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满族女性在家庭和社会中占有重要的地位,因此在家法族规中,女性被加以重点关注.在辽宁,满族人通过家谱、言传身教、民俗等方式对女性的日常言行和性行为进行了相应的规定,起到了相应的社会效用.  相似文献   

张兆林 《民俗研究》2020,(4):148-156
学术界对于女性研究的不重视,导致了学术研究中的女性知识与女性话语的缺失,民间艺术生产中女性艺人的研究更是如此。这种社会科学研究中的不足,源于社会性别制度对于女性的歧视,也与父权制为主导的社会现实、女性从事辅助性工作、不喜抛头露面等有关,其劳作并没有得到相应的关注或认可,导致了学术界及当地民众对女性艺人的选择性"忽略"。考察聊城木版年画生产及传承中女性艺人角色,了解当地女性艺人在年画生产中的性别显现、参与的方式与途径、传承中的角色等,可以发现女性艺人在年画生产中的贡献或者扮演的角色比我们原本所知要重要许多。  相似文献   

朱成山 《百年潮》2001,(3):4-12
2000年12月8日至12日,东京女性国际法庭针对日本军队在二战中侵犯女性权利的犯罪行为专门进行了国际大审判。这是自1992年“慰安妇”问题被揭露以来,国际上最大规模的对日军性犯罪的审判活动,由于此次活动选定在20世纪最后的一个月内举行,故被称为“世纪末大审判”。不管人们如何去评价它,人类20世纪末的历史画卷上,必将重笔浓抹地记上这件大事。笔者作为中国检察官之一,有幸参与这次法庭审判,并出庭为南  相似文献   

格尔达·勒纳是美国女性主义史学的开创者,也是美国黑人女性史研究的奠基人。她率先明确提出,女性史需要自己独特的研究方法,并努力为之构建社会性别的解释方法。她的解释方法可具体化为解构法,整体法和多维综合法。社会性别解释方法冲破了语言、观念对女性史研究的桎梏,将女性作为一个独立的整体侧重研究其共性,也将女性作为复杂社会关系中的个体阐释女性间的差异性,并希冀从中探寻两性的普遍史。尽管勒纳的社会性别解释方法的前提存在一定的局限性,但它仍是女性史解释的有效方法,并前瞻性地指明了女性史研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

范莹 《神州》2011,(23):23-24
在中国当代文坛上,女性文学的园地里可说是"红杏枝头春意闹",一派繁荣景象。20世纪80、90年代以来,随着中国大陆女性写作高潮的涌现,我们发现评论界在谈到女性文学时,就会与"身体写作""欲望叙事"这类的西方女权主义理论概念相关联,有关女性身体书写的文学、文化现象引起了学界和社会的广泛关注。有一点不可否认"身体写作"确是当代女性文学写作的一大特色,有的作家成为"女性文学"中"欲望叙事"的代表人物,并因此而走红。现在就有一些问题值得我们关注与探讨:中国当代女性文学是否就囿于"身体欲望"写作中,在"身体写作"之外还有着怎样新的话题?本文将从王安忆、铁凝、张洁和迟子建等几位作家及作品入手,尝试着对女性与我们民族历史、女性与传统伦理、女性与社会底层等"身体写作"之外的话题进行思考和阐释,洞见在"身体写作"和"欲望叙事"之外,女性文学研究的广阔天地,寻求女性文学研究的一种超越。  相似文献   

本文借助高清的宜侯夨簋铭文照片,纠正了以往释为"入"的字应为"内"字,并对"立于宜"、""等词句进行了新的解释,梳理了西周时期夨、吴、虞、宜等国族源流脉络。  相似文献   

本文以"父权至上"和"三从四德"等文化观念为视角,对虎妞的人生悲剧进行了深入分析,认为,虎妞的反抗是大胆勇敢的、幼稚迷信而又顺从卑微的,男尊女卑的男权社会、封建迷信、经济困顿、女性独立平等意识的欠缺等都是虎妞不幸遭遇的根源。她的遭遇尖锐地揭示了二十世纪上半叶我国女性解放运动的艰巨性、复杂性和长期性,具有格外令人深思的意义。  相似文献   

吴玲  程叶青 《人文地理》2015,30(1):45-49
激进女权主义以父权制为理论核心,为私人空间内发生的女性被害提供了直接的解释。然而,父权制却无法对公共空间内存在的被害性别差异提供完备的解释。基于女权主义犯罪学、日常活动理论和时间地理学,本文从整合的视角,以父权制作为结构性起点,以劳动分工和女性对犯罪的恐惧为中间环节,以女性日常活动中时空约制对其被害风险的影响为落脚点,阐释了公共空间内犯罪被害性别差异的原因。最后总结了本文的解释思路,并为进一步促进我国犯罪地理学发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我国档案界对档案本质属性的传统认识是原始记录性。本文在批驳全盘否定"档案的本质属性是原始记录性"观点的同时对原始记录性做了相应的解释,并赞同更接近档案本质属性的观点"原始的历史记录性或者说是历史的原始记录性"。  相似文献   

睡虎地秦简中有一篇被定名为《为吏之道》的文献,在字词及文句的解释方面,仍有不少值得讨论的地方。本文运用文字、音韵、训诂等方面的知识,就"劳以率之,正以矫之"、"贱土而贵货贝"、"安其朝"、"灾不施"、"任事"等词句,在释字及词句解释上存在的问题进行了讨论,并提出了新的看法。  相似文献   

