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Une demande croissante d'une économie viable dans la Saskatchewan du Nord a incité les responsables de l'agriculture provinciale à donner un appui plus soutenu aux programmes d'ensemencement de riz sauvage. Une production qui a décuplé depuis 1978 a donné des résultats encourageants. Cette expansion agricole a cependant été menée dans l'absence de données relatives à l'écologie locale. On donnera une vue d'ensemble de l'écologie concernant le riz sauvage, ainsi que les résultats d'une étude faite à La Ronge en Saskatchewan. Les résultats suggèrent que l'acidité de l'eau et la conductivité pourraient former la base d'une évaluation préliminaire d'endroits propices pour la culture dans les terrains recouverts d'une mince couche d'eau.
An increasing demand for a viable economy in northern Saskatchewan has led to a growing commitment from Saskatchewan Agriculture to support wild rice seeding programs. The results have been encouraging, with production increasing tenfold since 1978. However, this agricultural'expansion has been carried out in the absence of local ecological information. An overview of wild rice ecology is presented, together with the results of a study conducted at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. The results suggest that water pH and conductivity could form the basis of a preliminary evaluation of site potential in shallow aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Geographical development economics as reflected in the recent report by World Bank (2009) Reshaping Economic Geography (henceforth WDR-2009) and Sachs' (2005) End of Poverty has placed geographical factors of distance and density at the core of economic development. However, development geography has largely moved beyond a paradigm of modernity. This article seeks to narrow the above disciplinary divide and suggests that explanations of distance and density are not irrelevant but will need to be better integrated to local knowledge, practices and power relations in development schemes which are valued by development geographers. The latter is examined in the context of micro-credit programmes in two lagging areas, Soc Son and Vinh Loc, in northern Vietnam. Drawing from interviews and surveys of 160 female participants, we show that micro-credit, WDR-2009 and Sachs' geographical variables significantly affect poverty levels. However, qualitative interviews also reveal that the effects of distance, density and micro-credit schemes are constituted differently in the two areas. Relative to their Vinh Loc counterparts, Soc Son's participants experience less distance and density problems but are confronted with greater vulnerability to coercive relations of rule. In contrast, the approach to rule in the more geographically distressed area of Vinh Loc is underscored by flexibility and compromise which seek to cultivate conditions that sustain local livelihoods.  相似文献   

Impressions of the north, its landscape, and people are drawn largely from public images, not personal experience, making misconceptions commonplace among non-residents. The objective of this research is to improve our understanding of how communities cope with flood hazards through an assessment of the complex integration of traditional knowledge, community evolution, and modern technologies. This intersection of forces could influence vulnerability to natural hazards and affect preparedness and response. Field investigations were conducted in Aklavik, N.W.T., Attawapiskat, Ontario, and Fort Hard, N.W.T. as case studies. Central to the research design are distinctions between perceptions, attitudes, and activities at three operational levels: individual; communal; governmental - and an appreciation of how these levels interrelate in response to flood hazards. The research findings confirm the crucial value of local environmental knowledge, identify the influence of changing social structures on community vulnerability, and underline the jurisdictionally integrated character of disaster response. Le plus souvent, les impressions du nord, de son paysage et de ses peuples sont le résultat ?images percues par le grand public et non pas ?expériences vécues, et de ce fait, les impressions erronëes sont assez fréquentes chez les non-résidents. ?objet de la présente recherche est deàmieux comprendre les solutions trouvées par les com-munautés face aux inondations et ce, en analysant toute la complexité de /‘intégration des connaissances traditionnelles, de ?évolution communautaire et des technologies modernes. Ce regroupement des forces pourrait avoir une influence sur la vulnérabilité face aux dangers naturels et sur ?état de préparation et la réaction. Des études de cas, on été mencés Aklavik, T.N.O., à Attawapiskat en Ontario et à Fort Hard, T.N.O. Les recherches sont structurés en distinguant les perceptions, les attitudes et les activité‘s à trois niveaux de fonctionnement, soit individuel, communautaire etgou-vernemental. Files analysent également ?interrelation de ces trois niveaux lorsqu'il est question ?une reponse a un risque ?inondation. Les resultats de la récherche confirmed ?importance primordiale des connaissances de ?environnement local, tout en identifiant /‘influence du changement des structures sociales sur la vulnérabilité des communautés. Enfin, elles soulignent le phénoméne de /‘intégration des jurisdictions vis à vis de la réaction aux sinistres.  相似文献   

