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姜鑫 《神州》2014,(12):195-195
经济周期的存在是以经济规律的前提下运行的,它的存在是必然的,周期的上下波动是由于经济发展不平衡导致的,经济周期的往复循环波动也充分的表明了经济法在干预过程中呈现的灵活性。文章扼要的对经济周期的进行了概述,经济法的灵活性进行详细的分析,并对经济周期与经济法的灵活性之间的关系进行阐述,从而得出经济周期的存在是体现经济法灵活性的重要因素。  相似文献   

柳勋 《神州》2014,(15):40-40
公路作为我国经济发展的重要的载体之一,在中国的经济运输中有一半以上的是通过公路来运输的。随着当今经济的飞速发展、运输版图的不断的拓宽和运输的重量的不断增大,这就导致了在公路施工过程中更加的关注质量的把握,因此在对路基的要求也是越来越高。本文主要阐述对于公路的路基影响的因素,并且介绍路基加固的技术,以及路基的排水和防护进而实现路基加固的最好的效果。  相似文献   

李尧健 《神州》2011,(5S):72-72
平时老师们谈论的差生,主要是指学生的学习成绩差,他们形成的原因是多方面的,有家庭的、社会的、先天的和后天的等等,但是大部分差生是后天形成的,他们的学习成绩直接影响老师的教学质量的好坏、班级学生的平均分质高低。提高差生学习成绩对提高老师的教学质量、  相似文献   

林彪的是非功过,历史早已作了公正的评价。作为我军历史上的十大元帅之一,林彪的军事才能以及他对中国革命的贡献是不容抹杀的。由于历史的原因,人们对林彪的了解,更多的是他的军事,对他的婚姻和爱情,知道的并不多。其实,作为一个有血有肉的人,林彪的感情世界是十分丰富而复杂的,他的婚姻和爱情也是曲折而坎坷的……  相似文献   

刘佑 《攀登》2002,21(2):67-71
马克思主义关于人的全面发展的学说涉及人的劳动能力、人的社会关系、人的个性的发展,核心是个人的全面发展。劳动力主要是体力和智力,个性是个体的独特性和自主性,人的发展应当是全面、自由、充分的;人的全面发展学说是针对旧式分工造成人的片面、畸形发展提出的,是对空想社会主义关于人的全面发展理念的批判继承;生产力发展、生产关系变革、广泛的教育机会和个体积极的社会实践,是实现人的全面发展的社会条件。  相似文献   

湘楚文化对中国的意识形态尤其是20世纪中华民族独特的精神、道德、品格的形成产生过深刻的影响。福祉天下的民本思想、狐死首丘的乡国情怀、经世致用的实践精神、法贤掖后的典型风范是湘楚文化所蕴含的最重要的道德内涵;而坚忍自强的韧力信心、内关修能的志向抱负、出污不染的豁达风骨、重诺达信的胸襟气度则是湘楚文化所蕴含的最基本的人格内涵。继承和弘扬湘楚文化的本质精神,对于形成全社会的共同理想,构建先进的民族精神和培育完美的民族品格具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

丝绸 飘柔的丝绸是中国瓷器仪容娴静的表姐是中国汉字风姿绰约的堂妹丝绸 是中国女人采桑时披在身上的一道小溪丝绸 是中国女人睡觉时笑在脸上的一个好梦丝绸 是中国女人活着时呼吸的一股清风丝绸 是中国女人死后灵魂边的一片轻云中国的黄土埋葬着中国的梅花中国的丝绸埋葬着中国的公主丝绸 是中国银器西行时走过的黄沙路丝绸 是中国刀剑东征时飘扬的红穗子丝绸 是中国的渔夫出海时帆上的拂晓风丝绸 是中国的农民耕种时头上的三月雨丝绸 中国的丝绸是秦时的明月 是汉时的关是唐代的诗歌 是宋代的词丝绸@雪潇  相似文献   

中国是一个统一的多民族的国家。各个民族在创造祖国的历史和灿烂的文化中都做出了自己的贡献。白寿彝先生在《中国通史·导论》中把中国民族的问题作为史书的首要问题提出来,从这样的角度切入,对中国历史作出一系列的理论的概括,反映出先生的深邃的思想,开阔的视野和对历史辩证的思考,从而为我们理解错综复杂的中国历史,认识中国历史的特点以重要的启示。一、民族发展的不平衡性和历史过程的阶段性各个国家、各个民族在历史发展的总过程中,由于具体条件的不同,在政治、经济、文化各个方面有自己的特殊的情形,表现为自己的历史特点。从一个阶段的整体上观察,各个国家、民族的历史发展是有规律的,同时各个国家、民族的发展又是不平衡的。规律性和不  相似文献   

