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The works of Cliff and Ord have had a major impact on empirical practices in real estate. Cliff and Ord proposed both techniques for detecting as well as modeling spatial dependence. Because the existence of spatial dependence is almost assured in real estate data, their most important contribution was feasible means of estimating spatial models. The full implications of these ideas and the numerous modeling techniques spawned by their seminal works have not been fully explored and provide numerous opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

The influence in spatial epidemiology of the seminar work on autocorrelation by Cliff and Ord is discussed. Quantifying the evidence of spatial clustering was an important step in the development of modern statistical methods for analyzing spatial variations of diseases. Autocorrelation is nowadays mostly accounted for at a latent level within a hierarchical framework to small area disease mapping. The importance of accounting for autocorrelation in geographical correlation studies is also reviewed.  相似文献   

在涞滩石刻区分布的危岩体严重威胁着石窟造像和游人的安全,必须进行加固处理。用石刻摩崖危岩体稳定性分析评价方法,结合工程实例介绍了预应力锚杆新技术在摩崖造像危岩体加固工程中的应用,和施工工艺技术及整治效果。预应力锚杆可以有效地提高锚杆的极限抗拔力,减少锚杆数量,从而减少对石刻岩体表面的破坏。该项目被评为优质工程。该技术可以在全国地面物保护工程中推广应用。  相似文献   

山东省济南市长清区灵岩寺彩绘罗汉像是我国宋代泥塑罗汉的代表作,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值。但罗汉像保存现状较差,彩塑存在颜料脱落、残损、酥碱等病害,亟待保护修复。为此,本工作选取彩绘脱落严重的两尊宋代彩塑罗汉像,利用光学显微镜(OM)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪(SEM-EDS)等分析其彩绘颜料样品。结果表明,彩绘罗汉像从塑制之初至今,经过数次彩绘,可确定的多达六次。黑色颜料为炭黑(C);红色颜料为朱砂(HgS),铅丹(Pb_3O_4),以及朱砂、铁红(Fe_2O_3)和方解石(CaCO_3)混合物;绿色颜料为巴黎绿(Cu(C_2H_3O_2)·3Cu(AsO_2)_2)和舍勒绿(Cu(AsO_2)_2),还发现有斜氯铜矿(CuCl(OH)_3)及其与铅白(2PbCO_3·Pb(OH)_2)的混合物;橙色颜料为铅铬黄(PbCrO_4)和铅丹混合物;蓝色颜料为蓝铜矿(2CuCO_3·Cu(OH)_2),人工合成群青(Na_3CaAl_3Si_3O_(12)S);白色颜料为铅白和方解石;黄色颜料为铁黄(FeO(OH));金色为金箔(Au);沥粉的主要成分是方解石。白色底层为铅白和以硅、铝、钙为主的细白土。彩塑罗汉像重绘过程中,保持了将细白土作为底层和衣领镶边沥粉贴金的传统。彩绘颜料所用铅铬黄、巴黎绿、舍勒绿表明,彩塑罗汉像最近一次彩绘在清末之际,与文献记载相符,且这些人工颜料应是西方舶来之物。本分析研究结果为灵岩寺罗汉像艺术史研究提供了丰富信息,同时为保护修复工作开展提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

Age and season of death information for prey animals at archaeological sites can address issues such as season of site occupation and prey hunting or harvesting strategies. Unfortunately, adequate reference information for estimating age and season is lacking for many wild species, including pronghorn antelope. To address this problem, new methods of scoring tooth eruption and wear have been developed and have been applied to a sample of over 500 pronghorn mandibles to obtain improved eruption and wear schedules. One implication of this study is that ‘age class discreteness’ is an unreliable method for demonstrating mass mortality of prey. This study provides a much larger comparative sample than previously available, although larger known‐age mandible samples are still needed for pronghorn and many other wild species. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙新民 《华夏考古》2012,(2):3-13,121,1
河南省文物考古研究所成立于1952年。60年以来,本所配合国家、省、市建设项目,相继开展了大量文物普查和考古发掘工作,并为解决学术课题进行了一系列主动发掘项目,取得了许多重要考古发现及重大学术突破。在旧石器时代向新石器时代过渡研究、裴李岗文化研究、仰韶文化研究、中国古代文明起源研究、夏商文化研究、古代冶金研究、古代陶瓷研究等诸多重要考古研究课题中取得突出成就,文物保护、科技考古等工作也得到了长足发展。科研合作硕果累累,编著出版大型考古报告专集、图录与论文集、学术专著180余部,在专业刊物上累计发表考古发掘报告、简报、简讯、研究论文和其他文章2500余篇,取得了丰硕的科研成果。  相似文献   

