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"中国近代知识转型"是近年来学界新兴的重要议题。欲探讨中国近代知识转型,除了分析近代西方科学式知识如何在中国建构之外,中国本身的转变绝对是不可忽略的议题。清代学术位居近代转折之关键,其学术特色与认知,代表前近代学者对传统学术及其发展之重要反思。本文就以晚清重要学者龚自珍为焦点,说明他如何从"辨章学术,考镜源流"的学术史观点,上溯《汉书.艺文志》,分判"六经"与"六艺",一则为经学的千年传统厘出一个统序,建立起经学学术史观;进而梳理出六艺的知识系统,并直接与乾嘉以降所新兴的专门之学分相属系,勾勒出六艺之学的专业分化。这个观察,不仅说明传统经学在前近代中国所呈现的分化情形,也展现出清儒对传统学术所作的初步知识层构。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article the nation is shown to be a historical subject. As such, it is constructed and constantly reconstructed by discursive practices of power and knowledge. The author argues that the symbiotic interlinkage between nationalism and the organising knowledge principle of historicity, is an example of a power practice in the modern state. Throughout the article, it is shown that this practice is produced by interaction between the institutionally represented, sovereign or objective state and intellectual knowledge and its institutionalisation within the state as an academy, which acquires sovereignty in the production of objective truth. This peculiar discursive representation of making what really is personal interactions and struggles into official institutions has managed to produce the subject of the historical nation. The empirical case of Sweden is briefly discussed. During the age of great power, an exclusivist discourse of noble genealogical distinction of the ‘Goths’ was established. In modem Sweden, this genealogical myth is transformed to a popular national myth of exclusivity, a myth with great power potentials in the ‘national projects’ of modem politics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper is concerned with the impacts of academic knowledge production (human capital, research, and consultancy) on the investment behavior of the manufacturing industry. Beginning with the neoclassical theory of capital accumulation, a multiregional investment model for non-residential structures and equipment is developed. Within this model, the knowledge impacts of universities are represented by a diffusion function, which takes into account the possibilities of contagious and hierarchical diffusion of knowledge. Special attention has been given to the development of a theoretically sound and empirically operational investment model, and to the identification of spatio-temporal correlation. The latter has been approached by means of the use of an EGLS estimator, based on a stationary spatio-temporal Markov scheme for the residual. The main result of the case study relating to the Netherlands is that academic knowledge production has a significant positive impact on investments in equipment which is strongest in the neighborhood of central places (i.e., following a hierarchical diffusion pattern).  相似文献   

区域知识管理的目标、原则与方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林 《人文地理》2007,22(1):92-96
为了能动响应信息化、全球化带来的机遇与挑战,在动态市场中持续发展,以及解决区域内部知识生产、知识交换和知识分配等方面的问题,区域必须进行有效的知识管理。作为知识系统,区域知识管理目标应该是如何设计出一个适应系统,强化私人主体和公共机构的知识生产能力和知识价值实现能力,管理的核心在于激励私人创造知识的积极性和公共管理的核心在于激励私人的创造知识的积极性和公共知识流通与分配方面。区域知识管理必须遵循人本主义原则、遵循市场规律原则、区域性原则和制度学习原则,并相应采用多级管理模式。  相似文献   

In the north of England, during the nineteenth and early‐twentieth centuries, Whit walks represented a public celebration of religious witness by individual Sunday schools, holding colourful processions through industrial streets. Little academic work has previously been done on this phenomenon, although there is scattered evidence available at the local level. The existence of sets of interviews with elderly people, however, has enabled a systematic analysis of their recollections to be carried out, supported by local newspaper reports over an extended period. This article highlights the changing nature of these religious celebrations, set against the social and cultural background of the period.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based simulation (ABS) and cellular automata (CA) coupled model to simulate the spatial evolution of the population of China over the past 2000 years. In the model, agents are used to simulate individuals who live in a geographic environment represented by the CA. The choice to migrate is influenced by climate change, potential agricultural productivity change, and waves of mass migrations. Using the simulation, we can observe the spatial evolution of the population, as well as the shift of the population center of gravity, and we can analyze the driving forces of these changing spatial patterns.  相似文献   


