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我国滨海休闲度假旅游发展研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
梁保尔 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):43-46
滨海休闲度假旅游是我国“十一五”期间重点发展的旅游产品。本文分析了发展滨海休闲度假旅游存在的有利条件和不利因素,针对产品深度开发的瓶颈问题提出若干建设性意见。  相似文献   

A significant outcome of the global crisis for refugees has been the abandonment of forced migrants to live in makeshift camps inside the EU. This paper details how state authorities have prevented refugees from surviving with formal provision, leading directly to thousands having to live in hazardous spaces such as the informal camp in Calais, the site of this study. We then explore the violent consequences of this abandonment. By bringing together thus far poorly integrated literatures on bio/necropolitics (Michel Foucault; Achille Mbembe) and structural violence (Johan Galtung), we retheorize the connections between deliberate political indifference towards refugees and the physiological violence they suffer. In framing the management of refugees as a series of violent inactions, we demonstrate how the biopolitics of migrant control has given way to necropolitical brutality. Advancing geographies of violence and migration, the paper argues that political inaction, as well as action, can be used as a means of control.  相似文献   

In this paper we combine infrastructure studies and black radical traditions to foreground how imperial remains deeply inform the logics that bring forth contemporary large-scale infrastructures in Africa. The objective, prompted by the ongoing avid promotion of such architectures on the continent, is to contribute to an analysis that centres race in these projects. Our argument is that these initiatives have to be understood in relation to inherited material and discursive scaffoldings that remain from the colonial period, through what we refer to as imperial remains and imperial invitations. These remains and invitations demonstrate how recent mega infrastructures inhere, in their planning, financing and implementation, a colonial racialism, despite rhetorical claims to the opposite. Empirically, we draw, principally, on China built and financed infrastructure projects from Kenya, and theoretically upon black radical traditions in order to foreground a longer genealogy of black pathologising and resistance to it on the continent.  相似文献   

Nikki Luke  Maria Kaika 《对极》2019,51(2):579-600
The article exposes attacks on infrastructures of social reproduction as a prime gentrification strategy, but also as an effective focal point for community resistance. We exemplify this through the conflict over Ancoats Dispensary, a Victorian hospital at the heart of one of the UK's most deprived communities in East Manchester, which faced demolition following the 2000 New Islington Regeneration Plan. Using ethnographic and archival data we show how 200 years of community struggles for healthcare became catalytic for establishing Ancoats’ working class identity and how Ancoats Dispensary became the spatial/material and symbolic infrastructure for community continuity. The building's socially embedded history became key for articulating anti‐gentrification struggles as its planned demolition was seen as a symbolic demolition of the community itself. Local citizens formed the Ancoats Dispensary Trust and utilised tactics from historical struggles and entrepreneurial strategies to envision an alternative future in the defence of social reproduction infrastructures.  相似文献   

Many scholars have examined the implications and effects of a putative dichotomy between public-as-masculine and private-as-feminine spheres on community activism, and suggest that women's community activism blurs this ideological divide in numerous ways. This article draws on a case study of a siting conflict in St. James Parish, Louisiana, to examine how, in the process of blurring boundaries between gendered spheres of interest and activity, predominantly women environmental justice activists contended with differently gendered contexts. Concepts of performance and performativity shed light on how gendered hierarchies of public and private sphere activism both constrained and enabled the protest group's political practice.  相似文献   

Much practically orientated environmental research is marked by a polarity between functionalist abstraction and ahistorical normative discourse. This paper seeks to bridge the divide between theoretical and empirical research through a case study of New York City's water supply. Current processes of socio-economic restructuring are leading to negative environmental consequences obscured by a failure to extend analysis beyond limited temporal, spatial or sectoral scales. Insights from regulationist theory show that a combination of fiscal, political and other developments are bringing about a wide-ranging reformulation of existing patterns of environmental regulation and service provision in the city. The power of the state is being radically diminished in relation to the power of capital and a plethora of different interest groups. A relatively simple centralized model of environmental regulation is being transformed into a complex decentralized pattern involving the emergence of new approaches to urban governance. Further research is needed on the contradictions between capitalist accumulation and environmental regulation at different spatial scales in order to link New York's changing role within the global economy to the declining political legitimacy and fiscal capability of the state to play an extensive role in environmental management.  相似文献   