A long-range regional planning forecast of economic development and settlement in the North Yenisey region of Siberia, up to the year 2000, envisages the formation of several territorial production complexes based on the development of mineral resources (the nickelcopper-platinum reserves of the Noril'sk district, aluminum raw materials, iron ore, oil and gas and graphite) and hydroelectric development (hydro stations at Osinovo, Stony Tunguska, Maygunna, Kureyka and Khantayka, and ultimately Igarka and Lower Tunguska). The basic urban centers, in addition to Noril'sk, would be Osinovo, Novoturukhansk and Igarka. Urban population is expected to increase from 220,000 in 1970 to 480,000, and rural population from 40,000 in 1970 to 300,000.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to understand and operationalize the notion of spatial accessibility (SA) in the context of microfinance. Using geographic information system (GIS) data from northern Bangladesh, we have generated a kernel‐smoothed map and found remarkable spatial variation in access to microcredit. Results suggest that areas isolated from physical infrastructure, administrative establishments, and prone to ecological shocks, exhibit lower degree of SA. Moreover, using an instrumental variable framework, we found that SA has a significant positive impact on household's decision to borrow and on the number of loans: one standard deviation higher SA is associated with a rise in participation probability and average number of microloans by, at least, 3.5 percentage points and 16 percent, respectively.  相似文献   

苏北地区可持续发展中的资源环境问题研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过苏北与苏南的对比分析、资源环境现状与开发利用潜力评价、以及资源环境与发展关系的定量分析评价,表明苏北资源有较大优势,开发利用潜力大,具有对区域发展的较强支撑能力;资源利用效率不高、承载能力下降过快,环境负荷过重,问题较多,已构成对区域可持续发展的约束与限制;区域发展中的经济增长速度不快,资源-环境-经济大系统不够协调。提出了资源环境系统调控与支撑能力建设的科学对策。  相似文献   

The paper describes livestock herding in Shimshal, an indigenous mountain community in Pakistan, with particular attention to the considerations that inform herding decisions. Ethnographic fieldwork in Shimshal reveals two main categories of consideration: instrumental and symbolic. Habermas' theory of communicative action provides a basis for reformulating these categories into a set of conceptually integrated ideal types of resources and for arguing that instrumental and symbolic resources provide motivations toward consumption and conservation, respectively. Two examples of outside interventions to Shimshal's pastoral ecology reveal the limitations of conceptualizing indigenous resource use in purely instrumental terms. The paper concludes with a call to conceptualize indigenous community sustainability in instrumental and symbolic terms.
Cet article traite des troupeaux de bétail à Shimshal, une communauté indigène montagnarde au Pakistan en insistant sur des considérations qui influencent les décisions au sujet des troupeaux. La recherche éthnographique sur le terrain de Shimshal nous révèle deux grandes catégories: instrumental et symbolique. La théorie de l'action communicative d'Habermas fournit une base pour la reformulation des catégories en regroupant d'une façon conceptuelle des types de ressources idéales et permet de constater que les ressources instrumentales et symboli-ques motivent la consommation et la conservation respectivement. Deux exemples d'intervention externe à l'écologie pastorale de Shimshal révèlent les limites de la conceptualisation des ressources indigènes dans les ter-mes instrumentaux. Cet article conclut en suggérant le besoin d'une communauté indigène en termes instrumentaux et symboliques.  相似文献   

The effects of community differences on place evaluation are examined with reference to residents' evaluations of two contrasting northern Manitoba mining towns: Thompson and Leaf Rapids. An adapted form of repertory grid technique is employed to reveal residents' cognitive structures, while a multidimensional scaling technique is used to uncover the underlying basis of place preference. The findings disclose important differences between the evaluative dimensions employed to assess the two communities. Although these differences appear to be largely context specific, it is proposed that 'size' and 'location' may represent common super-ordinate dimensions used in the evaluation of northern mining towns.
En se servant de deux villes septentrionales du Manitoba, Thompson et Leaf Rapids, deja remarquables par leurs contrastes naturels, on examine, sur une base comparative, les différences manifestées par les habitants, quand ils évaluent leur propre communauté. On utilise une forme modifiée de la technique de réseau répertorial pour révéler les structures cognitives des habitants, et on emploie aussi une technique d'étalonnage à plusieurs dimensions pour découvrir les critères de base qui déterminent les préférences exprimées à l'égard d'un endroit. les résultats de l'enquete demontrent des divergences importantes entre les critères qui se révèlent dans l'évaluation de chaque communauté. Bien que les divergences ont l'apparence d'ětre produites par des environnements spécifiques, on suggère que la grandeur relative d'une communauté et sa situation géographique peuvent représenter des critères communs utilisés dans l'évaluation d'un centre minier septentrional, par ses habitants.  相似文献   

基于加权平均旅行时间的浙江省交通可达性时空格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年路网数据,借助ArcGIS网络分析功能,采用基于城镇综合发展水平的加权平均旅行时间指标,探讨浙江省综合交通网络中节点城镇可达性及其时空演变特征。研究结果表明:①1996-2012年,各城镇可达性均出现不同程度提高,彼此间联系趋于紧密;②城镇可达性存在空间分异,且提升幅度各异,均衡化趋势明显;③城镇可达性空间格局变化大,逐渐向以"四大都市区"为中心向四周递增的"∏型"多级空间结构转变。总体上来看,城镇可达性变化及空间格局演变体现了区域统筹发展的战略要求。  相似文献   

