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大学之名在东西方存在已久,而现代大学则是中世纪留给人类的主要遗产之一.到中世纪后期,欧洲已有约80所大学,它们引领和发酵了欧洲文明,欧洲则引领了世界. 一、大学之母和它的"子嗣"们 世界上最早的大学是11世纪出现在今意大利的博洛尼亚大学,它与稍后的巴黎大学、牛津大学和萨拉曼卡大学被誉为欧洲"大学之母".欧洲南部大学的成...  相似文献   

在中世纪和近代早期的欧洲,大学与所在城镇是密切联系在一起的。大学生在城镇中享有自主权,并借助学生团体"乡谊会"来处理他们与城镇之间的关系。同时,大学生们通过三种途径来自己解决对城镇空间的利用问题。作为互动的另一方,大学所在的城镇则往往根据自身发展的需要,通过为大学提供服务、限制大学对城市空间的利用等手段,来对大学施加影响。  相似文献   

考察妇女的教育地位,是认识妇女社会地位的一个独特视角。在中世纪的欧洲,大多数人都没有受过正式的学校教育。①当时欧洲妇女的受教育程度相对于男子来说普遍更低,有机会受到良好教育的妇女只占少数,而且一般都来自于上层社会或知识分子家庭。在13世纪欧洲的大学普遍兴起以前,妇女在受教育方面的这种弱势地位并没有得到人们的普遍关注。13-14世纪,贵族及富裕的城市中等阶层接受学校教育开始制度化,换言之,学校教育成为培养军事、宗教及政治人才并为中、上层社会利益服务的工具,大学更是成为男子从政的晋身之阶,在这种情况下,大部分妇女被排除在学校教育之外的情况才开始凸显。  相似文献   

其实对大多数家庭来说,如果不打算一生不要小孩,那最不容忽视且数额愈来愈大的一笔支出就是孩子的教育费用。 10万元一个大学生,你准备好了吗? 去年18岁的李群在得知自己高考600分的成绩后,心里喜忧参半。喜的是成绩不错,上所好大学有望;忧的是今年高教学费在去年基础上又涨了20%,且取消了师范类大学的优惠。自己家中母亲下岗,靠父亲一人养家。看来还得自己挑选一所收费相对较低的外地院校。像李群这样,把高校收费多少作为高考志愿必须考虑的因素的考生如今已不占少数。自1994年全国37所大学首批实行收费制度之后,如今高校收费已成为一个既定的事实。而目毋庸讳言的是,高中教育以及属于义务教育的小学、初中教育也同样所需不菲。培养一个孩子  相似文献   

城市异端是欧洲中世纪基督教异端运动发展到11世纪后,随着城市日益成为整个社会生活的重心,以及市民阶层的壮大而出现的一种异端运动。它之所以在此时出现,除欧洲社会的基督教化带来了整个社会的宗教狂热是其前提因素外,教会的世俗化以及由此引起的教会内外信仰的普遍危机则是其产生的重要原因。此外教会拥有的种种特权,尤其是经济方面的特权,在社会生活中,直接表现为阻碍市民阶层日益发展的因素。从这个意义上说,中世纪的城市异端运动并不反对基督教及其教会本身,而只是反对特权及特权的化身。  相似文献   

刘宗迪 《民俗研究》2014,(5):F0002-F0002
<正>商务印书馆最近出版的《试谈另一个中世纪——西方的时间、劳动和文化》(周莽译〉,就极具民俗学意味。本书共分四部分。第一部分《时问勻劳动》:着重论述欧洲中世纪晚期,随着城市商业阶层的崛起,导致了记时制度、时间观念以及各职业阶层的价值观的变革。其中《中世界早期文献中的农民和乡村世界》一文论述了随着教会势力的确立,欧洲的价值体系和历史  相似文献   

唐宋时期,富民阶层迅速崛起,并成为社会经济关系和阶级关系的核心。由于富民阶层崛起所带来的社会经济结构的调整,宋代富民逐渐取代国家成为乡村借贷的主导力量。虽然富民的借贷行为在某种程度上确实起到了加剧贫富分化的作用,但从宋代乡村的历史看,民间借贷的缺乏比富民借贷所带来的剥削更容易激化贫富矛盾。不但不是贫富矛盾产生的罪魁祸首,反而与租佃关系一起,成为这一时期"贫富相资"的重要维系力量。  相似文献   

