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<正>日前,国家文物局在成都举行2010年度大遗址保护会议暨首批国家考古遗址公园授牌仪式,包括大明宫国家遗址公园在内的12家考古遗址公园获得国家考古遗址公园称号  相似文献   

考古遗址公园建设是中国特色的文化遗产保护模式,是大遗址保护实践和国内外文化遗产保护理论结合的有益探索,也是目前最具现实意义和操作性的一种大型遗址保护途径。大明宫遗址公园是我国首批国家考古遗址公园之一,其建设以科学规划为基础,以考古发掘资料为支撑,对大明宫范围内的多处遗址进行了较科学、完整的保护展示,并因地制宜制定了绿化方案。目前大明宫遗址的保护已逐步走向成熟,其组织规划及运营管理等方面的经验为考古遗址公园建设提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

大明宫宫殿的华丽、遗址的沧桑、遗址公园的博大,带给今人很多惋惜与遐想。本文从景观的角度去审视唐大明宫的古与今,通过分析历史文献、考古资料、研究报告及现场调研,按照时间顺序对唐大明宫由宫殿到遗址,再由遗址到国家遗址公园这一变身,对其园林绿化景观进行系统分析,揭示并挖掘出大明宫园林景观的内涵、绿化特点及不足,绿化景观现状特点及审美特征。  相似文献   

考古与遗址公园——国家考古遗址公园建设中的两个定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家考古遗址公园是近年来我国大遗址保护的一种创新模武.在建设过程中,我们既要正确理解国家考古遗址公园的定位,处理好"考古遗址"与"公园"之间的关系,确保考古遗址公园的特质属性和发展走向,也要全面准确把握国家考古遗址公园中考古工作的定位.这种正确的定位有利于考古遗址的科学保护、深入研究及有效展示,同时也有助于推动中国现代...  相似文献   

梁文婷  徐蕊 《风景名胜》2021,(4):0098-0099
秦始皇陵国家考古遗址公园作为我国公布的首批国家考古遗址公园,其意义重大,而绿化景观则是秦始皇陵国家考古遗址公园的重要组成部分。本文通过对秦始皇陵国家考古遗址公园绿化景观的实地调研和现存问题分析,提出基于遗产价值展现和游憩空间创建的绿化景观设计理念。通过对其绿化景观设计的思考,营建与秦始皇陵价值相符的高品质且具有示范意义的国家考古遗址公园,使其成为传承遗产文化的重要途径。  相似文献   

2010年9月19日.在大明宫国家遗址公园盛大开园前夕,来自世界各地的考古、历史专家在西安举行了“大明宫——世界的遗产”国际学术研讨会,就大明宫遗址考古、文化遗产保护、丝绸之路等有关历史问题进行了交流。其交流成果对于大明官遗址的考古、保护都具有极高的借鉴意义.表现了世界各国专家对于文化遗产保护、丝绸之路的共同关注。同时也对东西方遗产保护理念进行了充分交流。  相似文献   

西安大明宫遗址保护范围历经1957年、1992年、2005年三次公布与调整,其位置由原来的城乡结合部转化为城市建设区,被动的抢救性保护和"画地为牢"式的封闭保护遭遇到越来越多的困难,大明宫国家考古遗址公园的建设,符合国家文物局大遗址保护与利用的新思路,为大遗址保护问题提供了典型范例。  相似文献   

从“十一五”到“十二五”开局,中国的大遗址保护以星火燎原之势,初步形成以150处大遗址为支撑的全国性格局。过去三年,从2008年的西安到2009年的良渚、洛阳,再到2011年的荆州,历届大遗址论坛的主题形成了中国大遗址保护管理理念清晰的轨迹:从尝试性的大遗址示范园区到探索大遗址保护新模式、提出考古遗址公园概念、《国家考古遗址公园管理办法》出台、公布首批国家考古遗址公园……随着大明宫、秦始皇陵等国家考古遗址公园陆续开园,荆州论坛重提“政府主导”、“科学保护”,不无深意。国家文物局局长单霁翔说,大遗址保护必须坚持科学保护的理念不动摇,坚持全民共建的思路不动摇。  相似文献   

2007~2010年,在国家文物局的大力支持下,陕西省、西安市政府确立和实施了大明宫遗址保护和周边环境改造项目,全面拆迁了遗址区内的大部分现代房屋建筑并建设成国家考古遗址公园,使  相似文献   

<正>在西安举行的"大明宫——世界的遗产"国际学术研讨会上,大明宫考古发掘专家、中国社会科学院考古所西安研究室主任安家瑶表示,大明宫遗址公园开园后,考古工作不会结束,保守估计至少还要发掘200年。  相似文献   

刘斌  杨钊 《人文地理》2015,30(3):50-56
占据移民主体的劳工移民因涉及地方变迁与心理感知而成为地方感研究的重要对象。对于劳工移民而言,其所谋生的企业与城市间在感知判断中是否存在关联以及如何关联对探究其感知与行为特征等有着重要意义。以劳工移民汇聚地"北京"和集聚地"饭店"为案例,探究此背景下的地方感关系与路径。数据与结构模型分析表明:①在饭店与北京市两尺度中地方依赖均显著影响着地方依恋与认同,凸显了依赖这一功能性感知在地方感构建中的重要作用;②证实了饭店劳工移民的地方感在两尺度间存在关联,而且是以饭店地方依恋及北京地方依赖为关联维度;③得出了一种地方感由微观环境向宏观环境拓展的路径,由饭店地方依赖开始,至北京地方依恋与认同。  相似文献   

