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A copy of The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) by Manly Palmer Hall (1901–1990) was listed among the books possessed by Osama bin Laden (1957–2011) in his last lodgings. The prolific Canadian-born, US-American author advanced a positive interpretation of Islam within an esotericist worldview. By meticulously scrutinising primary sources, this article aims at mapping his conception of Islam and understanding its role within Hall's interpretation of history. Furthermore, drawing upon scholarly discussions of conspiracism, as well as on examinations of bin Laden's figure and messages, this article assesses whether Hall can be described as a conspiracist author and whether his interpretation of history and Islam could have fascinated the founder of Al Qaeda.  相似文献   

清季官制改革启动前,程序和步骤均有不同方案,选择结果对改革进程不无影响。当朝执政未能统筹全局,却照搬外国经验,从而内外官改制难以协调,督抚的双重身份又成为官制改革的症结及矛盾焦点。因改制权力频受削弱的督抚,设法图存扩张,先是多方表达自己的不满和诉求,继而利用立宪派和民众的请愿,公开向清廷施加压力。直至辛亥前夕,外官改制的最终方案仍未确定,由此引发的权与利的争斗,加速了清王朝垮台。所遗留的省级行政权力及其长官身份地位问题,成为民初割据纷争要因,且依然困扰着后来行政体制的规划者与建设者。  相似文献   

This paper examines a series of events which took place in a Fijian village in the late 1980s and which, for the ethnographer, brought into question joking, lying and telling the truth. The analysis suggests that our ideas of what language is good for necessarily inform our understanding of the truth conditions of what is said, from which it follows that truth may be regarded not as an absolute, but as a function of the moral force of language — itself an historical phenomenon that is embedded in, and constituted through, the everyday social relations that we may analyse in terms of gender, kinship, chiefship, and ideas of the person. Laughter emerges as central both to the events described and their analysis. Subtle though they may be, people's ideas of the moral force of language are amenable to investigation and analysis; but for all we may learn from laughter, it ultimately eludes any analysis — an observation that provides the key to its revelatory force.  相似文献   

内蒙古地区发现和出土的历代货币丰富多彩,内蒙古的钱币学、货币史研究事业同样有声有色,全面发展,成果显著。特别是对战国、两汉和辽、西夏、金、元时期,以及草原丝绸之路货币、解放区货币的研究,尤为深入和卓有成效。内蒙古的钱币研究,在内蒙古钱币学会成立之前,即已有专家学  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

论国民政府中央银行的组建及其角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧宇 《民国档案》1999,(3):76-80,87
在中国金融现代化的历程中,中央银行及其制度建设是一项十分重要的内容。然而就目前学术界来看,对这一问题的研究尚属薄弱。本文试就1928年“中央银行”的组建进行多层面探讨,并在此基础上对其角色设定加以评析,以期引起学术界对我国历史上中央银行问题的更多研究。一、组建中央银行:巩固政权与平衡财政的双重需求追溯世界各国中央银行形成和演变的历史,可知中央银行是享有特权的金融机构,是国民经济宏观调控的重要工具。中国中央银行的产生与职能亦不例外。1927年4月,蒋介石率北伐军进入长江下游,18日,在南京建立国民…  相似文献   

There have been legions of individual studies of the history of the English/British/United Kingdom parliament, which is not surprising, since its history is widely acknowledged to be so closely bound up with the history of the nation state itself. But there have been remarkably few attempts to put the story together, to try to consider the long‐term development of parliament as an institution. What would such a story look like? This essay discusses some of the critiques of the whiggish narrative of constitutional and parliamentary development to recognise a common theme in whiggism's tendency to anthropomorphise parliament, to describe it as a single organism with agency and purpose. To forgo that temptation, however, makes it difficult to provide a satisfying narrative of parliament over time. The essay tries to imagine how one might construct a history of parliament as an institution which no longer sees it as an actor in its own story, but, instead, a complex collection of ideas, processes, customs, and conventions, which competing forces struggle to organise in order to achieve their goals, and which is also an arena and forum for that competition.  相似文献   