2004年10月10-15日,德国汉堡大学教授汉斯-维尔纳·格茨在天津师范大学进行 了为期一周的讲学。格茨教授是德语国家中世纪学学会会长,1990年至今就任汉堡大学中 世纪史教授。他的主要著作有:《中世纪早期的公爵》、《中世纪神学》、《欧洲中世纪生活》、 《中世纪早期的妇女》、《中世纪研究入门》、《中世纪早期的欧洲:500-1050年》、《12世纪的 历史意识》、《现代中世纪史研究》等,其中《欧洲中世纪生活》一书已于2002年翻译成中文出 版。  相似文献   

自19世纪70年代以来,美国的中世纪研究开始形成较为完整的知识与话语体系,亨利·亚当斯、赫伯特·亚当斯以及乔治·亚当斯在这个过程中扮演了重要角色。在早期建设阶段,业余学者和专门学会成为了推动学术发展和学科专业化的主要参与者,大学培养模式则主要受德国和法国的影响。到20世纪30年代,美国的欧洲中世纪研究形成了重视教科书写作、在对欧洲中世纪历史理解中的他者性和继承性相互叠加、宏大视野与碎片化研究相互交织等特色。这些早期风格塑造了美国中世纪研究的核心范式,同时也对20世纪中期以来国际中世纪史学界的发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

英格兰人为精神、文化方面的需求而前往欧洲大陆游历的做法由来已久,可以追溯到中世纪之初、甚至更为遥远的时代。在中世纪,英格兰人除了因外交、军事和商业等原因而旅行外,还以朝圣者、骑士和学者等身份前往欧陆。近代之初,知识结构的变化、人文主义的影响、绅士教育重点的转变及国际外交实践的影响,催生了新型的教育旅行。到17世纪中叶,因英格兰社会上层的政治经济需求、绅士阶层提高自身素养的需要以及部分英格兰人对自身生活习性的反思,新的教育旅行(“大旅行”)开始得到认可和接受,逐渐成为一种广受欢迎的社会传统和习俗。  相似文献   

The first perpetual university in Transylvania was founded rather late compared to European standards, namely only in 1872 in Klausenburg (Cluj, Kolozsvár). Through the centuries, the social request for physicians was satisfied by the education of Transylvanian students at foreign universities and by the immigration of physicians from abroad. Concerning the period from 1180 to 1849, we know about 7145 Transylvanian students at more than 80 different universities of the Occident. Thereof, 412 physicians and 219 surgeons can be documented by their names. The ranking list of the most frequented medical faculties (Vienna, Padova, Leyden, Utrecht, Jena, Lipsia, Erlangen, Frankfort‐on‐Oder, Goettingen, Basel etc.) proves that all of these medical men received their professional education (being sponsored socially) from the then most excellent foreign universities. Thus, studies abroad guaranteed continual transfer of knowledge from Western to Eastern Europe. This situation seems to partially have compensated the disadvantages of lacking own Transylvanian universities ‐ at least from the quality point of view, so that the professional standard of the education of doctors working in Transylvania used to correspond to the highest level of European medicine.  相似文献   

