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阿武 《风景名胜》2008,(3):110-111
旅游地:呼伦贝尔市时间:2007年7月20日至24日出行者:阿武阳光在呼伦贝尔草原上是一泻万里,毫无羁绊。中国最美的大草原就在内蒙古呼伦贝尔市,海拉尔是市府所在地,这座三面环山的草原城市,素有"塞外明珠"美称。这里拥有珍贵的湿地、绚丽的界河、浩瀚的草场,是我国生态保持较好,未受污染的大草原之一。曾经奔腾着成吉思汗的铁骑;时至今日,这蒙古族的发祥地繁衍出5000多位华俄后裔,并拥有全国惟一的俄罗斯民族乡——室韦乡。  相似文献   

只有走近,我才能看到草原的美;但无论我走得多近,都看不到草原最深的美。  相似文献   

逸芳 《古今谈》2009,(4):69-74,79
一提内蒙古,就让人想到草原,想起那种“风吹草低见牛羊”的诗意。可是内蒙太大了,有许多地方都很难去,这一次文史馆组织大家沿着东北的边境线走了三省,而我印象最深的还是海拉尔、满洲里一带。  相似文献   

<正>蒙古族歌唱家的一首《天堂》给我的梦想插上了翅膀,让我经常梦见自由地驰骋在辽阔的草原上。当我真的走进呼伦贝尔大草原之后,发现那里竟然比天堂美丽得多,壮丽得多。  相似文献   

王成 《北方文物》2002,(2):22-24
呼伦贝尔草原位于内蒙古自治区东北部,属于大兴安岭以西的干旱或半干旱草原的生态环境。自古以来,这里的先民就以原始狩猎游牧为主要生产方式。其境内现已发现较为丰富的细石器遗存,即充分体现出其……  相似文献   

唐迁乔 《风景名胜》2014,(10):104-112
西澳是一片神奇的土地,位于澳大利亚西海岸,面积比中国的新疆还大,其内陆则多为广袤的沙漠和干涸的盐湖,生态环境保持着最原始的状态:崎岖的远古地貌,残存的雨林,红色的峡谷,时刻使你保持着莫名的兴奋。在西澳旅行,最合适的方式当然还是自驾,逍遥驰骋,穿梭旷野,只有不羁的自驾者才能享受到这段纵情劫良的乐趣!  相似文献   

<正>随着内蒙古草原旅游热的兴起,美丽的草原风光吸引了大批内地游客和摄影爱好者。这里给大家推荐一处既神奇又鲜为人知的好去处,供广大游客和摄影爱好者选择。  相似文献   

说真的,这个季节,你应该准备动身去大草原!自驾草原、心灵纵情驰骋,那一刻,你才会明白,做个游牧的孩子,远比待在城市里幸福。草原的夏天凉爽得有时候需要打个冷颤,18-22℃的温度,鼻翼呼吸都是沁凉的空气,只有6月、7月、8月短短的三个月,草原上绿油油的草甸一直铺到天  相似文献   

<正>提起呼伦贝尔,人们马上会想到盛夏时节一望无际的碧绿草原,还有蓝天白云下的牛羊。但今天我要讲述的是冬天的呼伦贝尔,带你走进银色的巴尔虎雪原,去参加呼伦贝尔草原冬天最隆重的节日——呼伦贝尔冬季冰雪那达慕暨巴尔虎草原祭火文化节,感受冰雪草原的热度。  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林郭勒盟旅游局将在今年8月连续推出三项各具特色的旅游体验类活动,分别是第六届"骑着马儿过草原"活动暨第四届国际马术耐力赛、天堂草原锡林郭勒·那达慕大会和锡林郭勒国际蒙古族服装服饰大赛。国际马术耐力赛将在锡林浩特市九曲湾和国际赛马场举  相似文献   