与以兰克为代表的政治史学相比较,文化史学主要围绕四个命题(或假设)而展开。第一,从研究对象看,文化史书写的不是攸关国家命运的重大事件和政治精英的历史,而是人民大众的历史。新文化史研究的课题虽趋于多样化,但对人民大众特别是下层民众和弱势群体的重视有增无减。第二,从历史观念看,文化史书写的不是一治一乱的历史,而是进步的历史。新文化史家并未远离进步,进步主义史观是其反思和批判的主要对象之一。第三,在目标和方法上,文化史学不以确立单个历史事实为至高无上的职责,而是要求揭示历史事实之间的复杂关系,并究明关系得以展开的背后因素。传统文化史重在探求历史背后的理性精神、科学法则、公理公例,新文化史聚焦文化的历史象征、意义和价值。第四,关于文化史学的功能和任务,无论新旧文化史均不满足于追求历史的真相,而是含有比较浓厚的致用色彩,重视在思想启蒙、教化民众以及文化认同等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

《明书》是第一部明代全史,但于晚明史事多有缺略,于明清关系亦有所回避。本文对《明书》具体缺略情况和回避情形进行了考述、分析,希望能为明史研究者更好地利用《明书》提供参考。  相似文献   

我所经历的20世纪中国社会史研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本是作所《中国中世社会》一书的序论。章大致叙述了四个问题:一、指出20世纪20年代末30年代初中国社会史论战与近代中国社会性质、中国农村社会性质论战,是马克思主义辩证唯物史现在中国思想界与学术界发展的一个高潮;二、这次社会史论战主要是理论之争,缺乏材料作理论基础。以重理论更应重材料为宗旨的《食货》半月刊应运而生;三、论述了史学研究中理论与材料之间的关系,并简单介绍了辩证唯物史观全面的、运动的观点和以物为主,但又不轻视精神的反作用的观点;四、指出辩证唯物史观是当代最先进的方法,是真理,仍是有生命力的。改革开放以来,西方史学思想涌进了中国思想界、学术界,辩证唯物史现有些技忽略。但在不远的将来,辨证唯物史观会在中国社会史研究的道路上重现光辉。  相似文献   

后殖民主义与历史研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张旭鹏 《世界历史》2006,32(4):107-116
殖民主义是始于1500年前后的一种政治、经济现象,二战后非殖民化运动的迅猛发展,使之日趋衰落,但其影响却延续至今。20世纪70年代兴起的后殖民主义,是对殖民主义种种影响及后果的批判性反思,是探讨殖民主义之后全球政治、文化状况的一种理论话语,带有鲜明的政治性和文化批判色彩。当前,后殖民主义更多地关注于第三世界与第一世界的文化/权力关系,要求消解以西方为中心的文化政治格局,重新界定第三世界的文化身份及其民族文化的前景。作为后殖民主义在历史学领域内的具体表现,后殖民性的历史学反对西方的历史主义传统和第三世界的民族主义历史叙述模式,希望以一种反本质主义的策略来重新书写第三世界自我的历史,展现第三世界历史与文化的差异性和多样性,寻求西方支配话语表述之外的另一种可能。  相似文献   

Charles Bennet, 2nd Baron Ossulston is largely known through his diary of his daily social encounters, which was first analysed for its political import by Clyve Jones. A further set of documents in the Bennet family papers deepens our understanding of Ossulston's life and his social milieu among the aristocracy under Queen Anne. The love letters sent to him from a Mrs Sarah Sidney throughout 1710 reveal much about life in the aristocratic hothouse of St James's Square. They also show how the ‘ministerial revolution’ of that year was seen by two politically conversant figures at the margins of the royal court. This relationship was long-lasting and has been a hitherto unknown aspect of Ossulston's life, which may help explain some of his attitudes.  相似文献   

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