《Anthropology today》2011,27(1):i-ii
Front and back cover caption, volume 27 issue 1 Front cover 25th South East Asian Games The 2009 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in Vientiane, the first to be hosted by Laos in the event's 50‐year history, was widely experienced by Laotians as an unprecedented moment of national success, reinforcing national symbols and materializing national memory and ideology. In this picture two fans play giant khene, a bamboo free‐reed musical instrument distinctive to Laos and the ethnically Lao areas of northeast Thailand. Traditionally played to accompany courtship and folk songs, the khene is today considered the national instrument, and at the Games it complemented an array of other national symbols on display. Scenes such as these typify the ways in which the SEA Games engendered collective sentiments that were popular, participatory and joyous, particularly among Lao youth. The Games had also bolstered power and authority of the regime. The shared joy of the Games that momentarily united Lao people from across the country soon faded into the everyday realities of one‐party authoritarian politics in Laos, where the state's resource‐extraction policies often set ‘national interests’ against those of existing resource users. These two sides of the SEA Games reflect the contested nature of collective sentiments and, in particular, emphasize how these are aroused through public symbols and assembly. In a rather different display of collective feeling on the back cover, students in London protest government policies that threaten to turn tertiary education into an elite activity affordable mainly by the rich. Back cover UNIVERSITY FUNDING CUTS: AUSTERITY FOR ANTHROPOLOGY The UK faces austerity in public spending to a degree not seen in a generation. The back‐cover image shows students in London demonstrating in October 2007 against the top‐up fees introduced in September 2006, which allowed universities to charge variable fees. Demonstrations intensified in the closing months of 2010, when it was announced that fees would increase by up to three times because of the government's withdrawal of the teaching block grant from the arts, humanities and social sciences in England. In protest, students occupied dozens of universities. What are the implications for higher education and, in particular, for anthropology? In this issue, Hugh Gusterson casts a withering eye over the American precedent, arguing that high fees degrade the educational experience, cause grade inflation, and force indebted students to seek the highest paying rather than the most worthwhile careers. Similar policies applied in England may result in a brain drain of both staff and students. Richard Fardon argues that the proposed changes combine the worst of American and British models: indebted students and over‐regulated, under‐funded universities. It is not even clear that this policy will save money. Like other small disciplines, anthropology will struggle to retain a critical mass of departments, and it will be vulnerable to rises in fees as postgraduate study costs come into line with those for undergraduate study. What might tertiary‐level anthropology look like a decade from now? The number of departments is likely to have been reduced, and with it, academic job opportunities. Student populations will tend to represent the extremes of wealth and poverty, for whom fee remission is being touted as a gesture to fairness. Up to 30 years of debt will act as a deterrent to students between these extremes. As budgets are squeezed, and working conditions deteriorate, the best staff may choose to work elsewhere. Rather than putting UK higher education on a firmer footing, current policy may be a nail in the coffin of one of the few remaining areas of UK excellence internationally.  相似文献   

By tradition or intellectual necessity, universities pursue a main objective: increasing and transferring knowledge that is internationally relevant for the whole of mankind. But new powerful socio-economic forces are demanding universities to be engaged in regional economic development and their knowledge to be relevant in terms of local employment, university spin-offs and growth. These two objectives are traditionally considered as not complementary or even mutually exclusive. Through a case study regarding the Dutch University of Twente, this article shows that local economic relevance and international excellence are not incompatible objectives: they were not at the University of Twente; they can be reached even in a new born and poor endowed university, located in a peripheral, depressed and not industrialized countryside. This article argues that a strong entrepreneurial vision and the adoption of a different concept of knowledge may be the key for other small and peripheral European universities, in order to reach both local economic relevance and international excellence. The article will contribute and enrich the regional studies debate, introducing to it some higher education policy issues and ideas.  相似文献   

The medieval German university entered the picture late but thereby as a new and third type of university in Europe besides Paris and Bologna: This was the ruler-controlled ‘Four-Faculties-University’, which powerfully integrated the socially very different associations of liberal arts, theology, medicine, and law. From the beginning on the ‘German type’ was tied to the princely founder, his court, his dynasty, and his territory (in some cases also to the municipal leadership), and it was politically subjected to his will. All foundations produced prestige and dynastic need at first rather than public need (utilitas publica), respectively the advancing of common learned education and science. The great royal dynasties of Luxembourg, Habsburg, and Wittelsbach began founding in Prague, Vienna, and Heidelberg. Up to 1506 all the seven prince electors, some more important princes and big towns of the Holy Roman Empire had their university or had relations to a university. Public need was rather an indirect result: university students utilized surprisingly strongly the possibilities offered by the subsequent university foundations in Germany - about 200.000 people during a long-term 15th century. However, it has to be thought over in the history of science and effectivity of the German universities in a European frame, that more than 80% of them were ‘only’ students of arts.  相似文献   

This study looks in depth at three family policy issues surrounding one state's attempt to recover costs for child support enforcement services provided to nonpublic assistance families. The issues are whether a cost recovery user fee should be assessed; to whom the fee should be assessed; and how to develop a fee structure to meet criteria established by the policy agents. The original study was mandated by the state legislature. Recommendations were made to the legislature to continue one small fee, discontinue another unpopular fee, and institute three new broad-based fees that would allow for nearly full cost recovery. In an election year the legislature accepted the first two recommendations but chose not to pursue the three new fees. Implications for policy development are drawn, focusing on the impact of user fees on service recipients and the role of the public sector in providing services that are available in the private sector in an era of tighter budgets.  相似文献   

