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约翰斯顿(R J Johnston)所著《地理学与地理学家》一书既是一本关于英美现、当代人文地理学的学科史著作和科学哲学著作,又是人文地理学的科学社会学著作。前两种价值已得到公认。本文从作者写作目的、写作内容、论述的问题、内容结构、地理学史或地理学思想史中的科学社会学视角五个方面来重新审视该书对地理学本身研究的科学社会学视角。与已有的经典地理学史及其思想史著作相比,该书是当前唯一的将学科史、学科的科学哲学、学科的科学社会学三种视角结合起来来考察人文地理学本身的著作,也是当前唯一一本以科学社会学的视角成为全书基本主线之一的人文地理学理论著作。  相似文献   

在大学教育教学过程中,人文教育与科学教育是重要的价值体现。坚持将人文教育与科学教育合理融合起来,培养具有较高人文精神和科学精神的创新人才,是我国高校教育内涵发展的重要体现。创新办学理念、人才培养模式,优化教师队伍,是实现我国大学生人文教育与科学教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

杜泽宇 《神州》2012,(35):147
当前高等院校教育教学的共同目标就是培养具备全面人文素质和科学素质的高等知识人才。而将人文教育同科学教育进行融合和统一也是当前和未来社会中高等教育发展的必然趋势和选择,也是当前和未来社会发展的需要。本文就目前我国高校内人文教育与科学教育的相关情况进行分析,并就如何做好高校人文教育同科学教育的融通发展提出自己的建议和看法,以期更好的促进我国高校人文与科学教育的融通发展。  相似文献   

可持续发展文化是科学与人文融合的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈俊 《攀登》2008,27(6):144-148
“科学”与“人文”的关系表现为“分立”与“融合”,二者的分立所导致的严重后果直接表现为科技的异化和人类价值观的扭曲,间接导致了生态环境的极度恶化和日益严重的生态危机,不利于人类社会的可持续发展。从科学与人文分立的历史追溯,发现既有科学对人文的压制,又有人文对科学的反抗。随着全球性生态危机的日益凸现,科学与人文的融合是必然选择,这既是理论发展的趋势又是现实的要求。可持续发展文化融合了科学与人文的内涵,体现了人文关怀,营造了“科技人性化”发展的氛围。科学与人文必将伴随着可持续发展文化的发展而不断融合。  相似文献   

邱敏  唐文彰 《神州》2020,(1):23-23
孔子著作记述了大量古代科技知识,形成了独特的科技观。孔子科技观虽散见于各经典中,但充满了求真创新的探索精神、知德无神的科学特质、惜生爱物的人文关怀、敬天畏命的规律意识。吸取孔子科技观的天道贵生、客观求实、为仁从善的科技智慧,有助于我们防范科技“双刃剑”对人类可能造成的伤害。孔子科技观的语言表达也有着巨大艺术魅力,独特的表达形式与其科技观内涵相得益彰。  相似文献   

任鸿隽科学教育思想及其实践初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任鸿隽是我国近代著名的科学教育家,在近代中国的社会转型中,他以中国知识界卓越前驱的敏锐目光,对近代中国的教育发展提出了诸多独到的见解。任鸿隽在科学教育上的筚路蓝缕之功为世人所公认,他对科学教育思想的独特阐释与实践,以及在科学教育实践上提出的科学与人文并重的理念,不仅在近代中国教育界产生了深远影响,而且为当今中国科学教育改革提供了极为有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

马亚华 《人文地理》2001,16(4):34-38
笔者首先引入库恩的范式理论和科学进步模式,并用协同学理论对之改造,以此作为本文分析问题的理论框架。紧接着,尝试用该模式剖析地理学的发展历史,指出每阶段的大致时间区间、发展特点、重要的历史贡献和代表人物,并用自组织原理阐述科学危机和科学革命发生的机理,从而为第四部分分析当今地理学危机作理论铺垫。然后,以人文地理学为例总结地理学的科学范式,从而形成当今地理学发展总的图景。再之,本文指出当今地理学危机产生的原因有两个:地理学范式逻辑结构松散和信息革命的挑战。危机是革命的先导,继计量革命和行为革命之后,(人文)地理学领域将要发生战后的第三次较大的革命,(人文)地理学范式将得以重塑,(人文)地理学共同体的地理思维、地理行为将随之变化。最后,本文引申出在新的时代条件下地理学的两大发展任务和地理哲学领域的两大前沿课题,以供参考。  相似文献   