This paper considers the World Heritage Site of Garajonay National Park on the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). It is based on a research project carried out during 1999-2000 that explored the circumstances surrounding its declaration as a National Park and inclusion into the World Heritage List, in conjunction with the consequences for local communities which ensued. The proximity of Garajonay National Park to a large concentration of mass coastal tourism constitutes a further source of potential conflict which may have a wider relevance to other sites of a similar and indeed diverse nature. This paper, therefore, examines the configurations of space and social relations occasioned by the processes of social change, conservation and tourism development in and adjacent to this protected forest. In doing so it elucidates the manner in which these processes are locally mediated in and through contested values over the meaning and purpose of nature conservation in this 'world heritage space'. It argues that a sense of the forest as a place of cultural belonging has been marginalised in favour of its intrinsic ecological value.  相似文献   

黎巎 《旅游科学》2013,(5):42-51
本文针对我国重点景区在“十一”黄金周以及“五一”等小长假期间持续出现客流高峰而导致的游客游憩质量下降、游憩安全以及景区环境资源可持续利用等问题,从景区游客游憩行为出发,以基于Agent的RepastSimphony建模框架与地理信息系统ArcGISShape数据模型为元模型,建立了可动态模拟景区游客时空分布的游客行为仿真模型。以颐和园景区长廊游览区为研究对象,基于“五一”小长假现场观测与跟踪数据对模型进行了校核与验证,对实验输出数据所反映的客流时空分布进行了分析,并对其在景区管理的实际应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A Structural Equation Approach to Models with Spatial Dependence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce the class of structural equation models (SEMs) and corresponding estimation procedures into a spatial dependence framework. SEM allows both latent and observed variables within one and the same (causal) model. Compared with models with observed variables only, this feature makes it possible to obtain a closer correspondence between theory and empirics, to explicitly account for measurement errors, and to reduce multicollinearity. We extend the standard SEM maximum likelihood estimator to allow for spatial dependence and propose easily accessible SEM software like LISREL 8 and Mx. We present an illustration based on Anselin's Columbus, OH, crime data set. Furthermore, we combine the spatial lag model with the latent multiple-indicators–multiple-causes model and discuss estimation of this latent spatial lag model. We present an illustration based on the Anselin crime data set again.  相似文献   

Student-led seminars are commonplace within higher education but few are allowed the opportunity of being delivered in situ. Presentations in situ widen the experience of students and develop a range of transferable skills, encouraging a greater sense of place and facilitating reflective learning. This case study describes the experiences of a group of undergraduate tourism management students who embark on a field course to southern Italy and take responsibility for leading the delivery of tutor-assessed student presentations at a variety of selected sites, including the Mount Vesuvius National Park. Students reflect on their own experiences through written comments in an assessed field course notebook that reveals the positive aspects and challenges to presenting in situ.  相似文献   

本文从游客涉入和地方依恋的维度层次出发,构建游客涉入对地方依恋的影响模型,以徐州汉文化旅游区为案例地,运用结构方程模型方法分析了文化旅游区游客涉入与地方依恋的结构性关系。研究结果显示,游客涉入对地方依恋有显著影响,具体表现为重要/象征性维度显著正向影响地方依赖;愉悦性维度显著正向影响地方依赖和地方认同;风险性维度显著负向影响地方依赖。地方依恋两维度间的关系也被证实为地方认同显著正向影响地方依赖。  相似文献   

SPACE,SCALE AND LOCALITY*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SIMON DUNCAN  MIKE SAVAGE 《对极》1989,21(3):179-206
The importance of spatial variations for social behaviour has recently been re-established in social theory. But, paradoxically, space does not exist in the sense of being an object that can have properties and effects. How, then, are these two axioms to be reconciled? Recent attempts to solve this question have been centred around the concept of ‘locality’. In this paper we subject this concept to critical evaluation. First, we consider in abstract terms the way in which spatial variation affects social phenomena. Subsequently, we discuss the implications of this, focusing around the use of ‘locale’ and ‘local labour market’ as operationalisations of ‘locality’. Next, we review and comment on the debate on locality in the light of this discussion. The upshot is that locality is shown to provide an inadequate conceptual scheme for dealing with spatial patterning.  相似文献   

桂林旅游景区书法景观符号效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
书法景观是具有中国特色的特殊文化景观和文化符号,广泛应用于旅游景区而成为旅游景观的一种重要类型.本文以桂林旅游景区的书法景观为案例进行研究,结果表明,书法景观作为旅游景区的重要人文景观,旅游者总体上对其具有较高的认知和鉴赏兴趣;书法景观对旅游者产生了一定程度的符号效应,具体表现在书法鉴赏、文化象征、审美引导3个方面,对应于外在行为、文化环境知觉、景观审美活动3个层次的行为效应.书法景观的符号效应在书法鉴赏方面存在显著差异,而在文化象征和审美引导方面无显著差异.书法景观符号效应研究对于揭示人们的地方感和环境行为与书法景观之间的关系、旅游景区书法景观的设计和景区文化氛围的营造等具有指导意义.  相似文献   

Recent studies on place--mobility relationships suggest an increasing possibility that people can have multiple place attachments at varied spatial scales. Yet, our understanding of how place attachment in different spatial scales affects mobility remains limited. This study investigates home return visits by Chinese diaspora tourists from North America who have made multiple trips to China. A total of 27 in-depth interviews with repeat home return travellers were conducted. Four different types of return movements were identified: local; dispersed; local & dispersed; and second-migration locale focused. A relationship was found between the participants’ sense of place, place identity, and home return travel. The findings suggest that home return travel is more complex than previously thought. More focused sense of place and strong personal connection to ancestral homes may lead to more localized return, while a more generic sense of place (i.e. to ‘China’) and collective personal identity would result in a more dispersed travel pattern. Family migration history and strong attachment to family's first-migration destination also lead to focused return to the place. The study highlights the fact that place and place attachment are deeply personal and can evolve over time and space.  相似文献   

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