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本文所辑《凤台集序》是明初谢徽为著名诗人高启《凤台集》所作序文,此文不见于今存诸种高启诗文集,也向无研究者加以注意。它保存在明人朱存理《珊瑚木难》中,是现存唯一一篇评论高启金陵时期诗歌作品的文字。本文认为此序真实可信,并通过对其内容的解析,揭示了此序对于高启诗学思想与创作研究的独特价值。  相似文献   

杨基,字孟载,号眉庵,别号去非,又号雪海,先世蜀人,后徙居苏州.<明史·文苑传>云:明初"高、杨、张、徐、刘基、袁凯以诗著",与高启、张羽、徐贲称吴中四杰.<眉庵集>是杨基流传于世唯一的著作[1],其版本一直比较复杂.杨世明<杨基(眉庵集)版本和佚文考>[2],第一次对<眉庵集>的版本作了介绍,惜其于版本流变未作交代,介绍也相当粗略,并且许多重要的问题,诸如现存手抄本及其流传,成化本之前杨基诗集的编排体例,成化本的不足和疏误等问题都付之阙如,有必要作进一步的考辨和研究.  相似文献   

刘俊伟 《文献》2003,(1):66-73
欧阳炯是五代的一位词人,他的词主要收在<花间集>与<尊前集>中.在花间派诸词人当中,欧阳炯的词,不论是从数量还是质量上来看,成就都是比较高的;他的那篇<花间集序>更是在词学发展史上赫赫有名,被认为是词学批评之滥觞.因此,对于欧阳炯的生平,我们有必要进行一下深入的考察.  相似文献   

<孔子诗论>公布后,再次牵动有关<诗序>问题之讨论,同时也为重新探究"诗教"观念之继承或转化建立起新契机.虽然<孔子诗论>中对于风体诗的评论,明显有重情的趋势,而代表汉代<诗>教思想的<诗序>,又明显注重政治风化之作用,彼此遂产生较大的差异,且显然有思想转化之现象.然而这种<诗>教思想明显转化之痕迹,在<孔子诗论>所评论<大雅>之<皇矣>、<大明>、<文王>三首诗中却非如此,而有继承发展之现象.职此之故,本文将深入此三首史诗的内容,从对比各首诗的诗义以及<诗论>、<诗序>所评论之内容,参照汉代政治之状况,而对<诗>教思想之继承发展情形有更确实的理解.全文之进行:在前言说明为文之动机、目的以及讨论范围之后,进入核心议题,依序讨论此三首诗从诗义到<诗论>,乃至于到<诗序>的诗教思想继承发展之情形,获得更清楚的思想发展脉络.  相似文献   

张一平 《文献》2005,(2):139-148
一、<南康道中>诗与罗隐<湘南应用集序>、<谗书·序>所记初次取解岁数之矛盾 唐末大诗人罗隐期冀科第折桂的强烈欲望,在有唐一代很少有诗人能与之比肩.这一点,人们不难从罗隐参加礼部试的次数看出端倪.<吴越备史>卷一<罗隐传>载其:"凡十上不中第"①;<五代史补>卷一<罗隐东归>言:"六举不第"②;罗隐<湘南应用集序>则说:"自己卯至于庚寅,一十二年,看人变化."③  相似文献   

杨晓霭 《文献》2003,(1):74-86
刘次庄,字中叟(忠叟),生卒年未详.主要活动在宋神宗、哲宗时期.其所编<乐府集>,从宋人著作如阮阅<诗话总龟>等书的征引及周必大校订<文苑英华>的使用情况看,在当时颇有影响.但因散佚较早,未受重视.且宋人公私目录还著录有刘次庄<古乐府序解>、<乐府序解>、<乐府题解>和<乐府解题>,颇显混乱.它们与<乐府集>关系如何,是否同一种书?今依所搜集到的材料加以考证辨析,力图为研究乐府文学、宋代文学提供些文献的方便.  相似文献   

张其凡 《史学集刊》2008,(3):121-123
一、缘起 1935年至1936年,中央研究院<历史语言研究所集刊>第六本第二、三分册,刊出陈乐素先生大作<三朝北盟会编考>,约16万字,考订<三朝北盟会编>一书甚详.此篇大作成为陈乐素先生的代表作,迄今享誉宋史学界.此篇长文后收入先生的论文集<求是集>第一集,1986年5月由广东人民出版社出版.如今,遑论<历史语言研究所集刊>,即或是<求是集>第一集,也已难觅到了.  相似文献   

张燕婴 《文献》2003,(1):18-30
<诗序>即<毛诗序>的简称.①历来对于<诗序>结构的划分有所谓的"大序""小序"(郑玄<诗谱序>②)、"古序""宏序"(程大昌<考古编>卷二"诗论十"③)、"前序"(<二程遗书>卷二上)、"后序"(范家相<诗沈>卷三"关雎"条)、"首序"(郝敬<毛诗原解序>)、"续序"(龚橙<诗本谊>"卷耳"条)、"下序"(<六经奥论>卷三"诗序辨"条④)等称谓,究其所以命名,多出于持论者的已定观念,难免庞杂难明.本文的讨论将放弃这些成说,希望能够比较客观地分析序说与各家诗说的关系,从而探究<诗序>的"著作权"归属问题.  相似文献   

