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<正>水能载舟亦能覆舟地球是人类的家园,也是我们生命的承载之舟。尽管地球是太阳系中一颗普通的行星,但它在许多方面都是独一无二的。比如,它是太阳系中唯一一颗面积大部分被水覆盖的行星,也是目前所知唯一一颗有生命存在的星球。人类是地球上的新客,从早期智人的出现算起,至今只有20多万年的历史。这段时间与地球46亿年的悠久岁月相比,不过是短暂的一瞬。地球为人类的生存、繁衍和发展提供了必要的资源和生态环境,它孕育了智慧的人类,铸就了我们健康的身心,从而使我们在发展经济的事业中精力充沛,创造无数的文明奇迹。人类一出现,就与地球形成  相似文献   

Following the discovery of a Bronze Age log boat in Shardlow Quarry, Derbyshire in 2003, a scheme was devised to preserve this boat in situ. This included a monitoring programme to ensure that reducing conditions were maintained. This solution was agreed by the mineral planning authority Derbyshire County Council, with input and advice from English Heritage.

Monitoring lasted ten years, during which time gravel deposits surrounding the boat were extracted. The boat was protected from dewatering during this time by a clay cut-off, installed around the area containing the boat before extraction begun. After extraction the adjacent areas were backfilled with on-site soils and inert waste.

Data indicate that a reducing environment has been largely sustained during this period. Following careful and considered discussion, the monitoring programme ceased as there was unlikely to be further impacts to site hydrology, making additional data collection redundant.  相似文献   


In September 1899, at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) in Dover, Guglielmo Marconi’s wireless telegraphy system was used to transmit messages across the English Channel (and across a national border) for the first time. This achievement represented a highly effective performance of scientific masculinity and constitutes a key turning point in an important struggle between competing interpretations of invention and innovation as masculine practices within British science. The British Association tended to favor a narrative of scientific research as a collectivist, international, gentlemanly-amateur pursuit, largely confined to the laboratory. Marconi, by contrast, explained the development of wireless telegraphy as the achievement of his own genius. Appealing not only to the established scientific elite but to a range of non-traditional audiences, and stressing the possibilities or ‘imagined uses’ of his technology even more so than his actual results, he succeeded in commanding unprecedented influence.  相似文献   

Several archaeological finds of ancient boats in Britain are currently being reconstructed using a variety of methods and standards. This paper discusses some of the general principles that should be observed so that such endeavours will be scholarly valuable. The Dover boat case study (later in this issue) is based on the analysis presented here. © 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

This paper discusses three medieval sewn‐plank reconstructions undertaken in the Sultanate of Oman in the past 40 years: the Sohar, Jewel of Muscat, and al‐Hariri Boat. It describes the specific methods of sewn‐plank construction for each vessel and examines the different methods of documentation applied during the three projects. It concludes with a comparison of the data derived from single‐wadding (al‐Hariri Boat) and double‐wadding (Jewel of Muscat) sewing techniques to highlight the differences between the two methods and emphasize the importance of documenting such reconstructions.  相似文献   

This paper describes two nautical discoveries buried c .2000 years ago in the Red River alluvial plain, northern Vietnam. One is part of a logboat with a series of empty mortise and locking-peg holes for plank attachment using loose rectangular tenons. The other, from an infant mortuary house, is a series of re-used 4-m-long timbers with exactly the same locked mortise-and-tenon technology. Both finds are interpreted as having belonged to river-boats like those shown on the sides of Heger 1 (Dong Son) bronze drums. Potentially-related technologies from the Mediterranean and China are also discussed.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

端午节俗的传统要素与当代意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萧放 《民俗研究》2009,(4):229-238
端午节是中国传统节日中民俗内涵最丰富的节日之一。端午节俗传统由全生避害、人神祭祀、饮食节物、竞技娱乐与家庭人伦五大要素组成,它们适应了传统社会民众共同的时间生活需要,五大要素的相互关联与互补也保证了端午节在中国传统节日体系中的稳定地位。近代以来由于西方技术与文化的进入,端午节俗传统要素逐渐失落,端午节社会地位显著下降。在强调文化多样性,推动传统节日复兴的今天,端午节对当代中国人来说十分重要,我们应该从传承与建构民族文化的角度,来重新认识端午节俗文化,重新强调端午节在身体保健与社会伦理方面的特殊意义。我们需要重视当下民众的精神与社会生活需要,让端午节继续发挥为广大民众服务的社会文化功能。  相似文献   

论香港越南难民和船民问题的缘起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈肖英 《史学月刊》2006,36(8):55-58
越南难民和船民问题长期困扰香港之原因,可运用“推拉理论”做一解释。美国发动越南战争及其后来的败退,越南新政府在对内和对外政策上的失误及越南当局为牟利而参与实质上的“难民贸易”活动等,成为难民流动的推力因素;而香港宽容的难民政策、特殊的地理位置及西方媒体的信息诱导等因素,成为吸引难民外流的拉力因素。  相似文献   


Since the beginnings of archaeological research, scientists have attempted to explain the past to a larger public. In the nineteenth century the quality of reconstruction drawings by architects was high but, after excavations were finished, the sites were left as they were, without conservation, while the movable finds were exhibited in the great museums of the European capitals. Today's mass tourism, however, demands attractions at the original ancient sites. The tourist industry, which brings by far the largest pool of visitors to the sites, sets the standards, but its interests centre on quick and simple ‘consumption’ of impressive ruins. Different methods have been employed in creating tourist attractions – from reconstructing ancient buildings to having museum staff in costume demonstrate elements of daily life in history. But it is the ruins on excavation sites, even in their damaged state, that are the irreplaceable, authentic records of the past. Archaeological preservation, therefore, has to mean uncompromising conservation of the damaged original remains. They should not be sacrificed for the sake of questionable ‘progress’ or popularization.  相似文献   

Multiple petrological and geochemical analytical techniques revealed significant similarities in element and mineral distribution between the 47 ceramic samples from Chillo (southern coast, Peru), a Late Intermediate Period (ad 1000–1400) archaeological site. The similarity indicates a common raw material source. The analytical results of Holocene fluvial sediment samples, Cretaceous clay layers and fired and non‐fired bricks, only eliminated the Cretaceous clay layers as a potential source material. Applying Raman spectroscopy, the red and violet colour of the slip is due to hematite, the yellow colour to a mixture of hematite, graphite and gypsum, and the black colour is either graphite or jacobsite.  相似文献   


This article identifies and prints the earliest detailed customs list from northern Europe, which was prepared for the port of Dover in 1233 or soon after, and it gives fuller and more detailed information about trade than for any other northern European port at this date. The list shows a remarkable diversity of trade, including some of the earliest references to particular goods in English documents, and widespread sources of trade including Flanders, Germany and Italy. The depiction of such trading links prompts questions about the ‘commercial revolution’ and the development of European trade, for it shows how varied trade and consumption could be in the era of the fairs of the Champagne towns, before the establishment of direct maritime links from the Italian cities to northern Europe. The appearance of commodities and trading links in the Dover list suggest that commercial development was earlier and more evolutionary.  相似文献   

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