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Important in number and spread very evenly throughout the fifteenth century, the Norman rolls of the monnéage are a very important source for statistical study of the population of Normandy. The information about names they provide allows one to grasp the importance of mobility of population in urban and rural areas. Information about the different categories of exempted persons permits a study of the problem of poverty. The region under scrutiny in this article is the vicomté or vice-county of Bayeux and the city of Caen. Documents concerning this region reveal a highly mobile population, a fact which war by itself cannot explain. The highest rates of mobility are to be found among the populations of the different parishes of Bayeux and Caen. As one might expect, the poor are amongst the most mobile of all. Moreover, the persistence of poverty throughout the fifteenth century, as seen in the rolls of the monnéage, raises the problem of the continued stagnation of this part Normandy.  相似文献   

Proposing a general framework for the study of the emerging transnational society, the article critically surveys predominant disciplinary perspectives in this field, and outlines an approach based on a core/periphery model with oligopolistic competition. Within this general framework, sociology finds its specific subject in the ties that connect human beings across national borders, directly or mediated by transnational institutions. An elaborated and amended version of this approach is illustrated, among others, by the dynamics of cultural globalization and the «world language system».  相似文献   

Au Conseil de l'Europe et dans la Communauté européenne, les sens de “culture”, “civilisation” et de “identité culturelle” européennes sont a priori difficiles â identifier et évoluent sur la période 1949–93. L'étude vise, en s'aidant d'une méthode de décompte des mots et d'un rapide examen de l'évolution historique et scientifique de “culture” et “civilisation”, á dégager certains de leurs traits particuliers, au‐delà de la confusion traditionnelle entre “culture” et “civilisation” européennes et entre “culture” et “identité culturelle” européennes. “Civilisation européenne” a pris peu á peu une signification supranationale et s'est raréfiée, tandis que “culture européenne” s'est rapidement divisée en “cultures infranationales”. Les institutions montrent aussi leurs tendances plus ou moins favorables á l'unité européenne, par leur propre utilisation des concepts devenus des éléments “test”.  相似文献   

On the mode of existence of technological objects (1958) remains a strange work on the philosophical horizon. Yet, all along his career, Gilbert Simondon has expressed himself on technique. The originality of his works is the analysis of machines as organised matter. This orientation sends us back to the divergence between French and German research on technique in the 20 th century. Simondon joins mecanology to a psycho-sociology of techniques. In view of an operational reactualisation these two approaches are put to the test of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and to the psychosocial “halo” of the nanotechnologies.  相似文献   

Résumé  Les progrès les plus récents de la physique contemporaine, en particulier la convergence de la physique des particules et de la cosmologie en une authentique cosmogonie scientifique, avivent les enjeux philosophiques de l'entreprise scientifique, mais les rapports conflictuels entre physique et philosophie ne s'en trouvent pas apaisés; un fossé semble même en train de se creuser entre science et philosophie. L'œuvre du philosophe suisse Ferdinand Gonseth qui s'est attaché à élaborer une philosophie qui so it et qui puisse rester au ni veau de la connaissance scientifique peut fournir une aide particulièrement adéquate à ceux qui voudraient contribuer à combler ce fossé. GillesCohen-Tannoudji, né en 1938, est conseiller scientifique auprès du directeur des Sciences de la matière du Commissariat à l'énergie atomique. Il est retraité de cet organisme, dans lequel il a fait toute sa carrière comme physicien théoricien dans le domaine de la physique des particules. Actuellement, il prépare une thèse de philosophie, sous la direction de Dominique Lecourt, sur la philosophie de Ferdinand Gonseth.  相似文献   

The great historical debates were generally fought on different fields at the same time. The present article tries to analyze the actual debates in the context and perspective of different research experiences, aiming to highlight their theoretical and empirical results. In focussing on the controversies about the history of society and historical anthropology it questions in the same time the recurrencies recalling the crisis at the end of the 18th and the beginning of 20th century and their epistemological consequences.  相似文献   

The construction of historical frame of reference based on the distinction between and articulation of phenomenological and chronological times. As it relativises the notion of simultaneity and inverts its relation to causality, the special theory of relativity can induce analogous modes of reflection on the themes of “contemporaneity” in the history of art (Panofsky) and in epistemology (Bachelard). This “relativist” method, often misunderstood, sheds light on both historical and presentist methods.  相似文献   

This article examines Montaigne’s contribution to the sixteenth-century European debate about the utopia as a form of political thinking concerned with the creation of a better society. It argues that Montaigne participates in that debate, as he does in others, by retreating to the margins. It explores the form this retreat takes in book III of the Essais. The suggestion is that, by retreating to the margins of political debate, the author creates a textual space open to a virtual community of friends, among them the author and the reader, who have in common a mode of free and frank discussion as a truth-seeking and quarrelsome “exercise of minds”. Montaigne is thus able to conduct an unresolved quarrel with others, and with himself, as he weighs in the balance the value–and vanity–of utopias.  相似文献   

Early modern radicalism and its criteria are described and defined by Jonathan Israel in various works. Poulain de la Barre, one of the first modern feminist thinkers, first is used by Israel as an example of the so-called radical Enlightenment and finally is rejected as such. This case study exhibed the necessity of questionning the coherence of the required criteria for defining a « radical » thinker, especially when examinating carefully the last paragraph of Spinoza’s Political Treatise.  相似文献   

Résumé  La théorie de la relativité d'échelle développe les conséquences de l'abandon de l'hypothèse de différentiabilité des coordonnées spatio-temporelles. La première est he caractère fractal, c'est-à-dire explicitement dépendant des résolutions, qu'acquiert l'espace-temps. On redéfinit alors les résolutions comme caractérisant l'état d'échelle du référentiel, puis on postule un principe de relativité d'échelle, suivant lequel les lois de la nature doi vent être valides quel que soit cet état. Il s'agit ainsi de construire une extension des théories existantes de la relativité, qui s'appliquaient jusqu'à maintenant aux changements d'état de position, d'orientation et de mouvement. Par conséquent, la structure de la théorie suit un cheminement parallèle aux différents niveaux de la théorie relativiste (galiléenne, einsteinienne restreinte puis générale), auxquels s'ajoutent les effets du couplage entre échelle et mouvement. LaurentNottale, né en 1952, est directeur de recherche au Centre national de la recherche scientifique, à l'observatoire de Paris-Meudon. II est spécialiste d'astrophysique et de physique théorique.  相似文献   

The numerous treatises on reason of State are part of a genre which theorises political actions a posteriori. It is not possible for reason of State to be expressed directly and publicly ? How is it staged by the State itself ? Courtly literature, with its subtle dialectic of imitation and idealization, contains abundant material exemplifying this manifestation as representation, all the more significant when it concerns an interregnum. The minor age of the prince, his crowning and the ceremony of his coming of age are essential moments which are surrounded by the rhetoric of praise and during which the State institutes in the prince both the faculty of reason and its own reason: a panegyric reason of State.  相似文献   

Starting from an historical case study, this article addresses the general issue of the development of a social history of mathematics and logic. It aims at giving an account of certain features of recent history of fuzzy logic. For this purpose, it develops an approach based on a sociology of methods of demonstration and on the material analysis of logical activity, in particular of writing and reading activities. The formation of a social history of forms of demonstration is outlined.  相似文献   

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