陈晓筠 《攀登》2008,27(6):130-132
异议登记,既是一项阻却登记公信力的制度,也是对第三人进行风险警示的制度。笔者认为,在《物权法》中关于异议登记的适用条件过宽,应修改为必经权利人书面同意或由法院作出异议登记的裁定。异议登记后处分行为的效力,应以异议登记是否正当分为有效与无效两种。在构建异议登记失效制度时,应重点处理好其与民事诉讼的诉前财产保全之间的关系。  相似文献   

金圣叹生前著述甚富,然由于是被清廷杀头者,并遭妻子流边、家产籍没的严惩,故直接反映其思想感情和生平交游的诗文作品存世极少.此文新辑得其佚诗12首、佚联等3则,为金圣叹的文学创作和生平史实的研究提供了一批新资料.  相似文献   

程涛 《历史地理研究》2021,41(3):125-137
宋代刺配刑泛滥,导致触法流配者大为增加。为避免因配隶人群大量聚集而导致的社会治安乱局,宋廷一方面施行诸路间相互移配、散配的政策,另一方面格于军政形势及祖制,将配隶地域逐步由京畿地区向南方远路转移。步入南宋,由于疆域的蹙缩及政治地理格局的剧变,流配地域在进一步南移中逐渐集中于五岭地域的远恶州军,而大量的逃亡配军刑徒与盐寇、峒寇相纠合,加剧了该区域及近邻州军的动乱,成为终宋之世都未能解决的地方军政难题。  相似文献   

《篆隶万象名义》是能再现顾野王《玉篇》原貌的一部重要字书,但该书在释义上存在很多问题,本文就其中义项截取不当、误认字头、误改字义、拆骈为单等问题进行了归纳,有助于进一步研究、利用该书。  相似文献   

采女是日本古代地方豪族献给中央朝廷的贡女,是在宫廷主要负责天皇、皇后等饮食起居的下级女官。律令制国家时期的采女制度亦是后宫女官制度不可或缺的一部分,有些采女甚至被升为贵族阶层。然而律令制确立之前的采女并非如此,她们是古代王权专制过程中的产物,是连接中央朝廷与地方豪族之间的桥梁,其出现与演变体现了王权与地方势力双方博弈的过程。对该时期采女的考察,有助于从一个侧面加深对古代王权专制统治的认识。  相似文献   

古玺是研究先秦姓氏的重要资料之一。根据对古玺复姓的考辨与统计,可以得到大约125种复姓.这个数量远少于汉印复姓,本对其中的原因作了初步比较与说明。  相似文献   

Schumann  Dirk 《German history》2007,25(2):192-218
Between 1945 and 1975 West Germany became modernized and liberalized.School education was one of the key fields in which this processwas played out. Methods of school discipline, corporal punishmentin particular, were the subject of heated public debates, reflectingthe broader political and moral issues of West German postwarreconstruction. The article examines the debate and its conclusionin the 1970s by focusing on Hesse, the only Land that bannedcorporal punishment in schools completely in 1946, and Bavariaand North Rhine-Westphalia, which both allowed it under restrictions.Proponents of corporal punishment pointed to the problems withdeviant youth in the postwar years and declared the use of thistype of sanction to be a right given to teachers by customarylaw. Opponents, however, put forward pedagogical, psychological,political, and moral arguments and called for a clear breakwith authoritarian methods of the past as necessary for rebuildingdemocracy. The pace and character of change, however, was determinedin the field of law. While a Supreme Court ruling in 1954 supportedthe opponents' position, a 1957 ruling by another Chamber ofthe same court reaffirmed the traditional customary-law viewof a teacher's right to wield the cane. Customary law couldonly be superseded by written law, but when most Land governmentsfinally abolished corporal punishment in schools in the early1970s, they did so, following Hesse's example, by administrativedecree only. While teachers who violated the ban therefore werenot automatically subject to criminal proceedings, courts remainedreluctant to uphold the ban. The abolition of corporal punishmentin schools, which also came at the price of an increase in bureaucraticregulations about school discipline and school life, can thusbe seen as reflecting the ambivalence of modernization and liberalizationafter 1945.  相似文献   

This article reconfigures our understanding of female service in early modern England by examining the roles and spaces female servants occupied not only within their employers homes but outside and within the wider community. Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to categorise and analyse the spaces in which female servants were recorded in church court depositions from the dioceses of Exeter, Gloucester and Winchester between 1550 and 1650, it argues that female servants were not confined to the domestic sphere either in their work or their social interactions. And further, it shows that female servants' links to the wider community gave them power and agency – limited perhaps, but significant nonetheless - in their dealings with their employers.  相似文献   


In this article, I will explore how legalized Finnish midwives acted as expert witnesses in court hearings before 1809, how they worded the statements they gave in court, on what grounds they decided a woman was pregnant or had given birth, and what signs they considered as indicating a miscarriage or the birth of a full-term infant. Their work as expert witnesses relied on their midwifery training as well as their learned knowledge of the anatomy of the female body and the physiology of birth. Ultimately, their knowledge was supported by contemporary guidebooks on midwifery and forensic medicine. As expert witnesses, the trained and legalized midwives of the eighteenth century can be seen as having been legally literate women, who had a duty to provide oral or written evidence to the court and other instances who demanded it. Midwives were capable of using understandable medical and legal terminology in terms of the processing of the court case in their testimony. The forensic examinations carried out by legalized midwives and the expert witness statements they gave also demonstrate the professional skills and expertise of these women.. Their testimonies also show that they were familiar with the characteristics of infanticide referred to in the Swedish medical and forensic literature.  相似文献   

江苏邳州车夫山汉墓是一座绘画内容繁缛、雕刻精美的画像石墓。该墓墓葬形制较为完整,砖石混合结构,有东汉中晚期墓葬特点。对图像资料的内容进行了分类和阐释。  相似文献   

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