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刘学 《日本学论坛》2005,(3):209-211
当代日本已经成为名副其实的经济大国,金融大国。寻求其发展根源.就在于国家重视教育。而战后日本的教育又深受美国的影响。二战后。美国占领了日本。对日本封建式军国主义和极端国家主义实行了战后民主化改革。在教育方面,对军国主义和极端国家主义的旧式教育进行了批判,以完善人格、尊重个性、实现社会均等为基本内容,以民主思想作为教育改革宗旨.极大地推行美国教育模式.即所谓的“美国化”。  相似文献   

李江江 《丝绸之路》2011,(2):119-120
美国特殊的历史、国情要求其公民具备较强的公民意识,众多因素促成了美国公民意识教育的领先局面。自强、自由与社会责任是美国公民意识教育的核心内涵,贯穿美国公民意识教育的整个过程。本文从历史追述的角度论述了美国公民意识教育的缘起及核心内涵。  相似文献   

美国多种族、多民族的社会特点决定了双语教育的存在与发展。双语教育的形式和内容与美国社会的政治主张密切相关。围绕双语教育的政治争论集中反映在民族同化或民族多元化、文化一体化或文化多元化两个方面。  相似文献   

美国教育源于独立之前的殖民地时期。清教在美国教育的兴起与发展过程中发挥了关键作用。普及宗教理念,服务宗教使命奠定了这一时期基础教育追求的目标,成为其原动力。造就教会高级人才,培养牧师队伍,催生了美国早期的高等学府。教派众多,繁荣了这一时期的高等教育,也迫使各个学院逐步放弃教派门户之见,实行宗教宽容与开放。随着时间的推移,在与社会互动的过程中,宗教办学宗旨日趋式微,满足社会需求,适应经济发展,培养各方面需要的人才,成为高等教育的主导理念和实践。在此过程中,殖民地时期的美国教育逐步完成了从宗教走向世俗,从出世走向入世的过渡,孕育出自由平等竞争、独立自主、多样化办学的特色,对后来美国教育的发展产生了导向性影响,成为当代美国教育本质特征形成的滥觞。  相似文献   

南北战争前,美国大部分的黑人作为奴隶生活在南方,各种权利遭受剥夺,接受教育的机会是极其有限的。南方重建时期(1863—1877)黑人全面教育时机成熟,各种社会力量在大胆设想的基础之上展开了积极的实践活动。重建时期的非裔美国人取得的成就,不仅有利于非裔美国人自身的长远发展,也为美国社会的整体平衡发展奠定了可靠的基础。  相似文献   

美国国会于1917年颁布的“斯密斯—休斯法”是美国职业教育发展史上具有重大意义的教育法令。该法案规定美国国会授权联邦政府为发展各州的中等职业技术教育,满足14岁以上的学习者接受职业技术教育的需求,向各州提供年度拨款。“斯密斯一休斯法”的颁布实施,奠定了美国发展中等职业技术教育的法律基础和可靠的资金保障,为美国中等职业技术教育的发展输送了大批的师资和管理人才,对一战后美国经济的腾飞和社会的变革产生了极其重大的影响。我国职业技术教育改革应借鉴美国利用立法发展职业技术教育的经验,大力改进我国的职业教育立法工作,不断促进我国职业技术教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

1958年《国防教育法》是二战后美国第一部影响深远的教育立法,在美国历史上具有里程碑意义。法案实施后提高了美国的教育质量,推动美国高等教育进入了黄金发展时期,在美国的教育强国进程中发挥了重要作用。法案自诞生以来就引起了社会的广泛关注,学界对该法案的研究也取得了一定的成果。这些成果使我们对法案的来龙去脉有了清晰的认识,为我国的高等教育改革和国防事业发展提供了经验,也引发了我们对法案未来研究趋势的思考。  相似文献   

美国国会于1917年颁布的"斯密斯-休斯法"是美国职业教育发展史上具有重大意义的教育法令.该法案规定美国国会授权联邦政府为发展各州的中等职业技术教育,满足14岁以上的学习者接受职业技术教育的需求,向各州提供年度拨款."斯密斯-休斯法"的颁布实施, 奠定了美国发展中等职业技术教育的法律基础和可靠的资金保障,为美国中等职业技术教育的发展输送了大批的师资和管理人才,对一战后美国经济的腾飞和社会的变革产生了极其重大的影响.我国职业技术教育改革应借鉴美国利用立法发展职业技术教育的经验,大力改进我国的职业教育立法工作,不断促进我国职业技术教育的可持续发展.  相似文献   