This article seeks to further our knowledge of the university campus by focusing on one particular aspect of most UK campuses: the students’ union. UK students’ unions have rarely been the subject of scholarly attention, despite them now occupying an important place within the higher education landscape. Nevertheless, in this paper we draw on a UK-wide study of students’ unions to explore, firstly, the role played by the buildings of the students’ union and, secondly, the ways in which aspects of the university’s campus influence union activity. We pay particular attention to the expansion of the university campus, in many institutions, from a single site to multiple sites, both within the UK and overseas. We contend that a focus on the materiality of the students’ union and the level of union activity (or inactivity) across various campus spaces can illustrate the values, ideologies and power relations that dominate contemporary British higher education.  相似文献   

傅斯年的大学理念及大学研究所构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅斯年高等教育思想中最有价值者,当数其对德国讲座制度的阐释及对大学设置研究所之构想。大学不仅仅是知识传授的中心,更是学术研究的中心,大学教育应当以学术教育为中心,其理想的大学应当是德国研究型的大学。故傅斯年反对在大学中实行年级制,主张实施选课制度。除了实行选课制度和讲座制度之外,傅斯年主张大学应该创办研究所。大学研究所与专业研究所有着明显的不同:前者为大学师生共同研究的性质,是大学教授指导学生共同研究的学术机构,包含着研学相长之意;后者则是专业研究员进行专门研究的机构,无需学生参与。傅斯年的大学研究院设想,基本上是接受和效仿德国讲座制度和研究所制度而来的,与当时教育部仿效美国大学体制而设立研究生院的规定,存在着明显的差异。傅斯年主张大学以讲座制度为基础自然形成专科研究所,进而建成研究型大学。这种认识,直到他主持台湾大学时仍然没有改变。  相似文献   

Students’ opinion and assessment of the quality of teaching presents an important segment of the evaluation of the quality of teaching at university level in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. In this study, we have examined opinion of students at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade on the pedagogical benefits of fieldwork, which presents an important determinant of geographers’ education. A total of 215 students evaluated pedagogical benefits of fieldwork in relation to didactic-methodical aspects such as: immediate contact with objects of knowledge; interdisciplinary study of a problem; application of various methods of teaching; enhancement of motivation for learning; improvement of social relations, and development of skills necessary for fieldwork. Research results indicate that students recognize and positively evaluate benefits of fieldwork. Final-year students as well as students who had more days of fieldwork evaluate benefits of fieldwork in a more positive way. Research results indicate the need to improve the quality of fieldwork and increase its share in the curriculum of the Faculty of Geography in accordance with the constructivist paradigm in education, which places a student at the centre of educational process, and fundamental principles of the Bologna Process.  相似文献   

宫秀琪 《神州》2012,(18):4-5
安全是人生中非常重要的一部分,是人们生存发展的保障。安全对于每个人而言都是人生的一门必修课,社会中的每个个体都应纳入安全教育体系中。但是近年来,校园安全事故频频发生,让人震惊。所以在诸多安全问题中,大学生的安全问题凸显出来。大学生的安全意识为何如此淡薄,学校的安全教育存在哪些问题,这已经成为人们关注的焦点。大学生的安全教育不仅是大学生自我保护的需要,也是确保高校秩序稳定,促进国家发展、构建和谐社会的需要。因此,学校必须从多方面加强对大学生的安全教育,落到实处,只有这样才能真正提高大学生的安全意识,促进其身心健康发展。  相似文献   

In this article, we address the international dimension of Stellenbosch University (SU) during the apartheid era, most notably during the academic boycott of South African universities between the early 1960s and the early 1990s. Based on information gathered from the documentary sources of the university and interviews with key role players at the university, the findings of the research will put some of the well-established hypotheses on South Africa’s academic isolation and an increasing localism in higher education during that period into perspective. The article will show that prior to 1990 there were different kinds of international activities going on at SU, despite the academic boycotts.  相似文献   

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