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姜玉琦 《神州》2012,(28):170-170
历史学的科学性在于其客观性和真实性,而历史学的真实就像历史本身一样遥不可及。历史学家在试图揭示历史真实之前,就自动并预先地选择了一套虚构性的语言修辞表述方式。  相似文献   

论历史叙述中的主观性与历史评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自18世纪末开始,历史学尾随近代自然科学的观念,追求客观性,为的是使历史学的独立学科地位奠定在科学观念的坚实基础之上。百余年的追求与积淀,使许多历史学家的心中打上了深深的客观主义烙印,“如实直书”一度成为历史学家孜孜以求的目标。这种对历史的客观本质及其可能性缺乏深思熟虑的观点,直到20世纪——这个被称为相对主义泛滥的世纪,仍然挥之不去。即使是20世纪新史学的旗帜——年鉴学派,也无法避免19世纪客  相似文献   

王昆  陈弢 《沧桑》2012,(3):40-41
客观性作为历史学的根本属性,是历史学存在和发展的基石。兴起于二十世纪后半叶的后现代主义,强烈冲击了现代历史学,尤其是对历史学的客观性全面质疑,认为史学就是如同文学式的一种虚构。然而,其质疑并不能真正否定历史学本身的客观性。当然,历史学的客观性其实只能处于一种弹性状态。  相似文献   

“历史”是时间中发生的一切事件的全体。“历史叙述”不是学问叙述,而是文学叙述。“历史学”是历史的学问,历史学系统地考察内在于历史的诸事件;在全体历史中,历史学寻求某种历史规律或普遍性。“历史哲学”是历史研究和历史叙述结果的价值评价,历史哲学探求历史的统一性、历史的意义、结构、目标、历史的理念乃至形而上学问题。人类已跨入新世纪,所谓单一文化圈的“欧洲中心论”时代早已终结,一个多元文化圈的跨文化时代已经到来。与这种新的时代相适应,人类必须构筑一种新的世界史观:一方面,这种新的世界史观应当在人类存在本身中哲学地展现人的本来的“人性”;另一方面,这种新的世界史观应当在被升华的神性信仰中活生生地显现人的本来的“心性”。  相似文献   

“实证”观念与当代中国史学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江湄 《史学月刊》2001,(4):8-15
“实证”是当代中国史学进程中一个含义复杂的主题词,它既显示了当代中国史学一种富有成果的发展方向,又折射出其面临的种种问题与困境。20世纪80年代,对实证观念的批判确立了历史研究的“主体性”,开启了历史学研究范式的多元化;90年代,关于历史学“客观性”与“人文性”的争论,触及学科发展的内在动力问题。可能为当代中国历史学的新发展进一步提供观念前提。  相似文献   

历史观与意识形态:世界历史叙事中的现代化理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任东波 《史学集刊》2006,44(4):138-143
作为世界历史叙事的一种范式,现代化理论不仅体现了一种历史观,也展示了其意识形态的特质。现代化理论的意识形态功能包括:解释功能、压制宣传功能、整合和激发功能以及合法化功能,这些功能使世界历史叙事充斥着偏见与“公允”、“真理”与权力、压制与整合等悖论。这种悖论在历史观层面,则凸显为现代化的“历史观”和历史观的“现代化”二者之间的张力。只有克服二者之间的张力,才能超越现代化的“历史观”的局限,才能使历史观的“现代化”成为一种世界历史叙事的实践理念。  相似文献   

历史事实的解释与历史学的客观性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史学是一门以事实为出发点的科学。历史著述必须以真实的历史事件为依据,早已成为人们治史的常识。但如果提出任何进入历史著述中的历史事实本身都包含着解释、承认这种观点也并不必然导致历史相对主义,似乎就有些难以理解,有悖常理。本文试图从历史认识的角度,探讨历史事实的解释与历史学客观性的关系。  相似文献   

