、殉、降、逃等不同的表现,反映出他们的复杂心态。清太祖晚年民族矛盾激化,“辽人”奋起抵抗,组成“岛兵”与“关宁辽军”两大军事集团,“辽军”遂成为抗金(清)主力。清太宗即位后,明、清双方展开了对“辽人”与“辽军”的争夺。清太宗调整民族政策,改善汉族待遇,并以军事胜利为后盾,重用、“思养”汉宫为政治号召,积极争取“辽军”,效果显,终于化顽敌为羽翼,大批“辽人”加入清军,为清朝开国做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

青海"於菟"巫风调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于中国西北部的青海省黄南州同仁县年都乎乡年都乎村,迄今保留着一种当地人称为“於菟”的巫风遗俗。该习俗自上个世纪80年代被有关学者关注以来,其研究日益深入,取得了一些成果。与此同时,  相似文献   

"台独"势力的"日本情结"问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“台独”分子有一个共同的特性,就是都具有浓厚的“日本情结”,这也是驱动“台独”势力长期不遗余力从事分裂祖国活动和造成台湾问题久拖不决的重要因素。究其原因,主要有二:1、日本对台湾50年的殖民统治,特别是它所发动的“皇民化运动”的久远影响,是导致“台独”势力“日本情结”产生的历史原因;2、“台独”势力出于台湾“独立”的欲求,急需取得外部势力特别是与台湾渊源甚深的日本右翼势力的支持,这是“台独”势力“日本情结”产生的现实原因,也是主要原因。  相似文献   

Despite the useful simplifying assumptions of recent work on unilateral power, archival analysis shows the issuance of executive orders is a process rife with transaction costs as presidents bargain with the bureaucracy over formulating their scope and substance. As a result, presidents must create what Williamson (1985) called “governance structures” to minimize those costs, with the Office of Management and Budget's clearance process at its heart. As with legislative policy formulation, presidents assert more centralized control over executive orders (EO) production on items that affect large numbers of departments, on matters of executive reorganization, and on significant matters. Political contexts are trumped by managerial concerns. Orders dealing with implementation of recently passed statutes or other presidential “clerkship” functions tend to follow a far less centralized formulation process.  相似文献   

This article examines the bipartisan nuclear ‘grand bargain’, namely that Australia would only export uranium to states signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), in framing Australian policy and debate towards India. India has not signed the NPT, and shows no willingness to do so. Since 2006 the domestic political and media debate regarding uranium sales to India shows that this grand bargain is fraying. This article explores the major arguments that have been elucidated by Australian political party leaders either for or against uranium sales to India and concludes with a discussion of the opportunities and challenges presented to Australia if it were to make an exception for India.  相似文献   

This study explores the process by which party leaders build winning coalitions. Focusing on House passage of impoundment legislation in the 93rd Congress, the essay documents the extensive efforts of Democratic leaders to create a viable bill and persuade party members to support it. Analyses of whip counts demonstrate that the leaders passed the impoundment bill in part because they could bargain with and convert “successful” party members whose past career advancement and future achievements depended in part on leadership assistance. The essay concludes by identifying six conditions that nurtured the bargaining capacity of the Democratic leaders and fostered their coalition-building success.1  相似文献   

In this paper, I suggest that the category of ‘ward,’ a designation used for Aboriginal Australians in the 1950s and 1960s, has re-emerged in contemporary Northern Territory (NT) life. Wardship represents an in-between status, neither citizens nor non-citizens, but rather an anticipatory citizenship formation constructed by the Australian state. The ward is a not-yet citizen, and the deeds, acts, and discourses that define the ward's capacities to act as a political subject can maintain their anticipatory nature even as people ‘achieve’ formal citizenship. Wardship can be layered on top of citizen and non-citizen status alike. Rather than accounting for the grey areas between ‘citizen’ and ‘non-citizen,’ therefore, wards exist beyond this theoretical continuum, demanding a more nuanced accounting of political subjectivities and people's relationships to the state.I trace the emergence of the category ‘ward’ in the 1950s and 1960s in Australia and its re-emergence for Aboriginal Australians impacted by the 2007 Northern Territory Emergency Response legislation. The promise of citizenship offered by the status of ‘ward’ is built upon expectations about family life, economic activity, and appropriate behaviour. These assumptions underscore an implicit bargain between individuals and the state, that neoliberalised self-discipline will lead to both formal citizenship rights and a sense of belonging. Built-in impediments, however, ensure that this bargain is difficult, if not impossible, to fulfil.  相似文献   

