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周媛 《黑龙江史志》2014,(14):28-30
芜湖育婴堂作为晚清慈善事业的一部分,在一定程度上降低了弃婴的死亡率,是晚清社会公益事业发展的一个成功案例。在其运营过程中,得到了当地政府官员的大力推崇和支持,以及芜湖仕绅、商人的鼎力协助,他们出让地权、捐款捐物,那么该育婴堂为何能得到各方的资金支持和物资援助呢?除了当地官员、仕绅将其当作一件善举,发扬乐善好施精神以外,育婴堂本身是否也做了诸多工作来维持堂内外各项工作的正常运转呢?本文即以安徽博物院院藏《芜湖育婴堂征信录》内所载之资料,从订规章制度、造四柱清册和立誓言三个方面,分析芜湖育婴堂是如何"征信",从而获得更多支持与资助的。  相似文献   

近代芜湖城市空间形态演变及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清至民国初年,随着开埠通商和米市的兴起,芜湖的城区范围也在不断扩展,同时受到地理环境的制约,新拓展的城区主要分布在城西沿江地带,城市空间形态由传统的沿河带状分布演变为以河口中江塔为中心的"L"型新格局,并逐渐向沿江拓展,发展至今,芜湖已是一座名副其实的江城。分析演变过程背后的原因及其关系,发现在近代芜湖城市空间形态演变过程中,"城"、"港"和"市"三者相互依存、相互促进,保持着依存共生的复杂关系,共同推动着近代芜湖的发展,对三者复杂关系的深入探讨,对于近代整个长江沿江开埠城市的研究也有深远意义。  相似文献   

晚清广州社会经济的发展仍居于全国前列,但天灾人祸也接连不断,火灾的频繁发生即是例证.人们在抗御火灾的过程中,不仅加强了防火意识,而且也不断改进了救火技术,对火灾的善后处理也逐渐多元化.  相似文献   

周媛 《黑龙江史志》2010,(17):38-40
作为晚清时期发生在安徽的四大教案之一的芜湖教案,其影响力是四大教案中最大的,且牵涉到的国家也是最多的,那么清政府在与外国政府的交涉过程中,或多或少的都会有中国驻外公使的参与和活动。那么究竟驻外公使在清政府处理芜湖教案过程中扮演了一个怎样的角色?他们又是如何利用自己在国外的优势,帮助清政府妥善处理此案的,便是本文想要分析和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

刘师培的民族史研究及对蒙文通的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清时期有关民族问题的大讨论热烈而持久,这种现象,实为政治上“革命”之需要的产物。晚清革命派以民族问题的探讨为欠,吹响了倒清的号角,刘师培正是有力的吹鼓手。刘的民族学研究,既有政治的意蕴,同时也有一定的学术含金量,对于现代史学中民族史和人类学学科的发展产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

民间信仰在此主要指非正统的、非宗教性的,流行在民间的神灵崇祀习俗,官方参与的信仰、某些祭祀仪式和活动亦包括在内.关中特殊的自然地理环境、历史人文传统、政治环境和社会经济条件等因素造就了晚清关中自然崇拜、鬼魂崇拜、祖先崇拜、生殖崇拜、灵物崇拜、赋予超自然力量的人神崇拜、行业神崇拜等不同类型的民间信仰.同时也体现了关中民间...  相似文献   

自19世纪中叶开始,随着上海、宁波等口岸开埠通商,国际茶市对中国茶叶生产与销售的影响日益深入。在市场利好的刺激下,徽州婺源产茶区的一家农户通过增加茶叶生产与制作的劳动力投入,提高家庭的现金收入。同时,这家农户还因应家庭规模的变动,投入大量劳力开垦土地,扩大粮食种植面积,从而缓解口粮不足问题。这个个案说明,一方面,国际贸易未必会引起晚清小农经济的危机,反而可能为其发展提供一定契机。另一方面,晚清小农经济的发展,不仅受到国际市场、赋役制度的影响,还与家庭发展周期、土地开发等因素密切相关。因此,在研究晚清小农经济时,有必要从小农家庭的角度,讨论晚清农户应对各种地区性、全国性与国际性政治经济变动的策略,从而更深入理解晚清小农的生存处境。  相似文献   

汉宋调和是晚清儒学内部重要的学术思潮,对其时学术格局的转化亦发生重要作用.这一思潮由微趋盛,从学术自身的发展过程来看,与汉学新兴区域在晚清的迅速扩展有着不容忽视的关系.汉学在晚清的发展不再以苏、皖、京师为限,浙江、广东等省成为新的学术重镇.这些汉学新兴发展区域由于特定的学术背景与学术渊源,学者们基本上都提倡汉宋调和,从而对晚清汉宋调和思潮的盛行起了极大推动作用.  相似文献   