李伟佳 《神州》2012,(31):183-183
目前我国在教育上不断的改革,很长的一段时间中,数学教学改革的过程中主要是对怎么教学进行广泛的探讨,但是并没有对学生怎样学进行更好的思考,学的活动主要是由老师来统一安排的,同学们往往都是比较不会对主动的提出问题。当代的教学理论是这样认为的,在教学的方法中是包括教的方法还有的学的方法,正像前苏联的著名教学专家巴班斯基是这样认为的,教学的方法是由学生的学习方式以及老师教学的方式相协调统一,进而才能达到很好的教学成绩,这样的方法是由教还有学来相互依存的教学规律相制约的。所以本文就是在对初中数学教学的方法进行了一些探索。  相似文献   

胡兴洪 《风景名胜》2021,(2):0343-0343
在国有企业的不断发展下,对于国有企业的改革和创新的发展也在逐渐的深入进行。在当前的国有企业的发展中,很多国有企业在涌现了很多的优秀的青年员工,在进行国有企业的进一步发展中,对于青年员工的团建工作就显得极为的重要。只有加强青年员工的团建工作,才能够有效的提升青年员工的思想意识,提升青年员工的精神层次,使得国有企业的发展更具凝聚力和战略的意义。在新时期的背景下,对于国有企业的团建工作有了新的要求,要求国有企业能够依据社会发展的要求,进行团建工作方面的改革和创新,逐步的进行团建工作方面的完善,有效地发展好国有企业的团建工作。  相似文献   

Concerns about climate and energy security are leading to increased government intervention in the energy sector, in particular as they relate to the choice of energy supply options. While many of these options will improve both energy and climate security, many measures will benefit one while harming the other. This raises an important question for governments and energy planners: how can conflicts between climate and energy security be resolved? This article outlines some of the barriers and problems that may arise as governments and companies try to address climate and energy security concerns simultaneously in various energy supply areas. It concludes by arguing against choosing one objective over the other, and by outlining steps that can be taken to help resolve conflicts between the two agendas.  相似文献   

This essay reflects on the relationship between anthropological and historical scholarship of ethnicity, picking up on themes explored by Andre Gingrich, by considering the epistemological and evidentiary limitations of social scientific and historical analysis and reconstruction. Beginning with the consideration of the pioneering transdisciplinary efforts of Robert Darnton and Clifford Geertz, it argues that many of the weaknesses ascribed to such efforts are actually part of the nature of social scientific investigation which, in the terms of Peter Winch, must take into account two sets of relationships: that of the relationship between the scientist and the phenomena that he or she observes and the symbolic system that he or she shares with other scientists, which can only be understood from the social context of common activity. How these two relationships challenge social scientific analysis of ethnicity are examined through a consideration of the difficulties of applying Anthony Smith's definition of an ethnie to either Fredrik Barth's classic essay on “Pathan Identity and its Maintenance” or Helmut Reimitz's study of Frankish identity. It concludes that neither anthropologists nor historians are simply describing societies as they are or as they were but rather attempt to describe societies as witnesses within them thought they should be, and we do this for our own society, not for those of the participants, past or present.  相似文献   


It is argued that Psychological research on 'race' and 'ethnicity' issues presents a number of ethical problems. These relate to the sociopolitical impact of such research, particularly when it purports to find differences of an 'innate' character; to the use of naive subjects, particularly children, in research which is aimed at demonstrating their 'inferiority'; and, within the academic community itself, to the working relationships between researchers who believe in 'innate' 'race' differences and colleagues belonging to allegedly 'inferior' groups – this being particularly significant within a teaching environment. Although the 'race differences' question has a long and controversial history, ethical issues relating to the research process itself have received less focused attention. Moreover, replacement of the genetically obsolete concept of 'race' with the idea of 'ethnicity' does not solve the problem entirely, and the term 'ethnicity' is itself unsatisfactory in several respects.  相似文献   

