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传统民居地理是文化地理研究的重要组成部分,主要研究传统民居的空间差异、组织,以及民居文化与地理环境之间的关系。新编地方志中城乡建设志和民俗志中的民居材料翔实而又系统,可以补民居调查报告等资料之不足,而且有些传统民居材料只存在于新方志中,利用新方志资料可以使传统民居地理的研究更为客观、具体、细致。  相似文献   

传统民居地理问题的研究属于文化地理学的研究范畴。传统民居地理不同于关注今天的现代民居地理和关注过去的历史民居地理,它既关注现存的传统民居,也关注现已不存但尚有文献记载的传统民居。传统民居地理的主要研究对象包括传统民居的选址与布局特征、传统民居形式与风格的分异状况、传统民居的地域特色、影响传统民居的地域因素及其作用机制等方面,探讨传统民居地理问题应该综合运用地理学、建筑学、历史学、社会学、民俗学等学科的研究方法。传统民居地理研究尚存在很多不足,历史地理学者、人文地理学者有责任、也有能力参与中国传统民居地理问题的研究。  相似文献   

明清徽州民居风格形成之民俗背景浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臧丽娜 《民俗研究》2006,(3):105-111
一、徽州民居的平面布局与群体组合反映了徽州的“营宅”民俗(一)“天井民居”模式与徽州的“楼居”民俗作为传统民居的一支,徽州民居的群体组合方式符合中国江南地区传统建筑体系的群体组合特征,通常“以‘间’为单位构成单座建筑,再以单座建筑组成庭院,进而以庭院为单元,组成各种形式的组群。1”而具体来说,徽州民居的平面布局与群体组合方式是以多进院落式为主,主要形制有三合院式、四合院式以及变体式三种,在这几种形制基础上又大多建二层或三层楼,因此,徽州民居是一种以“楼居”模式为核心的组合方式。从现存的明清民居实例可以结论,典…  相似文献   

我国现存古代民居建筑中,山西居民和皖南民居齐名,一向有“北山西,南皖南”的说法。山西民居中,最富庶、最华丽的民居要数汾河一带的民居了。而汾河流域的民居,最具代表性的又数晋中市的祁县和平遥。  相似文献   

现如今,中国的传统民居研究已经迈入一个较为成熟的阶段。但是,就民居研究的区域而言还不够完整,对于影响较大的民居如苏州园林、北京四合院、晋中大院等课题的研究较为成熟,而对于影响较小的民居研究还相对不足,左云县清代民居就处于这样的状况。本文在大量调研的基础上,运用资料收集、整理、图表归纳和总结等方法,对左云县清代院落民居进行研究。就其形成原因而言,受到了历史和环境的影响;而就县域民居的聚落形态来说,它们也有着自己明显的地域特征。希望本文的刊行可以抛砖引玉,使得广大学者可以关注左云县的清代民居,从而进一步挖掘大同清代民居背后的社会文化和历史价值。  相似文献   

始兴隘子民居建筑颇具特色,村民仍保持着聚族而居的生活方式。民居建筑布局规整、结构牢固、风格独特。古民居建筑的保护、利用及旅游,突出地方特点,打响以民居旅游的文化品牌。  相似文献   

韩城古城民居依托古城为背景,成为关中地区民居最为集中的片区,同时也成为关中地区城镇传统民居的典范。本文通过对韩城古城及其民居的历史沿革的分析,重点对民居院落的形态、结构与构造、细部与装饰等特征分析,探索建筑本身所蕴含的建筑文化和哲学观念,为下一阶段韩城古城的整体复兴和民居的可持续性保护利用提供参考。  相似文献   

山西传统民居探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为中国民居建筑不可缺少的组成部分,山西传统民居以其类型丰富、独具地方特色而引人注目。固有的地理环境及政治经济、历史化和风俗习惯诸因素的影响,使得山西民居的形成和发展历史悠久,逐步形成了自己的造型和装饰艺术,也颇具有自己的风格和特色。现存的以明清两代为主的传统民居建筑到处可见,无论从建筑布局、空间组成、造型艺术、雕刻艺术等方面都有独到之处,成为我们研究传统民居建筑的宝贵财富。  相似文献   