By exploring the Europeanization of current practices of regional spatial planning, this article sets out to demonstrate the evolution of the European integration project. Specifically, by creating spaces of engagement to which the local and regional actors are “forced” to adapt, the emergence of European spatial planning has made planning practices at the regional level more complex and complicated. As such, the present study contributes to the current understandings of Europeanization by exploring the European integration process through the geographical conceptualizations of space and scale. These conceptualizations are used to illustrate the multidimensionality, complexity and subtlety of the geographies of Europeanization. The empirical investigations show that regional and local spatial policies are strongly engaged – both explicitly through the “technicalities” and implicitly through the “mentalities”– to the spaces of Europeanization. The engagement affects the effectiveness of sub‐regional spatial planning by promoting mismatches between the strategic frameworks and the material practices of the policy. Overall, the article illustrates that the geographies of Europeanization are continuous processes, which take place – often unrecognizably – in manifold discursive and material practices in various geographical contexts.  相似文献   

叶舜赞 《人文地理》1993,8(4):21-30
京、津两市相距很近,可以发展成为集合城市。其经济和人口规模将超过我国最大城市上海。为此,两市应协调发展,合作建设,共同形成我国北方的国际经济活动中心城市。当前的主要发展途径是调整产业结构,发展高新技术产业和第三产业;发展节水型产业,建设节水型城市;合作建设京津高速公路沿线高新技术产业带;共同开发塘沽滨海区。  相似文献   

以2009年广州大规模调查问卷为基础数据,运用SPSS和ARCGIS分析手段对人居环境满意度的人群及空间差异进行分析。广州市总体满意度"一般",要素之间不平衡的状况严重;满意度存在明显的人群差异,基本上与收入呈现正相关关系;人群差异的空间投影表征为偏低收入群体聚居在中心破败区以及边缘区,"职场白领"等偏高收入群体占据城市的优质资源区域;满意度等值线有从城市新旧中心向边缘逐渐降低的趋势,但在一些明显的发展指向性区域同心圆模式会发生变化,旧城"绅士化社区"与"老街坊社区"、新城"高档社区"与"城中村"反差强烈,满意度空间分异极化,以致形成等值线断崖形态。  相似文献   

河南省人口分布与乡镇可达性空间耦合特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口作为区域发展的内在因素,交通可达性提高将有利于促进人口或劳动力要素的自由流动和优化配置。在考虑土地利用及地形因素的基础上,采用包含乡村道的交通网络数据集,应用改进的成本距离计算方法,分析河南省乡镇可达性及其分布特征;通过乡镇可达性与人口密度的空间叠加,揭示人口分布与可达性的空间耦合特征。结果表明:①各乡镇可达性总体呈现明显的圈层分布,可达性值由内向外逐渐降低;时段越短,内部差异越大,交通指向越明显。②乡镇可达性与人口密度在各时间圈呈现正相关关系,可达性与人口分布集聚产生作用的最大时间距离为1.5h。③人口与交通可达性的空间耦合呈现较明显的半环状分布,社会经济指向性明显。④交通可达性对人口变化的影响具有时间阶段性和区域差异性。  相似文献   

The article starts from the premise that invasive life has the capacity to produce human communities. Invasive life is conceptualized as a way in which humans categorize proliferating organisms as ‘non‐native’ to a particular territory. The article focuses on the kind of relationship of human beings to invasive life that invokes a sense of ‘being under attack’ on the human side. It is argued that the threat of invasive life produces ‘communities of fate’, which are theorized for the sake of this article in close relation to the concept of ‘communities of practice’. The social dynamics set in motion by such community formation are further analysed in relation to two different case studies: (1) the emergence of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Mexico, and (2) the invasive plants eradication campaign of a group of activists in Germany. The article concludes by discussing the merits of analysing social dynamics and community formation in relation to challenges posed by invasive life.  相似文献   

北京市低收入社区社会融合的多维度测度与影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在快速城市化的背景下,城市低收入社区群体的社会融入问题逐渐成为城市包容性发展的桎梏。基于北京市典型低收入社区的实地调查数据,本文运用探索性因子分析对城市低收入社区群体社会融合结构和现状进行探讨,并对影响城市低收入社区群体的社会融合状况进行实证分析。研究发现调查城市低收入社区群体的社会融合主要受到心理融合、经济融合、环境融合、社区关系融合4个维度影响,社区关系融合、环境融合、经济融合和心理融合程度表现出依次降低的倾向,且居民的社会融合总体水平偏低。从影响因素来看,低收入社区群体的社会融合主要受个体因素、家庭因素、就业因素和住房因素的影响,不同维度社会融合程度的影响因素也有所差异。  相似文献   

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