In what follows, I attempt to show that a look at some curious examples of translations from European texts makes us think about issues in translation theory and post-colonial theory from a slightly different angle. The metaphor of translation can very well be employed for understanding the relation between European texts, and some texts and some social and political practices in India in the colonial period, and this in turn helps us look critically at what I shall call our fuzzy post-colonialism. I also argue that Walter Benjamin's metaphor of translation as the after-life of a work can be extended to posit two basic modes of after-life.  相似文献   


The relationship between Mazzini and Garibaldi is described in its ideological roots and in its political developments, in order to show their different attitude towards the Italian unification. Although their first misunderstanding happened during the Roman Republic in 1849, Mazzini's influence is still strong in the organization and in the success of the liberation of Two Sicilies in 1860, particularly through Francesco Crispi. The final personal break was caused by the unlucky experience of the Mentana expedition (1867), when Garibaldi failed to free Rome. Fundamental ideas as democracy, republic, social justice, humanity and universal brotherhood have been however always common to them. The two protagonists of Risorgimento never intended accepting the role to which their fateful encounter prompted them – the one to provide the brawn and the other the brains for Italy's liberation. Just as Mazzini never renounced involving himself in the operational decisions of the movement, Garibaldi never gave up his own way of thinking and looking at things.  相似文献   

It is now 50 years since 1968 and in this article we look back at the 1960s and the way that anthropology was shaped in those years. We find a period of rupture, generational upheaval, youthful exploration against authority and spiritual breaks with rationality and causality thinking, but also violent counter‐insurgency and inventions of new authoritarian state forms. Our purpose is to look back at that period and reframe how those years were formative for anthropology and neighbouring disciplines. We believe that anthropology experienced a liminal period, with Carlos Castaneda and Victor Turner as leading figures, and that the closures and denials of that sense of anti‐structure have marked the discipline after 1968. We draw on Deleuze and Guattari and their account of May 1968 as an event of ‘suffocation’ and a ‘return to the intolerable’.  相似文献   


This article looks at the history and development of the ways in which the people of Essex and East London have, at all levels, commemorated those who served and died in the First World War. It covers a wide range of material to investigate social and political responses to the War Memorial. It examines personal and communal memorialising and acts of remembrance in the past and present. Next, official and military forms of commemoration are considered, including those of the local councils and the Essex Regiment and other associated groups. The issue of the community in commemoration is examined in depth. It provides evidence from a large number of differing sites. Finally, reflections on the validity of this study, and the broader implications for archaeology and society as a whole are discussed.  相似文献   

张成渝 《东南文化》2012,(1):27-34,127,128
在世界遗产理论发展路程中,对遗产原真性及完整性的质疑和思考是推动理论不断丰富完善的一股重要动力。完整性适用于所有遗产地,整体保护政策正是对完整性这一命题的呼应和阐释。对遗产原真性的质疑主要表现在非物质文化遗产方面,特别是活态遗产,现在遗产界已经越来越认识到非物质遗产不能简单套用物质遗产的原真性,非物质文化遗产环境的原真性要素也可以表现为一种"演进中的原真性"。因质疑而思考,进而获得新知。这一途径启示我们,应以一种开放性的、持续完善的思维和态度来对待遗产事业。  相似文献   


I am concerned in this paper with the diversity of psychoanalysis, a feature of the discipline which we can connect with diasporas and the re-working of ideas in different locales. I try to demonstrate how experience and environment have contributed to the development of psychoanalysis. Key to the production of knowledge are the journeys of theorists, practitioners and ideas. Following Liz Bondi, I stress the importance of acknowledging the connection between experience, theory and practice in our own work. I suggest that geographers can follow those psychoanalysts who have moved from the clinic to broader political projects but that they should engage with recent critical research in psychoanalysis if a dialogue is to develop.  相似文献   

根据汉籍史料和阿拉伯地理文献,区分了中外史料记述的不同,考辨了千泉、白水城和恭御城的方位。玄奘所言"千泉",当在今哈萨克斯坦的梅尔克;玄奘所言千泉与阿拉伯地理学家所记之千泉,并非指称同一地方。玄奘所记白水城与阿拉伯地理学家所记之白水城(Isfijab)不能相等同;玄奘所记"白水",似应"泉"字之讹,即为阿拉伯地理学家所记之千泉(Abarjaj);而玄奘所记"恭御城"是阿拉伯地理学家所记之白水城。  相似文献   

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