历史学的功用及其在当代的发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史学的功用不在于“求真”、“致用”,因为求真是历史学的职责,致用是历史学的义务,并非历史学独有的品格。历史学的功用是一个复杂的问题,从史学的任务看,其功用在于记录保存历史、追求真实;从史家的动机看,其功用在于借史抒怀、求知释疑、谋求生存和建设化;从史学的作用看,其功用在于满足人的精神欲求和生成知识;从史学的应用看,历史学是一把双刃剑,可以用来创适,也可以用来破坏。在全球化背景下的今天,精神的满足和知识的生成将是历史学发展的主要趋向。  相似文献   

论史料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷戈 《史学月刊》2003,(8):11-18
史料是一种语言,对史料性质的分析本质上是一种“元分析”。只有在史料系统内部,史料才具有客观性。史料的客观性是一种语言的客观性。历史研究的客观性就是运用史料的规范性,即语言游戏的规则性。史料与历史的关系是一种假关系。史料不能直接产生理论,但可以充分限制理论;史料虽不能肯定什么理论是好的,但可以肯定什么理论是不好的。  相似文献   

实证主义历史学家曾经非常自负地宣称要把“历史学从历史学家那里独立出来”,之所以如此的原因在于:他们相信历史学家观察他的研究对象也能做到就像生物学家“观察昆虫蜕变那样”。的确,生物学家可以站在昆虫之外研究昆虫,植物学家可以站在花草之外研究花草,甚至,同样研究人体的解剖学家也可以站在“生命”之外研究五脏六腑……总之,站在对象之外研究对象,是几乎所有自然科学家的共同特征。然而,历史学家可以站在“历史”之外研究历史吗?答案当然是完全否定的。  相似文献   

安忠义 《江汉考古》2012,(1):111-116
致书和致籍是汉简中的一类重要的文书,目前对它的研究尚未取得一致的意见。本文认为作为通关文书的致书或致籍是津关收到的有关门部门对所管过关人员的情况通报,或是事先对过关人员过关时的登记,是他们检验、放行的凭证,符传与致书并用,津关案验符传与致书的记载无差,方得出入。  相似文献   

砚是根据中国传统书写和绘画的特有需要产生的。它的历史可以追溯到新石器时代,前身是原始研磨器,而砚最初的汉字表示也并不是"砚"字,而是"研"字。古代文献以及出土砚墨实物材料都表明,从"研"到"砚"的过程正对应了东汉时期砚台形制的最初演变,这种演变与墨的形制改变有着直接联系。  相似文献   

The theories of republican patriotism, especially articulated by Maurizio Viroli, promote Machiavelli's patriotism as the archetype of patriotism without nationalism. The upshot is that in Machiavelli's republicanism, the ideal of liberty as non-domination cultivates moral obligations towards humanity. Rather than engaging in debates on the tension between republican liberty and republican imperialism in Machiavelli's writings, this article tackles this interpretation with textual evidences that shed light on Machiavelli's patriotism prone to the same problems as those Maurizio Viroli sees in nationalism. More specifically, I argue that Machiavelli's patriotic aspiration neglects the role of regulative principle in guarding patriotic loyalty from degenerating into collective selfishness.  相似文献   

"The Cage of Nature" focuses on the concept of nature as a way to rethink Japanese and European versions of modernity and the historical tropes that distance "East" from "West." This essay begins by comparing Japanese political philosopher Maruyama Masao and his contemporaries, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. Both sets of authors define modernity as the moment when humanity overcomes nature, but Maruyama longs for this triumph while Horkheimer and Adorno deplore its consequences. Maruyama insists that Japan has failed to attain the freedom promised by modernity because it remains in the thrall of nature defined in three ways: as Japan's deformed past, as the mark of Japan's tragic difference from "the West,"and as Japan's accursed sensuality, shackling it to uncritical bodily pleasures. In short, Maruyama sees Japan as trapped in the cage of nature.
My argument is that Maruyama's frustration arises from the trap set by modern historiography, which simultaneously traces the trajectory of modernity from servile Nature to freedom of Spirit and at the same time bases the identity of the non-Western world on its closeness to nature. In other words, nature represents both the past and the East, an impossible dilemma for an Asian nationalist desirous of liberty. By revising our historical narratives to take into account the ways in which Western modernity continued to engage versions of nature, it becomes possible to reposition Japan and "the East" within modernity's history rather than treating them as the Other.  相似文献   

