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An observational study of the link between the winter anomaly in ionospheric absorption and sudden stratospheric warmings for the 1967/1968 winter has been made. On the basis of the daily large-scale distributions of the absorption index, fmin, it is found that the winter anomaly during sudden warming could result from a NO increase induced by southward transport from the polar region, where NO is most abundant associated with a well-developed vortex in the D-region (large amplitude planetary wave).  相似文献   

D-region work as concerns the winter anomaly of electron density is screened for the period 1974–78. The following topics are dealt with: electron density distribution; ion production processes; neutral atmosphere effects by trace constituents, temperature and transports; ion composition and chemistry; coupling between atmospheric/ionospheric layers. A summary is given which might be read first, and which leads to some aspects of future work.  相似文献   

The MAP/WINE campaign has yielded information on small scale structure and turbulence in the winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere by a number of very different remote and in situ techniques. We have assimilated the data from the various sources and thus attempted to present a coherent picture of the small scale dynamics of the atmosphere between 60 and 100 km. We review physical mechanisms which could be responsible for the observed effects, such as ion density fluctuations, radar echoes and wind corners. Evidence has been found for the existence of dynamic structures extending over distances of the order of 100 km; these may be turbulent or non-turbulent. The results indicate that gravity wave saturation is a plausible mechanism for the creation of turbulence and that laminar flows, sharply defined in height and widespread horizontally, may exist.  相似文献   

Positive ion composition, total ion and electron density and ion production by energetic electrons were measured by rocket-borne experiments above Andøya (69.3°N, 16.0°E) in northern Norway. Observed altitudes of transition from molecular ions to proton hydrates and from electrons to negative ions are compared to results from an ion-chemical model. Nitric oxide and water vapour densities are inferred from the ion composition.  相似文献   

Measurements of electron concentration in the D- and lower E-regions of the ionosphere are reported for seven rocket flights from South Uist, Scotland, in April 1973. They took place during a 12-hour period starting 30 hours after the main phase of a severe geomagnetic storm. The principal feature of the results is that the electron concentrations below 85 km varied between 4 and 10 times the concentrations found on normal days. The variability was correlated with changes in radio wave absorption.The observed electron concentrations are compared with results of other workers for storm conditions and in particular with the model of Spjeldvik and Thorne (1975), and are found to be in reasonable agreement.The possibility of changes in positive ion composition occurring during the post-storm period is inferred.  相似文献   

The relative importance of the equatorial plasma fountain (caused by vertical E x B drift at the equator) and neutral winds in leading to the ionospheric variations at equatorial-anomaly latitudes, with particular emphasis on conjugate-hemisphere differences, is investigated using a plasmasphere model. Values of ionospherec electron content (IEC) and peak electron density (Nmax) computed at conjugate points in the magnetic latitude range 10–30° at longitude 158°W reproduce the observed seasonal, solar activity, and latitudinal variations of IEC and Nmax, including the conjugate-hemisphere differences. The model results show that the plasma fountain, in the absence of neutral winds, produces almost identical effects at conjugate points in all seasons; neutral winds cause conjugate-hemisphere differences by modulating the fountain and moving the ionospheres at the conjugate hemispheres to different altitudes.At equinox., the neutral winds, mainly the zonal wind, modulate the fountain to supply more ionization to the northern hemisphere during evening and night-time hours and, at the same time, cause smaller chemical loss in the southern hemisphere by raising the ionosphere. The gain of ionization through the reduction in chemical loss is greater than that supplied by the fountain and causes stronger premidnight enhancements. in IEC and Nmax (with delayed peaks) in the southern hemisphere at all latitudes (10–30°). The same mechanism, but with the hemispheres of more flux and less chemical loss interchanged, causes stronger daytime IEC in the northern hemisphere at all latitudes. At solstice, the neutral winds, mainly the meridional wind, modulate the fountain differently at different altitudes and latitudes with a general interhemispheric flow from the summer to the winter hemisphere at altitudes above the F-region peaks. The interhemispheric flow causes stronger premidnight enhancements in IEC and Nmax and stronger daytime Nmax in the winter hemisphere, especially at latitudes equatorward of the anomaly crest. The altitude and latitude distributions of the daytime plasma flows combined with the longer daytime period can cause stronger daytime IEC in the summer hemisphere at all latitudes.  相似文献   

