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Using data of several meteor radar experiments during the Energy Budget Campaign, a synthesis of the main components of the upper mesospheric wind field is presented. Tides, long period waves and prevailing wind, as well as small scale fluctuations, are studied. The prominent feature of this comparison relates to the semidiurnal tide variability.  相似文献   

Observations were carried out during the Energy Budget Campaign with the aim of measuring keV particle precipitation in the ionosphere over a region covering the rocket range. These measurements are important as particle precipitation constitutes one of the major energy inputs into the ionosphere during an auroral substorm. Estimates of electron precipitation have been made in three different regions of the energy spectrum. Two optical emissions were measured that are proportional to electron precipitation of a few hundred eV and a few keV, respectively, and cosmic noise absorption related to electrons of a few tens of keV. The relative variation between the signals may be interpreted as changes of the energy spectrum of the particles. Measurements from the ground have been compared with satellite measurements to obtain the relation between the two methods. The ground-based observations, which are continuous in time and cover a large area, may be used to separate the spatial and temporal variations and to give the large scale substorm frame of reference for the rocket data. The results may also be used in the interpretation of other measurements on board rockets where a knowledge of the precipitated particles is required.  相似文献   

We have observed Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) in the night-time D- and E-regions using a 2.66 MHz imaging Doppler interferometer radar. TIDs were observed in two distinct ways. In the first, the TID was manifested as discrete traveling surges, with average spacings of 54 min. The D-region surges were so well defined that they could be tracked as they passed close to overhead by using the phase differences across the antenna arrays. A velocity of 135 m s−1 to the south was measured, giving a horizontal wavelength of 440 km typical of medium scale TIDs. The direction of phase travel relative to the horizontal was −6° (i.e. downwards). These observations were made during a night of extraordinary OH infrared mesopause structure activity made visible by the presence of a total lunar eclipse. In the second type of TID observation, we show the Doppler interferometer analysis of ripples on the under surface of sporadic-E layers taken on two nights of significant OH infrared and OI 5577 Å wave activity. The TIDs were observed to propagate at speeds of 120–300 m s−1, with directions predominately toward the southwest, again typical of medium scale TIDs. These results show definite wave effects on MF radar returns and thus suggest that the measurement of mesospheric bulk winds with MF radars should be approached with some caution. Comparison of the TID characteristics with the OH structure characteristics show that the TIDs travel faster than the OH structures, have longer apparent horizontal wavelengths and generally travel in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Two rockets bearing quadrupole mass spectrometers capable of measuring both positive and negative ion composition were launched from Red Lake, Canada, during the solar eclipse. Both instruments had liquid helium cryopumps and shock-attaching conical samplers. The payloads also contained two Gerdien condensers to measure total positive and negative ion concentrations and ion mobilities. Attitude control systems aligned the payloads with the velocity vector throughout ascent and descent. The first rocket was launched so that the D-region was in darkness 35 ± 8 s on the upleg and about 150 ± 15 s on the downleg for the study of ionospheric decay processes. The second rocket was fired after totality into 75% solar illumination for the study of ionospheric recovery. The positive ion composition above 105 km exhibited a strongly increasing NO+/O2+ ratio with time after second contact due to O2+ charge transfer with NO and a sharply diminished ionization rate. However, in both nights, the ionization below 105 km was created mainly by energetic particle deposition as exemplified by the increased ion concentrations and the composition signatures of a particle event: asignificant enhancement of O2+ below 105 km and large amounts of H5O2+ ions in the D-region which result from the O2+ clustering scheme. H5O2 was the major ion in the upper D-region while H7O+3, H9O4+ and H5O2+ were dominant ions at lower altitudes. Numerous minor species were also detected. The negative ion distributions in both flights exhibited a distinct shelf at 83 ± 2 km, decreasing by more than an order of magnitude by 90 km and with minima near 75 km. In the 75–90 km range, a significant percentage of the negative ions had masses exceeding 160 a.m.u. Comparisons are made with prior negative ion measurements during similar daytime auroral zone absorption (AZA) events. Two striking characteristics of the precipitating particles were apparent from these and past observations in daytime AZA events: there is a near absence of low energy electrons capable of ionizing above about 105 km and there is'a significant spatial and/or temporal variability in the electron flux. This paper is devoted principally to a presentation of the ion composition measurements and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

"四清"运动开展以后,随着对阶级斗争形势估量的越来越严重,重划阶级成分的问题被逐渐提了出来。1964年9月10日《中共中央关于农村社会主义教育运动中一些具体政策的规定(修正草案)》,明确提出要重划阶级成分。从各地实行的情况来看,它造成了严重的后果。这项政策之所以能制定出来,有着复杂的原因。首先,它是无休止地强调阶级斗争的必然结果。其次,它是中央领导与地方领导互相推动的结果。再次,它也反映了部分贫苦农民的平均主义思想。  相似文献   

1958~1960年,是新中国历史上的"大跃进"时期.在各行各业"大跃进"的带动下,全国也很快地掀起了扫除文盲的"跃进"运动.这一运动随形势发展,由兴到衰,经历了一个曲折的发展过程.在扫除文盲运动中,存在着严重的浮夸现象,但一些具体的做法也不无借鉴意义.  相似文献   