This article explores the relations between infrastructures, labour, and internal colonialism in Lerma, Mexico. Drawing on archival and ethnographic research of two hydraulic projects there, the article argues that infrastructures are productive of the racial, environmental, and political relations that constitute internal colonialism both historically and contemporarily. I show how these infrastructural projects imagined and produced colonial relations between the environment, racialised workers, and the nation-state, and how these colonial logics endure today through infrastructures and the forms of racialised labour that maintain them. In doing so, this article contributes to literature that interrogates the relations between infrastructure and coloniality by focusing on how infrastructural labour makes internal colonialism enduring. The article concludes by reflecting on how the labour practices that make internal colonialism enduring also point to ways of producing infrastructures otherwise.  相似文献   

Community‐based efforts to address environmental problems occupy an increasingly large space on the environmental policy landscape. Advocates argue that local environmental institutions (LEIs) can deliver both procedural and environmental quality benefits. Yet, despite over a decade of expansive support, the performance of LEIs remains largely unknown, particularly with regard to environmental outcomes. In this article, we consider new environmental outcome data we compiled from local efforts to implement the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. We find that stronger forms of LEIs generate both quantitatively and qualitatively better environmental outcomes, which suggests that LEIs may live up to their advocates’ expectations.  相似文献   

Tom Mels 《对极》2014,46(4):1113-1133
In Henri Lefebvre's work, abstract space entails qualitatively new ways of envisioning and strategically arranging the sites within which capital accumulation and everyday life are to unfold. This paper sets out to delineate how this premise can be profitably used to decipher contested tactics of primitive accumulation. Arguing from a particular case—nineteenth‐century reclamation of mires on the island of Gotland, Sweden—the paper explores how primitive accumulation was made possible through the conjunction of three spatialities, representing three key lines of struggle over abstract space. The abstraction and avowed homogeneity of space was produced and regulated by concurrent ideological maneuvers against customary practice, leveled by scientific discourse, and pursued through a legally endorsed material transformation of nature.  相似文献   

When accumulation in southern cities entails the dispossession of informal settlers, where do they go and what spatialities emerge out of their dispossession? In Manila, this occurs through a violent form of suburbanisation. To make way for modern and investment-friendly spaces, informal settlers are exiled to relocation sites in the suburban fringe. This process of accumulation by suburban relocation engenders necroburbia, a dystopic suburban periphery constituted by distant relocation sites where evicted settlers are subjected into violent and asphyxiating everyday geographies. It serves as a spatial fix to enable metropolitan accumulation. Drawing on Achilles Mbembe’s notion of necropolitics, I expose necroburbia as a deceptive and violent space, produced through three spatialities: (1) demolition; (2) relocation; (3) necro-suburbanisms, or everyday ways of necropolitical living. These processes illustrate how urban fantasies of growth in cities like Manila are predicated upon necropolitical realities rendering informal settlers as expendable populations, deserving of everyday brutalities.  相似文献   

清代前期出现了一批研究海防地理的著名学者.他们认真总结了明代抗倭海防斗争的经验教训,主张加强岛防,这是一个重要进步.他们认识到了台湾、澎湖等岛屿对于祖国大陆所起的“屏翰“保护作用和国际海上交通的枢纽地位.他们敏锐地感受到了西方的冲击,以警惕的目光注视着西方殖民者在亚洲地区的侵略活动,呼吁加强海防.这些认识为清代前期的海防兵力部署和调整提供了宝贵的理论依据.  相似文献   

城市滨海区域游憩环境系统研究--以大连市旅顺口区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王辉  姜斌 《旅游科学》2006,20(1):8-11,55
城市滨海区域是海滨城市中最有活力的地段,也是海滨城市居民亲水、休闲娱乐的理想场所。本文在论述滨海区域游憩功能提升的基础上将这一区域游憩环境系统分为4个子系统:陆域游憩环境系统、海岸游憩环境系统、近海游憩环境系统和海岛游憩环境系统。其子环境系统构成的三要素是游客、游憩环境和交通。本文以大连市旅顺口区为例进行系统分析,提出该区今后建设游憩环境的几点建议。  相似文献   