Ground-based and rocket-borne investigations were carried out in January 1981 in the Volgograd region to study space-time peculiarities of the winter anomaly in ionospheric radio wave absorption (WA). Electron-density altitude profiles Ne(h) were measured with rockets, by the coherent frequency method and by using electrostatic probes; temperature profiles T(h) were measured by a resistance thermometer: wind velocity and direction were measured by radio-observations of a chaff cloud and of the payload parachute drift. At the same time, ionospheric radio wave absorption was measured in Volgograd at two frequencies, 2.2 and 2.7 MHz, by the A1 method. The condition of the lower ionosphere could be determined from absorption data and from f min parameter data obtained from vertical sounding ionograms. “Salvo” launchings of the rockets were performed on 14 January, when absorption was anomalously large, and on 21 and 28 January, which were days of normal winter absorption.Data analysis has shown that Ne values on the day with excessive absorption exceeded the same values on a normal day at altitudes from 72 to 95 km; on 21 January Nc values exceeded those of 29 February 1980 (without WA) at all altitudes below ~ 90 km. The absorption at Volgograd on 28 January was somewhat higher than on 21 January and than at stations at higher latitude, which may be due to a stable local increase of Ne values in the altitude range 80–90 km. The temperature in the region of the Ne-enhanced values (up to the limit altitude of measurements, about 80 km) was below the standard temperature (COSPAR, 72), both on 14 January and on the normal days. Measurements carried out at night have shown that winter Nc values considerably exceeded those during the autumn. The zonal and meridional wind profiles (up to about 80 km) at Volgograd exhibit a stable eastward flux, both in the stratsophere and in the mesosphere. The value of the wind velocity meridional component on 21 January is close to zero at all altitudes. On 14 and 28 January the wind profiles show an irregular structure with large velocity gradients at all altitudes above about 50–60 km.The absorption data and f min data from a number of stations, viz. from Juliusruh to Yakutsk (in longitude) and from Arkhangel'sk to Rostov-on-Don (in latitude), show that anomalously excessive absorption occurred over a vast distance exceeding 100° of longitude at ~ 55° latitude and that, based on the dates of absorption maxima (f min), one may conclude that the source of the disturbance was moving from west to east. Data on the motion of the air as shown by rocket and radiometeoric observations, indicate the same wind direction in the stratosphere as in the mesosphere. These data and the constant pressure charts point to the conclusion that the enhanced radio absorption values at mid-latitudes may be explained by a transport of dry air rich in nitric oxide from the auroral zone towards lower latitudes. The transport is provided by a stable circumpolar vortex existing in winter time. This mechanism may explain both the normal and anomalous winter absorption, as well as the post-storm effect.  相似文献   

Electron densities in the D-region have been observed with EISCAT during energetic electron precipitation events. Sample results are presented which demonstrate the value of the technique in studying variations of electron density with fine temporal and spatial resolution. Different types of absorption event can be characterized in terms of the changes in the incoming electron spectrum inferred from profiles of electron density. We contrast the D-region behaviour of night- and day-time events in terms of precipitating spectrum and absorption profile. A softening of the electron spectrum during the course of a morning event is clearly seen.  相似文献   

The system of differential equations, describing the behaviour of the concentrations of minor neutral constituents and charged particles within the height range 30–150 km have been numerically solved and the effect of variations in the turbulent diffusion coefficient upon the ion structure of D-region evaluated. Two cases have been analysed. In the first complete mixing of the atmosphere is assumed to 90 km. In the second the effect of rapid transport through the 95–105 km region is considered. In the latter case the concentration of nitric oxide is increased compared with the first in the height interval 70–100 km, i.e. at those altitudes where the winter anomaly phenomenon is localized. The maximum excess is about 19 times. The distribution of concentrations of charged particles in the second case is also in agreement with values observed experimentally during the winter anomaly period.  相似文献   

A model for the negative-ion composition of the D-region is constructed, based on gas-phase reactions and photodissociation and photodetachment processes. The height distributions of negative-ion species, electrons and total positive ions for day-time and night-time are examined using time-dependent solutions of their continuity equations which incorporate simultaneous solutions for the minor neutral constituents involved. A distinction is drawn between the two isomers of NO3 and particular attention is paid to the influence of possible chemical and photodestruction of the more stable form of this ion.  相似文献   

A comparison between rocket-measured electron density profiles of the lower ionosphere and the results of ground-based indirect phase height measurements in the LF range, carried out near the Soviet rocket sounding station Volgograd over several years, confirms—to a first-order approximation—the height of the level of electron density which according to magnetoionic ray theory is necessary for reflection of the waves. In a second-order approximation, however, an additional phase path change has to be taken into account, which is caused by the ionization below the reflection level. This makes the observed phase height always slightly smaller than the real geometric height, on average by −1 km, but in extreme cases by up to −4 km, depending on the actual height gradient of electron density below the reflection level. Due to systematic diurnal and seasonal variations of this gradient, the amplitude of the diurnal variation of the observed phase height is found to be slightly larger than that of the real geometric height, whereas the reverse is true for the seasonal variation at constant solar zenith angle.  相似文献   

Existing ion-chemical scheme has been applied to reproduce the positive ion composition measured on 30 June 1973 by a rocket-borne mass spectrometer flown from Wallops Island. It is found that reactions analogous to the conversion of NO+ to NO+·H2O are able to reproduce the observed densities of NO+·(H2O)2 and NO+·(H2O)3. The theoretical values of O2+ and O2+·H2O are found to be about an order of magnitude higher and lower respectively than those measured. The direct hydration rates of H+·(H2O)n ions given by Good et al (1970) yield much less hydrates for n > 2. To properly reproduce the observed positive ions we need the following:
  • 1.(a) a reaction which will convert O2+ to O2+·H2O in the form
    O with U1 = 10−31[M]2(300/T)4.4s−1 and U2 = 10−9[H2O]s−1; and
  • 2.(b) formation of hydrated protons via intermediate ions in the form
    with S=10−9[H20]s−1, F = 8 × 10−32[M]2(300/T)4.4s−1 and B increasing from 10−3 to 102S−1 as n increases from 2 to 6.