景观规划设计学是一门关于景观的分析、规划布局、设计、改造、管理、保护和恢复的科学和艺术。是一门建立在广泛的自然科学和人文与艺术学科基础上的应用学科。本文以景观规划设计这一门科学艺术为角度出发,谈论艺术与科学之间的关系。一、景观规划设计景观设计是一门关于如何安排土地及土地上的物体和空间来为人创造安全、高效、健康和舒适的环境的科学和艺术。它  相似文献   

地理教育它不仅关系到发展地理学的问题,更主要的是关系到全民素质问题。因此,在地理教学中应注重培养学生的科学素质和人文素质。  相似文献   

《意识形态和乌托邦》是曼海姆一部重要的理论著作,2011年由上海三联书店出版。该著作是曼海姆对其所处时代知识境况的即时性研究与探索。即使是在21世纪的今天,这一著作中所表现出来的对科学亦需要对其进行批判的精神,仍为我们提供了各方面的启发。  相似文献   

Within the past decade or so, archaeology has increasingly utilised and contributed to major advances in scientific methods when exploring the past. This progress is frequently celebrated as a quantum leap in the possibilities for understanding the archaeological record, opening up hitherto inaccessible dimensions of the past. This article represents a critique of the current consumption of science in archaeology, arguing that the discipline’s grounding in the humanities is at stake, and that the notion of ‘interdisciplinarity’ is becoming distorted with the increasing fetishisation of ‘data’, ‘facts’ and quantitative methods. It is argued that if archaeology is to break free of its self-induced inferiority to and dependence on science, it must revitalise its methodology for asking questions pertinent to the humanities.  相似文献   

The development of anthropology in France and North America during the early to mid 20th century showed both similarities and pronounced differences. In both cases anthropology matured alongside sociology, a relationship that would prove increasingly problematic as the century wore on. In France, in particular, another important influence was art and literature, especially the Surrealism of the 1920s and 1930s. This was less the case in North America, but in both countries, anthropology occupied a medial position between science and the humanities.  相似文献   

西方科学发展史上学者传统的科学观把对知识和真理的追求视为科学的目标和动力,认为科学是与经济利益无关的一种纯学术活动。这种科学观一方面激发了科学家投身科学、献身真理的勇气,倡导了一种纯洁的学术风气;另一方面,它又忽视了科学与社会生产之间的联系,对科学本身的发展和人类文化的丰富性、多样化是不利的。  相似文献   

This essay presents analogies between the development of historical writing and of physical science during the early modern period. Its necessarily spotty coverage runs from the mid sixteenth century to the beginning of the eighteenth. The analogies include arising from practical concerns; preferring material documents and experimental inquiries over texts; making use of mathematical auxiliary sciences; distinguishing between primary and secondary elements; establishing new fundamental principles; undermining the traditional world system; and devising methods to control rapidly multiplying knowledge. A history of learning that meets today's standards of historical scholarship should identify and exploit such parallels, not only because of scholarly interest and responsibility, but also because an understanding of the historical importance of linkages between distant branches of learning may help redress the increasing imbalance in resources among the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities in our higher schools and universities.  相似文献   

根据中国古都学近年来实证性研究蓬勃开展, 成果丰硕, 而理论研究相对滞后的形势, 强调了适时加强理论建设对推进这门新兴学科深入发展之重要作用; 同时对当前加强中国古都学理论建设从学术层面上提出了三点见解, 指出应充分注意这门学科的学科性质与任务、深刻把握其学科特性、恰当关注其学科组成的层次性与相应之理论体系之层次性; 论文还对加强学科理论建设之途径提出了三条具体建议。  相似文献   