This paper (originally published in The North West Geographer, 1997, 1(1), 2–17)) contributes to the debate on journals in geography and the production of geographical knowledge by considering a hitherto neglected issue – the role of regional journals of geography. Initially, an overview is provided which considers issues such as the status of the regional journal within the discipline and its fortune relative to the changing concerns of geography in the late 20th Century. A case study of The Manchester Geographer then critically appraises this particular journal's contribution to geographical knowledge. Finally, and in conclusion, some suggestions are offered which it is believed would ensure that regional journals perform a useful and unique role in the production of geographical knowledge in the 21st Century.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Orgnac 3 site has changed over time. This human settlement was once a cave, until it was transformed into a rock shelter and finally an open air site. The stratigraphical sequence has been dated to between isotopic stages 9 and 8. Human groups frequented the site in spite of its changing context, establishing living spaces close to cave walls or around hearths. The site thus provides an ideal opportunity to observe artefact spatial distribution and changing technological systems. The Levallois debitage method appears at the top of the sequence, around 300 000 B.P. Analysis of fauna and lithics from levels 6 and 2 reveals evidence of different human activities. Regardless of these activities, human groups lived and organized their settlement in the same way, whatever the length of the occupation (several short and one long occupation are represented). Their behaviour appears to have remained unchanged no matter what species was hunted or what lithic technology was practised.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: War and conflict has been well represented in Post-Medieval Archaeology over the last 50 years with a range of research exploring the archaeology of conflict in the modern world. The aim of this article is to review themes of war and conflict as presented in Post-Medieval Archaeology and to track the changing nature of their scope and focus, such as the move towards an increasingly multidisciplinary approach encompassing all aspects of human conflict. By highlighting key articles and innovative research, this article also reflects on the impact and influence of the journal on the burgeoning discipline of conflict archaeology.  相似文献   

《清异录》最早完成于五代末至北宋初,是中国古代一部重要笔记,保存了中国文化史和社会史方面的很多重要史料,书中一半以上的条目分别被《辞源》和《汉语大词典》采录,其价值可见一斑。该书宋本已经不存,而传世各种版本甚多,内容文字差别颇大。现在的通行本是在元代孙道明的映雪斋残抄本和明代《说郛》抄本基础上形成的。因此梳理《清异录》版本源流,对认识其原貌以及进一步研究《清异录》,都有很大帮助。本文在考察现存主要版本的基础上,大致理清了《清异录》的版本源流,并对各本的特点、优劣作了初步分析。  相似文献   

This paper is about the many pitfalls in the decision-making process on mega-projects, and how to deal with them. I present first a summary of the pitfalls, derived from hands-on experience and recent publications on large-scale projects in transport infrastructure. Then I explain how experts and the author of this contribution think these pitfalls should be tackled. Finally, I formulate some conclusions and recommendations. The basic idea behind the recommendations is that the decision-making process on mega-projects could be defined as a learning process, in which many stakeholders are involved. As early as possible alternatives have to be considered and options have to be maintained to guarantee flexibility, which enables the initiators to cope with changing markets, a changing political landscape, new technologies and new insights. Although not an exhaustive picture of all potential pitfalls and remedies is presented, I expect that the presentation adds to the knowledge on mega-projects and will assist an adaptive decision-making processes.  相似文献   

文彤  秦涔  黎结仪  刘小同 《人文地理》2020,35(2):132-141
不同于精英阶层获取知识的正式教育模式,以非正规群体为代表的社会基层群体更多依靠非正式教育渠道实现知识技能的学习。本文将广州电视塔周边的非正规旅游摄影经营者作为研究对象,在个体访谈和非参与式观察的基础上采用质性研究方法探究其知识技能学习与管理的过程。研究发现非正规旅游经营群体的知识学习表现出明显的集体行为特征,知识在群体组织网络中高度依靠关系导向实现流动共享,并且在群体内部形成了“核心-次核心-边缘”的等级体系,知识的流动又被作为维护等级权威的规训管理手段反作用于群体组织。此外,群体通过知识技能的标准化来增强集体的共享互惠效果,形成非正规旅游经营群体“自下而上”的群体学习与知识流动的有力保障。  相似文献   

我国出境旅游者不文明行为改变的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐善鸿  焦彦  杨钟红 《人文地理》2009,24(5):111-115
我国公民在出境旅游中的不文明行为现状与日益强调国家软实力的国际竞争趋势,使提升国民文明素质变得更为紧迫。然而,国民文明素质的提升是一项持久工程,国家软实力的较量却在时刻进行。我国快速发展的出境旅游既向国民提出了提升文明素质的要求,也面临着急需即时改变旅游不文明行为的压力。本文首先对以往改变旅游不文明行为的误区进行了剖析,然后在分析旅游者不文明行为发生与改变规律的基础上,对旅游不文明行为改变的阶段性特征进行了讨论,进而针对改变不文明行为的关键点提出了积极的对策。  相似文献   

郎友兴 《史学月刊》2003,3(6):88-94
在传统中国社会中,市镇是乡村文化的代表。近代以来,文化格局发生了结构性的变化,都市文化代表中国文化发展的方向,都市成为文化的辐射源,它不断地渗透与影响农村地区。浙江省南浔镇教育在近代的变化与发展过程,具体地说明了传统教育是如何变化的。  相似文献   