何文平 《清史研究》2006,2(3):43-51
影响晚清军事变革的因素是多方面的,而社会现实的需要无疑是重要的因素之一。在晚清广东,严重的盗匪问题制约着军事变革的进程,受其影响,绿营的裁撤不彻底,勇营得以发展并呈现明显的“本地化”特点,新军建设也因之受到牵连。而不成功的军事变革又削弱了政权对地方社会的控制力,所造成的“捕务废弛”和“兵匪”的情势,反而加剧了社会的动乱。晚清广东的此种情形为理解晚清改革的历史提供了一个具体的案例。  相似文献   

鸦片战争以来,清政府与列强签订了大批条约,条约交涉成为晚清外交的重要内容。19世纪末到20世纪初,晚清外交重臣伍廷芳办理了大量与条约有关的外交事务,从而对条约及中外条约关系产生了一定的认识;而随着时代的变化,在民国初年,伍廷芳为消除不平等条约对中国的不良影响又提出了一些中肯的建议。伴随着伍廷芳外交生涯显现的条约观念的内容主要体现在其对条约与国际法关系的认识、对不平等条约的认识以及修约、拒约的观念与主张等几方面。其中的某些认识与主张,对于维护中国利益起到一定的作用;然而亦存在着某些局限。  相似文献   

Situated within the political ecology of hazard, this article is an extended case study of the devastating 2003 wildfires in and around Kelowna, British Columbia (also known as the Okanagan Mountain Park Fire). This article reveals how compliance (or lack thereof) with fire mitigation strategies recommended by provincial, regional, and municipal agencies is complicated by differing social constructions of what constitutes ecologically sustainable forest management and community safety. Three perspectives emerge regarding the urban forests: “nature as hazard”—a volatile force to be controlled; “nature as instrumentally valuable”—a contribution to the character of one's surroundings and subsequent sense of place; and “nature as intrinsically valuable”—a distinct entity to be preserved and protected for its own sake. The article also examines how experiences of disaster influence community perceptions and result in a greater willingness to engage in fire mitigation strategies due to perceptions of heightened vulnerability. Forestry and fire mitigation agencies need to determine multiple courses of action among the varied and valid range of residents’ nature perspectives. The role of human agency in disaster mitigation must be examined, particularly as the risk of fire at the wildland‐urban interface continues to be exacerbated by encroaching human settlements and climate change.  相似文献   

During the extended El Nin?o drought of 1997–8, fires devastated Indonesia’s forests, creating a vast shroud of smoke that reached as far as mainland Southeast Asia. This article examines the interpretation of these fires — their causes, damages and solutions — by the Indonesian government, international donors, environmental activists and local farmers. It explores the contexts and consequences of these discourses of disaster, and specifically investigates the central role of remote technology — a ‘hegemonic’ representational tool, in some circumstances creatively appropriated to serve new democratic agendas. A narrow focus on remotely sensed data is not strictly a methodological but also a political choice, one which obscures alternative experiences of disaster and produces solutions that do not address long term social and political processes leading to the fires. What is missing from most current analyses of the fires, and from remote assessments in general, is a textured understanding of social landscapes and the role they play in creating fire hazards.  相似文献   

1931年淮河流域水灾及其影响研究——以皖北地区为对象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈业新 《安徽史学》2007,4(2):117-128
1931年水灾是淮河流域百年罕见的洪涝灾害.此次水灾之兴,与连续的大强度、大范围的降水和残破的水利设施有关.水灾发生时,水利工程被毁,大片的土地被淹,房屋倒塌,人口死亡甚巨;水灾发生后,由于皖北地区自宋元以来形成的脆弱的社会生态环境的影响,以及国民政府的救济不力,灾区出现了土地荒芜、粮食短缺、物价飞涨、灾民无以聊生而四处流徙、疾疠和匪患猖獗等严重社会后果,极大地掣肘了皖北地区的社会经济发展.  相似文献   

