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The article compares the events of 1968 in Scandinavia, pointing to the differences and similarities between the Scandinavian countries as well as comparing Scandinavia to the rest of Europe. Within Scandinavia, Norway and Sweden present a Scandinavian model with focus on conflicts between centre and periphery, Maoism and a low level of conflict. In Denmark, the student movement and theoretical Marxism dominated the scene. However, the political context of the three countries and the interplay between mainstream politics and 1968 were rather similar. In Finland, both the political context as well as the movement developed quite differently. The article concludes that the high level of integration of the protest movements makes Scandinavia stand out compared to continental Europe.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of urban social movements in shaping the built environment. It is based on empirical work undertaken in two relatively small towns, Darwin and Alice Springs, located in the Northern Territory of Australia. This approach has furnished the opportunity to undertake a true comparative study of the role of social movements in what ostensibly appear to be relatively simple urban locations situated in similar local, national and global circumstances, across the same time-period. In particular, the investigation sets out to examine the contrasting success/failure of social movements to coalesce around the problem of housing provision. The early sections of the paper review various conceptual issues related to the empirical investigation and try to arrive at a usable definition of ‘urban social movement’.  相似文献   

In a recent contribution to Oceania (59:269–79, 1989), R.A. Drake analyses a kidnapping rumour that has regularly appeared in Borneo during the last 90 or more years. According to the rumour, agents of the state require a human sacrifice, and especially a human head, to place beneath the foundation of a bridge or other modern structure that is being erected, in order to lend it durability. This rumour, Drake argues, draws crucially upon the widespread notion or practice of construction sacrifice, in combination with a tradition of head-hunting as an aspect of inter-ethnic relations which was prevalent in Borneo before the colonial era. The present paper questions aspects of Drake's thesis by discussing the occurrence of precisely the same rumour among the Nage of central Flores, a people who do not know head-hunting of the Bornean variety and who have no tradition of human sacrifice in connection with indigenous construction.  相似文献   

A senior Russian urban geographer describes current features of the Russian urban settlement system, recounts erroneous planning practices of the past, and prescribes changes for the improvement of settlement planning in the future. Of particular interest are tables, disaggregated to the economic regional level, showing spatial variations in the number of new cities registered over the period 1927–1989. In an interesting modification of conventional former Soviet thinking, a case is made in favor of such processes as polarization of space, agglomeration, spontaneous transformation of urban economic profiles, and place-based rather than norm-based planning.  相似文献   

Sense of place was investigated in an interpretive approach to examine how it develops; how it varies cross-culturally among modern and indigenous peoples; and how it develops among various contexts (home and environs, family, community, and culture). Individual and group interviews were conducted using questionnaires on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand (a rural, farm-based setting) with 270 residents from 1987 to 1989, with 80 out-migrants interviewed around New Zealand in 1989. The methodology was based on phenomenology, ethnography, and social surveys. Statistical analyses indicated the significance of residential status and social belonging toward the development of a sense of place. Contextual influences were found to be important from qualitative data, with traditional culture of primary importance to Maori. Both Maori and European-descent respondents with long-term residence expressed a rooted sense of place for Peninsula environs. These respondents were less residentially mobile and were often tied to the land through ancestry and/or family farms. Newcomers to the region were usually treated as outsiders (for decades). The Maori community was partially sustained by a social network that extended beyond the Peninsula. Maori sense of place was based more on their cosmology and culture, which rooted them to their tribal territory spiritually and emotionally. To counter an amoral, modernist hegemony and to move toward community sustainability, postmodernists need to consider the significance of developing a place-based ideology that links people to place through a rooted sense of place. À l'aide d'une méthode interprétative, le sentiment d'appartenance à un milieu a été étudié pour examiner la manière dont il se développe, ses variations interculturelles parmi les populations modernes et autochtones, de même que l'incidence de divers éléments, tels la résidence et son voisinage, la famille, la collectivité et la culture, sur son développement. Entre 1987 et 1989, des entretiens individuels et de groupes ont été menés, en utilisant des questionnaires, auprès de 270 résidants demeurant dans la péninsule de Banks, en Nouvelle-Zélande, et appartenant à un milieu rural essentiellement agricole. De plus, en 1989, 80 émigrants répartis sur le territoire de la Nouvelle-Zélande ont été également intervieés. Les études phénoménologiques, ethnographiques et sociales ont servi de méthode fondamentale. L'analyse statistique a révélé l'importance de la qualité de résidant et l'importance de l'appartenance sociale sur le développement du sentiment d'appartenance à un milieu. D'après les données qualitatives, l'influence environnementale est significative, et la culture traditionnelle est capitale chez les Maoris. Les répondants établis depuis longtemps, qu'ils soient de descendance européenne ou maorie, ont manifesté un sentiment profond d'appartenance à leur milieu, que représente la péninsule. Ces répondants étaient relativement stables du point de vue résidentiel et possédaient souvent une terre ancestrale ou une ferme familiale. Les nouveaux arrivants ont été habituellement traités comme des étrangers (pendant des décennies). La communauté maorie a été soutenue en partie par un réseau social qui s'est étendu au-delà de la péninsule. Chez ce peuple, le sentiment d'appartenance au milieu s'appuie davantage sur la cosmologie et la culture, ce qui crée des liens spirituels et affectifs entre ces gens et leur territoire tribal. Pour s'opposer à l'hégémonie amorale et moderniste, et pour s'orienter vers la viabilité des collectivités, les post-modernistes doivent se rendre compte de l'importance d'élaborer une idéologie axée sur le milieu qui lie les gens par un sentiment profond d'appartenance.  相似文献   

We are concerned about the growing body of critical literature against the use of neoclassical economics (nce) in geography. Examples in this literature share important characteristics, namely, a concern about the philosophy of science, a scepticism about the utility of mathematical modelling, and an aversion to homo economicus. Since these subjects are often misunderstood, we first provide brief reviews. We then use this background to examine in detail a representative example of the critical literature (Barnes 1987). We believe that our conclusions extend to a significant part of that literature.
Nous nous inquiétons du nombre de plus en plus grand d'articles de nature critique qui réfutent I'application de I'économie néo-classique (enc) à la géographic Certains traits importants se retrouvent dans beaucoup d'articles, c'est-à-dire, des intérêts pour la philosophie des sciences, un scepticisme quant à I'utilité des modèles mathéma-tiques, et une aversion pour homo economicus. Comme ces sujets sont fréquemment mal compris, nous fournis-sons tout d'abord de brèves revues de la littérature. Ensuite, nous nous servons de ce point de départ pour examiner en détail une partie représentative de la litlé-rature (Barnes 1987). Nous croyons que nos conclusions s'appliquent à un grand nombre d'articles.  相似文献   

有人戏称,澳大利亚是个袋鼠比人多的国度。不过想寻访这批好动“居民”的住所也并不是一件容易的事情。幸好在南澳首府阿德菜德邻近的袋鼠岛,我可以尽情亲近它们。  相似文献   

鸢尾 《旅游纵览》2014,(11):18-21
<正>金子,这种黄色的金属从古至今,从中国到全球,人人都爱。钻石、铂金更加稀有贵重,但都无法替代黄金的地位。从人类社会发展来看,黄金才是真正全球通用的货币,财富的象征。埃及法老图坦卡蒙用它做成面具陪葬,缅甸仰光至今的标志性建筑就是华丽丽的重达7000公斤的大金塔。而"中国大妈"在今年黄金价格暴跌时抄底,300吨的豪放交易量震惊华尔街大亨们。  相似文献   

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