Water vapour and nitric oxide concentrations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere were derived from infrared emission and positive ion composition measurements above northern Europe during the Energy Budget Campaign 1980. The experiments were performed at different levels of geomagnetic disturbance. Both water vapour and nitric oxide are highly variable. Water vapour mixing ratios between 0.2 ppm and 10 ppm were observed. The nitric oxide peak densities varied by more than a factor of ten. Maximum values of 2 × 109cm−3 were obtained.  相似文献   

An analysis of propagation data for LF 40 kHz radio waves shows that the field strength of the sky wave is enhanced during day-time on winter anomaly days (WAD), in striking contrast to the severe attenuation of HF radio waves. This peculiar enhancement of the field strength may be ascribed to an increase in the reflection coefficient. The analysis also demonstrates that the reflection height is lower on WAD, which seems to be associated with enhancements of ionization in the D-region. Moreover, it was found that WAD are characterized by an earlier occurrence in the morning and a delayed occurrence in the evening of pronounced interference maxima and minima, respectively.  相似文献   

The morphology of the lower ionosphere was examined by the riometer and ionosonde networks in Scandinavia during the campaigns MAC/SINE and MAC/EPSILON. The campaigns were carried out during 1987 when the solar activity was low. The minimum sunspol number 14 was observed in 1986. The sunspot number was already increasing during the year 1987, while the Ap-value and riometer absorption were still decreasing. During the campaign MAC/SINE the rockets were launched during quiet periods, and during the campaign MAC/EPSILON during more disturbed periods. The variations in ionospheric parameters, ionospheric absorption and foF2 are presented for the campaign periods. Some interesting events are pointed out.  相似文献   

F-region density depletions in the afternoon/evening sector of the auroral zone are studied with the EISCAT UHF radar. Four case studies are presented, in which data from three experiment modes are used. In each case the density depletion can be identified with the main ionospheric trough. For the two cases occurring in sunlit conditions the electron densities recovered significantly after the trough minimum. Tristatic ion velocity measurements show the development of poleward electric fields of typically 50–100 m Vm−1, which maximize exactly in the trough minimum. A special analysis technique for incoherent scatter measurements is introduced, based on the ion energy equation. By assuming that the ion temperature should obey this equation it is possible to fix this parameter in a second analysis and to allow the ion composition to be a free parameter. The results from two experiments with accurate velocity measurements indicate that the proportion of O+ near the F-region peak decreased from 100% in the undisturbed ionosphere to only 10% and 30%, respectively, in the density minimum of the trough. The loss of O+ is explained by the temperature dependence of recombination with nitrogen molecules. Temperatures derived from radar measurements are very sensitive to the assumed ion composition. For the above case of 10% O+ the deduced electron temperature in the trough was transformed from a local minimum of < 2000 K to a local maximum of 4000 K.  相似文献   

An intense solar proton event causing enhanced ionization in the ionospheric D-region occurred on 12 August 1989. The event was partially observed during three successive nights by the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsa, Norway. Ion production rates calculated from GOES-7 satellite measurements of proton flux and a detailed ion chemistry model of the D-region are used together with the radar data to deduce electron concentration, negative ion to electron concentration ratio, mean ion mass and neutral temperature in the height region from 70 to 90 km, at selected times which correspond to the maximum and minimum solar elevations occurring during the radar observations. The quantitative interpretation of EISCAT data as physical parameters is discussed. The obtained temperature values are compared with nearly simultaneous temperature measurements at Andøya based on lidar technique.  相似文献   

During 1992 and 1993, record low total ozone values were observed over the middle and high northern latitudes. The ozone data from the long-operating station at Belsk, Poland, have been used to examine their departures from climatological behaviour in 1992 and 1993. It seems that not only do the exceptionally low ozone amounts recorded over the northern mid-latitudes need an explanation but also their occurrence for two years in a row. One of the possible mechanisms which may be responsible for this event is suggested to be connected with the occurrence of stratospheric minor warmings. They occur without a breakdown of the polar vortex but only with the displacement of very cold air towards lower latitudes (as in January 1992 and February 1993). It is known that air masses in the polar vortex have been chemically disturbed and, when they arrive over the sunlit middle latitudes, chemical destruction of ozone is likely to occur. During the periods under study, the strongest negative total ozone deviations correspond to strong negative temperature deviations at 30 hPa and to large potential vorticity values; this points to the presence over Europe of air masses of polar vortex origin. It has been shown that the characteristics of mid-winter stratospheric warmings and the interannual variability of winter-spring total ozone averages at Belsk are associated with each other.  相似文献   

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