Science and the History of the Sciences. Conceptual Innovations Through Historicizing Science in the Eighteenth Century. The historical reconstruction of science is linked to philosophical discussions of the eighteenth century in many ways. The historiography of philosophy and the historiography of science share the conceptual problem to assemble the multitude of scientific and philosophical practices under general concepts. The historical analysis of scientific progress offers a clue by problematizing definitions of “science” and “sciences” as well as the system of sciences as a whole. By analyzing these conceptual problems and the typology of historical enterprises of the eighteenth century, this paper will discuss the close interrelations which existed between philosophical and historical discourses of eighteenth‐century reflection on science.  相似文献   

In Australian universities geography has had traditional links with geology, environmental science and the social sciences. Human geographers’ pursuit of links into the humanities has distracted many of them from understanding the implications of the increasing interest shown by computer science, geomatics and other disciplines in geography. The emergence of a dialogue overseas between the humanities and the geographic information systems community is an important development which may result in this new grouping colonising some of the traditional disciplinary areas of human geography. It is clear that although this emerging cross‐disciplinary linkage has not had any influence on the current phase of mergers and cross‐disciplinary linkages in Australia, it will undoubtedly become important locally in the future.  相似文献   

Planning research-understood as research aiming to improve the body of knowledge on which spatial planning is based-includes issues rooted both in the social sciences, natural science and the humanities. Spatial planners need knowledge about the likely consequences of different alternatives of action, as well as understanding of the role of plans and planning processes in the development of society. This is reflected in the two-fold focus of planning research on both substantive and procedural issues. Whereas research on the role of plans and planning processes takes place mainly within a non-positivist social science paradigm, the research aiming to provide planners with the knowledge needed in order to make good plans is often situated in the battlefield between opposing positions within theory of science. Because planning research has both society and the physical as its subject of inquiry, a reflective opinion about the interaction between the physical environment and human actions is crucial. Traditionally, many spatial planners have conceived of this in a quite näive way, assuming that human behaviour can to a high extent be shaped or controlled by manipulating the physical environment. During recent decades, this view has been sharply criticized by anti-positivist scholars, and some theorists point out the great uncertainty, close to impossibility, in predicting human actions, even at an aggregate scale. The latter position has dramatic implications to spatial planning, as it would then be impossible to assess whether a certain physical solution is likely to have positive or negative social and related environmental consequences, e.g. in terms of travelling distances and modal split. Our own position is that the physical environment, along with a number of individual and non-physical structural factors, influences human activities and quality of life. To some extent, this influence can be predicted at an aggregate scale, but not for a particular individual (except those actions rendered impossible by the laws of physics). How strong influence the physical environment exerts, is a question requiring empirical research in order to be answered.  相似文献   

The political science profession, like other social sciences, is under pressure from many quarters to demonstrate its ‘relevance’. This need arises primarily from requirements for universities to justify public investment in their teaching and research. Competition across the full range of science and humanities disciplines for public and private funding makes this an important challenge for all. This article reflects on how political scientists have seen the public value of their professional work. It concludes by suggesting some alternative ways of thinking about relevance, value and impact.  相似文献   

The Matthew and Matilda Effects in science were coined in 1968 (Robert K. Merton) and in 1993 (Margaret W. Rossiter) respectively, as tools to analyse the reward systems of science. By proposing the African Eve Effect in science as a third effect, the original scope for analysis of these systems is broadened from the social structure of science to the anthropological dimension of science. Similarly, the ??psychosocial processes?? that were considered as affecting the reward systems (Merton, Science 159:56?C63, 1968) are extended to include discursive practices. The African Eve Effect refers to the scientific notion of the ??African Eve?? (or mitochondrial (mtDNA) Eve), a concept put forward by scientists to designate the genetic mother of all modern humans. Three discursive conventions constitute the African Eve Effect and together shape patterns of the distribution of recognition for scientific work: projecting imaginative geographies of otherness onto the frontiers of science; collecting, transporting and enframing material and ideas according to a Western epistemological order; and ??evolutionising?? nature and the human in science. The objective of this paper is to specify and illustrate an experimental tool for analysing the entanglement of the reward system in science with culturally fashioned imaginaries and agendas.  相似文献   

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