本文依据丰富的历史文献和今人的调查资料,详细考证浙江温州的瓯江、飞云江、敖江等三条河流的河口平原的成陆过程,并对当地古海塘的兴修及其演变为后世的塘河的历史渊源进行了深入探讨。在此基础上,总结了温州河口平原成陆的特点,提出塘河从海塘演变而来的观点,并认为整个东南沿海丘陵类似塘河这样的河流均可能由海塘演变而来。  相似文献   

Abstract: Environmental justice movements often contest environmental knowledge by engaging in scientific debates, which implies accepting the predominance of scientific discourses over alternative forms of knowledge. Using Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence, this paper warns that the engagement with hegemonic forms of knowledge production may reproduce, rather than challenge, existing social and environmental inequalities. The argument is developed with reference to a case study of coal ash pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The case study shows that the construction of knowledge in a scientific project led to the exclusion of local definitions of the situation and the dismissal of their observations of environmental pollution. The case suggests that the capacity of different actors to put forward their interpretation of an environmental issue depends on the forms of symbolic violence that emerge within hegemonic discourses of the environment.  相似文献   

何琼峰 《旅游科学》2012,26(5):65-75
本文以长江三角洲地区(以下简称长三角)和珠江三角洲地区(以下简称珠三角)9个优秀旅游城市为例,利用结构方程模型和4586份现场调查数据,探讨沿海城市游客满意度的内在机制、指数水平和IPA提升战略等规律性特征。研究发现,沿海不同城市和地区间游客满意度的内在机制具有"基本一致"的规律,而长三角游客满意度的指数水平相对强于珠三角。应以改善涉旅行业现场服务为核心,因地制宜地提升沿海城市游客满意度。  相似文献   

With reference to empirical evidence from the Caribbean and Brazil, the paper assesses how environmental vulnerability is being created through different types of agricultural intensification and abandonment. Critical to understanding this reshaping of environments is the social management of agriculture and water. The results suggest the need for new models of agro-water relations which incorporate internal and external market influences on food production and resource management. External demands for the quality of food products, over and above the environmental or labour conditions in which they are produced, tend to devalue environments and exacerbate vulnerability. These processes lead to new patterns of environmental uneven development whereby regions rapidly intensify or deintensify their agricultures and their use and availability of water.  相似文献   

清初迁海给沿海尤其是盐场地区的社会经济带来严重的破坏,但具体影响的范围、程度和方式,却不能仅就官方文献和展界后的赋役情况轻下定论。通过广东归德等盐场及相关宗族在迁海前后的活动情况,我们发现,迁海并没有给盐场宗族主要成员造成太大的影响,相反,官方文献"盐课缺征"、"丁绝田荒"的记载,实际上是盐场家族有意识地利用迁界机遇和制度漏洞,逃避灶课、隐匿盐田,借恢复祖先祭祀之机抢占民田的结果。  相似文献   

论文通过竞争力影响因素分析,构建滨海旅游城市竞争力指标体系,运用因子分析法对中国4个具有代表性的滨海旅游城市进行实证分析。研究表明:在旅游综合竞争力、现有竞争力、潜在竞争力、环境支持力和游客印象5项指数上4城市各有特点:综合竞争力厦门最高,青岛最低,三亚的现有竞争力和大连的潜在竞争力较强。中国滨海旅游目的地各项竞争力强弱势特点是:现有竞争力〉潜在竞争力〉环境支持力。  相似文献   

建国初期 ,随着朝鲜战争的发展 ,我国国防战略在不断变化。本文着重论述了把以解放台湾为最终目标的积极进攻战略转为在东南沿海地区实行防卫战略的变化与积极防御战略形成的问题  相似文献   

沿海地区经济发展战略作为一个关系到整个国民经济全局的重大决策,是贯彻邓小平“部分先富带后富”思想的重大举措,也是基于改革开放新形势的正确选择。其基本内涵,不仅是沿海地区要发展外向型经济,而且更重要的是沿海地区要率先发展起来,影响和带动全国经济的发展。这一新战略的实施,有力地促进了改革和开放的有机结合,不仅开创了我国国民经济发展的新局面,也成为新时期中国工业化发展道路探索的新起点。  相似文献   

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