改革开放以来芜湖市城市空间扩展及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁甲  沈非  黄薇薇  付文凤 《人文地理》2015,30(3):72-78,117
以landsat MSS/TM/ETM+遥感影像为数据源,借助Arc GIS平台,选取城市空间扩展速度、扩展强度、紧凑度、分形维数、重心坐标、扩展弹性系数等指标,运用空间形态分析、叠加分析、等扇分析等方法,分析了改革开放以来芜湖市城市空间扩展时空特征,结合统计数据探究了扩展驱动力。结果表明:1979-2012年间,芜湖市城市空间扩展速度与强度具有较大波动性;人口增长与城市空间扩展的关系渐趋合理;城市空间形态由紧凑型向分散型转变;城市空间沿长江及主要交通线非均衡拓展;城市重心东偏北移;经济、人口、交通建设等是芜湖市空间扩展的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

The political economy literature on post-disaster reconstruction tends to contrast ‘disaster capitalism’ narratives denouncing the predatory character of neoliberal rebuilding, and ‘building back better’ policies supporting market-driven reconstruction. This article seeks to provide a more nuanced account, developing the concept of ‘disaster financialization’ through a case study of household-level changes experienced through processes of post-earthquake reconstruction in Nepal. The concept of disaster financialization describes not only the integration of disaster-affected households into the cash-based logic of reconstruction instituted by donors and government authorities, but also the financialization of their lives, social relations and subjectivities. It is a transitive process involving a shift into financialized mechanisms of disaster prevention, adaptation and recovery. Analysing contrasting experiences across three earthquake-affected districts in Nepal, this study proposes disaster financialization as an integrative term through which to understand the simultaneous acceleration of monetization, the leveraging of cash incentives by donors and government to ‘build back better’, and the flurry of financial transactions associated with reconstruction processes. While some aspects of disaster financialization have had negative social impacts, such as debt-related anxieties and a breakdown of voluntary labour exchanges hurting the most vulnerable, the process has taken on variegated forms, with equally variegated effects, reflecting household characteristics and interactions with financial institutions.  相似文献   

赵海溶  陆林 《人文地理》2018,33(4):153-160
近年来,我国主题公园在国内外资本的运作下迅速发展,但理论研究较滞后于实践,相关研究亟待进行。以上海迪士尼和芜湖方特作为案例地,依托问卷调查数据,采用探索性因子分析和验证性结构方程模型,对上海迪士尼和芜湖方特游客旅游动机及差异进行深入分析。研究发现:上海迪士尼和芜湖方特游客旅游动机包括求知、休闲放松、探新求异、亲情、社会交往和景区吸引力,其中求知动机对游客旅游动机影响最大;上海迪士尼游客旅游总动机与“探新求异”、“亲情”和“社会交往”动机的相关性显著高于芜湖方特;“丰富自己的经历”、“增加知识教育作用”、“购买迪士尼的纪念品/礼品”在一定程度上影响上海迪士尼游客旅游动机,对芜湖方特游客影响较小。  相似文献   

Pyrotechnology was important in prehistory and has been a research topic for decades, in particular, the origins of controlled and habitual use of fire. The earliest putative evidence of fire use is from the African sites of Swartkrans (1,500,000–1,000,000 years ago) and Koobi Fora (1,500,000 years ago). In contrast, researchers working with European sites debate whether habitual use of fire occurred before 400,000 years ago. This paper provides a brief introduction to early fire use and then focuses on the African Middle Stone Age. Published evidence on fire use is available for 34 sites in southern Africa. Combustion features yield much evidence about human behavior, not only in regard to technical skills but also concerning social activities. Several activities using fire, symbolic behavior, spatial structuring, and group size in the Middle Stone Age are inferred from bone and lithic data, ash discard, site maintenance, and hearth size. The current status of knowledge on Middle Stone Age pyrotechnology demonstrates the benefits of applying new methodological approaches, facilitates comparisons with earlier and later archaeological periods, and is an important reminder of the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

路有成 《人文地理》1996,11(1):44-48
本文运用行为地理学原理,对芜湖城市居民出行行为进行了两次实际调查,在对调查资料初步分析整理基础上,研究了芜湖市居民出行过程中心理行为的各种表现及其影响因素,提出了解决城市客运交通问题的思路和对策,为加强城市交通规划、建设和管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Mike Davis 《对极》1995,27(3):221-241
This article weighs recent scientific evidence that the urbanization of Southern California has taken place during one of the most unusual episodes of climatic and seismic benignity in the last 3500 years. Official disaster and resource planning, moreover, has been based on record-keeping shorter than the temporal wavelengths of the most important landscape processes. Indeed, the “biblical” flood, fire, and earthquake disasters of the last three years may only be a prelude to seismic and climatic events of far greater magnitude. What will be the future of the Los Angeles area if Congress refuses to continue federal disaster subsidies?  相似文献   

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