群星落九州———中国各族民居撷奇中国是一个传统民居类型多、造型奇的国家,如藏族碉房、维吾尔族阿以旺、西北土窑洞、徽州民宅、福建土楼、云南一颗印等。传统民居是指集中于土生土长的乡村之中,伴随着各民族文化的发展而形成的村寨和住宅。中国传统民居是中华民族建...  相似文献   

姜波 《民俗研究》2005,(4):172-182
一、潍坊乡村传统民居的特点及现状   潍坊位于山东半岛的丘陵和鲁中山区之间,南部与鲁中山区的淄博相连,北部濒临渤海,境内以平原为主,地势南高北低,除潍坊南部的青州、临朐部分是山地民居以外,大部分是平原民居.因此在潍坊传统乡村民居中,山区民居和平原、沿海民居均有,类型比较多样,但总体风格不突出,民居特征介于胶东和内陆之间.……  相似文献   

对唐代各个时期河东裴氏家族成员的宅第进行研究,有助于细化对唐长安城官员宅第的认识,并为唐代家族制度的研究提供新的资料。河东裴氏宅第的分布受政治中心变更的影响,又表现出其独具的特色。初唐,裴氏宅第呈现出以大明宫为轴心的分布格局;盛唐,在金光门、春明门大街以南的矩形外郭城中裴氏宅第呈椭圆形散开,表现出住宅区较强的拓展性;中唐,裴氏宅第趋于集中;晚唐,宅第数量减少,分布零星,反映了家族势力的衰落。河东裴氏的建宅特点表现为:政治性、通达性、临水性、聚居性、精神性。  相似文献   

This paper develops a mixed, combined, and stochastic user-equilibrium model for urban location and travel choices with variable origin and destination costs. Different types of travelers will be considered explicitly, including: workers with fixed residences seeking jobs, workers with fixed job locations seeking residences, and workers with both fixed residences and jobs. The costs or benefits of residing or working in a zone are described by appropriate location functions. In order to reflect effects of activity congestion the location function includes variables such as the total number of persons residing in a zone and of persons working in a zone. We prove that the proposed model is equivalent to a convex optimization problem that can be solved by a convergent method of successive averages. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the application of the model and algorithm.  相似文献   

George Ormerod 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):189-193
The paper traces the development of the double-courtyard design in high-status English residences during the late Middle Ages and early sixteenth century. Dartington Hall, Devon, is used as a case study in order to aid in the contextualization of the development. Excavations here carried out in 1962 by Platt and in the 1990s by the authors help to shed light on the date and development of the south court, which was mostly demolished in the seventeenth century. It has been suggested that Dartington Hall is an early example of the double courtyard, but this study finds that it conforms more closely with single-courtyard residences that developed a second court over the course of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.  相似文献   

Recent excavations conducted by Proyecto Itza investigated a Late Postclassic (a.d. 1400–1525) community at Nixtun-Ch'ich’, Petén, Guatemala. This community was likely occupied by a faction of Itza Mayas called the Chak'an Itzas. Recent work focused on the community's civic-ceremonial architecture and nearby residences. The former was dominated by two colonnaded halls standing abreast. These buildings, believed to have been popol najoob (council houses), likely represented socio-political dualism in Chak'an society. The halls included various sculptures that seem largely associated with the deity Itzamna mounted into architecture so that they were clearly on display. Most sculptures were associated with one of the two halls suggesting that one faction was more powerful and more strongly advertised its connections with Yucatán. Excavations also revealed the avoidance of masonry in residential areas, which differentiated Chak'an residences from their civic-ceremonial areas and also distinguished Chak'an residences from those of their neighbors.  相似文献   