美国占领菲律宾后,为了维护其殖民统治,大力发展"美式"教育,扶助开办公立学校,并支持兴办私立学校。华侨利用这"有利"条件,在中华民族悠久文化情结的感召下,倡导开办私立华侨学校。美国殖民统治菲律宾时期的华文教育的兴起与繁荣客观上得益于当局为维护其殖民统治所奉行的相对"自由"的教育政策,对华侨社会认同中华文化及加强与祖国的联系发挥了极其重要的作用。美国殖民统治结束后,华文教育在菲律宾虽然历遭坎坷与曲折,但这一时期奠定的华文教育基础却很难从根本上动摇。广大华侨保持着深厚的民族文化意识,一旦局势改变,华文教育便会兴起。这是美国殖民时期华文教育取得的巨大成就所致,这种影响在如今的华文教育中依然清晰可见。  相似文献   

我多年从事民族教育工作,也去过美国两次,多少了解到一些关于美国多元文化教育的情况。美国教育的一些方面,值得我们在发展西藏教育时给予关注。美国多元文化教育,注重文化的保持和发展,致力于反映民族的多样性和各民族的平等性。我国的民族教育更偏重于少数民族的生存与发展,致力于解决教育和经济的衔接问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, I ask about the broader context of the history and philosophy of biology in the German-speaking world as the place in which Hans-Jörg Rheinberger began his work. Three German philosophical traditions—neo-Kantianism, phenomenology, and Lebensphilosophie—were interested in the developments and conceptual challenges of the life sciences in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Their reflections were taken up by life scientists under the terms theoretische Biologie (theoretical biology) and allgemeine Biologie (general biology), i. e., for theoretical and methodological reflections. They used historical and philosophical perspectives to develop vitalistic, organicist, or holistic approaches to life. In my paper, I argue that the resulting discourse did not come to an end in 1945. Increasingly detached from biological research, it formed an important context for the formation of the field of history and philosophy of biology. In Rheinberger's work, we can see the “Spalten” and “Fugen”—the continuities and discontinuities—that this tradition left there.  相似文献   

Grimmer-Solem  Erik 《German history》2007,25(3):313-347
German economists led by Gustav Schmoller created the KolonialpolitischesAktionskomité (colonial-political action committee) duringthe so-called ‘colonial crisis’ of 1906–1907to promote the German colonial empire at a time when it wassuffering much scandal and criticism. Widely esteemed and enjoyingthe appearance of non-partisanship, they worked closely withthe government of Bernhard von Bülow during the electionsof 1907, arguing that colonial empire was economically and politicallyindispensable and that its financial burdens were bearable.Straddling a position between the economic imperialism of manyGerman liberals and the settler colonialism prevalent in conservativeand radical nationalist circles, they helped secure a middleground that enabled the Bülow bloc and developed many ideasfor colonial reform that came into currency during the Dernburgera (1906–1910). Through lecturing, the mass disseminationof relatively high-quality literature, and the demarcation ofthe new academic sub-discipline known as Kolonialwissenschaft(colonial science), a potent complex of liberal-nationalistambitions was fused with a new ‘scientific’ colonialismthat helped redefine and legitimate a German civilizing missionin Africa and forge an imperialist ideology that gained a nationalaudience.  相似文献   

The study analyses the chemical composition of 57 glass samples from 40 beads discovered at 20 archaeological sites in Poland. The beads are dated to Hallstatt C–Early La Tène periods (c.800/750–260/250 bce ). Analyses were carried out using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Two groups were distinguished among the glasses based on the MgO/K2O ratio: high-magnesium glass (HMG), five samples; and low-magnesium glass (LMG), 52 samples. The former were melted with halophyte plant ash, the second with mineral soda. These glasses were produced in the Eastern Mediterranean (more likely in Mesopotamia or Syro-Palestine than in Egypt) and transported in the form of semi-products to secondary glass workshops in Europe. Some of the white opaque glass was coloured and opacified in Europe.  相似文献   

郭满 《历史地理研究》2021,41(1):105-116
荷兰在台湾殖民统治结束后,西方对台湾的关注并未因此中断,相反始终存在一种“福尔摩沙情结”。1704年萨玛纳札所著《福尔摩沙的历史与地理》出版,在满足读者猎奇心理的同时,亦与严肃的宗教、政治议题连结,引发了持续的争论,作者真假参半的台湾人身份始终扑朔迷离。厘析各方分歧,不仅可察知18世纪初期欧洲的台湾知识流布概貌与渠道,也能管窥不同国家在相异宗教信仰下对知识采取的迥异态度。  相似文献   