《吕氏春秋》成书考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄伟龙 《文献》2003,(1):9-17
<吕氏春秋·序意>云:"维秦八年,岁在涒滩,秋,甲子朔,朔之日,良人请问<十二纪>."关于<十二纪>的成书时间,<序意>本文给出了明确答案,是秦八年.  相似文献   

高启(1336-1374),字季迪,号青丘子,长洲(今江苏苏州市)人。在他短暂的一生——三十九年间,创作了大量诗篇,无论从质或量方面来说,都非常可观。清人赵翼说他的诗“使事典切,琢句浑成,而神韵又极高秀,看来平易,而实则洗练功深”。他的作品非常丰富,诗集有《吹台集》、《江馆集》、《凤台集》、《古苏杂咏》等,集有《凫藻集》,词集有《扣舷集》。  相似文献   

On July 1, express trains starting from Beijing and other cities will pass through Xining and Golmud and finally reach Lhasa. On that date, Tibet's long history of having no access to railway transportation will come to an end.  相似文献   

Rena C. Gropper. Gypsies in the City. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1975. xi + 235 pp. Tables, figures, maps, illustrations, appendix, glossary, bibliography and index. $9.95

Farnham Rehfisch, ed. Gypsies, Tinkers and Other Travellers. London and New York: Academic Press, 1975. x + 303 pp. Figures, tables, glossary and index. $15.25.

Anne Sutherland. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. New York: The Free Press, 1975. x + 330 pp. Tables, figures, appendices, glossary, bibliography and indices. $13.95.  相似文献   

首轮新方志的编修出版,在广东省乃至全国已接近尾声.首轮志书设艺文志的极少,造成这种情况的原因,固然有首轮志书编修过程中对人文重视不够的氛围,更有着面对汗牛充栋的古代的乃至当代的著述,如何选择记载的难题.于是,付之阙如不失为权宜之计,但因此也就使首轮修志留下了一个普遍的遗憾.近日,<惠州志*艺文卷>一卷付梓惠州市惠城区地方志编纂委员会编,邹永祥、吴定球编纂:<惠州志*艺文卷>,中华书局2004年版.,笔者阅后感到耳目一新.  相似文献   

Entitled “Canada and the United States: Principles for Partnership” and prepared at the behest of American President Lyndon Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson, the so-called Merchant–Heeney report set out a series of guiding principles for the smooth conduct of bilateral relations. Drawing on their vast experience at managing this relationship, Arnold Heeney and Livingston Merchant, two former ambassadors, devised their guidebook by tracing the nature of Canada–US relations, examining areas where problems commonly arose, and offering suggestions towards building a more successful partnership. “Principles for Partnership” may have been their swansong but it was not Merchant and Heeney's sole statement on the Canadian–American relationship. Drawing on speeches, memoranda, and diplomatic cables, this article shows how Merchant and Heeney each conceived of the partnership between their two countries and how they viewed the influence of factors such as Canadian nationalism and the United States' preponderant power.  相似文献   

志于道、据于德、依于仁、游于艺是古人圣贤对一个有着整全修养的日常生活比较全面的概括.志于道是向远处的企望引导,志于天道,使生活有超出日常繁琐事务的眼界;据于德是向近处的落实出发,据于人道,修行以达远方;依于仁是友人互相讲习促进,以明道修德;游于艺则是在六艺的领域中悠游自乐,在优游涵泳中成德达道.这些思想在中国的绘画、书法中也有充分的体现.  相似文献   

Speakers at the Third Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee Assembly held in December 1994 maintained that power sharing between women and men is still intolerably low and that economic hardship, abuse, and discrimination remain. One speaker announced that society needs to do more to challenge obstacles to women's advancement: poverty, violence, access to resources, women's rights, education, and health. She asserted that, for this reason, the Fourth World Conference on Women scheduled for September 1995 in Beijing must succeed. Discussions and action at the December assembly will constitute a major part of the groundwork for the Beijing Conference. The Committee debate centered on the advancement of women as a cause and effect of development. The 1994 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development shows that economic development may be complexly connected with advancement of women. In societies where women have progressed, the economy tends to grow steadily, while, in societies where women cannot fully participate in development, the economy is stagnant. The Assembly called on the Commission on the Status of Women to ensure that the Platform for Action recognize and incorporate older women's concerns and contributions to development into its strategies, programs, and policies. It also called for countries to protect women migrant workers from violence and corrupt recruitment practices. It condemned the illegal trafficking of women and girls across borders for sexual or economic oppressive and exploitative purposes and for other illegal activities (forced domestic labor, false marriages, clandestine employment, and false adoption).  相似文献   

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