The majority of research on residential architecture of Shanghai has focused on modern Shikumen. While in Shanghai, there are more than seventy representative residential buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which demonstrate great achievements in technology and art; few efforts have been made on them. Via literature research and on-site investigation, this article contributes to the investigation of timber frames of tingtang of Ming and Qing residences in Shanghai. It studies the characteristics and influential mechanism from three aspects. First, it reviews the history of residences development in Shanghai. Second, it interprets the establishment of the timber frame style. Through-jointed frame in ancient Wu Area was influenced by the space need and the Central Plains’ raised-beam frame. It finally evolved into “zhengtie raised-beam frame + biantie through-jointed frame” style by Xiangshan Bang carpenters. Third, the article discusses the regional characteristics of being material economic and flexible collocation, which reflects the local customs. The study clarifies the importance of social background influence on timber frames of tingtang of Ming and Qing residences in Shanghai. It is one of the series of architectural studies in Jiangnan region, and appeals for more attention to the protection and maintenance of traditional architectures in Shanghai.  相似文献   


The Aguateca Archaeological Project extensively excavated two structures (M7-22 andM7-32) in the Palace Group of the Late Classic Maya (A.C. 600–830) center of Aguateca, Guatemala. Multiple lines of evidence, including site layout, architectural features, soil chemistry, objects stored in a sealed room, and abandonment processes, suggest that these were the buildings where the ruler and his family lived and worked. The use of space in these structures shows some similarities to those of the rapidly abandoned elite residences at Aguateca and of palace-type buildings at other Maya centers. The occupants of this royal complex retained a certain level of visibility, indicating the importance of the ruler’s body as the focus of theatrical display. After the royal family evacuated the center, an invading enemy ritually destroyed these buildings, attesting the symbolic importance of the royal residences. The center was almost completely abandoned after this incursion.  相似文献   


Zacpetén, Petén, Guatemala was densely settled front the Late Postclassic to Contact periods. During initial contact with the Spaniards and after the conquest of Petén in A.D. 1697, a group called the Kowoj occupied the area where the site is located. Excavations in domestic contexts at Zacpetén revealed that occupants of larger residences had greater access to resources. Many common trade artifacts such as greenstone, serpentine, and obsidian strongly correlate with residence size, indicating that inequality in spatial resources was associated with access to trade. The scarcest non-local items, including copper alloy artifacts, were limited to public ceremonial areas and the residences of the highest Kowoj elite. Instead of corresponding with access to trade, the possession of these items was related to high-level participation in the religious hierarchy. There are a variety of activity areas that were structured by a dualistic division in domestic space that was not overtly related to gender.  相似文献   

The Technique of Stone Ma- sonry at Rdo Sbus Lung Pa The technique of masonry as used in construction in Tibet can be dated back to the Yumbulagang during the Tubo Kingdom and it still prevails all over Tibet.Buildings of all kinds on the plateau,such as watchtowers and civilian residences,have adopted this technique.A variety of buildings show this historic Tibetan inheritance and its evolution. To apply this stone masonry technique to building construction closely Connects with the  相似文献   

明清民国时期,安徽贵池南山刘氏宗族是一个典型的聚族而居、族有祠、宗有谱的宗族社会,宗族建设所馈留的文化遗存较为丰富,体现在古墟落、祠堂、民居及文化建设的典籍和艺术珍品等方面,反映出中国传统宗族社会聚落一方、营建一方的一般态势,也折射出宗族社会与地域文明的内在关联。  相似文献   

13—14世纪意大利城市锡耶纳经济获得了飞跃发展,新兴平民阶层迅速崛起,同过去占主导地位的权贵家族分庭抗礼,并最终超越后者而建立了九人体制的共和政府。这种政治经济变迁使得锡耶纳的城市布局发生了重大转型。共和政府以前,城市布局主要以散布全城、各自为政的贵族私邸和塔楼构成。当平民对贵族的政治斗争取得决定性胜利后,平民主导的共和政权为了塑造合法性和显示政治权威而着手建设市政厅、市政广场,并延请艺术家创作富含政治寓意的市政厅壁画。锡耶纳城市空间的转型实际上从一个侧面反映了这一时期意大利城市权力的重大转移。  相似文献   

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