论重建后工业化对美国黑人社会的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立新 《史学月刊》2003,5(3):109-115
重建后,工业化对美国黑人的社会、政治、经济学各方面都产生了深远的影响。工业化和城市化改变了黑人在美国的人口分布,刺激了黑人人口的流动与黑人人口结构、劳动就业结构和家庭结构的变化,并促进了黑人新型的社会、经济和家庭结构的形成。工业化为黑人在20世纪的崛起准备了条件。  相似文献   

Jensen  Uffa 《German history》2007,25(3):348-371
This article attempts to relate modern anti-Semitism to theincreasingly close interactions of Jews and non-Jews in an ageof political emancipation and social integration. It arguesthat the changing mutual perceptions of Jews and Protestantsin the German educated bourgeoisie are of central importancein this regard. In nineteenth-century Germany, literature movementssuch as realism, and various human sciences such as anthropology,Protestant theology or philology provided ample material fordiscussing the Jewish character. These fields suggest four waysof perceiving Jews: the Jew as parvenu, as Talmudist, as materialistand as nomad. Indeed, bourgeois Jews themselves contributedto these literary and scholarly debates. Their discussions werefrequently shaped by the attempt to confront anti-Jewish misconceptions.Moreover, they propagated their own interpretation of the Jewishcharacter: the figure of the humanistic Jew. This Jewish interpretation,which identifies a universal mission, proves to have a twofoldnature: it is not only a counter-attack against anti-Semiticpolemics, but also a particular result of the peculiar Jewishadaptation of bourgeois culture. As the article argues, however,this humanistic perception of Jewish identity caused concernon the Protestant side, which led to further polemics and thusfurther Jewish defence. The resulting spiral of problematicperceptions was the consequence of the growing social intimacyof bourgeois Jews and Protestants in nineteenth-century Germany.Modern anti-Semitism, it is thus argued, can be interpretedas a specific form of rejection of ambivalence and the establishmentof neat binary codes in the confusing closeness of Jews andnon-Jews.  相似文献   

In his 1969 Trevelyan Lectures, Franco Venturi argued that Kant's response to the question “What is Enlightenment?” has tended to promote a “philosophical interpretation” of the Enlightenment that leads scholars away from the political questions that were central to its concerns. But while Kant's response is well known, it has been often misunderstood by scholars who see it as offering a definition of an historical period, rather than an attempt at characterizing a process that had a significant implications. This article seeks (1) to clarify, briefly, the particular question that Kant was answering, (2) to examine – using Jürgen Habermas’ work as a case in point – the tension between readings that use Kant's answer as a way of discussing the Enlightenment as a discrete historical period and those readings that see it as offering a broad outline of an “Enlightenment Project” that continues into the present, and (3) to explore how Michel Foucault, in a series of discussions of Kant's response, sketched an approach to Kant's text that offers a way of reframing Venturi's distinction between “philosophical” and “political” interpretations of the Enlightenment.  相似文献   

王明荪 《史学集刊》2005,24(3):56-74
金代东北及内蒙地区之府、州、县约为7府、35州(路、司)、90县,其承辽代之疆域,但政区经省并后,则设置较少,城市数亦应相对减少。但以考古资料而言,则金代城市有显发展,其数量约为辽代之二倍,以人口数而言,金代亦有明显增长,恰又为辽代之二倍,说明城市发展与人口之关系。  相似文献   

The use of bone as fuel during the lower Aurignacian in the Pataud rock shelter was studied. An anterior study allowed us to dismiss the hypothesis of an imbalance between wood availability and the use of bone as fuel. An experimental study of bone combustion shows the specific properties of bone as fuel. We have proposed that the combustion of a mixture of material (wood and bone) is more effective as source of heat than the combustion of wood alone and the higher the proportion of bone the longer the combustion lasts. Lastly, we observed that the combustion of bone favours two kinds of heat transfer: radiation and convection, but that it is completely ineffective for conduction. The results show that the use of bone could result from an intentional management of fuel in relation with the function of the settlement. It also could be a response to the disadvantage of using wood in a Palaeolithic camp.  相似文献   

祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈琪 《安徽史学》2005,(3):72-81
经过两年多时间的田野调查,我们在素有“九山半水半分田,包括道路和庄园”的祁门县境内,先后发现有132块明清时期的民间民俗碑刻。它或立在村头水口,或立在事发地点,或立在祠堂庙宇,起到告之、提醒和警示作用。这些碑刻以其独特的存在形式反映了明清时期徽州府祁门县民间的生活习俗、宗教信仰、宗族条规、山民喜好,如封山、修路、做桥、建祠、续谱、教育、风水等活动,为研究徽州民间民俗提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   

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