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冉万里 《文博》2023,(1):29-42
考古学资料表现出明显的直观性和碎片化特征,如何将它们与宏大的历史背景联系起来,并作出合理的历史解释,是每一个考古工作者都面临的任务。不论是在野外发掘还是室内研究、教学中,利用考古资料对中华文明的传承进行科学阐释,是一个不可回避的问题。本文以隋唐考古为中心,从系统性地看待问题等七个方面对如何在考古学教学研究中对中华文明的传承与表达进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

自20世纪古史辨派兴起以来,对中国古代史的审视和重构就一直是学界的重大问题。由于文字资料的不详和古代史学系统的不完善,越来越多学者认为考古学是重构中国上古史的基础和依赖。但是,考古出土的多是具体的实物,用来观察古代的物质、技术层面的问题比较容易,认识制度、意识层面的问题则十分困难。因此,如何把考古资料与历史资料相结合,如何进一步发掘考古资料更深层次的价值,是值得学界关注的问题。本文从考古学角度结合礼制,对杜正胜提出的中国国家社会形成标志进行了评析,认为其未充分把握礼制与社会背景之间的关系,其总结的规则缺乏深意也无可操作性,体现了作者广阔的学术视野和思维空间。礼制是一复杂的问题,甚至是可以容纳整个社会运行规则的问题,必须进行更充分的说明,才能为反驳提供更坚实的基础。一个重要问题,考古学与历史学问题。在中国讨论考古学与历史学的关系,必须考虑中西考古学和史学的差异,我们看到,西方的埃及学、亚述学是由考古学建立起来的学问,用考古资料复原历史,史学是依靠考古学建立起来的,甚至可以包含在考古学之内。中国则有丰富的古代文字资料和完整的史学系统,可以为考古学的研究提供定位和参考,离开历史学,考古学无法复原中国古代历史。  相似文献   

张广荣 《南方文物》2000,(1):121-124
中国考古学是以发现资料,积累资料,对资料进行深入研究,进而解决历史学中诸多学术问题而发展起来的。古代实物资料及其相关信息,始终左右着中国考古学的发展。考古学的发展促进了考古资料信息的积累。九十年代,考古资料信息空前丰富,全国每年的发掘项目增至500余项,每年出版大量考古文物类专刊书籍,刊载考古文物资料的期刊多达50余种,每年的考古文献目录收集量已逾20万字。在考古资料信息收集与整理的坚实基础上,诸多重大考古学术课题的研究有了突破性的进展。  相似文献   

文明起源在考古学上是一个复杂的问题,牵涉到人类社会的许多方面。其中一个重要方面就是农业。本文试图强调农业对文明起源所起的推动作用,并提出一些有关农业考古的看法,希望对目前正在进行的中华文明探源工程和类似课题有所帮助。  相似文献   

西辽河流域在中国文明起源总体格局中占有十分重要的位置,作为西辽河上游的西拉木伦河地区,其考古工作自20世纪初已开始.20世纪50年代之后,尤其是80年代以来,该地区考古工作全面展开,新的发现层出不穷,至90年代末,先秦时期的考古学文化序列已基本确立,对各文化的谱系也进行了十分热烈的探讨.本文根据已发表的考古学文化资料,对西拉木伦河流域先秦时期考古学的时代、谱系和源流关系进行讨论,以期对中华文明探源工程在本区域的田野考古发掘和研究工作有所帮助.  相似文献   

霍巍 《考古学报》2021,(4):463-474
目 次 一 救亡图存与重建古史:早期中国考古学的历史选择 二 从考古学文化到区系类型:中国考古学的探索与发展 三 坚定文化自信:新时代考古学的历史使命 习近平总书记"9·28"重要讲话深刻阐述了我国考古工作取得的重大成就和重要意义,为新时代中国考古事业发展指明了前进方向,也为如何构建中华民族历史、认识中华文明丰富内涵、坚定文化自信提供了理论依据[1].考古学在中国是近代化的产物,从它自西方传入中国、并且植根于中华大地这片沃土伊始,一方面在学术目标、理论建设和田野实践等环节就不断形成自身的历史传统,不再是西方考古学的翻版,而是努力朝着建设中国特色和中国风格的考古学体系迈进;另一方面,在不同的时代,中国考古学者也承担起不同的历史使命,不断续写新篇,继往开来,为中华文明和世界文明做出了独特贡献.回顾百年中国考古学史,每当时代发展的重大转折关头,中国考古学都在顺应历史变革、引领社会思潮、坚定文化自信上起到重要的历史作用.  相似文献   