The author contends that Leonardo Sciascia's L’affaire Moro is not a work of non-fiction, as Sciascia proposed, but of historical fiction, and that Sciascia's Moro is a literary character, more a spokesperson for Sciascia's political views than a reflection of the historical figure. Sciascia's Moro embodies the same qualities as many of Sciascia's other protagonists, such as a radical individualism and willingness to sacrifice all in order to protect their dignity and liberty. What emanates from the text is a ‘postmodern’ blend that interprets and imposes a narrative hierarchy on events, and conveys a mental reality that need not necessarily coincide with what can be proven with evidence. In fact, Sciascia combines factual information and his own ‘conjectural knowledge’ to convince his reader of the ‘moral truth’ of his argument. Sciascia's is indeed a strong narrative in that it succeeded in shaping how the Italian public views to this day a critical juncture in its recent history.  相似文献   

Early Massachusetts is generally seen by scholars as “intolerant.” But this is to employ a misleading dichotomy between tolerant and intolerant societies which obscures the colonists’ understanding of themselves. They believed that their society instead successfully reconciled individual liberty and communal harmony through rational debate, social consensus, and the pursuit of truth. Their response to the Antinomian controversy is highly revealing in this context, demonstrating that they desired to persuade the aberrant back into the fold and that they reserved political intervention for when dissension had serious public implications. It was only those deemed irreconcilable who were ultimately excluded from the community. To approach the topic in this way is to resist the marginalisation of New England from the history of political and social thought by re‐evaluating the ends and actions of the colonists and by providing an important alternative perspective on the nature of toleration and its limits.  相似文献   

王和 《史学月刊》2008,(11):103-110
是否遵循实事求是的方法论原则,是判定唯物史观还是唯心史观的根本标志,也是二者判然有别的分水岭。唯物史观不以任何先验的东西为前提,唯心史观则相反。凡是不遵循实事求是方法论原则乃至有意违反这一原则的历史观,毫无疑问一定是唯心史观,而绝非唯物史观。根据实事求是原则去考察历史,符合过去人们所理解的五种社会形态理论本来所规定的意义和内涵,因生产力不断发展而导致五种社会形态依次演进更替的例子,在人类历史上并不存在。  相似文献   

In spite of the interest generated by Phoenician‐Punic Archaeology, this area of study has always been underestimated by comparison with Classical Archaeology. One of the main reasons for this is the persistence of a colonial representation of the ancient Mediterranean which assumes Greek culture to be the supreme expression of civilization. Other groups may imitate it through an acculturation process: Hellenization. As we shall see, this representation pervades even the Phoenician‐Punic history and archaeology university textbooks. Starting with the various reasons leading to this situation, I aim to focus on the interpretation given to the ancient excavations at Carthage and, specifically, to its architectural and urban record, since this was the area of study where the prejudices about the Phoenician‐Punic culture found an (albeit misunderstood) archaeological proof. I shall argue that the misinterpretation of these excavations is the key to understanding later developments and the general underestimation of Phoenician‐Punic Archaeology.  相似文献   

《大南实录》是越南阮朝国史馆编修、载有历代皇帝实录和历代人物列传的阮朝正史,是研究越南近代史的基本史料。本文从其编修过程,主要内容,版本及流传情况,史料价值,与史实不符的若干记载等方面对这部庞大的官修史书进行初步研究。  相似文献   

先秦典籍中的"都"既可以指一国国都,也可以指卿大夫采邑,还可以泛指一切规模较大的城邑。战国时期齐国的"都",并非一级地方政区的名称,而是当时人称呼齐县的一种习惯用语。所谓齐国的"五都",只不过是战略地位较为突出的五个县而已。战国时期的齐国并不存在"都"这一地方行政组织。  相似文献   

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