The global integration of economic activities is bringing with it major changes in innovation processes. New kinds of innovation, such as service and organizational innovations, became increasingly important in the 1990s. The shift to new forms of knowledge creation reflects the emerging knowledge based economy. This has effects on the existing comparative advantages of metropolitan innovation systems and is a major challenge to the ability of cities to adjust, especially those in mature industrial sectors whose competitiveness is based on innovations in industrial technology and scientific and technological knowledge production. Stuttgart is one of these cities. Much of the comparative innovative strength of the Stuttgart region derives from the generation of synergy effects of its technological and institutional development paths. The high levels of industrial exports and the competitiveness of the global players in the Stuttgart region indicates how advantageous the technology based knowledge production and diffusion in the region has been for the innovativeness of the core industrial branches. The crisis at the start of the 1990s showed that the economic success of particular firms does not mean that the metropolitan region as a whole is innovative and competitive. The institutional structures used to establish and maintain the comparative innovative advantages of the industrial sector have hindered adjustment to new forms of knowledge production and diffusion. The paper examines the adjustment processes in the Stuttgart region which are changing the organization of innovation and learning in a way that makes it receptive to new forms of knowledge production and diffusion.  相似文献   

Disciplines such as Geography are well placed to respond to the changing needs of society and the effective application of geographical knowledge to real-world problems. This project surveyed first year Geography undergraduates’ understanding of “What is Geography?”, both before and after an exercise in which geographic topics were identified within recent newspapers. The survey instrument employed was an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire, and was undertaken with first-year undergraduate Geography students at a university in South Africa. Results show that the exercise enabled students (n = 158) to more readily see the application of geographical knowledge to both environmental and social problems that they identified in the newspaper stories. Students also identified that studying Geography may be able to help them increase their skills, employment prospects and earning potential. These findings can help locate the disciplinary concerns and applicability of Geography in post-apartheid South Africa within the wider context of the twenty-first Century world.  相似文献   

Accounts of the easy, painless childbearing of ‘primitive’ non‐white women in comparison to their ‘civilised’ white counterparts were ubiquitous in early modern travel literature. In the nineteenth‐century United States, such narratives were increasingly taken up in medical and scientific literature, catalysing the production of new forms of knowledge about race and bodies. This article analyses several key medico‐scientific theories produced to explain racialised parturient pain and argues that this knowledge dynamically interrelated with both racial ideas and racial practice in nineteenth‐century society. The shifting character of this knowledge implicated changing ways of defining race, including the anchoring of racial identity in the physical body; the role of the physician as an arbiter of racial truth; and the imbrication of gender in racial classifications. Moreover, knowledge produced to explain racialised parturient pain – for instance, about race‐specific sensory physiology, muscular mechanics and skeletal anatomy – circulated within numerous social institutions, among them slavery; gynaecologic and obstetric care; medical experimentation; anti‐abortion crusades invoking the spectre of ‘race suicide’; and eugenic projects. In this way, medical discourse on the gendered body of the parturient was enrolled in the changing articulation of race across the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

What can professional land managers gain by consulting with local communities? Scientific knowledge provides valuable insights into the causes of environmental change and the processes by which it occurs but often lacks a historical dimension. Recollections of local people can supplement both historical records and scientific understandings of cause and process to achieve a more comprehensive picture of change over time. However, the process of memory is tied to life experience and is highly selective. Any attempt to use oral accounts in constructing a picture of environmental change over time must also include an analysis of the process of memory itself. Drawing on oral histories with long term residents of the Tumut region of NSW, this paper explores the nature of local environmental knowledge and evaluates oral history as a source of information for understanding environmental history and the impact of changing patterns of land use.  相似文献   

The International Labour Organization, set up in 1919 to develop and promote labour standards, is at a crucial point. It has preached that labour is not a commodity and in 1969 received the Nobel Peace Prize. Since then it has run into trouble. This article considers how the ILO has failed to come to terms with the Global Transformation, seeing it as trying to play three roles — a standard‐setter, a technical assistance agency and a knowledge generator — without developing the professional capacity to do so. The big question is whether the ILO could become an effective development agency given the changing character of work and labour in globalizing labour markets and its antiquated governance structure.  相似文献   

This paper outlines and analyses efforts to critically engage with “heritage” through the development and responses to a series of undergraduate residential fieldwork trips held in the North Coast of Jamaica. The ways in which we read heritage through varied “texts” – specifically, material landscapes, guided heritage tours, visual imagery and creative writing – and how these readings are couched within changing emotional geographies are analysed in relation to specific field-based sites. The study highlights the dynamic nature of heritage landscapes and the creative ways in which they can be understood and represented through diverse forms of engagement and assessment.  相似文献   

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