如所周知,资料信息工作是科学研究的前提和基础,考古学也不例外。在当前全国有考古文博专业刊物达三四十种,考古专刊和专著猛增的情况下,如何尽可能多快好省地占有资料,把握信息,是摆在每一个考古学者面前的十分棘手的问题。如何多层次、多侧面、多渠道地搞好资料信息工作,更是考古学基础研究的一个关键课题。如果有这样一本书,能够把某一个地区,某一个时代的文献择要介绍给读者,使您一册在手,能够对该地区某个时代的考古研究了然于胸,既节省时间,兔去了翻检之苦,又不像一般文献目录索引那样,仅仅告诉您一个题目,那肯定会起…  相似文献   

曹兵武 《南方文物》2011,(2):89-92,75,77
曹兵武的《资料·信息·知识·思想——由专家考古学到公共考古学》一文,探讨的是从具体的考古资料到知识与思想的一般路径及其在考古学学科发展中的必要性。文中既涉及到信息与知识经济时代考古发掘、调查资料的处理包括保护,以及考古新闻报道、报告、论文、概述性著述和普及性著述等几种文本的地位和作用,也涉及到由资料到理论和思想相关信息与知识的展开与构建的过程,涉及到由私密或者专业的知识到公共的知识的交互反馈及相互促进作用,还涉及到公共考古学与考古资源的管理问题。总之,对于考古资料的多元视角,对考古过程和考古学理论方法本身提出了更高的要求,这不仅是学术发展的需要,也是当下社会普遍关心的文化遗产保护与文化建设的需要。考古学不仅仅发现物、发掘物、研究物,连最保守的考古学家也承认考古学可以由物见人,研究古代的技术、社会和精神领域的一些问题甚至是关键性问题。当然,以巨大时空范围内的人类遗存及其文化为对象的考古学在新考古学范式下提出追寻人类文化进步的动力学法则的宏伟目标,曾经令一代学人为之振奋,尽管现在看来不仅是考古学,连整个的人文社会科学都距离这个目标仍然十分遥远,但是至今我仍然十分敬仰这种豪迈但却是建基于理性与科学之上的学科理想。我...  相似文献   

<正>2013年12月驹泽大学举行了以"中华文明的成立与变化"为主题的日本中国考古学大会。会议邀请了来自中国的研究者,向大会通报新石器时代到春秋战国时期的最新考古发掘情况,并就中华文明的起源、形成和传播等问题进行讨论和交流,对究竟何谓"中华文明"的起源这一问题有了新的认识。会议详细介绍有待今后发表。以下将对2013年的研究状况以时代先后分别予以介绍。旧石器时代。加藤真二《从考古学看生活于中国的旧人向新人的演变》(西秋良  相似文献   

在各学科之间进行交叉渗透,从事跨学科研究是当今世界科学发展的趋势之一,“民族考古学”作为考古学与民族学相结合的产物,因其对于推动考古学研究具有重要意义,正日益受到人类学家特别是考古学家的重视。在国外,考古学诞生的初期(19世纪中期),人们就开始引用民族志材料来解释考古发现。本世纪60年代以后,随着新考古学的兴起,民族考古学正式成为考古学的一个分支,从理论到实践都有了很大的发展。我国学者虽然早在五、六十年代就综合运用民族志资料和考古材料研究历史问题,但对民族考古学进行自觉的理论探讨,则是从80年代初才开…  相似文献   

叶建 《史学集刊》2007,3(6):56-60
陆懋德是20世纪前半期在史学理论方面颇有建树的著名学者。他强调治史应以"无所谓中西,取其长而求其是"为宗旨,以考古史料与文献材料并重的史料观审查、检验史料的真实性,用物质和心理的解释"二者当参用而不可偏用"的观点来解释历史变化、发展的过程。他的这种史学思想,是在继承前人成果与反思当时中国史学发展状况的过程中形成的,具有较强的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping, gave an important speech describing the great achievements and significance of Chinese archaeology, pointing out the way forward for the development of Chinese archaeology in the new era. By reviewing the century-long history of Chinese archaeology, its historical tradition and the mission of the times are distinctive. Since 1949, under the guidance of archaeological culture theory and regional systems and cultural types theory, Chinese archaeology has made a series of significant achievements and taken up the mission of the times in inheriting historical traditions and exploring major issues including the origins of Chinese civilization. The current development of Chinese archaeology should further the historical tradition of Chinese archaeology under the guidance of the spirit of Xi Jinping’s speech. From a longitudinal perspective, Chinese archaeology should strengthen the research on the origin of Chinese civilization and its characteristics, development trajectory, major landmark achievements, and the way of civilization inheritance after its formation, especially to strengthen the exploration of how the“5,000-year continuous unity” was formed after the unification of the Qin and Han dynasties. From a horizontal perspective, with the Belt and Road Initiative as the main thread, we should continue to strengthen archaeological research on cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, advocate mutual appreciation of civilizations, tell the Chinese story well, and contribute Chinese historical wisdom and experience to the world. On the whole, we should strengthen the theoretical construction and ability training of archaeology, strive to build Chinese archaeology with salient Chinese features, style, and ethos, and realize the historical mission of the new era of the Centennial“Chinese Dream.”  相似文献   