Kenya has rarely been considered a major Cold War battleground, becoming linked with Britain and the Western side, even whilst being publicly committed to non-alignment and African Socialism. Nonetheless, the Cold War offered opportunities for Kenya’s newly independent leaders. It was utilised in factional political debates between Tom Mboya and Oginga Odinga. In the late 1960s, leading Kenyans around President Jomo Kenyatta used Cold War rhetoric and rivalries to bargain to their advantage with the British over arms sales. British policy-makers offered concessions as they worked to build and then maintain their position as Kenya’s closest foreign partner.  相似文献   

This article argues that Japan matters crucially in the evolving East Asian security order because it is embedded both in the structural transition and the ongoing regional strategies to manage it. The post‐Cold War East Asian order transition centres on the disintegration of the post‐Second World War Great Power bargain that saw Japan subjecting itself to extraordinary strategic constraint under the US alliance, leaving the conundrum of how to negotiate a new bargain that would keep the peace between Japan and China. To manage the uncertainties of this transition, East Asian states have adopted a three‐pronged strategy of: maintaining US military preponderance; socializing China as a responsible regional great power; and cultivating regionalism as the basis for a long‐term East Asian security community. Japan provides essential public goods for each of these three elements: it keeps the US anchored in East Asia with its security treaty; it is the one major regional power that can and has helped to constrain the potential excesses of growing Chinese power while at the same time crucially engaging with and helping to socialize China; and its economic and political participation is critical for meaningful regionalism and regional integration. It does not need to be a fully fledged, ‘normal’ Great Power in order to carry out these roles. As the region tries to mediate the growing security dilemma among the three great powers, Japan's importance to regional security will only grow.  相似文献   

In 2002 the inclusion of North Korea by the Bush administration within the 'axis of evil' portended a break from the Clinton policy of engagement. Despite the apparent inconsistencies of this categorisation, North Korea's undoubted possession of some weapons of mass destruction capability seemed to make it a possible target for US containment if not preemption. However, Pyongyang's chief motive in such weapons development might actually be to guarantee regime survival. The revelation that North Korea had been developing a covert uranium enrichment program led US policymakers in the Bush administration to contemplate a policy of quarantine and containment. The wider policy community is divided on the question of whether Pyongyang was seeking a new bargain with the US, or whether this program was intended to produce a deterrent from possible US attack. These alternatives prescribe, respectively, a new negotiating approach or a strategy designed to dissuade. But the actual policy choice hinges on the outcome in Iraq.  相似文献   


Accountability is a core democratic value. It envisages that citizens hold the powerful to account for omissions and commissions. Influenced by the global agenda for good governance, the Right to Information (RTI) Act in India was designed to build accountability through transparency. RTI is primarily a result of democratic politics. It emerged from intense grassroots activism – articulating poor and ordinary citizens’ discontent over corruption and other abuses of power. This study is based on six empirical cases of RTI usage in India’s West Bengal province. I argue that even though it is primarily designed to elicit accountability, RTI has emerged as a “seed right” because of its enabling, foundational and evolving dimensions push forward the process of democratisation. When operating individually, our respondents experienced negligible empowerment, but when the relatively powerless citizens organised collectively and were able to work through political institutions such as political parties and CSOs/NGOs, they could convincingly bargain with the powerholders, and elicit some cooperation, if not accountability.  相似文献   

Persian territorial designs in Baluchistan clashed with British interest to construct an Indo-European telegraph line through the Makran Coast, where Britain had close local allies in dispute with Persia. The British prime interest being the speedy construction of the line, they decided on bypassing these disputed territories by connecting Bushehr, through submarine cable, with Gwadar—which they believed, contrary to the Persians, to be non-Persian. The Persian government protested against the British infringement of her sovereign rights, adopting both diplomatic and military approaches. This forced the British government to check the legality of the Persian claims. But the arbitrary was neither neutral nor fair, with Britain opposing the suzerainty of Persia over the chiefs of western Makran, while acknowledging the right of conquest by others elsewhere on the coast. This was in line with British policy of favoring governments bordering British India over Persia. Although unable to change the arbitrary, the Persian government still managed, in spite of her military weakness, to drag the British government into a hard bargain and tough negotiations.  相似文献   

While the Federal and Queensland governments promote self-management and self-determination policies, many Queensland Aboriginal Councils are still unable to participate fully in the development planning processes that affect their land and marine resources. Aboriginal Councils are often over-worked, under-resourced and inappropriately structured, limiting their control over natural resource use planning in their own communities and participation in regional development planning processes. This has serious implications for the long term future of Aboriginal communities. Thus, in line with recent developments in planning theory, this paper outlines the need to assist Aboriginal Councils to bargain effectively and to negotiate with government agencies and resource developers.  相似文献   

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