在四川阿坝州的红原、若尔盖、阿坝三县共计3万多平方公里的美丽草原上,叱咤着一支特殊的队伍。他们骑着高头大马,身披黑色大氅,脚蹬牛革皮靴,背挎冲锋枪或狙击步枪,在茫茫草原上奔驰。这就是被牧民们称为“草原的保护神”的中国第一支草原骑警队。他们所要猎捕的,正是臭名昭著的盗马贼。几首年来,盗马贼的故事一直是草原上流传最广的传奇之一,他们精通骑射、踏雪无痕,所盗牛马如风卷残云般瞬间就没了踪迹,让善良的牧民们难以提防。自从草原骑警队成立以来,、便成为牧民们财产安全的保护神,从此盗马贼再也不敢轻易地抢劫和偷盗,因为他们要面对的是训练有素,专业、敬业而又不怕吃苦牺牲的草原骑警队。  相似文献   

一、前言 青铜戈是中国青铜时代中原地区的一种主战兵器。据目前所知的考古资料,青铜戈始见于夏代的二里头文化第三期。以后历经商、西周、春秋,至战国晚期渐趋衰落。青铜  相似文献   

<正>草原是美丽的,霍林郭勒的草原却因"七月七"更添新的魅力。2007年,霍林郭勒市将每年的"七月七"定为"中国内蒙古霍林郭勒市草原婚礼节"。从此,草原人坦  相似文献   

Falling trees commonly turbate soils in primary forest, creating characteristic edaphic patterns related to pit and mound topography. Vernal ponds with associated mounds were observed in mineral soils on a treeless plain in subalpine Tasmania, Australia. The hypothesis that paired ponds and mounds on the plain originated as pit and mound features in forests that were later destroyed by fire was tested by comparing the soils and landforms caused by recent tree falls in adjacent forest with those on the plain. The soil characteristics, orientations, and dimensions of the ponds and mounds were consistent with a tree fall origin, although rare secondary ponds on the tops of mounds may derive from the burrowing activities of the medium‐sized marsupial, Vombatus ursinus (common wombat). The characteristics of pond and mound soils suggested that most were hundreds to thousands of years old, with the ponds persisting because of differences in deflation, deposition, and organic matter formation between themselves and adjacent persistently dry land.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between sheep and goats in C4 grass environments using new dental morphology criteria and enamel bioapatite stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) was tested on 35 modern individuals from the Central Rift Valley of Kenya. Two morphological criteria on the second and third lower molars, one of which had been previously partially described by Halstead et al. [Journal of Archaeological Science 29 (2002) 545], were found to be highly reliable in this population. Identification of species using carbon isotope ratios is made possible in some circumstances by differences in the feeding behavior of sheep, which are mainly grazers, and goats, which are mainly browsers. In environments where C4 grasses predominate, sheep include a higher proportion of C4 plants in their diet, and thus have higher δ13C values than goats. In the present study, the annual range and seasonal variation of carbon isotope ratio of diet of sheep and goats was measured from intra-tooth sequential analysis. Although the ranges of goat and sheep δ13C values overlap, those higher than −3.4‰ all belong to sheep; values lower than −5.2‰ all belong to goats. There is no overlap of the mean δ13C values by tooth, which range from −11.8‰ to −4.2‰ for goats, and from −3.1‰ to −1.3‰ for sheep. These results suggest that carbon isotope analysis of bone collagen and/or apatite will also distinguish sheep from goats in tropical C4 grasslands. Application of the δ13C criteria to archaeological material must be restricted to C4-dominated environments, and where potential access to C3 plants (mobility, foddering) can be assessed. The utility of these morphological and isotopic criteria for differentiating sheep and goat breeds in other regions remains to be evaluated.  相似文献   

王子今 《文博》2008,(6):3-11
阴山岩画古车图像可以与传说时代"轩辕"故事联系起来分析,有益于说明车辆发明与早期使用推动上古文明进步这一历史过程.汤因比在<历史研究>中曾经指出,草原为旅行和运输提供了方便.在远古文化交往和文化传播过程中,草原交通曾经发挥过重要的作用.<穆天子传>记录周穆王西行路线,经历阴山地方的情形值得注意.断代是岩画考察一大难点.分析阴山岩画古车图像,可以借助考古学经验试推定若干画面的大致年代.对阿尔泰山、贺兰山、卢山、黑山等地岩画的古车图像进行综合考察.显然是必要的.这样的工作,或可能深化对中国北方草原地区早期交通形态的认识.  相似文献   

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