The historical archaeology of overseas Chinese communities is a rapidly growing subfield. Although historical archaeology is not widely practiced in China, there are well-developed interdiscipinary research centers that investigate the history and culture of migrants’ qiaoxiang (hometown) societies. Scholars in American Studies programs throughout Asia are also bringing new perspectives to the study of Chinese migration past and present. By collaborating with these scholars, archaeologists on the Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project are developing new chronological, geographic, spatial, and material frameworks for the interpretation of overseas Chinese archaeological sites and landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the process of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization from the centurial history of Chinese archaeology. Based on the academic research results obtained over the years, combined with major archaeological discoveries, and leveraging the author’s knowledge, it discusses the cultural and social evolution process and achievements in different regions of China during the early, middle, late Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age, as well as how different regional civilizations took shape one after another and developed from diversity to unity. It also highlights the characteristics of Chinese civilization; particularly, from a geographical perspective and by comparing the Chinese and Western civilizations, it briefly demonstrates the historical background and reasons for the continuity, openness, and inclusiveness of Chinese civilization.  相似文献   

李新伟 《华夏考古》2011,(1):126-138
手工业生产专业化的程度和形式被认为是衡量社会复杂化程度或文明化进程的重要指标.本文首先对西方有关手工业生产专业化的考古学研究作了简单回顾,提出近二十年来相关研究表现出三个特点:一是研究视野的扩展:二是日益重视运用多种手段从考古资料中榨取相关信息;三是解释理论日益多样化.文章对国内的相关研究也进行了回顾,提出应加强对早期...  相似文献   

长江下游史前刻划符号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江下游史前陶器上的刻划符号处于中国字发展历程中从原始记事符号到字出现之间的过渡阶段,长江下游是中国明起源的中心之一。  相似文献   

Archaeological research in the territory of Sagalassos is a multidisciplinary project covering scientific disciplines traditionally linked to archaeology and also new technologies such as very high-resolution remote sensing with sufficient radiometric and spatial resolution (<2.5 m). This paper focuses on the evaluation of GIS-, pixel- and object-based techniques for automatic extraction of archaeological features from Ikonos-2 satellite imagery, which are then compared to a visual interpretation of ancient structures. The study was carried out on the unexcavated archaeological site of Hisar (southwest Turkey). Although all techniques are able to detect archaeological structures from Ikonos-2 imagery, none of them succeed in extracting features in a unique spectral class. Various landscape elements, including archaeological remains, can be automatically classified when their spectral characteristics are different. However, major difficulties arise when extracting and classifying archaeological features such as wall remnants, which are composed of the same material as the surrounding substrate. Additionally, archaeological structures do not have unique shape or colour characteristics, which can make the extraction more straightforward. In contrast to automatic extraction methods, a simple visual interpretation performs rather well. The methods presented in this paper can be applied with variable success to archaeological structures composed of the same material as the surrounding substrate, which is often the case.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of the formation processes of simple, flat archaeological combustion structures such as those present in the Middle Palaeolithic record remain unexplained. Such kind of combustion structures are commonly affected by postdepositional agents and often, their only distinct, well preserved component is a thin black lens on the ground. Hence, understanding the nature of this black lens is essential towards archaeological interpretation. From an interdisciplinary microstratigraphic approach, we present a case study in which for an entire experimental series of flat combustion structures the black layer represents the fire-altered topsoil on which the fire was made. Parallel analysis of archaeological Middle Palaeolithic combustion structures from the site of El Salt (Alicante, Spain) reveal similar patterns, leading to significant implications for archaeological interpretation. In the light of these results, special attention must be paid to the formation processes of flat Middle Palaeolithic combustion features, as black layers and the material contained in them are not necessarily linked with combustion but with preceding activities or events. In such cases, black layers represent intact remnants of occupation surfaces, concealing significant behavioural and palaeoenvironmental information relevant to the reconstruction of Middle Palaeolithic societies.  相似文献   

Summary. In 1972 Colin Renfrew suggested that the rise of Mycenaean civilization may have been made possible by the development of a polycultural triad of wheat, vine and olive in the Early Bronze Age. A careful examination of the botanical and archaeological evidence for the domestication of the olive lends little support to this aspect of the thesis. The palynological evidence from various points in Greece is inconclusive, but for most areas it would seem to suggest that the intensive cultivation of olive began in the Late Bronze Age or even later.
No conclusive archaeological evidence for processing or storage of olive oil exists for any period in the Bronze Age. The question of when olive domestication took place must remain unanswered until more data are available from Early and Middle Bronze Age contexts and more conclusive botanical data have been collected.  相似文献   

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