将军崖岩画与女阴崇拜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以海州地区古今民俗民风材料为依托,对连云港将军崖岩画及周围遗存中生殖崇拜的内容进行了初步的论证。  相似文献   

纵观1978年以来《世界遗产名录》的变化轨迹,可以清晰地看到世界遗产事业发展所走过的道路:从精英阶层的遗产到平民百姓的遗产;从人类征服自然的杰作到人与自然和谐共生的产物;从单一文化的代表到文化交流和交融的成果;从单点小规模遗产到跨区域跨国境巨尺度遗产;从古代遗产到现代遗产;从静态遗产到活态遗产.这种发展还反映在全社会对遗产关注点的变化,即:从关注遗产点的时代断代到关注遗产点在整个历史进程中的地位、作用及影响;从关注文化到关注文化与自然的互动;从关注物质遗产到关注物质与非物质遗产共生:从关注物质遗存到关注物质遗存与社会和人的关系;从关注利益相关者的权益到关注全民参与保护,保护惠及民生的实践.这种认识上的发展体现了"以人为本"的精神,也体现出遗产保护与当地社会发展的和谐共进.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine how federal financial support of academic scientists shapes their collaborative behavior. More specifically, it investigates two questions: (i) are there threshold sizes of federal grants that have effects on collaboration? and (ii) do the threshold sizes differ by discipline? To test and model these questions, this paper uses data collected in a 2004–2005 survey by the Research Valuing Mapping Project (a project based at Georgia Tech and led by Barry Bozeman) of 2,086 academically based research scientists and engineers. The analysis in this paper reaffirms the positive relationship between federal funding and collaboration seen in previous works, but the findings suggest that there is in fact a threshold effect—as the positive relationship has a diminishing influence. The findings of this paper are more limited with respect to how academic disciplines’ threshold levels differ. The results indicate a difference in the threshold levels between disciplines for three of the eight models.  相似文献   

卢超 《风景名胜》2011,(3):79-93
黄河桀骜不驯的性格,水沙参半,善淤、善决、善徙的特性,让华夏民族的先民们始终生活在黄河带来的大恩泽和大劫难的交替中。  相似文献   


In this paper, we present the development of feminist geographies in the three German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since the emergence of feminist approaches in German-speaking geography in the 1980s, feminist geographers situated in these countries have worked closely together within the context of the Working Group “Geography and Gender”. The overview highlights cornerstones of the development of feminist geographies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland such as the Feminist Geography Newsletter (Feministisches GeoRundMail), the Doreen Massey Reading Weekends, the feminist geography student meetings (Feministisches Geograph_innentreffen) and the current DFG-research network “Feminist Geographies of the New Materialism”. By doing so, we try to appreciate both the historical development of feminist geographies and the current situation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Highlighting both informal and institutionalized pillars of feminist geographies in these countries, we show how feminist geographies have moved from a marginalized position towards a vibrant field that gains more and more attention within the German-speaking geography community as a whole.  相似文献   

In this paper I use bootstrap procedures to develop confidence intervals for estimates of total industrial output generated per thousand tourist visits. Mean expenditures from replicated visitor expenditure data included weights to correct for response bias. Impacts were estimated with IMPLAN. Ninety percent interval endpoints were 6 to 16 percent above or below the original sample's point estimate depending on the calculation method. Due to the linearity of input-output a shortcut method that estimates confidence interval endpoints from the distribution of mean expenditure profiles yields nearly identical results.  相似文献   

姜玉涛 《收藏家》2010,(2):47-50
我国古代的青铜冶炼技术在殷商时期达到了顶峰,商代的青铜器,正如甲骨文一样,成为商代文化的标志与象征之一,减如李济所说,殷商时代实乃中国青铜文化鼎盛时期的一座巅峰。青铜器上的铭文,也为研究商代历史提供了以文字为媒介的第一手史料,其在考古学与历史学中的价值,自不待言。  相似文献   

考古工作者为配合硗碛水电站施工,对宝兴县硗碛乡旦地关地砖室墓和硗丰崖墓进行了抢救性清理,出土有画像砖和陶俑等随葬器物,为研究当地东汉晚期墓葬提供了资料。  相似文献   

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