试析人民公社化运动中党对农民的思想教育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
“大跃进”时期党对农民进行的思想教育促进了人民公社化运动的迅速展开。人民公社化运动中,党的权威、组织基础以及“大跃进”的全面展开为党对农民进行的思想教育提供了有利的社会条件;广大农民易于接受党的教育,但仍存在着文化水平低等问题;农村基层干部自身也有很大不足,政治热情过高,但工作认真、努力;电影、报纸、有线广播等过热宣传共产主义的即将实现,加上农村开展的社会主义和共产主义教育运动、全民学哲学等,使广大农民打破传统,以前所未有的热情投入到人民公社化运动中。  相似文献   

John Gilmour. Reconcilable diferences? Congress, the Budget Process, and the Deficit. Allen Schick, The Capacity to Budget. Richard Fenno, The Emergence of a Senate Leader: Pete Domenici and the Reagan Budget. Dennis Ippolito, Uncertain Legacies: Federal Budget Policy from Roosevelt through Rragan. Stanly Collender, The Guide to the Federal Budget, Fiscal 1992.  相似文献   

1931年国共在中央苏区展开的第三次“围剿”与反“围剿”,开场和结局都颇具戏剧性,整个“围剿”、反“围剿”进程,直接受制于国内外形势的变化。在国共两大主角的角力过程中,宁粤冲突和九一八事变,某种程度上成为国共武力斗争的搅局者。事实上,1930年代前后,国共之间的许多故事,都可以看到如是因素的介入,国共两大力量之外的“第三者”,为历史的走向增添了更多的变数。  相似文献   

抗战胜利后,台湾回到祖国怀抱。由于日本统治者在岛内长期推行以泯灭台胞民族意识、植播奴化思想为目的的殖民教育,因此光复初期,清除日本殖民教育之遗毒成为当务之急。从台湾光复到1949年国民党败退台湾期间,国民党在台实施的"去殖民化"教育一定程度上解决了日本殖民教育所遗留下的各种问题,重建了教育体系,为中国文化在台湾的传承、弘扬打下了基础。但是由于国民党过分强调其思想控制的独裁政策以及教育行政腐败等因素,冲淡了其"去殖民化"教育的效果。  相似文献   

傅玄是魏晋之际的思想家、文学家,学者们对其家世、生平、著作进行了深入细致的考辩,对其思想面貌和文学业绩进行了认真分析,其代表作《傅子》在文学思想史上占有重要地位,引起了学界的注意。本文就现有资料,对今人研究傅玄及其《傅子》的文献作一简述。  相似文献   

Based on partisan arguments regarding the likely effect of campaign finance reform on electoral competition, one might suspect that, had spending limits been in place prior to the 1994 midterm elections, Republicans would not have been able to gain control of the House of Representatives. To examine this proposition, we first create a regression model designed to explain the Democratic percentage of the vote as a function of candidate spending, incumbency, nonincumbent candidate quality, and the underlying partisan leanings of the congressional districts. We then use this regression model to simulate the likely effects of campaign finance reform on the outcome of the 1994 midterm elections. Our results indicate that while spending limits would have limited the number of seats gained by the Republican party, Republicans likely would have gained control of the House of Representatives even if spending limits had been in place prior to the 1994 elections. In addition, our results indicate that campaign finance reform that includes some form of public subsidy in addition to spending limits actually may have enhanced rather than diminished the Republican "earthquake" in 1994.  相似文献   

张志勇 《史学月刊》2002,2(12):31-36
清末禁烟新政虽然卓有成效,但却无法挽救清王朝的覆亡命运,反而加速了辛亥革命的爆发。辛亥革命使中国社会天翻地覆,自然也影响到了正在进行的禁烟运动。辛亥革命初期.由于政局动荡,禁烟运动受到了阻碍;而革命政权一旦稳固,中央及各地革命政府便立即将禁烟提上日程,雷厉风行。采取各种有效措施,进一步推动了禁烟运动的发展。袁世凯窃国后,因辛亥革命的成果尚留余波,故禁烟运动仍能继续发展。而辛亥革命的成果一旦被破坏殆尽,陷入军阀混战,则禁烟运动便沦没于无形之中。革命固然不可避免地给社会带来阵痛,但却能使整个社会得以新生,而否定革命成果,则必然为社会近代化进程带来莫大危害。民主革命与社会近代化建设之辩证关系。由此可见一斑。  相似文献   

刘善庆 《安徽史学》2001,2(4):75-80
浙赣会战是抗战中期正面战场发生的一次大规模的战役。历时四个半月,最后以国民党军失败告终。其失败原因主要是:一、没有正确处理好政略与战略的关系,在战争指导上实行消极避战的方针;在战术运用上频频出错。二、国民党军队自身腐败严重,平时不注重训练,思想政治工作未能跟上。致使士气低落,战斗力差:加之其派系众多,指挥失灵。协同不好。综观整个战役,可以看出这是国民党军进行的一次典型的消极避战之役。尽管如此,在客观上,浙赣会战仍然具有一定的积极意义。它直接配合了盟军在太平洋战场的作战,也在一定程度上减轻了日军对苏联东部和华北敌后战场的压力。  相似文献   

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